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IEEE Workshop on The Smart Grid - from Appliance to Generator and Back

Ambridge Event Center
1333 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd
Portland, Oregon 97232, US (map)



IEEE Workshop on The Smart Grid - from Appliance to Generator and Back

Sponsors: IEEE Region 6 and Oregon Section Co-Sponsored by Oregon Power and Energy and Computer Society Chapters

Date: September 8, 2010 Venue: Ambridge Event Center, Portland, Oregon; see ""

An IEEE Oregon “Smart Grid Week” (September 8-10) event


A one day workshop with reception of how the Smart Grid provides interactions between the end uses of electricity ("appliances" or industrial processes) and utilities, viewed from the perspective of the technologies, standards, and policies that will enable those interactions and foster innovation and interoperability.

The Smart Grid marries the electrical grid, an extremely complex system based on mature, conservative technology, with two fast moving innovative technologies, computers and communications. It is one of the greatest electrical, electronic and information processing challenges of our time and represents a significant engineering opportunity over the next two decades and beyond. It captures information about supply, system demand, individual usage, and pricing that fundamentally shifts how electricity is used. It enables the operators of the power system to increase efficiency and reliability while reducing costs and empowering consumers of electricity to minimize their own electricity costs.

Learning Objectives: Attendees will gain an understanding of the monitoring, communications, security and control systems of the Smart Grid, how they interact, the flow of data and control, and design and implementation considerations including:

  • Information requirements for optimal control of generating capacity, regional transmission grids, and municipal distribution grids to meet end user demands.
  • How generation, transmission and distribution control systems utilize digital information.
  • How suppliers and distributors of electricity use information to minimize costs while increasing reliability, flexibility, and security.
  • How usage monitoring and automation will allow end users to make informed decisions that reduce their electricity costs.
  • How to ensure grid security.
  • Balancing optimization of the grid’s subsystems and the grid as a whole.

Target Audience: The target audience is engineers, policy makers, and entrepreneurs who want to understand the Smart Grid in order to make better professional, technical and business decisions.

Prerequisites: Attendees should be generally familiar with the electric power system, software, or data communications concepts; a power engineering background is not required.


"Register online here". Seats are limited.

The workshop will be held Wednesday, September 8 at the Ambridge Event Center at 1333 NE Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK) Blvd, Portland, Oregon 97232. On-site registration/check-in starts at 7:30 AM, and the workshop starts promptly at 8:00. On-site attendees will receive one electronic media with course materials, continental breakfast, breaks, lunch and reception (cash bar). The reception for the speakers and attendees will be held from 5-6pm.

Lecture notes will provided to all attendees. In addition, 0.6 CEU’s (6 PDH) will be awarded upon completion of the on-site seminar. Details for webcast access will be provided upon registration. Webcast will be recorded and available for limited period (min. 90 days) replay/review by all attendees. No CEUs will be provided for webcast only and Student/Life Member/Unemployed registrations.

Fees IEEE Member onsite: $225; webcast $99 Non-Member onsite: $275; webcast $150 IEEE Student/Life Member onsite: $75; webcast $25 Unemployed onsite: $75; webcast $25

Parking Limited free parking available. Ambridge is 2 blocks from Oregon Convention Center MAX stop. "Parking info"

NOTE: The organizing committee reserves the right to substitute speakers, restrict size, change venues, or to cancel the seminar. In the event the seminar is canceled by the organizing committee, registration fees only will be fully refunded. Individuals canceling their registration prior to September 1 will receive a full refund. No refunds will be made to individuals who cancel their registration after September 1. Substitute attendees accepted. Attendance is limited. Registration will be confirmed on a first come, first served basis.

Agenda: Workshop Agenda Time Topic 7:30 - 8:00am Doors open; check-in and continental breakfast 8:00 - 8:05am Opening Remarks: welcome, day plan 8:05 – 8:50 Opening Keynote: The Smart Grid – What will it take to make it possible; Saifur Rahman, IEEE Distinguished Lecturer, Virginia Tech 9:00 – 9:45 Controllability: The Challenge of Synchrophasors and Wide Area Control; Dmitry Kosterev, BPA 9:45 – 10:15 Break 10:15 – 11:00 Smart Grid Communications: You want how much bandwidth? And that little latency?; Joe Andres, BPA 11:10 – 12:00 Managing Supply and Demand: Supply and demand control methods and control points; Rob Pratt; PNNL 12:00 – 1:00pm Lunch Keynote: Smart Grid policy; Jeff Hammarlund, PSU 1:10 – 2:00 Smart Grid Security: can’t be giving personal info away or letting bad guys in; Dave McKinnon, PNNL 2:10 – 3:00 Smart Grid Enabled Applications and Services: What’s the killer app (and for whom); Linda Rankin, PSU 3:00 – 3:30 Break 3:30 – 4:20 Interoperability and Standards: What standards are needed/being developed to make the Smart Grid work; Steve Widergren, PNNL 4:30 – 5:00 Panel Discussion: Q+A with the day’s speakers 5:00 – 6:00pm Reception and Networking

Location: Bldg: Ambridge Event Center 1333 NE Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK) Blvd Portland, 97232
