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An Evening of Animated Infographics" film screening

Hollywood Theater (Portland)
4122 NE Sandy Boulevard
Portland, Oregon 97212, US (map)



The first screening of its kind, “Arc” is a theatrical program dedicated to the art, creativity and complexity of animated infographics. As its name suggests, the screening lies at the confluence of storytelling and data visualizations.

This program collects the best time-based data visualizations and infographics from the past couple years with a focus on story-driven data. To be followed by a panel with Andrew DeVigal (Second Story, NYTimes), Dino Citraro and Kim Rees (Periscopic).

Please note this event costs $7 at the door (or you can buy tickets from the Hollywood Theatre site).

Preview: http://vimeo.com/59695614
Hollywood Theatre: http://hollywoodtheatre.org/animated-infographics/

