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Wednesday, February 5, 2014 at 10:25am.
Wednesday, February 5, 2014 at 10:25am.
Portland PMI Agile Roundtable
400 SW 6th Ave, Portland (1st Floor Conference room)
400 SW 6th Ave
This is a conference room space donated to the roundtable by D&H and UTi, which are Agile-aspiring organizations in the building. Many things to our space sponsors!
This month we will be doing a roundtable focused on "Agile estimation." We start on time at 12p, take the first 5 to 10 minutes to generate a list of subtopics and vote to select two to three to discuss. Then, we discuss the selected subtopics as a group before closing at 12:50p to select next month's topic and adjourn at 1p.
Feel free to bring your lunch. Feel free to continue the conversation afterward. Bring your stories, problems, Agile buddies, and Agile-curious colleagues.