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Monday, July 29, 2013 at 10:55am and last updated
Saturday, December 7, 2013 at 2:16am.
From Idea to Funding: Launching Your Project on Crowd Supply
Been toying with crowdfunding your latest project? This class provides an in-depth introduction to crowdfunding and will arm you with everything you need to know to launch your campaign on Crowd Supply, Portland's own crowdfunding platform. Come prepared with a project or two and we'll help you determine if crowdfunding makes sense for you and, if so, how to put together the campaign.
By the end of the second meeting, we hope several participants will be up and running with their own campaigns, though the class is also appropriate for anyone just looking to learn more. In addition to crowdfunding fundamentals, the class will also cover Crowd Supply in particular and how it compares to Kickstarter.
Cost: $20 This is a two session class that meets from 6:30-9:30 PM on the following Tuesdays: July 30th and August 6th