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Parot Virtual Machine Opcode Testing Hackathon




In preparation for Parrot VM 1.8.0 being released next Tuesday, there is a world-wide testing hackathon this weekend, to improve test coverage of our opcodes, i.e. tests that live in t/op/ in the Parrot repo.

For info about how to get Parrot: http://www.parrot.org/download

There is also a Parrot mirror on github: http://github.com/leto/parrot

There are many Parrot hackers in Portland, so a group of us may decide to meet at a coffee shop or some other establishment. Follow @parrotvm on Twitter (@parrot on identi.ca) and @dukeleto on Twitter (@leto on identi.ca) for the latest updates.

Useful links: https://trac.parrot.org/parrot/wiki/OpcodeTestingHackathon http://wknight8111.blogspot.com/2009/06/parrot4newbies-test-suite.html

