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Tuesday, September 10, 2013 at 6:11pm and last updated
Saturday, September 28, 2013 at 12:40pm.
How Jama tests AJAX Web Applications Using Java Selenium WebDriver
Come and learn how Jama is using Selenium WebDriver to test their massive single-page web application. We'll look at strategies and techniques for avoiding timing issues, test fragility, and other common pitfalls. We'll look at patterns like the PageObject pattern, and its extension, the PageElement pattern. We will also look at how Jama has integrated writing these tests into their process, and answer any other questions you may have about this challenge.
Sean Adkinson is a senior developer at Jama Software, working full stack since the early days of the company in 2009. Jama's stack includes a large ExtJS front-end, with a Java/Spring/Hibernate and database-agnostic backend. Sean has spoke at multiple user groups, as well as the HTML5 Developer's Conference in San Francisco, and is excited to be speaking at the PDX Selenium group for the first time.