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Thursday, March 5, 2009 at 10:53pm.
Portland car-free happy hour
This venue is no longer open for business.
What's your vision of sustainable transportation and how to make it happen for Portland and the greater world? How do you get around in Portland in and in the greater world? What are you working on? Please join Portland's first Car-free happy hour to discuss, mingle, and eat and drink.
When: 2nd Thursday of each month (First is March 12), 5-7pm
Where: Roots Organic Brewing Company, 1520 SE 7th Ave, Portland, OR
Who's invited: Bicyclists, transit riders, pedestrians, motorists looking for other options, carpoolers, activists, consultants, nerds, journalists, public agency employees, politicians, neighbors, and friends
What: Car-free happy hour is an informal venue to mingle participate in a social exchange of information, ideas, and connections. Let's put the ingredients together and see what happens.