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Tuesday, April 21, 2015 at 5:14pm and last updated
Wednesday, July 15, 2015 at 6:52pm.
PDXScala Monthly Meeting
Access Notes
Front door on 11th; venues may have access through large garage door on Flanders
Hey folks! It’s time again for our monthly meeting. Whether you’re a newcomer to Scala or an experienced expert, we’d love to have you join us. We've got two great talks lined up this month and you won't want to miss either of these. Both speakers will be previewing their http://www.degoesconsulting.com/lambdaconf-2015/ Lambda Conf talks. First up, we'll have our own Rob Norris talking about the implementation of his library Doobie which provides a pure functional JDBC layer for Scala.
We're also very lucky to have @extempore2 Paul Phillips joining us to talk about Suffuse. Suffuse is a system for writing filesystems in scala, built on top of native FUSE. The goal is that it be no more difficult to create a new filesystem than to create a new file. Subject matter will include the project's motivation, state, and opportunities for participation. He'll also talk about principles of API design in the Suffuse context.
We look forward to seeing you all there!