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Thursday, November 7, 2013 at 1:40pm.
AgilePDX Westside (morning) - : Agile PDX Considers the PMI-ACP
Niobe conference room on the 2nd Floor of the Nolan Ryan building.
Parking is available in the lot closest to the Nolan Ryan Building.
Enter Campus via SW Jenkins Rd. or Jay St.
This coming Tuesday the west side Agile PDX group will be holding a round-table on the PMI Agile Certified Practitioner certification recently emerged from the Project Management Institute—the famous purveyors of the PMP certification.
Topics include: What’s the upside and downside of the creation of this new certification? Did we need one? How does it differ from the famous Scrum series (CSM, CSPO, CSP, CSD, CSC, and CST) of which the Certified Scrum Master (CSM) has become a market differentiator for many organizations and individuals in the Portland metro area—and around the world? Will it be an improvement over PMI’s Project Management Professional (PMP) certification? What kind of content does it actually cover? Do we want one for our very own—or not?