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Corvallis Beer and Blog (1/7/09)

Block 15 Restaurant and Brewery
300 SW Jefferson
Corvallis, Oregon 97330, US (map)



Beer and Blog is a meet up that takes place every Wednesday from 5pm until at least 7pm at Block 15 in Corvallis, OR. Bloggers from the local scene show up and we help each other with our blogs. Sometimes we’ll arrange for a special guest to be there to help us on topics that are beyond the group’s skill set. Beer and Blog is like a networking event based around a group work session. Not only does it bring together talented folks that each bring a unique offering to the group, but it’s also a set social event that prompts us to do the updates we say we’re going to do.

This is second Beer and Blog for Corvallis and first for the new year! We'll be having another social/networking gathering with no topics planned. We'll be upstairs near the back (west end). Hopefully we won't have any bad weather again!

Since is still new to most Corvallians, we also have a Facebook event created (which has more people confirmed as coming). Feel free to RSVP there as well:

See you there!

-Lance (@ramereth)

