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Healthcare & Life Sciences IT Tavern Talks: What’s So Special About Medical Software?

Portland Brewing Company Taproom
2730 Northwest 31st Avenue
Portland, OR 97210, US (map)



What’s So Special About Medical Software?

Join us after work for a lively, open panel discussion about the special requirements, methods and challenges in creating and delivering software for use in healthcare. Whether it’s patient information systems, advanced clinical tools, device intelligence or cloud based web applications software is becoming essential to patient care and medical effectiveness. Meet a panel of experienced leaders in medical software, learn about best practices and connect with your peers in healthcare high tech. This event is suitable both for people working with healthcare technology and people new or interested in healthcare software.

Speaker Panel

Gregory Jackson, Director of Technology Operations at WebMD Health Services

Brian Martin, MD Director Medical Informatics at GE Healthcare

Dawn Flakne, Director, Implant Software Engineering and Architecture at MSEI/BioTronik


This event is designed to promote lively discussion and networking. The first hour is a panel discussion led by a moderator and the second hour is social/networking. Moderator uses prepared questions to start the discussion and then encourages audience interaction. Networking session also includes a ‘business card bar’ to encourage professional connections. This event typically draws 40 to 50 people with capacity for up to 80 people.

Event Details: When: September 30th, 2014 5:30pm to 7:30pm Where: Portland Brewing Company Taproom, 2730 NW 31st, Portland OR Price: $25 TAO and Oregon Bioscience Members | $45 Nonmembers
