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Wednesday, September 10, 2014 at 9:33am.
PDXGo Project/Hack Night!
Someone will be getting people inside and up the elevator. Follow the PDXPython Prjoect Night signs, we'll be located towards the back of the Urban Airship lounge.
August PDXGo Project Night!
Every month for the next few months we'll be having hack nights at Urban Airship paired with PDXPython's hack night. This is mainly due to discovering how many people are actually interested in Go and social hacking. If numbers are steady and large enough, I'll try to organize our own space, however I know not everyone in the Go community is interested in hack nights, so until the numbers are repeatedly high enough to warrant our own space, PDXPython is happy to host us!
All skill and interest levels welcome! If you have questions on a project or part of the GoTour feel free to bring them, there will probably be someone who can help!
Please RSVP!
Helps organize seating!
Wednesday August 13th 2014
6:30 PM
Urban Airship Upstairs Lounge Follow the PDXPython signs to Urban Airships comfy lounge, we will be towards the back of the room, look for the PDXGO signs and a Gopher plushie. I'll try and arrange some circular seating for people to convene around.
As for etiquette, it's necessary to note that this is PDXPython's hack night, so please respect the Pythonistas and their Code of Conduct (Be nice, don't be a jerk) and everything will be great. :)