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Wednesday, May 20, 2009 at 10:15am and last updated
Wednesday, May 20, 2009 at 10:16am.
Financing Your Cleantech Business: Federal and State Incentives
Please join us for a panel presentation on cleantech financing – focusing on the nuts and bolts of tapping into government funding.
With the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (also known as the Stimulus Package) signed into law, how do emerging cleantech or renewable energy companies in need of financing access the grants, loans and other funding that can help their business thrive? The scarcity of venture capital funding and a non-existent IPO market makes understanding the incentives and funding available from Washington, D.C. and Oregon more important than ever.
K&L Gates has assembled a panel of speakers who have not only helped cleantech companies access government and traditional funding, but also helped make that money work best in the long term.
Attendance is complimentary but space is limited.
The panelists will address:
the range of funding options for clean technology project finance how to successfully and efficiently access funding from the Stimulus Package
legal and regulatory risks and their impact on future revenue,
project feasibility and financeability