ERROR: Couldn't find all Calagator::Sources with 'id': (996336971, {:include=>[:events, :venues]}) (found 1 results, but was looking for 2)
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Portland Puppet User Group

308 SW 2nd Ave Fifth Floor
Portland, OR 97204, US (map)
Public WiFi

Puppet Labs is on the second floor of the building. Venue is wheelchair accessible, and has an elevator. Email (kara at with any special accessibility requests.



The monthly PDX Puppet User Group, which meets on the 1st Monday of every month.

Join the PDX Puppet Google Group to get notifications of upcoming meetings.

Who should attend? Puppet users and anyone interested in learning more about Puppet. Beginners welcome.

Agenda for May 5

  • 6:30 - 7:00: Eat pizza / salads and socialize
  • 7:00 - 7:45: Talk on "Future Parser" - Joshua Parlow
  • 7:45 - 8:15: "Trusted Facts and Policy-Based Autosigning" -Thomas Linkin
  • 8:15 - 8:25: June Triage-a-Thon info and update
  • 8:25 - 8:30: Brainstorm next agenda

If you have an idea for what you would like to hear a talk about, or if you want to volunteer to present a talk, please post those ideas in the PDX Puppet Google Group!

This user group is governed by the Puppet Labs event code of conduct.

More information:

Joshua Parlow, Software Engineer at Puppet Labs, will be talking about the future parser.

He'll answer:

  • what is it?
  • how do you turn it on?
  • what new features does it have?
  • how does it differ from the current parser?

Come with more questions! If you want to read up on the future parser ahead of time, you can do so here:

The Portland Puppet User Group is for those who are using Puppet, want to learn more about Puppet, or are interested in configuration management, IT, or DevOps. We meet at Puppet Labs on the first Monday of each month. To learn more about Puppet, you can visit

