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OEN Internship Workshop and Job Fair

University of Oregon Portland
70 NW Couch Street
Portland, Oregon 97209, US (map)



The Oregon Entrepreneurs Network would like to invite your company to participate at this year's Internship Workshop and Job Fair event. Interns not only provide excellent work, they can bring new energy and enthusiasm to your organization. Learn how to maximize the internship experience for both yourself and your interns and have some of Oregon's brightest young minds join your team.

Event Details Date: Wednesday, November 10th Where: University of Portland Campus Event Schedule: 11:30AM - Event begins 11:45 - Workshops begin 12:30 PM - Lunch Break 1:00- Internship Speed Dating begins 2:00 - Job Fair ends - 30mins of networking 2:30 - Event ends

What to Expect at the Workshop The 11:45 AM workshop will be held in a round table format of discussion between company participants and panelists focused on driving maximum value out of future internships.

What to Expect at the Job Fair Event At 1:00 PM the internship speed dating event will begin. Each company will have its own area to set up basic displays. Students will meet with you in a speed-dating format - they will meet with companies for about 2-3 minutes, then move to the next company. They'll give you their resumes, and you can discuss your internship options and answer questions.

This is a great opportunity for OEN companies to connect with eager students and have them join your team as interns. Don't pass it up!

To Register To register for this event please contact Kirsten Ringen at [email protected] by October 29th. If you are a company seeking interns, please prepare a one-paragraph description of your company's available internship opportunities.

