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PDX Lean Startup Circle - What is a Lean Startup!?

Collaborative Software Initiative Inc.
1 SW Columbia Street, #640
Portland, OR 97258, US (map)



We'll discuss the philosophy of a Lean Startup from 10,000 feet or so. Items we will cover:

* Lean Thinking, Lean Software Development, Agile
* Steve Blank's Customer Development
* Capital Efficiency
* Built on Commodity/Scalable/Innovative Stack: Use of Open Source Software, Cloud Computing, etc.

We'll mention some specific techniques that are popular in Lean Startups. These might make good future meeting topics.

* Minimum Viable Product (was our meeting topic Feb 17)
* Split Test - A/B Testing Experimentation
* Continuous Deployment
* 5 Why's
* AAA Metrics

This is a start at the agenda, more specifics will appear as we figure out the speaker(s), etc.
