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Business Plan - Your Roadmap to Success - G 103

OTBC [Old location, do not use!]

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12725 Sw Millikan Way, Suite 101
Beaverton, OR 97005, US (map)



This workshop is designed for those who are ready to start their business plan or who are in business but need to build a business plan. It covers all aspects of building a business plan including: how to get yourself organized, avoiding writers block, required content, focusing on what is important and tips on how to make your plan represent you in the best light.

Although there is no one way to write a business plan, attendees will be taken through a simple structure for building their plan. In addition, participants will be exposed to business planning software that will assist them in completing the financial portions of the plan.

Sample Content: * The need for a business plan * The elements of a business plan * Steps in financial planning * Organization and management strategies * Using your plan to measure progress and obtain financing * How your marketing plan fits into your business plan

This workshop also features break-out sessions for exploring specific topics in more detail.
