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Sunday, February 15, 2015 at 5:37pm.
RailsBridge Docs Hackathon
This venue is no longer open for business.
Attention Bridgers and Hackers!
We now have an official date scheduled for our next RailsBridge. Woot!
March 13th & 14th @ Epicodus
It's always exciting to have an official date and start counting it down. We've still got some planning to do before the big day, so this meet-up will actually serve 2 purposes:
Check-in with each other about where we are, where we are going, and what still needs to be done. After this meeting we will still have about 3 weeks until the big day, which is still lots of time to get stuff done, but the more we can get done and in place now the better off we will be. I anticipate this part of the meeting being pretty quick and straight forward.
RailsBridge Documentation Hackathon! During our first Installfest and Workshop there were definitely some problems with documentation. There were broken links, some confusing code examples, and lots of other places for improvement. The awesome thing is that the RailsBridge website and docs is open source software that WE CAN CHANGE! And that's what we're going to do.
Here's the site:
And here's the github repo:
If you want you can clone that repo and start clicking around. If you are brand new to this sort of thing THAT IS AWESOME! You can bring your computer and we'll try to get you going or maybe you can just pair up with someone else. It's going to be great.
If you were part of the last workshop take a look through the docs (specifically the "Installfest" and the "Intro to Rails") and see if it jogs your memory a little on common places where students were having troubles.
Depending on how many people RSVP to this one, I might order us some pizza and snacks to keep us going. Either way, feel free to come for as long or as little as you like between 5 and 9.
Hope to see you there!