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Monday, April 26, 2010 at 5:54pm and last updated
Monday, May 3, 2010 at 3:19pm.
WikiWednesday - The Power of Naming in wikis and Wagn with John Abbe
This WikiWednesday we'll hear John Abbe, a key designer of the structured wiki Wagn (http://Wagn.org), talk about the importance of naming in your community. Cited by Joshua Schachter as clarifying his thoughts in developing Delicious.com, John will cover concepts of ontology useful for all participatory online spaces, not just wikis.
We'll be reviewing the history and background of the WikiNames concept (http://www.c2.com/cgi/wiki?ChoosingWikiNames), and the further space for creating meaning opened up by Wagn's "plus cards". Other probable forays include Pattern Languages (http://GroupPatternLanguage.org/) , including a pattern language of group process under development.
As always, WikiWednesday is open to everyone. Come at 5:30 for drinks/snacks and the discussion will start at 6:15.
RSVP on Upcoming: http://bit.ly/cC6kxm or at the PDXwikiWed wiki: http://pdx.wiki.org/Wiki_Wednesday_of_May_5%2C_2010