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Tuesday, January 26, 2010 at 6:14pm.
Research Club Brunch
Research Club Brunches are creating a context where active and interesting poepl can meet each other and talk about what they are doing while having a little something to eat. It will be informal and relaxed, but to encourage the spread of ideas we'll be setting aside a time for anyone who wants to present something about what they do.
The first two brunches were super successful, and we were absolutely blown away by the quality of the speakers. See a brief discussion of the first brunch here http://www.portlandmonthlymag.com/blogs/culturephile-portland-arts/research-club-pub-fair/ (thanks to Lisa Radon) and photos from the second brunch here http://research-club.org/index.php?id=2 (thanks to Kerosene Rose).
The presenter's list for Brunch #3 is looking great already. Get in touch if you're curious about presenting.
We will provide a free, simple, vegetarian and vegan-friendly brunch to attendees, and the kitchen will be available to anyone interested in cooking. This will be the second of at least 5 brunches on an approximately-monthly basis, so if you can't make it to this one, there will be two more.
In the interest of pushing Research Club closer to its collaborative, spontaneous ideals, we've created an online sign-up http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dEJqTE5uRjIxV2luR2xiS2ZHM2JjUHc6MA for the basic tasks of brunch. If you can't contribute in that way, please consider a small donation to Tribute Gallery and Research Club.
Details: Where: Tribute Gallery 328 NW Broadway #117 When: February 7, 11:30 am to 3pm, Presentations to start at 1:00, at which point the food may be gone Bring: Yourself and a friend! How: Please RSVP to [email protected]
Hope you are able to join us!
Best, Research Club
Research Club - Find out! www.research-club.org http://www.research-club.org // research-club.posterous.com http://research-club.posterous.com