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Tuesday, March 18, 2008 at 4:17pm and last updated
Wednesday, June 18, 2008 at 6:19am.
Randal Schwartz on Smalltalk [PLUG-AT]
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Sure, Smalltalk is where we got our modern view of windows and mice and "the desktop" and object-oriented programming and extreme programming two decades ago, but what has Smalltalk done for us lately?
I'll answer this by showing off the Seaside web application framework: an open-source (but vendor supported) challenge to the classic web design strategies. Imagine being able to debug a broken web-hit in the middle of the hit, fixing the code, and continuing before the browser knows that something went wrong. Imagine being able to re-use control flows and web components with the ease of OO programming. Imagine being able to do test-driven development, even for HTML delivery. Imagine taking an application from "three guys in Starbucks on a laptop" to "3000 hits per second on your Amazon EC2 cloud" with no major changes in design. No need to imagine... I'll demonstrate all this and more.
Smalltalk knowledge is not required: I'll start with a brief overview of Smalltalk using Squeak, the free implementation that's even included in the OLPC XO. General knowledge of Object-Oriented Programming basics would be helpful, though.
Please note that this talk is a work in progress... this presentation is a rehearsal for the actual delivery in mid-April in Brazil at FISL 2008. Some parts are still a bit rough.