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Lunch 2.0 with Portland Broadband Strategic Plan

Portland Building
1120 SW 5th Avenue
Portland, Oregon (map)

2nd Floor Auditorium & Room C


The City of Portland's Broadband Strategic Plan wants to have you over for lunch to talk about "Connecting to Our Future," and the initial draft of the strategic plan to provide Portland with citywide broadband.

Here's some backstory if you're wondering, what the Broadband Strategic Plan is.

Are you vegan or vegetarian? Please leave a comment so we can plan food accordingly. Thanks.

Wondering what Lunch 2.0 is?

Lunch 2.0 is a phenomenon that began in Silicon Valley. You can read about their current events and the history behind Lunch 2.0 at lunch20.com.

We imported the concept to Portland in 2007, and you can follow all things Portland Lunch 2.0 at the Silicon Florist.

