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Monday, June 9, 2008 at 7:25am and last updated
Saturday, July 12, 2008 at 9:32pm.
Generation Y - They're Here! Are You Ready?
Some 64 million skilled workers will be able to retire by the end of this decade. They will be replaced by GenY, the children of Baby Boomers. According to Bruce Tulgan, a thought leader in future workforce, “This is the most high maintenance workforce in the history of the world. The good news is they're also going to be the most high-performing workforce in the history of the world. They walk in with more information in their heads, more information at their fingertips.” They're smart, digitally wired, motivated by “now” not the future, self-absorbed and, possibly, tattooed and pierced. As CEO’s, CFO’s and top leaders your challenge—particularly if you are a Baby Boomer—is to help your organizations figure out how to attract and motivate these workers, avoid operating out of false biases and create work environments that reduce barriers to their high performance. GET CLUED IN Come to this engaging event to: • Learn what it means to be “Generationally Competent” • Get accurate insights to separate Gen Y myths from realities • Get ideas for how to change the way your organization operates to accommodate this generation while keeping other generations connected • Learn strategies and tactics for personally relating and communicating to this segment of the workforce.
Cost: ACG Members Free, Guests $25