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Wednesday, May 13, 2009 at 1:54pm and last updated
Wednesday, May 13, 2009 at 1:55pm.
Drupal Users Meetup
This venue is no longer open for business.
Drupal Beyond the Web
Justin Miller will treat us to a half-hour version of his DrupalCon DC Presentation, Drupal Beyond the Web.
Modules 101
Each meeting, we want to feature one or two brief presentations (no more than 15 minutes, including questions), highlighting an optional core or contributed module, what it's good for, and any special considerations or tricky configuration issues it has. The idea is to introduce people who are new to Drupal, as well as experienced Drupal users, to solid and useful drupal add-ons. If you're interested in presenting this month, let us know which module by replying.
Workflow, Actions, and Triggers
Melissa Anderson will present a brief summary of a site using Workflow, Workflow Required Fields, Actions, and Triggers to create complex electronic form routing. After that, she'll demonstrate how to build a simplified version of the use case.