Viewing 1 current event matching “startup” by Location.

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Feb 11
Startup founders: Where are they now…?

Remember that amazing founder you saw on stage a few years ago? Where are they now? We want you to know.

That's why Built Oregon, Pitch Black, PIE, and Vanport Studio are partnering to celebrate Black founders from our programs by learning more about the journeys of our alums since we last saw them on stage — even if that journey no longer involves startups.

Join us for an evening of fireside chats hosted by Stephen Green, founder of Pitch Black and Vanport Studio, as we all get up to date on the latest and greatest from founders in our community.

Graciously hosted by Instrument, a longtime supporter, sponsor, and host for Pitch Black and current home of Vanport Studio.

PLEASE NOTE: Space is limited. Only registered attendees will be admitted.


Viewing 672 past events matching “startup” by Location.

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Jul 15, 2009
SCORE: Finding New Customers

This July 15th workshop is for those business owners who want or need more customers. This workshop will provide you with powerful management tools.

Learn how to identify a target market and prepare a customer profile and more! In this workshop you will learn the secrets of identifying that segment of the population who will most likely buy your product of service.

Do you know a person or group that might be interested in this life-long learning experience? Please forward this email to them. Thank You

Early Registration $55.00
Regular Registration $65.00

Sep 24, 2009
OEN Tom Holce Award Celebration

Celebrate entrepreneurial excellence at the 2009 OEN Tom Holce Awards for Entrepreneurship -- the 16th annual celebration of entrepreneurial spirit in action throughout Oregon and Southwest Washington.

This year we’re changing up this historic event.

You’ve asked for more time for networking, and we heard you. We’re compressing the awards program in order to give entrepreneurs more time for networking. We've simplified the format and we are passing the savings to you. Join OEN on September 24th for a premier evening of networking, heavy hors d'oeuvres and no-host bar while helping us recognize the best and brightest of entrepreneurship in Oregon.

Companies will be recognized for the following categories: OEN Development Stage Company of the Year OEN Working Capital Stage Company of the Year OEN Growth Stage Company of the Year OEN Entrepreneurship Award of Individual Achievement

Ticket Prices: Earlybird: Until July 31, 2009 Individual (no reserved seat) $99 Reserved half table (5 seats) $600 Reserved table (10 seats) $1200

Regular: August 1 through September 24, 2009 Individual (no reserved seat) $115 Reserved half table (5 seats) 675 Reserved table (10 seats) $1350

Please contact Julie Brown at 503-222-2270 x 11 or [email protected] if you wish to reserve half a table or a full table and wish to be invoiced instead of paying online.

Jan 18, 2011
Souk's Fourth Birthday - Free work day

Portland's Longest-Running Coworking Space Celebrates 4 Years in Business

souk turns 4 this month!

Jan 18th Tues is free work day all day (starting 9am). Wifi, workdesks, espresso... work on your own thing in the same space as other people.

3pm: open house, meet, network.

Press release:

Please share with your PDX networks! and

RSVP: 503 517-6900 or [email protected]

Nov 13, 2011
Android Developers Westside

Panera bread, 7202 NE Cornell, Hillsboro

Aug 10, 2012
Bend Venture Conference application deadline

If you're an entrepreneur seeking funding, consider applying to the Bend Venture Conference!

Oct 5, 2012
PSU Startup Weekend

Startup Weekend is a global grassroots movement of active and empowered entrepreneurs who are learning the basics of founding startups and launching successful ventures. It is the largest community of passionate entrepreneurs with over 400 past events in 100 countries around the world in 2011.

Oct 17, 2012
OEN: Ask an Investor

An opportunity for entrepreneurs to ask questions to a panel of investors.

Mar 5, 2013
TiE Tech Startup Happy Hour

Get your geek on by meeting up for happy hour with some like-minded entrepreneurs to discuss tech startup issues! Enjoy some good company over a drink, share ideas and build relationships. Attend the TiE Startup Happy Hour Tuesday evenings starting at 5:30 pm.

This event is open to the public. There is a no-host bar

Contact Sheri Dover, or just show up if you are interested in joining this coming week.

[email protected]

Ph: (541) 602-6215

Mar 12, 2013
TiE Tech Startup Happy Hour

Get your geek on by meeting up for happy hour with some like-minded entrepreneurs to discuss tech startup issues! Enjoy some good company over a drink, share ideas and build relationships. Attend the TiE Startup Happy Hour Tuesday evenings starting at 5:30 pm.

This event is open to the public. There is a no-host bar

Contact Sheri Dover, or just show up if you are interested in joining this coming week.

[email protected]

Ph: (541) 602-6215

Mar 19, 2013
TiE Tech Startup Happy Hour

Get your geek on by meeting up for happy hour with some like-minded entrepreneurs to discuss tech startup issues! Enjoy some good company over a drink, share ideas and build relationships. Attend the TiE Startup Happy Hour Tuesday evenings starting at 5:30 pm.

This event is open to the public. There is a no-host bar

Contact Sheri Dover, or just show up if you are interested in joining this coming week.

[email protected]

Ph: (541) 602-6215

Mar 26, 2013
TiE Tech Startup Happy Hour

Get your geek on by meeting up for happy hour with some like-minded entrepreneurs to discuss tech startup issues! Enjoy some good company over a drink, share ideas and build relationships. Attend the TiE Startup Happy Hour Tuesday evenings starting at 5:30 pm.

This event is open to the public. There is a no-host bar

Contact Sheri Dover, or just show up if you are interested in joining this coming week.

[email protected]

Ph: (541) 602-6215

Apr 2, 2013
TiE Tech Startup Happy Hour

Get your geek on by meeting up for happy hour with some like-minded entrepreneurs to discuss tech startup issues! Enjoy some good company over a drink, share ideas and build relationships. Attend the TiE Startup Happy Hour Tuesday evenings starting at 5:30 pm.

This event is open to the public. There is a no-host bar

Contact Sheri Dover, or just show up if you are interested in joining this coming week.

[email protected]

Ph: (541) 602-6215

Apr 9, 2013
TiE Tech Startup Happy Hour

Tonights' TiE Startup happy hour will be co-hosted by TiE Charter Member Ranjit Pandit, and will have door prizes from Maizey's Portland Style Kettle Corn.

( )

Get your geek on by meeting up for happy hour with some like-minded entrepreneurs to discuss tech startup issues! Enjoy some good company over a drink, share ideas and build relationships. Attend the TiE Startup Happy Hour Tuesday evenings starting at 5:30 pm.

This event is open to the public. There is a no-host bar

Contact Sheri Dover, or just show up if you are interested in joining this coming week.

[email protected]

Ph: (541) 602-6215

Apr 16, 2013
TiE Tech Startup Happy Hour

Free Beer, a great price on TiE membership, and door prizes! Tonights' TiE Startup Happy Hour is sponsored by the career hub for tech with over 80 thousand tech jobs Dice has started a bus tour that is going up and down the west coast, from San Francisco to Seattle to sponsor events and spread the good word about Dice. Dice will buy your first drink of the night and will be handing out t'shirts and other fun goodies.

TiE Oregon will be offering one year memberships at the incredibly low price of just $75 for everyone who joins during the event. That's such a great price for access to a global network of high-quality mentors and great events!

Maizey's Portland Style Kettle Corn will have drawings every half hour for their delicious gourmet popcorn

 Follow Dice at @DiceTechJobs for the latest on Dice and use #DiceTechTrek for the bus tour and check out for updates.

TiE Happy Hour is where you go to get your geek on by meeting with some like-minded entrepreneurs to discuss tech startup issues! Enjoy some good company over a drink, share ideas and build relationships. Attend the TiE Startup Happy Hour Tuesday evenings starting at 5:30 pm.

This event is open to the public.

Contact Sheri Dover, or just show up if you are interested in joining this coming week.

[email protected]

Ph: (541) 602-6215

Apr 23, 2013
TiE Tech Startup Happy Hour

Get your geek on by meeting up for happy hour with some like-minded entrepreneurs to discuss tech startup issues! Enjoy some good company over a drink, share ideas and build relationships. Attend the TiE Startup Happy Hour Tuesday evenings starting at 5:30 pm.

This event is open to the public. There is a no-host bar

Contact Sheri Dover, or just show up if you are interested in joining this coming week.

[email protected]

Ph: (541) 602-6215

Apr 30, 2013
TiE Tech Startup Happy Hour

Get your geek on by meeting up for happy hour with some like-minded entrepreneurs to discuss tech startup issues! Enjoy some good company over a drink, share ideas and build relationships. Attend the TiE Startup Happy Hour Tuesday evenings starting at 5:30 pm.

This event is open to the public. There is a no-host bar

Contact Sheri Dover, or just show up if you are interested in joining this coming week.

[email protected]

Ph: (541) 602-6215

May 7, 2013
TiE Tech Startup Happy Hour

Get your geek on by meeting up for happy hour with some like-minded entrepreneurs to discuss tech startup issues! Enjoy some good company over a drink, share ideas and build relationships. Attend the TiE Startup Happy Hour Tuesday evenings starting at 5:30 pm.

This event is open to the public. There is a no-host bar

Contact Sheri Dover, or just show up if you are interested in joining this coming week.

[email protected]

Ph: (541) 602-6215

May 14, 2013
TiE Tech Startup Happy Hour

Tonight I'm giving away free attendance to the Cleanweb PDX Hackathon this weekend. (hint the promo code is TiE, log in at to sign up)

And dont forget to come to the Green Dragon tonight to get your geek on by meeting up for happy hour with some like-minded entrepreneurs to discuss tech startup issues! Enjoy some good company over a drink, share ideas and build relationships. Attend the TiE Startup Happy Hour Tuesday evenings starting at 5:30 pm.

This event is open to the public. There is a no-host bar

Contact Sheri Dover, or just show up if you are interested in joining this coming week.

[email protected]

Ph: (541) 602-6215

Sep 5, 2013
Getting Acquired: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

What do Lucky Sort, AppFog, GiftTango and CrowdCompass all have in common?

They're all PDX tech companies that were acquired since last year's TechCrawl.

PDX is the place to be for startups with big dreams. But is getting acquired what it's really all about? Come find out how your tech startup can be ready for "the good, the bad, and the ugly" of being acquired.

Join 3 PDX tech founders for a 45-minute discussion about pre- and post-acquisition experiences. Afterwards, we'll eat and drink our way through the offices of some super awesome tech companies in NW Portland. This tech crawl is in celebration of the TechFestNW Conference.

Nov 15, 2021
Meet the Candidate - Jessica Gomez for Oregon Governor

Please join us as we welcome Jessica Gomez, Republican Candidate for Oregon Governor.

From homeless teen to successful entrepreneur and CEO and now campaigning to be Oregon's next governor - Jessica Gomez's life has been a journey of surviving, striving and thriving.

As governor, entrepreneur Jessica Gomez will lead Oregon to reclaim its once business friendly reputation. Empowerment and opportunities will be her goal not burdensome regulations and controls. Her mission is to establish strong regional economies in both urban and rural Oregon and targeted investments in broadband, water, and transportation infrastructure to support growth in industries across the whole state.

Apr 16, 2022
Saas: Product Idea to Prototype (MVP) And Everything in Between!

Got a great idea? Need an app for it? It can be daunting, but it's easier than you think.

Get a $50 discount by sharing this event on social media. Details below!

Early Bird Tickets: $369 Tickets After March 31st: $449

In this 3 hour workshop I'll work through how to get your product off the ground and launch it into a market.

I'll spend the first 2 hours walking through how to develop the product with a live example:

  • The Idea.
  • Product Mockup
  • MVP Development
  • Product Launch!

The 3rd hour will be used for questions / stories.

This workshop is ideal for the following businesses:

  • Small businesses needing an app for their service
  • Entrepreneurs with an app idea for a new business
  • Businesses/entrepreneurs needing a website
  • Businesses needing an app for their own needs

Don't fit into those categories but still want to build an app? No worries. You'll still find this workshop valuable.

About Jordan

Jordan is a software developer with over 10 years of software development experience. He's currently freelancing as part of his own company Damn Good Technology that provides IT consulting and development services to medium and small businesses.

You can find out more about him at

Discount Details

Either share this even page or the posts from @damngoodtek related to this event to get $50 off ticket price. Simply create a screenshot of the post, email it to [email protected] with the subject "SaaS app discount" and receive a code for the discount.

IMPORTANT: This must be done before purchase. If you do it after purchase I'll do my best to refud you the lost amount but I can't guarantee it.

Jan 22, 2024
Office hours with Sterling Capital

Office Hours Application for January 22, 2024 at 2:30 pm PT in Portland, OR LEVEL UP YOUR FUNDRAISING/SALES

Get honest and direct feedback Time allocated for your questions, even in group sessions Coaching from someone who’s been in your shoes

Feb 4, 2015
Crowdfunding 101
1422 Southwest 11th Avenue, Portland, OR 97201

Want to launch your idea,startup and need the support of your community? Crowdfunding might be the solution. Join us for a discussion around crowdfunding.

Lets explore what crowdfunding is and what it is not. We will explore the good and the bad of crowdfunding.

We ask for a 15$ donation to cover venue and refreshments.

Feb 7, 2015
(CANCELED) Tour of the SE Sharing Communities
2800 SE Harrison Portland, OR 97214

Sharing Economy is here. Learn about it. Together we will explore PORTLAND SE TOOL LIBRARY and KITCHEN SHARE. Both are nonprofit organization dedicated to creating a more sustainable and accessible ways of sharing things within the your local community.

Event is FREE.

Oct 1, 2009
Premier of Gresham Area Pub Talks
4th Street Brewing Company

Are you an entrepreneur or inventor? Do you have a small business that you’re ready to take to the next level? Are you interested in stimulating the venture capital activity in Gresham and East Multnomah County?

Introducing the launch of an exciting new opportunity to network and learn from investors and entrepreneurs and to mingle with others who are navigating the world of entrepreneurship.

Come hear local entrepreneur Hiroshi Morihara, the founder of HM3 Energy and VIA Press. Mr. Morihara has also served as Chairman and CEO of Peninsula Laboratories and President for the American Peptide Company. Mr. Morihara will speak on entrepreneurship and the experiences he has had working with community resources such as the Community College, utility companies and local government in bringing a business idea forward into profitability.

Two companies will give a five minute pitch on who they are and what they do and will solicit feedback from the experienced entrepreneurs in the audience.

Admission is $5 per person for light appetizers, cash or check accepted, with a no host bar.

This event presented by the East Metro Economic Alliance in cooperation with the Oregon Entrepreneurs Network

Mar 14, 2019
PIE Demo Day 2019
Aladdin Theater

It's been a while. But we're prepping a couple of new batches of startups — through both PIE and PIE Shop — who are eager to tell their stories. So we want to make sure that you're there to hear those stories.

We will be holding the next PIE Demo Day on Thursday, March 14, 2019. Because that's Pi Day. And that only makes sense. And we'll be hosting it at our biggest venue yet, the Aladdin Theater in southeast Portland. As always, we'll be livestreaming the event so folks around the world can take part.

So if you're interested in attending, please RSVP at your earliest convenience.

The event is free. Childcare will be provided.

Aug 13, 2013
Geeks on Rails to the GROWconf (Portland > Seattle > Vancouver)
through Amtrak Station

GROW is a conference about the future of innovation, growth and entrepreneurship. GROW is a curated environment that brings together technology pioneers, founders, executives, influencers and investors who are passionate about identifying problems worth solving, sharing ideas, building relationships and executing on lessons learned.

“Geeks on Rails” is the best way to meet your new BFFs who are going to GROW. There’s wifi, drinks, food, and 150+ geeks including founders, investors, bloggers, developers, designers, and more. Many of the GROW speakers are also on-board!

Conference tickets and Geeks on Rails tickets are available now!

  • MUST have VALID PASSPORT! We're going to a foreign country.
  • This is a one way ticket. You're responsible for getting yourself home.
  • All tickets are strictly non-refundable and non-transferable due to Amtrak policy.
  • You are responsible for your own transportation to your Vancouver lodging.
Nov 8, 2012
What Entrepreneurs Need to Know about Term Sheets
Ater Wynne

This workshop will cover the basic concepts of angel investments that an entrepreneur should know before negotiating with investors or participating in any angel competition. A few topics that will be included: understanding a term sheet, preparing for an angel investment, understanding the process and timeline for completing an angel investment. The workshop will be led by experienced startup attorneys who will cover several different examples of term sheets.

An OEN event

OEN Member Registration: $20.00 Non-member Registration: $45.00

Jan 22, 2019 v 3.0 - Winter Tour 2019

Over the last few years, we’ve had the chance to host many events that expose founders to an alternative universe where companies they’ve been told can’t be built without massive amounts of VC funding are thriving with little, to no, outside investment. We often start these events by warning attendees that they won’t be able to unsee what they’re about to see. Many leave these events with a whole new perspective on not only what is possible, but why limiting exposure the traditional venture business model is beneficial for founders, employees and the cultures and values they’re hoping to embody with their businesses.

Rather than write another blog post or clever FAQ, we wanted to bring that same in-person experience to those considering investment from

Over the next 2 months, we’ll be embarking on a tour of most major metros in the US (we tried picking towns that were a short-ish road trip away from just about anywhere). Our goal with these info sessions is to share our experiences and motives directly with the Indie-curious. They are open to founders interested in taking investment from and Angels/Funds interested in funding companies the way we do. We’re planning to have some founders we’ve backed, and founders who’ve built and scaled profitable businesses, join us for these events to answer questions and share their experiences embracing the values and tactics we preach.


Proudly hosted by PIE and PIE Shop in collaboration with Autodesk

Sep 21, 2022
Portland 3D Printing Lab: Social with Show and Tell

Surprise! We're back and going forward monthly!

For our first event, we thought we'd open up the floor. If you have something cool you've been working on and want to share, bring it or share some pictures with us. Let us know if you're planning on bringing anything to make sure we have enough space for it. We'll have approx 10 tables to set up on.

Our friends at Autodesk are graciously hosting us at their office. Come in to the front door on Ankeny, sign in at the front desk, and take the stairs to the second floor. If you need the elevator, ask security to let you up. There is bike parking inside the building on the second floor as well.


6:00 PM: Sharing and Networking 7:00 PM: Welcome, News, Recap on Makerforce by Shashi ~7:30 PM: Community Time 7:45 PM: Networking 8:30 PM: Clean it up!

Aug 8, 2019
Apply to PIE: Question and answer session (evening)
Autodesk Inc

Thinking about applying to PIE or PIE Shop? Have questions about the program? Curious as to what an accelerator even does? Wondering if the format is right for you? Cool. Let's talk about that. All of that.

Please join PIE at Autodesk for a question and answer session to get more information on our programs and the benefits for early stage startups.

Questions about the differences between the two programs causing you to second guess whether you should even show up? Well, let's get that one answered first. Yes. The answer is yes. If you're a founder of an early stage startup, you should show up.

And in terms of the differences? PIE is an accelerator designed to support startups building digital products. PIE Shop is an incubator/accelerator designed to support startups manufacturing physical products.

We're looking forward to seeing you.

Already ready to apply? Here's a cheat sheet that will help you prepare your application:

Aug 11, 2010
OEN PubTalk™: So You Think You Can Pitch?

Come see four companies put it all on the line in a speed pitching competition. In this competition both the judges and the audience will tell the competitors if they’ve got what it takes to be a fundable company. A winner will be selected by the judges who will advance to the first round of OEN's Seed Oregon. The audience favorite will be mentioned on the OEN blog.

After the judges select the winner by voting with OEN Dollars, the judges will give feedback on each presentation, explain how they chose the winner, and answer questions from the audience and the contestants.

The judges: Nick Stanley

Diane Fraiman

Kathleen A. Sego

Interested in Competing? There is no fee to apply to compete, however, you must be an OEN member to be eligible. If you are not an OEN Member, join here or call Rori Homme, OEN's Director of Membership, at 503-222-2270 x 13 to join.

To apply to "So You Think You Can Pitch?" visit the OEN website and submit your materials by Monday, August 2nd, 2010.

There you will need to submit the following information: (1) A copy of your executive summary (no need for secret sauce or specific numbers, simply publish what you are willing to present in public) (2) A brief explanation (no more than 1 page, 12 pt font, single spaced) of why you think your company is a promising investment

Items For Purchase Click here to use your OEN Member Login Information to register for the OEN Member items. (Please note that if the item is grayed out it means you have not yet logged in)

Available Items Price Qty
OEN Member Registration: $15.00 *
Non-Member Registration: $25.00 *

Apr 7, 2011
OEN PubTalk™ featuring Soothie Suckers

Come to Backspace and see OEN's Angel Oregon 2011 Concept-Stage winner, Marrietta Harrison of Soothie Suckers, present her emerging consumer business.

PubTalk is a lively forum where early-stage entrepreneurs from any industry get a chance to test their company pitch in front of an audience of their peers. Presenters and attendees alike, learn from the challenging questions, which test the presenting entrepreneur's business model.

Pre-Register and Save OEN members can save by pre-registering online. Online registration for this event closes Wednesday, April 13th at 12:00 pm. Please register at the door after that time, no discounts will be applied.

About SoothieSuckers: Soothie Suckers delivers good health in great tasting, all-natural, herbal, freezable treats! Soothie Suckers come in three formulas: Immune Booster, Cold Fighter and Sore Throat Relief. "It's the cool way to feel better."

Marietta Harrison - Soothie Sucker's Founder, CEO, & Mom Marietta Harrison is a true "mompreneur." About 15 years ago, before most pediatricians stopped prescribing antibiotics for many common ailments, Marietta lost faith in the medical community. Relying on her own research and input from friends and fellow parents familiar with natural medicine, she began creating her own herbal remedies and mixing them with fruit juices to help treat her own children.

Years later, while brainstorming with her husband, musician Michael Allen Harrison, and his sister, they came up with the idea to put natural medicines into ice pops. As they began to move forward with their idea, they were amazed at the lack of products available to treat children for colds and other illnesses. Marietta's experience with adding herbal medicines to her children's fruit juice helped them develop a great tasting and effective product - and Soothie Suckers were born.

Date: Wednesday, April 13 Time: 5:15 PM - 7:00 PM Backspace, 115 NW 5th Ave. Portland, OR 97204 OEN Member Registration: $15
Non-member Registration: $30

Jan 11, 2012
OEN PubTalk™ - Seed Oregon Championship Round

Want to learn what it takes for entrepreneurs to raise capital? OEN’s Seed Oregon PubTalks are for you.

OEN’s Seed Oregon is a unique opportunity for companies from Oregon and Southwest Washington that are seeking capital within the range of $100,000 to $2,000,000. In this competition, CEOs of emerging companies learn the rules of the road for effective fundraising and receive coaching from content experts to help them shine; come show time. This entertaining and educational competition will showcase the winners from the OEN Seed Oregon September, October and November PubTalks.

Pitching Companies:

Comic Rocket


RES Equine

The overall winner of OEN’s Seed Oregon PubTalk will receive exposure at OEN’s Angel Oregon 2012 the premier angel investing event in the Northwest on April 18th.

Member Special: Pre-Register and Save

OEN members can save by pre-registering online. Online registration for this event closes Wednesday, January 11th at 2:00 pm. Please register at the door after that time, no discounts will be applied.

PubTalk Sponsors:

Ater Wynne

Become a 5-Minute Pitch Company

PubTalk is a lively forum where very early-stage entrepreneurs from any industry get a chance to test their company pitch in front of an audience of their peers. Presenters and attendees alike, learn from the challenging questions, which test the presenting entrepreneur’s business model. Companies who would like to apply to present at an upcoming PubTalk can apply here:

Jun 13, 2012
OEN-Pitch the Portland Seed Fund

Managing Directors, Angela Jackson and Jim Huston are on the hunt for the 3rd class of the Portland Seed Fund (PSF). What is the Portland Seed Fund? Good question! PSF is an incubator and seed fund that selects the most promising startups to partake in a 90-day boot camp and invests $25K to help the company take off.

Are you an entrepreneur at a seed-stage company who is looking for mentorship and capital to grow? Then join us at the next OEN PubTalk™ and "Pitch to the Portland Seed Fund"!

Due to time limitations, we only have room for 18 companies to participate. This is a first come, first serve basis, so sign up below today! Contact Kirsten Ringen, OEN's Director of Membership Services, at [email protected] if you have any questions.

Oct 10, 2012
OEN: Pitch the Oregon Angel Fund

Hear entrepreneurs pitch the Oregon Angel Fund

Apr 19, 2016
How to Run a Successful Mastermind Group
Baerlic Brewing

I'm in couple of masterminds and get a lot of questions so distilled information on running a group and wrote this:

How to Run a Successful Mastermind Group

If this strikes a chord with you and you'd like to learn more or perhaps find others to form/join a mastermind come out and say hi.


Sep 12, 2011
Bizzy Checks Out Portland - Meetup @ Bailey's Tap Room
Bailey's Taproom

Bizzy ( | @Bizzy) is coming to Portland from Sunnyvale, CA and we want to invite the PDX tech community to join us for some beers.

We had so much fun driving across the country this summer that we decided to hit the road again. We're coming to Portland on Monday, September 12th and throwing a meetup. Hope to see you there! Come join us and meet our Founder and VP of Marketing.

Plus, show us the Bizzy app on your iPhone or Android ( and get in on our draft beer open bar from 8PM to 9PM-ish.

Not sure what Bizzy is? Here's a quick, fun video about us:

Event hashtag: #BizzyTour

Bizzy Checks Out Portland
Bailey's Taproom

We had so much fun driving across the country this summer that we decided to hit the road again. We're coming to Portland on Monday, September 12th and we hope to see you there! Come join us and meet our Founder and VP of Marketing.

Plus, show us the Bizzy app on your iPhone or Android ( and get in on our draft beer open bar from 8PM to 9PM-ish.

Not sure what Bizzy is? Here's a quick, fun video about us:

Event hashtag: #BizzyTour

Mar 23, 2017
StackPath and PIE mixer

Join StackPath and PIE at Barlow 737 SW Salmon Street (kitty corner across the park from the Portland Art Museum) for drinks and light bites

Apr 8, 2022
Web3 Founder Lunch With Madrona Venture Group
Beaches Restaurant & Bar

Join Madrona Venture Group and Madrona Venture Labs for lunch during ETHPortland to talk with fellow founders and meet investors, including Maria Gilfoyle and Scott Jacobson. This lunch will be full of great conversation and learnings.

Last month MVL hosted an accelerator week called, Launchable, which brought together 20 Web3 early-stage companies. Companies heard from leaders in the field and got hands-on help building — with one company being awarded $100,000 in funding.

Join us for lunch on Friday between 12:00 and 1:30 p.m. PT.

After RSVPing through Eventbrite, click on Fairshare to join our PNW Web3 Discord community and be airdropped a Launchable NFT. In the Discord you can connect with like-minded Web3 builders and entrepreneurs. Everyone at the lunch will also receive a POAP.

Madrona Venture Group is the largest and most active venture firm focused on early-stage companies in the Pacific Northwest. We invest in a range of different technology companies, including Web3 companies leveraging blockchain technology. Whatever the investment stage, we roll up our sleeves and work with founders to build their companies. We partner with founders from Day One for the Long Run.

Madrona Venture Labs is Madrona Venture Group's incubation program. The lab partners with founders as co-builders, advisers, and their first investors. Founders develop new ideas and start building them in partnership with Madrona from Day One.

Feb 28, 2019
Pitch Club Beaverton
Beaverton Area Chamber of Commerce

Pitch Club is an ongoing monthly series where entrepreneurs can practice their pitch and receive feedback from their peers and TiE Oregon Charter Members including TiE Angels.

Robin Jones, TiE Oregon Charter Member will be the event Emcee, join her as she creates a dynamic and safe environment for you to receive feedback on your pitch - sales pitch, concept pitch, or investor pitch!

Participants are given the opportunity to role-play being an investor to other entrepreneurs giving them a better understanding of what the investors are looking for.

May 2, 2019
Pitch Club Beaverton
Beaverton Area Chamber of Commerce

Pitch Club is an ongoing monthly series where entrepreneurs can practice their pitch and receive feedback from their peers and TiE Oregon Charter Members including TiE Angels.

Tom Kingsley, TiE Oregon Charter Member moderated the event and creates a dynamic and safe environment for you to receive feedback on your pitch - sales pitch, concept pitch, or investor pitch!

Participants are given the opportunity to role-play being an investor to other entrepreneurs giving them a better understanding of what the investors are looking for.

Apr 8, 2020
Pitch Club Beaverton
Beaverton Area Chamber of Commerce

Pitch Club is a collaborative workshop for any entrepreneur with the desire to create and deliver a perfect pitch. Pitch Club will assist participants in sharpening their ability to communicate with investors including gaining insight on the types of questions potential investor will ask and the best way to answer them.

Why do we pitch?

To be successful, entrepreneurs need the ability to sell their product. Pitch Club will provide insight into perfecting how to talk about your business.

Who facilitates Pitch Club?

TiE has an extensive network of Charter Members. Many of our Charter Members have run successful businesses in the past and many are current Angel Investors. We curate curriculum and leadership from the pool of talent within our network because of a shared desire to mentor entrepreneurs.

This month, Tom Kingsley, Successful Entrepreneur, TiE Charter Member, Mentor and Investor will lead the event.

What to expect?

Each attendee who intends to pitch should prepare a five minute pitch presentation. (This can include a power point projection that will be presented from your computer.) Directly after pitching a 10 minute Q&A will take place with questions to the imaginary investors about the product and pitch.

Those who attend pitch club will walk away with a better understanding of what investors look for in a pitch and how to answer the questions possible investor will ask. In addition, each presenter will receive a digital copy of their pitch and feedback from their peers and TiE Charter Members.

May 16, 2017
Beaverton Startup Happy Hour
Beaverton Chamber of Commerce

Looking to network with the Washington County startup community? Come eat, greet, and meet this year’s student entrepreneurs from Beaverton YEA!

Our May Happy Hour is held in partnership with City of Beaverton, Beaverton YEA!, and TiE Oregon.

Beverages and appetizers will be provided.

The event is free; registration is required. If you plan to bring a guest, provide his or her name when you register.

Learn more and register at:

Jun 7, 2018
TiE Oregon's Pitch Club Beaverton
Beaverton Chamber of Commerce

Pitch Club is an ongoing monthly series where entrepreneurs can practice their pitch and receive feedback from their peers and TiE Oregon Charter Members including TiE Angels.

Pitch Club is moderated by an experienced entrepreneur, the event creates a dynamic and safe environment for you to receive feedback on your pitch - sales pitch, concept pitch, or investor pitch!

Participants are given the opportunity to role-play being an investor to other entrepreneurs giving them a better understanding of what the investors are looking for.

Aug 18, 2010
OEN- Business Plan Development Seminar
Beaverton City Library

This seminar reviews all components of an effective, compelling business plan. You'll learn from two seasoned OEN experts why certain information is important and how your audience will evaluate what you present. Besides learning what is critical to include in an effective business, you'll take away valuable handouts and a listing of key resources.

Registration is required, and space is limited to 15 entrepreneurs.

When: Wednesday, August 18th Time: 4:00 - 6:15 PM Where: Beaverton Public Library - Library/Conference Room 12375 Southwest 5th Street, Beaverton, 97005

Items For Purchase Click here to use your OEN Member Login Information to register for the OEN Member items. (Please note that if the item is grayed out it means you have not yet logged in)

Available Items Price Qty
OEN Member: $30.00 *
Non-Member $70.00 *

Oct 23, 2009
Corvallis Startup Weekend
through Belle Vallee Winery

A Business Sprint, to take a room of 50 creative tech types to create a web based business over a 54 hour sprint. Startup Weekend has been happening all around the world. Now it will be held in Corvallis.

Mar 14, 2024
#social_beer (Portland Startups Slack IRL)

It's another opportunity to meet the folks from the Portland Startups Slack in real life!

Apr 18, 2024
Portland Startups Slack #social_beer

Meet folks from the Portland Startups Slack IRL

Sep 18, 2019
Sip and Slack

Time for friends, food and drinks as we remain cautiously optimistic that we'll get an extended summer and the rain will hold off...

Look for the tall brunette wearing glasses that blink. I might also be wearing my Minnie Mouse ears, depending on how I am feeling that day...

Mar 8, 2024
45 Camp Jumpstart Weekend
through Briq Studio

Gives entrepreneurs a crash course in how to build a ClimateTech* Startup. 45Camp JumpStart provides a concentrated 3-day weekend with training, mentorship and connections to let you explore the idea of building a ClimateTech Startup. You’ll also see examples of VertueLab Entrepreneurs who are making it in ClimateTech. VertueLab is a ClimateTech non-profit that is focused on helping Pacific Northwest ClimateTech entrepreneurs achieve their goals.

Ideas come from anywhere, and individuals with those ideas often don’t have the entrepreneurial awareness, tools, or guidance to get started in their exploration. Also, entrepreneurship is new in many communities and they need a jumpstart to gain the right knowledge and connections to move forward.

The best way to discover, learn, and explore entrepreneurship is through a hands-on approach and meeting others that are building technology and can explain by showing. JumpStart Weekends are designed to be a comfortable space to gather curious individuals and introduce them to tools and methods they can use to explore their ideas and get instant feedback and mentorship, all packaged over a weekend.

Although it's in our mission to address the impacts of climate change, entrepreneurship is for everyone. We want to increase access to entrepreneurship, and provide the tools and knowledge to everyone so that we are all part of the solution. So no prior knowledge of ClimateTech is required, all you need is an idea and the curiosity to know more and explore in a weekend of fun, we encourage you to apply!

Aug 13, 2012
Portland Ten Celebration for Night & Day Studios
Bunk Bar

We are excited to announce that Night & Day Studios, led by founders Nat Sims and Erin Rackelman, and one of the summer 2011 Portland Ten companies, has recently completed the Portland Ten program including exceeding the $1MM within 18 months milestone.

We're proud of their hard work, and appreciate the support from all of the Sponsors, community partners & community members who have assisted in their progress.

To celebrate the successful completion of the Portland Ten entrepreneur incubator program, Night & Day Studios is hosting a party on August 13 from 6pm-8pm at Bunk Bar, in the SE District. Hors d'oeuvres and beverages will be provided by Bunk Bar and Bunk Catering.

Bunk Bar is located at 1028 Se Water Ave, Portland, OR 97214.

Portland Ten alumni, Sponsors, community members, and staff will be on hand to meet and mingle with. Please feel free to bring cofounders or significant others as well. Hope to see all of you there!

Nov 7, 2013
9Mile Labs (B2B Accelerator) Information Session
Caffe Umbria

Join us for open coffee, tell us about your entrepreneurial venture and ask us questions about 9Mile Labs. No appointment required...and we'll buy the coffee! 9Mile Labs is currently accepting applications into the program that starts Jan 15, 2014.

9Mile Labs is a B2B technology accelerator based in the Seattle metro area. We run a 4-month program with a group of 9 startups. During the program, startups receive $35k, access to an impressive set of mentors, free workspace and the opportunity to present to investors at Milestone9, the 9Mile Labs Demo Day.

Jun 5, 2015
OEN’s 2015 Entrepreneurial Summit: What’s Your Wilson?

Join us at Castaway on June 5 to hear from 10-15 successful Oregon entrepreneurs about how they persist through hard times. Fuel your own entrepreneurial journey with personal stories of challenge and triumph from Oregon’s Doers and Big Thinkers.

Learn more and register:

Jul 5, 2016
Coding Summer Camps
through Catlin Gable School

CodeVana is partnering with Catlin Gabel Summer Camps to bring four exciting summer camps. Through these camps children will discover the joy of coding. These camps are created by industry professionals and students and will be week long in the beautiful 60-acre campus in Southwest Portland of the Catlin Gabel School. Sessions run July 5 - July 22, 2016, and are open to all children in the Portland metro area. Please REGISTER at and bring the joy of coding not only to your child but also youth who don't have access. Sign up for the camp and help youth who do not have the resources to enjoy a free coding camp through CodeVana’s Community Building initiative. The four camps offered are as follows:

CodeVana: Digital Game Explorers [July 5-8th] In this summer camp, students are introduced to the joy of coding and programming through games, simulations and they will also learn to become digital creators by creating minecraft mods or digital newspapers/videos. They will present their work in an end of the week show and tell. Students ages 7-10 have an option of full day camp or a half day camp.

CodeVana: Breakaway with Code & Things [July 5-8th] [July 18-22nd] In this summer camp, 10-14 year old students will learn to code, make, play while using Internet of Things and integrate their understanding of math and science through computing/games as well as learning how their minds and brains work. This camp is experiential in nature and will focus on collaboration, and creation. Middle Schoolers have an option of full day camp or a half day camp.

CodeVana: Girls Make Apps [July 11-15th] Girls and women in the U.S. are avid users of computer technology, but they are significantly underrepresented in its creation. CodeVana is bringing a fun girls only camp organized by girls/women to help girls discover the joy of building, computer science, and coding. Girls will build Games, play with Internet Of Things, design and deploy Web & Mobile Apps in a collaborative and creative environment as well as explore science, math, and social aspects of women in technology. We invite middle school (7th-8 graders) and high school girls to join us. Girls will make Web Apps, Mobile Apps, and Game Apps in a collaborative and creative environment.

CodeVana: Startup Engineering [July 11-15] High School students are invited to make their ideas into reality through building and making with computing. They will learn all the engineering and customer development skills to build a technology startup. On July 15th, students will pitch their ideas and prototypes to the community and win prizes to continue to pursue their ideas through a community vote.

Apr 3, 2019
Pitch Club Portland
Central Office

Pitch Club is an ongoing monthly series where entrepreneurs can practice their pitch and receive feedback from their peers and TiE Oregon Charter Members including TiE Angels.

A TiE Oregon Charter Member moderated event that creates a dynamic and safe environment for you to receive feedback on your pitch - sales pitch, concept pitch, or investor pitch!

Participants are given the opportunity to role-play being an investor to other entrepreneurs giving them a better understanding of what the investors are looking for.

Nov 29, 2018
Friends of Fictiv Happy Hour

Fictiv is creating a new world order in which software democratizes access to fast, high quality manufacturing. We’re breaking down barriers to provide unprecedented access to the tools and services required to bring physical products to market.

We're new here in town and excited to get to know the local hardware and manufacturing community!

Join us for Fictiv happy hour in our new office space, where we're hoping to meet some great new people and connect the greater Portland hardware community together.

Aug 17, 2017
CENTRL East Side Location

Pitch Club PDX

Pitch Club PDX is an ongoing monthly series dedicated to helping entrepreneurs perfect their pitch and business plan by providing real time mentoring and support from TiE Charter Members, Entrepreneurs, Partners and Guests.

Tom Kingsley, TiE Charter Member and Mentor, moderates the evening by creating a dynamic and realistic environment. Participants are given the opportunity to pitch their company while the audience role-plays being an investor giving entrepreneurs a better understanding of what the investors are looking for.

Oct 2, 2017
TiE XL Entrepreneur Bootcamp
CENTRL East Side Location

Most entrepreneurs start with a problem they want to solve but more times than not, they struggle to overcome the challenges of a startup. This course covers key-aspects of what an entrepreneur needs to know in order to be successful. Participants are taken through the lean startup method with a strong emphasis on product/market fit – these are strategy-oriented workshops with tactical lessons and the opportunity to meet with successful mentors and to network with like-minded peers, forming lasting and valuable and business connections.

Over 45 entrepreneurs have completed the boot camp – 100% have said that they would refer TiE XL to others.

When: Oct 2nd-Nov 2nd - Mon + Wed nights 5:30-8:30 Where: Centrl Office Pearl

Courtesy of Prosper Portland, full scholarships are available for qualifying entrepreneurs – we are looking for dedicated woman and minority entrepreneurs with an ambition to scale to a national or international market, intend to pursue the business full time, are headquartered in Portland, and are committed to doing the complete boot camp.

If you qualify for a scholarship, please fill-out the brief scholarship application form.

If you would like to purchase your seat at the next TiE XL Boot Camp, Purchase HERE

Questions? Please email [email protected].

Apr 3, 2018
Portland Coffee w/ Co-Founders: PDX Startup Week Edition
CENTRL East Side Location

It's been a while since we've met, but we're using Portland Startup Week as an excuse to resurrect this incredible meetup.

About Coffee w/ Co-Founders: As a business owner you are faced with many challenges. You're forced to make decisions every day that could make or break your business. Coffee w/ Co-Founders is a way to network with other Entrepreneurs to allow free flowing information with the intent to collaborate and help each other. So often we're challenged and there's very little we can do to express our challenges with the people we work with or the people we care about. Think of Coffee w/ Co-Founders as your own personal support group for business owners. We're all here to help!

Apr 4, 2019
Startup Skills Clinic: Create an onboarding plan now
CENTRL East Side Location

Register for the Skills Clinic and drop in anytime between 11am-12:30pm. We'll support you by helping you develop your very own plan for a specific new hire's onboarding process. You might get lucky and get a 1:1 session, but you may also share time with another person. It's all good, there's enough onboarding to go around! Come hammer out that onboarding plan and check something off your list.

Mar 24, 2015
Want more for your startup? Hear how local Portland startups made it

Interested in the local startup ecosystem and how to do more faster? Want free food and drinks? Join Techstars Seattle, PIE, local startups and entrepreneurs for a night of networking and discussion. Hear how Techstars alumni Glider, Stand In, and Cloudability got started, where they failed, and what made them successful.

Agenda: 6:00 pm Panel discussion and Q

Moderator: Chris DeVore, Managing Director, Techstars Seattle Panelist:

Rick Turoczy, Co-Founder, Portland Incubator Experiment (PIE) Justin Thiele, Co-Founder, Glider Kat Bobbitt, Co-Founder CEO, Stand In JR Storment, Co-Founder Chief Customer Officer, Cloudability

6:45 pm Networking 7:30 pm Event close / networking continued offsite

Want to apply to Techstars Seattle's 2015 Fall Program? Application open March 16! Learn more at the event, or by contacting Jaren Schwartz at [email protected].

May 12, 2015
A chat with Saul Colt, the Smartest Man in the World
Centrl Office

Well, it's been quite a May for Portland. First, President Obama swung by. And now, the Smartest Man in the World, Saul Colt will be in town, too. 

Only Saul will be way more accessible.

Who is Saul? In his career he has been named as one of the iMEDIA 25: Internet Marketing Leaders & Innovators as well as been called one of Canada’s best community builders/experiential marketers. NYT Best selling author and Internet Pioneer Chris Brogan once referred to Saul as “exactly who you want representing your company” and that message has been echoed by media properties ranging from Inc to Forbes Magazine. 

In a previous life Saul was the first international employee of Zipcar and the person responsible for launching Zipcar into the Canadian marketplace, was a key person in the growth of (The #1 Cloud Accounting service for Small Business Owners) and even knows what it is like to work for a large corporation from his time in a leadership role at Rogers Communications. On top of all that Saul is also a Professional Speaker and Consultant specializing in Social Media, Customer Service, Community Building and Word of Mouth Marketing. 

Whether you're an early stage startup or a well established business, Saul's unique perspective will have you rethinking how you spread the word about your company. Even if you don't care about marketing, he's just a great and entertaining speaker.

Jun 10, 2015
1 Million Cups - Portland

The 1 Million cups weekly meetings are a great opportunity for people and founders to connect.

Each week we invite a founder of a local startup or unique local business to give a short presentation. Then we follow up with a productive guided Q & A from the audience.

Founders learn great insights about their businesses and the audience learns from people making great ideas happen in our exciting Portland startup scene.

No registration needed, no pretense allowed, just great coffee, conversation and connections every week. Come on by.

Jun 17, 2015
1 Million Cups - Portland

The 1 Million cups weekly meetings are a great opportunity for people and founders to connect.

Each week we invite a founder of a local startup or unique local business to give a short presentation. Then we follow up with a productive guided Q & A from the audience.

Founders learn great insights about their businesses and the audience learns from people making great ideas happen in our exciting Portland startup scene.

No registration needed, no pretense allowed, just great coffee, conversation and connections every week. Come on by.

Jun 24, 2015
1 Million Cups - Portland

The 1 Million cups weekly meetings are a great opportunity for people and founders to connect.

Each week we invite a founder of a local startup or unique local business to give a short presentation. Then we follow up with a productive guided Q & A from the audience.

Founders learn great insights about their businesses and the audience learns from people making great ideas happen in our exciting Portland startup scene.

No registration needed, no pretense allowed, just great coffee, conversation and connections every week. Come on by.

Jul 1, 2015
1 Million Cups - Portland

The 1 Million cups weekly meetings are a great opportunity for people and founders to connect.

Each week we invite a founder of a local startup or unique local business to give a short presentation. Then we follow up with a productive guided Q & A from the audience.

Founders learn great insights about their businesses and the audience learns from people making great ideas happen in our exciting Portland startup scene.

No registration needed, no pretense allowed, just great coffee, conversation and connections every week. Come on by.

Jul 8, 2015
1 Million Cups - Portland

The 1 Million cups weekly meetings are a great opportunity for people and founders to connect.

Each week we invite a founder of a local startup or unique local business to give a short presentation. Then we follow up with a productive guided Q & A from the audience.

Founders learn great insights about their businesses and the audience learns from people making great ideas happen in our exciting Portland startup scene.

No registration needed, no pretense allowed, just great coffee, conversation and connections every week. Come on by.

Jul 15, 2015
1 Million Cups - Portland

The 1 Million cups weekly meetings are a great opportunity for people and founders to connect.

Each week we invite a founder of a local startup or unique local business to give a short presentation. Then we follow up with a productive guided Q & A from the audience.

Founders learn great insights about their businesses and the audience learns from people making great ideas happen in our exciting Portland startup scene.

No registration needed, no pretense allowed, just great coffee, conversation and connections every week. Come on by.

Sep 2, 2015
1 Million Cups PDX - Speraker: Josh Lifton of Crowd Supply

Every week we have a new local entrepreneur building an amazing company here in Portland. They give a short presentation followed up with a great Q&A session where you get to ask questions and ask about the real challenges and triumphs behind the business.

As always we welcome everyone interested in startups and founders building great companies here in Portland.

Come and check it out and bring a friend.

Jan 6, 2016
Dispute Resolution for Startups

Join us for a lunchtime session with business litigation attorney Caroline Harris Crowne and special guest speaker, Jason Bolt, entrepreneur and founder of Revant Optics and Society43.

The presentation will cover:

What to expect if your business gets into a lawsuit. Different options for resolving business disputes. What to do when a dispute is brewing.

Bring your questions and your appetite for an interactive and nourishing midday break. Lunch will be provided! Space is limited, so click here and sign up now!

Feb 2, 2016
Portland Startup Week: CENTRL Office hosts Portland Lunch 2.0

It's Portland Startup Week (February 1-5), and Groundhog Day seems like the perfect day to repeat our Portland Lunch 2.0 at CENTRL Office. We're still working out details, but please mark your calendars and plan to be there!

Feb 3, 2016
Portland Startup Week: FailPDX

FailPDX back in action!

Please RSVP at so we have an accurate head count.

FailPDX will be kicking off the new year with a 4 person panel discussing the trials and tribulations of building a successful business. Each panel member will share their personal failures, what they learned from the experience, and answer any questions we may have. This FailPDX event is officially part of Portland Startup Week. Startup Week is a free, five-day celebration of our community that builds momentum and opportunity around entrepreneurship. The week is led by local entrepreneurs and hosted in amazing spaces all over town.

For those who may not be familiar with our group: FailPDX was created out of direct response to a lot of the meetups and conferences that seemed to be focused on all of the good things about being part of startup and taking chances. The truth is, success is a unicorn. FailPDX was created to remind people that failure is inevitable. This group is a place where everyone can come together to listen and share their failure stories.

If you are interested in speaking at or sponsoring one of our events, please email [email protected].


5:00 PM: Refreshments & Networking
5:30 PM: Presentation followed by Q/A
6:30 PM: Wrap things up

Please note the above schedule is subject to change and will include our panelist closer to event time.

Look forward to seeing everyone!

Aug 3, 2016
Community Hour[s]

PIE and Built Oregon would like to invite you to our first Community Hour[s]. This will be an ongoing gathering of all the people who make up the entrepreneurial fabric in our community. There is no agenda, panel, or discussion. It’s a time to relax and network with old friends and new connections. As much as we all love technology, relationships are built through personal connections and shared stories. So we hope you’ll join us for a few minutes, or a couple hours at the CENTRL Office Main Bar on August 3rd from 5-7pm.

Sep 6, 2016
PIE and Built Oregon Community Hour[s]
Centrl Office

After a great beta test, we're ready to take this thing into production. PIE and Built Oregon would like to invite you to our first Community Hour[s]. This will be an ongoing gathering of all the people who make up the entrepreneurial fabric in our community. There is no agenda, panel, or discussion. It’s a time to relax and network with old friends and new connections. As much as we all love technology, relationships are built through personal connections and shared stories. So we hope you’ll join us for a few minutes, or a couple hours at the CENTRL Office Main Bar on September 6th from 5-7pm. (Ending at 7pm sharp!)

See you there!

Sep 27, 2016
Want more for your startup? Learn how Techstars Seattle can help you do more faster!

Interested in the local startup ecosystem and how to do more faster? Join Techstars Seattle, PIE, and local entrepreneurs for a night of networking and learning about Techstars' 3 month entrepreneurship bootcamp. Hear how some of Portland's own Techstars alumni got started, where they failed, and what made them successful.


6:00 pm Registration

6:30 pm Panel

Moderator: Chris DeVore, Managing Director, Techstars Seattle Panelists: Brad Heller, Reflect; JR Storment, Cloudability

7:30 pm Networking

8:00 pm Event close

Want to meet one-on-one with Chris DeVore, Managing Director before the event? Sign up for office hours: Space is limited!

Want to apply to Techstars Seattle? Application close October 15! Learn more at the event or the application process by contacting Jaren Schwartz at [email protected].

RSVP for the event:

Nov 7, 2016
Portland Community Hour[s] at CENTRL Office Pearl [CANCELED]

NOTE: We're going to cancel this due to the power outage in the Pearl.

PIE, Silicon Florist, and Built Oregon would like to invite you to Community Hour[s], an ongoing gathering of all the people who make up the entrepreneurial fabric in our community. There is no agenda, panel, or discussion. It’s a time to relax and network with old friends and new connections. As much as we all love technology, relationships are built through personal connections and shared stories. So we hope you’ll join us for a few minutes, or a couple hours at the CENTRL Office Pearl Main Bar from 5-7pm. (Ending at 7pm sharp!)

Dec 6, 2016
Business Law and Fundraising Fundamentals for Startups and Startup Advisors

A full day of great advice and discussion around building your company on a solid legal and regulatory foundation, raising funds successfully and legally and avoiding common missteps that distract and derail new businesses.

Lunch is provided and there will be a well-known lunch time speaker, soon to be announced, who will talk about the local fund raising market and recent deals.

In this engaging day-long course you'll learn how to:

  • Pick the right business structure and domicile.
  • Meet basic licensing, registration and tax requirements.
  • Establish appropriate governance practices.
  • Identify and protect critical intellectual property.
  • Structure and manage key relationships with co-founders, investors, employees and other stake holders.
  • Negotiate better contracts with partners, suppliers and customers.
  • Develop a successful financing strategy from seed round to C round.
  • Understand and negotiate VC term sheets, plus other advice for successful fundraising.
  • Organize and manage a data room to support financings and M&A.
  • Identify and meet key regulatory requirements.
  • Prevent, manage and resolve commercial disputes and other conflicts.
Dec 15, 2016
Pitch Club - The Exit and Ask!

The final part of the Pitch Club series Tom Kingsley explains how to close your pitch with a killer Ask/Exit. Get an opportunity to pitch your company and get feedback from an Oregon investor and serial entrepreneur. Meet other local entrepreneurs in other industries. Perfect way to work on your pitch deck.

Non-members pay $25, Join TiEOregon and pay only $5 You did not have to attend the previous parts of the series to attend.

Feb 6, 2017
Community Hour[s] - Portland Community Hour[s] at CENTRL Office Pearl: Portland Startup Week edition

It's Portland Startup Week! What better time to get the startup community together? 

That's why Built OregonPIE, and Silicon Florist is using Startup Week as an opportunity to kick off a new year of Community Hour[s], our ongoing gatherings for all of the people who make up the entrepreneurial fabric of our community. There is no agenda, panel, or discussion. It’s a time to relax and network with old friends and make new connections with your peers and across industries. 

As much as we all love technology, we realize that community relationships are built through personal connections and shared stories. So we hope you’ll join us for a few minutes — or a couple of hours.

As always, Community Hour[s] are graciously hosted by CENTRL Office.

See you there!

P.S. Don't forget… if you're interested in getting involved in Portland Startup Week, there's still time to host your own event. It's easy. Just pick a time, a topic, and a place and we'll get you added to the list.

Feb 7, 2017
TiE Oregon \ Creating a Viable Concept in About an Hour with Shashi Jain

Wake-up and get your creative juices flowing! Join us on Tuesday, February 7th as Shashi Jain takes us through an interactive workshop where you will create a viable concept in about one hour!

Shashi will walk us through a couple of creative strategies designers utilize during the process of invention. This is your opportunity to match your “bugs” with your “passions” and turn it into a viable concept that you can take with you to expand on.

Shashi Jain IoT Innovation Manager | Intel Corporation Founder | MatterCompilers Lead Instructor | TiE Young Entrepreneurs (TYE)

Shashi Jain is an IoT Innovation Manager at Intel Corporation. He is also Lead Curriculum designer and Instructor for TYE Oregon. He’s passionate about IoT, 3D printing, and educating young entrepreneurs. Shashi has helped organize several Startup Weeks, is a TiE Charter Member and is the recipient of Intel’s 2015 Involved Global Hero Award.

Feb 8, 2017
Portland Lunch 2.0 - Portland Startup Week Lunch 2.0
Centrl Office

It's Portland Startup Week (February 6-10)! And it's become a bit of a Startup Week tradition to revisit some of our amazing Portland startup community events from yesteryear — like Portland Lunch 2.0

So… Can we buy lunch? Join Portland Lunch 2.0 sponsor StackPath and the rest of our community at CENTRL Office for a bite to eat, seeing old friends, and meeting new folks in our community.

Please mark your calendars and plan to be there!

Feb 9, 2017
TiE Oregon / Pitch Club PDX

During the 10th installment of “The Perfect Pitch,” Tom Kingsley will cover the final installment – Exit and Ask

The Exit and Ask will consist of: How you expect to cash investors out, recent comparable examples, basic ask terms, the amount, form of investment, bullet points on use of funds.

Pitch Club is an ongoing series where entrepreneurs can practice their pitch and business plan. Tom Kingsley creates a dynamic and realistic environment to deeply understand what the investors are looking for and role-play being an investor to other entrepreneurs.

There is no need to have attended the other installments to attend this one – we look forward to seeing you there!

Mar 6, 2017
Portland Community Hour[s] at CENTRL Office Pearl

Join Built OregonPIE, and Silicon Florist for Community Hour[s], our ongoing gathering for all of the people who make up the entrepreneurial fabric of our community. There is no agenda, panel, or discussion. It’s a time to relax and network with old friends and make new connections with your peers and across industries. 

As much as we all love technology, we realize that community relationships are built through personal connections and shared stories. So we hope you’ll join us for a few minutes — or a couple of hours.

See you there!

Mar 9, 2017
Pitch Club PDX

Pitch Club is an ongoing monthly series where entrepreneurs can practice their pitch and business plan with real feedback from peers, investors, and mentors. Tom Kingsley creates a dynamic and realistic environment with a deep understanding of what the investors are looking for.

For more information about TiE Oregon please visit our website!

May 10, 2017
ScoutSavvy Launch Party

Connect with other business owners, HR professionals, and job seekers that care about the role of diversity in the future of Oregon's economy. You are invited to celebrate the launch of ScoutSavvy, a Portland-based startup that is on a mission to give everyone a fair shot at finding meaningful employment.

Come eat, drink, and party with us!

About ScoutSavvy

ScoutSavvy is a talent finding app that helps recruiters at competitive companies tap into a broader network of qualified candidates with our inclusive career matching technology.

We've been hustling for a year, and many of you are like, "Kathryn . . . when is your app going to be ready? Is this thing even REAL?"

Well party people, ScoutSavvy for iOS, Android, and web will be revealed to the public for the first time at our launch party on May 10th from 5:30 - 7:30pm at CENTRL Office Eastside, 329 NE Couch St, Portland.

In addition to our public launch, we will be celebrating our recognition as one of the finalists for Company of the Year: Pre-Revenue at the Oregon Technology Awards to be held the following evening.


May 25, 2017
Pitch Club PDX

Pitch Club is an ongoing monthly series where entrepreneurs can practice their pitch and business plan. Tom Kingsley creates a dynamic and realistic environment. Participants are given the opportunity to role-play being an investor to other entrepreneurs giving them a better understanding of what the investors are looking for.

We will be kicking off the night with a special guest speaker from Ruby Receptionists!!

Get Knock-your-socks-off Service with the Ruby Service Pyramid

A great customer experience is not only the biggest driver of customer loyalty but also a primary method for building valuable word-of-mouth buzz that brings in new business. During our time together, I’ll share Ruby’s recipe for delivering legendary service, which includes building a foundation for trust, loyalty and relationships, and how you too can use this formula to attract and retain customers.

Guest Speaker

Christina Burns is the VP of Service at Ruby Receptionists. She’s been in the customer service industry for over a decade, and has learned some incredibly valuable lessons over the years. She has a passion for sharing information and encouraging businesses to focus on customer experience as a key business metric, and she wholeheartedly believes that fantastic customer service can make the world a better place.

Jun 8, 2017
Pitch Club PDX

Pitch Club is an ongoing monthly series where entrepreneurs can practice their pitch and business plan. Tom Kingsley creates a dynamic and realistic environment. Participants are given the opportunity to role-play being an investor to other entrepreneurs giving them a better understanding of what the investors are looking for.

Jun 21, 2017
OEN Office Hours at CENTRL East

Want to chat with an OEN staff member about how to get started leveraging our network? How to leverage other entrepreneurial resources in Portland and beyond? How to best take advantage of your membership? How to get more involved in OEN?

Make an appointment during our June 21 office hours so you can introduce yourself and chat with us. When you arrive, check in at the front desk and the receptionist will tell you where to go.

Reserve your slot here:

Jul 19, 2017
OEN Office Hours at CENTRL East

Are you an Oregon entrepreneur trying to start or scale a business? Come chat with a staff member from the nonprofit Oregon Entrepreneurs Network about how to get started leveraging our network and resources. Make an appointment here:

Sep 12, 2017
Techstars Info Session

Are you ready to accelerate your company? At Techstars, we have applications open for 10 programs around the world: From Boulder to Dubai, Austin to Boston, NYC to Seattle and Anywhere in between (Including Techstars Anywhere, our mostly-virtual accelerator)! Join Chris DeVore, Managing Director of Techstars Seattle and Portland-based alumni for an engaging conversation about the program and how Techstars can help you do more faster.

We will be holding office hours before the event, starting at 3:00 pm. Would you like to meet with our team during office hours? Request a meeting here-->

Want to apply to Techstars Seattle? Application close October 15, 2017! Learn more at the event, or by contacting Jaren Schwartz at [email protected].

More info on Techstars: At Techstars, we are on a mission to help entrepreneurs succeed. Over the past 10 years we have helped over 1,000 companies grow and raise over $3.5 billion in funding, with a market cap of $9.6 billion. Applications are open for 10 global Techstars accelerator programs, and we’re on a search for the next wave of companies to join our worldwide network!

May 23, 2019
Pitch Club Portland

Pitch Club is an ongoing monthly series where entrepreneurs can practice their pitch and receive feedback from their peers and TiE Oregon Charter Members including TiE Angels.

Tom Kingsley, TiE Oregon Charter Member moderated the event and creates a dynamic and safe environment for you to receive feedback on your pitch - sales pitch, concept pitch, or investor pitch!

Participants are given the opportunity to role-play being an investor to other entrepreneurs giving them a better understanding of what the investors are looking for.

Feb 7, 2024
Pitch Club

Pitch Club is an event where entrepreneurs learn the criteria and methods used by real investors to evaluate their venture as a potential investment. This is done by recreating a typical investor meeting where a few companies pitch and receive feedback from TiE Oregon Charter Members. These meetings follow the same basic agenda of an investor meeting with three sections: the pitch, Q&A, and investor discussion & decision.

Who facilitates Pitch Club?

Pitch Club is organized by Kari Naone, TiE Oregon Executive Director and led by Tom Kingsley, a TiE Charter Member who is an investor and successful entrepreneur.

What to expect?

Please minimally prepare for a 5-minute pitch. If time permits each person could get up to 10 minutes so be prepared for that as well. This can include a slides/ppt that will be presented from your computer. Directly after pitching, Q&A and discussion will take place.

Those who attend pitch club will walk away with a better understanding of what investors look for in a pitch and how to answer the questions possible investor will ask. In addition, each presenter will receive a digital copy of their pitch and feedback from their peers and TiE Charter Members.

Interested in sponsoring Pitch Club - please contact [email protected].

Oct 27, 2016
Virtual Reality Community Hour[s] at CENTRL Eastside
CENTRL Office Eastside

This meetup gives you two sneak peeks, one IRL and one in VR. 

First, get an early look at CENTRL Office's new eastside location. Second, get an early look at Vectorspace VR.

What's Vectorspace VR?

"VectorSpace VR specializes in building large scale,  immersive VR exhibits that streamline a myriad of technologies, including: IR motion tracking, Oculus Rift and mini backpack PC’s, to create unprecedented experiences.  

"We have just installed our first VR system in Chicago for a large haunted house attraction company and look forward to exhibiting this content for Portland’s local tech community." 

As always, refreshments will be graciously provided by our hosts at CENTRL Office.

Nov 21, 2016
Community Hour[s] - Portland Community Hour[s] at CENTRL Office Eastside
CENTRL Office Eastside

Built Oregon, PIE, and Silicon Florist would like to invite you to Community Hour[s], our ongoing gathering for all the people who make up the entrepreneurial fabric in our community. There is no agenda, panel, or discussion. It’s a time to relax and network with old friends and new connections. 

As much as we all love technology, relationships are built through personal connections and shared stories. So we hope you’ll join us for a few minutes — or a couple of hours.

As always, Community Hour[s] are graciously hosted by CENTRL Office.

See you there!

Apr 3, 2019
Portland Lunch 2.0 - Portland Startup Week: CENTRL Office Eastside Lunch 2.0
CENTRL Office Eastside

As part of Portland Startup Week, CENTRL Office will be inviting the Portland startup community into their eastside location, right at the bridgehead of the Burnside Bridge. Close enough for westsiders to pop over for a bit.

More details to follow.

Portland Lunch 2.0 - Portland Startup Week: CENTRL Office Eastside Lunch 2.0
CENTRL Office Eastside

As part of Portland Startup Week, CENTRL Office will be inviting the Portland startup community into their eastside location, right at the bridgehead of the Burnside Bridge. Close enough for westsiders to pop over for a bit.

More details to follow.

Jan 19, 2017
TiE Oregon Confessions of an Entrepreneur with Gerry Langeler (Co-founder of Mentor Graphics)
Centrl Office Pearl

For 24 years, Gerry has served as a Managing Director with OVP Venture Partners, the most experienced venture capital firm in the Pacific Northwest. OVP is in its 33rd year, having raised its seventh fund (OVP VII) at $250 million. OVP has over $750 million of capital under management and focuses on early-stage companies in information technology, clean tech, and digital biology. Since its founding in 1983, the partnership has backed over 125 startups – and seen over 50 liquidity events including 25 IPOs with more than 30 others being acquired by public companies.

From 1981 to 1992, Gerry was co-founder of Mentor Graphics Corporation (NASDAQ: MENT) where he served as President and Board member. He helped lead Mentor to over $400M in sales and $1B in market capitalization, ranking it as one of the largest and most profitable of all U.S. companies founded in the 1980s. The company remains the fastest growing public software company to $200 million (in constant dollars) in US history. At now over $1B in sales, Mentor continues to rank as the second largest software company in the Pacific Northwest, behind only Microsoft.

His service as a board member covers the range from enterprise software, network security, wireless communications and clean tech to biotechnology. He is the author of The Success Matrix – Winning in Business and in Life (Logos Press, March 2014), Take the Money and Run! An Insider’s Guide to Venture Capital (Smashwords and Lulu Press, 2011) and The Vision Trap (Harvard Business Review, March 1992), which continues to be widely used in business schools and corporate training sessions.

He currently serves on the Board of Directors of CradlePoint, DataSphere, EnerG2, and Novomer.

In 2012, Gerry was appointed by Governor Kitzhaber to the Oregon Growth Board where he serves as co-chair. He previously served as School Board Chair of the Riverdale School District and also chaired the Riverdale School Foundation. He has served as Chair of the Oregon Museum of Science & Industry (OMSI) Board of Trustees, and Chair of the State of Oregon Facilities Authority – a bonding agency for not-for-profits. In 2011, he received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Oregon Entrepreneurs Network.

He holds a BA, Chemistry from Cornell University, and a MBA from Harvard.

Jan 24, 2019
Pitch Club Portland
Centrl Office Pearl

Pitch Club is an ongoing monthly series where entrepreneurs can practice their pitch and receive feedback from their peers and TiE Oregon Charter Members including TiE Angels.

Robin Jones, TiE Oregon Charter Member will be the event Emcee, join her as she creates a dynamic and safe environment for you to receive feedback on your pitch - sales pitch, concept pitch, or investor pitch!

Participants are given the opportunity to role-play being an investor to other entrepreneurs giving them a better understanding of what the investors are looking for.

Feb 18, 2020
Pitch Club PDX
Centrl Office Pearl

Pitch Club is a collaborative workshop for any entrepreneur with the desire to create and deliver a perfect pitch. Pitch Club will assist participants in sharpening their ability to communicate with investors including gaining insight on the types of questions potential investor will ask and the best way to answer them.

Why do we pitch?

To be successful, entrepreneurs need the ability to sell their product. Pitch Club will provide insight into perfecting how to talk about your business.

Who facilitates Pitch Club?

TiE has an extensive network of Charter Members. Many of our Charter Members have run successful businesses in the past and many are current Angel investors. We curate curriculum and leadership from the pool of talent within our network because of a shared desire to mentor entrepreneurs.

This month, Tom Kingsley, Successful Entrepreneur, TiE Charter Member, Mentor and Investor will lead the event.

Each attendee who intends to pitch should prepare a five minute pitch presentation. (This can include a power point projection that will be presented from your computer.) Directly after pitching a 10 minute Q&A will take place with questions to the imaginary investors about the product and pitch.

Those who attend pitch club will walk away with a better understanding of what investors look for in a pitch and how to answer the questions possible investor will ask. In addition, each presenter will receive a digital copy of their pitch and feedback from their peers and TiE Charter Members.

Feb 26, 2020
Pitch Oregon
Centrl Office Pearl

Pitch Club is a collaborative workshop for any entrepreneur with the desire to create a perfect pitch. This event welcomes people who are practicing any kind of pitch (concept pitch, sales pitch, investor pitch etc.). Participants will receive feedback from their peers, TiE Charter Members and Investors.

TiE Women Pitch Club is moderated by ROBIN JONES and HEATHER SAMARIN.

Each attendee who intends to pitch should prepare a five minute pitch presentation (this can include a slide projection that will be presented from your computer). Directly after pitching a 5-10 minute Q&A will take place.

Those who pitch will walk away with a better understanding of what investors look for in a pitch and how to answer the questions possible investors could ask. In addition, Each presenter will receive a digital copy of their pitch.

You do not need to to pitch to attend - many of the learnings come from just watching!

May 20, 2020
Pitch Club Portland
Centrl Office Pearl

Pitch Club is a collaborative workshop for any entrepreneur with the desire to create and deliver a perfect pitch. Pitch Club will assist participants in sharpening their ability to communicate with investors including gaining insight on the types of questions potential investor will ask and the best way to answer them.

Why do we pitch?

To be successful, entrepreneurs need the ability to sell their product. Pitch Club will provide insight into perfecting how to talk about your business.

Who facilitates Pitch Club?

TiE has an extensive network of Charter Members. Many of our Charter Members have run successful businesses in the past and many are current Angel Investors. We curate curriculum and leadership from the pool of talent within our network because of a shared desire to mentor entrepreneurs.

This month, Tom Kingsley, Successful Entrepreneur, TiE Charter Member, Mentor and Investor will lead the event.

What to expect?

Each attendee who intends to pitch should prepare a five minute pitch presentation. (This can include a power point projection that will be presented from your computer.) Directly after pitching a 10 minute Q&A will take place with questions to the imaginary investors about the product and pitch.

Those who attend pitch club will walk away with a better understanding of what investors look for in a pitch and how to answer the questions possible investor will ask. In addition, each presenter will receive a digital copy of their pitch and feedback from their peers and TiE Charter Members.

Aug 14, 2024
TiE Oregon - Pitch Club
Centrl Office Pearl

Why Participate? Pitch Club is an event where entrepreneurs learn the criteria and methods used by real investors to evaluate their venture as a potential investment. This is done by recreating a typical investor meeting where a few companies pitch and receive feedback from TiE Oregon Charter Members. These meetings follow the same basic agenda of an investor meeting with three sections: the pitch, Q&A, and investor discussion & decision.

Who facilitates Pitch Club? Pitch Club is organized by Kari Naone, TiE Oregon Executive Director and led by Tom Kingsley, a TiE Charter Member who is an investor and successful entrepreneur.

What to expect? Please minimally prepare for a 5-minute pitch. If time permits each person could get up to 10 minutes so be prepared for that as well. This can include a slides/ppt that will be presented from your computer. Directly after pitching, Q&A and discussion will take place.

Those who attend pitch club will walk away with a better understanding of what investors look for in a pitch and how to answer the questions possible investor will ask. In addition, each presenter will receive a digital copy of their pitch and feedback from their peers and TiE Charter Members.

Interested in sponsoring Pitch Club - please contact [email protected].

Apr 4, 2018
Portland Lunch 2.0: CENTRL West End Wednesday
CENTRL Office West End

• What we'll do
It's Portland Startup Week ( (April 2-6)! And West End Wednesday has a nice ring to it. So let's visit the newest location of CENTRL Office ( for Portland Lunch 2.0. Please mark your calendars and plan to be there!

• What to bring

• Important to know

Apr 1, 2019
Portland Startup Week: Free coworking at CENTRL Office
through CENTRL Office West End

During Portland Start-Up Week, CENTRL Office Downtown will be offering free coworking to all participants. Feel free to pop in for an hour between events or spend the whole day with us! When you arrive, check in with us at the front desk and we will get you set up with the wifi password. We are located at 1155 SW Morrison Street, Portland, OR 97205. Right next door to Blue Star Donuts!

Mar 16, 2017
Budget Like A Badass

Thursday, March 16th, 12PM - 1:30PM

CENTRL Pearl, 1355 NW Everett, Portland, OR


This is the budgeting class you've been waiting for! With zest & humor, Lillian will help you figure out your personal budget and get past the overwhelm - this class is PARTICULARLY for start-up owners and tech/creative freelancers.

Many small business owners are great at managing their company's expenses, but end up ignoring their own personal money situation until it catches on fire. And even if you feel reasonably on top of your money, you'd likely benefit from a budget check-in. Lillian from Oh My Dollar! will walk you through a 90 minute crash course on crafting a quick-start budget for personal expenses based on your values. (And she won't sell you any products or overwhelm you with jargon!)

The class is totally free and open to the public, however, free RSVP is required to get a free budgeting zine to take home.

"I learned that money stuff isn't as mysterious and terrifying as I thought it was!"

-2016 Money Bootcamp Graduate

"I would whole-heartedly recommend this class to anyone who ignores their bills in the mail. Take the class. Face your finances and make a plan!"

-2016 Money Bootcamp Graduate

"Taking Lillian's money class inspired me to make a plan to aggressively pay off my student loans! Made a plan to have them gone in 18 months! :sparkles: I'm tripling my payments & it feels sooooo good!"

-2016 Money Bootcamp Graduate

"I really appreciated Lillian's blunt, humorous honesty and ability to tell us what we really need to know instead of boring us with a finance talk."

-2015 Money Bootcamp Graduate

Apr 4, 2018
Starting With The Experience - Not Your Average Innovation Workshop

Step outside your daily thinking and get playful when thinking about users, brands and experience design. It’s easy to get excited about the potential of new technologies and lose sight of how these experiences meaningfully connect back to your end-users and the brand that delivers them.

The Starting With The Experience workshop uses a series of quick fire Human-Centered Design tools and hands-on activities for teams to learn and replicate following the session. Over the course of a few hours you will learn ways to build empathy, understand context, and make meaningful connections between people and services. Bring your competitive spirit to battle teams until one champion is declared!

If you are a CEO, VP, Director, Project Manager or if you're looking to learn how Human-Centered Design can help you solve big problems fast, then join us at the newly-opening CENTRL West End location for this high impact session.

Apr 28, 2015
April SaaS Mastermind : Pre-Selling. What is it and how do you it.
Cerulean Skies Winery

Paul Burkett will lead a discussion on Pre-Selling. Come learn how it can help your startup and be ready to discuss what you are working on. This is a great opportunity for startup entrepreneurs to learn how to pre-sell software solutions to your prospective clients even before you build your product!

May 26, 2015
May SaaS Mastermind : SaaS Pricing
Cerulean Skies Winery

Mario Raia will be presenting his strategies around pricing new tech products keeping in mind that we're primarily focused on business to business SaaS applications. This should be a great presentation and discussion!

Jun 16, 2009
StartUp Exchange Meetup
Chime Software

The StartUp Exchange is about bootstrapping in the creation of a software company followed by organic, grassroots growth. Instead of a formal Board of Advisors, we are like a Board of Peers. Our events are for tech startup executives only - sorry services providers you can't attend.

This month's Featured Tech Leader Attendees: Doug Fieldhouse, CEO, Vesta

Meet with peers and people who have "been there" to discuss your most pressing business critical issues, ideas, and concerns. Feel free to pass word along to people. There is plenty of space and beer at Chime.

Request to join the StartUp Exchange group on the social network. It's an invite only group where ideas can be circulated between entrepreneurs.

Here's 4 helpful tips to successfully arrive there:

It's on the eastside of the river

Park under overpass on Morrison or a nearby street

Follow signs leading from door on Morrison to freight elevator

Take freight elevator to 7th Floor

Nov 20, 2024
Clackamas County Pitch
Clackamas Community College, Gregory Center

2024 Pitch Oregon presents the inaugural Clackamas County Pitch to showcase entrepreneurs and startups in Clackamas County.

Eligible competitors include all entrepreneurs that either operate their business or live in Clackamas County, Oregon. Selected businesses will have developed a unique product or service solution that solves a big problem in a national or international market.

Finalists Include: -- Alpha Speech is revolutionizing aerospace communication by empowering non-native English speakers to achieve their fullest potential through improved clear speech. -- is an award-winning design career-focused LMS platform powered by AI-driven technology, enabling the creation of personalized career roadmaps for design professionals and entrepreneurs in creative tech. -- CareSpace is the launchpad for (AI-powered) mobility improvement. The CareSpace platform digitizes musculoskeletal care via a mobile or webcam powered by visual (AI-powered) learning to measure, record, and recommend personalized care pathways to improve outcomes at population health scale. -- FANWAGN is a re-commerce platform that serves as the ultimate connection point for fans of teams and athletes, enabling them to discover, purchase, and re-sell fan apparel. FANWAGN’s "Second Fan Fashion®” platform provides sellers with a dedicated marketplace to engage sports enthusiasts in search of authentic, second-hand gear. -- EverFull: The sales-enablement platform for the experience economy (brick+mortar with camps, classes, events), combining Canva, Shopify, and Mailchimp to simplify offer creation, sales, and engagement.

Companies will compete for equity investments, cash prizes, as well as in-kind services provided by local businesses. Additionally, the event offers a great opportunity to increase the visibility of the businesses to both investors and the general public.

Clackamas County Pitch is 1 of 3 Pitch Oregon Pitch Competitions taking place in the Portland Metro area including Washington, Multnomah, Clackamas, and Clark counties.

Jan 29, 2016
Startup Weekend Vancouver WA
through Clark College Main Campus

We're energizing the startup community in Vancouver.

Vancouver, WA is an amazing town with vast hidden talents and entrepreneurial energy. It has an incredible history of pioneering and forging ahead into the future. Startup Weekend is a great weekend-long event to celebrate and foster that spirit. It has the potential to help individuals change their future as well as spark incredible vital startup scene in the city. Come out and flex your entrepreneurial muscles. For 54 hours starting on Friday January 29th we will imagine, dream, prove out and create business concepts and friendships that can change our lives and the future of the North Bank.

Apr 5, 2011
[Waiting list only!] PDX Lean Startup Circle special event: Eric Ries, creator of the lean startup

NOTE: This event is full! If you want to try to get in, go to the Meetup page and sign up for the waiting list.


PDX Lean Startup Circle, Urban Airship, Inc. & Emma welcomes Eric Ries, the creator of the Lean Startup methodology. Eric is the author of the popular blog Startup Lessons Learned and the creator of the Lean Startup methodology. He co-founded and served as CTO of IMVU, his third startup, which has today has over 40 million users and 2009 revenue over $22 million. An entrepreneur in residence at Harvard Business School and a frequent speaker at business events, he advises startups on business and product strategy using the Lean Startup approach. Eric will be introducing brand new material covered in his upcoming book, including:

* Applying Lean Startup principles outside of startups in the "garage". 
* Learning the new style of management required for the startup institution.
* How to build startup processes that accelerate the speed through the Build-Measure-Learn feedback loop. 

* How to measure progress, how to setup milestones, and how to prioritize work. 

Tickets for this special event are $25, which includes a pre-order of Eric Ries' upcoming Lean Startup Book that will be shipped to you this fall. For more information on the book see

Urban Airship & Emma are sponsoring the event and covering the cost of tickets for the event (maximum 75 people).


6:00 - 6:30 - Meet and Greet

6:30 - 8:00 - Eric's Talk & Discussion

Nov 10, 2012
Tiny Startup Camp
through Cloudability

Tiny Startup Camp is an event helping to explore, educate, and motivate people to create Tiny Startups--defined as small, highly scalable, non-funded companies. As a two-day event, day one of Tiny Startup Camp is structured around speakers helping attendees learn the details of planning for, testing, launching, and monetizing small online businesses. The second day is a workshop format, with on-site facilitators giving hands on help while attendees actively implement the steps necessary to get a live test site up and running. With experts in paid search, SEO, WordPress, monetizing strategies, story telling, and audience definition, it's sure to help a wide range of people, from budding entrepreneurs, to already launched startups interested in testing and creating new product lines. Tiny Startup Camp is November 10-11 at the Urban Airship offices in NW Portland. Get your ticket at

Feb 19, 2013
Internet of Things Meetup - Thing Tuesday

We decided to create our own open meetup to discuss and learn about the Internet of Things. We encourage the curious, the hackers the entrepreneurs and the executives who are engaging in this area to come join us to listen to talks, share in conversation and networking. Each session we will have talks, "show and tells "and space to hack and network with others. Modelled on two phenomenally influential and successful groups, Mobile Monday and the catalytic Silicon Valley Homebrew Computer Club, we hope that we too can enable fun and exploration with this new technology area.

Apr 3, 2018
Fireside Chat w/ Ryan Carson, CEO of Treehouse (Portland Startup Week)

Ryan Carson, CEO of Portland educational platform Treehouse will sit down to talk about education and why colleges may not be the right path for some people looking to launch their programming careers. The chat will touch on cost and why the traditional path of going through college may not be right for everyone. Aside from the financial burden traditional educational institutions place on students, Ryan will talk about why platforms like Treehouse break down these barriers to create an entire new community of talented developers.

Josh Carter, CEO of Patriot Boot Camp, will be moderating.

Jan 23, 2019
FailPDX - Fail Talks

TBD -Happy 2019! We are still sorting logistics on speakers. We have a time and a place, let's make this happen. More details soon. :)

Fail PDX

We are excited to present two failed presenters for January.

Isaac Porras: People turning to Kickstarter to fund their awesome ideas should take a lesson from Isaac Porras. He is the second most failed creator on Kickstarter, with nearly 30 failed projects. If you are planning to Kickstart a project you shouldn’t miss Isaac share his cringe worthy stories of continued Kickstarter fails.

Corey Guidry: Imagine, having a solid head start in online food delivery services in a young tech city like Portland. 8 months before Caviar, Uber Eats and Post Mates were operating, Delivery Dudes had the open Portland market in it’s sights. What happened? With such a head start, you’d think Delivery Dudes would be thriving in Portland, instead the project failed. Let’s learn about this business and hear this Fail first hand by one of the Portland Partners Corey Guidry.

Each presenter will speak for 7-10 minutes followed by Q/A there will be some time for socializing before and afterward.

Apr 3, 2019
Founders Live PDX

Founders Live is an unforgettable happy hour competition sweeping the world, where up to five handpicked companies take the hot seat, with only 99 seconds to pitch their company and describe their value proposition in front of an eager audience. After the pitches and audience Q&A, the crowd will vote on a winner who will not only receive an award, but recognition from the crowd and also the opportunity to talk more about their product or service. So bring your friends and coworkers, grab some food and drink, get to know your local entrepreneurs and vote for what you think will be the next big thing... built in Portland.

ALL PRESENTERS EARN GOOGLE CLOUD CREDITS - As a benefit of our partnership with Google Cloud, early-stage startups within our network can gain access to the Google’s Cloud for Startups Program. This includes between $3,000 and $100,000 in Cloud and Firebase credit, access to Google engineers for office hours, in-depth 1:1 architecture reviews, and invitations to local startup events. Please reach out to [email protected] and mention Founders Live!

Jul 12, 2016
The Developer's Guide to Startups
Code Fellows


6:00 PM - Doors Open, Networking, & Snacks 6:30 PM - Talk starts 7:15 ~ 7:30 PM - Open to audience questions

The Developer's Guide to Startups

Are you a developer with an eye on the startup scene and all its opportunities? Learn the value of your skill set and how to evaluate startup opportunities like an angel investor. In our free event, you will get the insider perspective on understanding startup valuations and economics, and learn what documentation you need before you start to code.

Don't miss this opportunity to learn everything you need to know about joining an early-stage startup in today's tech market.


Dave Parker is the CEO of Code Fellows, bringing over 20+ years of experience and career success with him. An Alumnus of the University of Washington, Dave has been recognized by the World Technology Network for Innovation in the Software Industry, Forbes “Best of the Web” and the Puget Sound Business Journal’s “40 under 40”. He has served on the Board of Directors and as CEO of various other start-ups, helping them scale and sell. He has worked internationally in Japan and China, facilitating the exchange of technologies between nations.

Sep 12, 2014
Coffee w/ Co-Founders V
Coffee Division

Coffee w/ Co-Founders is a casual meet-up meant to foster conversations about what it's like to be a Founder of a new business. Why complain to your spouse about the challenges around your business when other people out there can relate with what you're going through. Come back, drink some coffee or tea, and have a great conversation. Who knows where it will lead?

Jun 2, 2017
Startup Weekend Vancouver
through Colab Coworking

Learn, Network, Startup In just 54 hours, you will experience the highs, lows, fun, and pressure that make up life at a startup. As you learn how to create a real company, you'll meet the very best mentors, investors, co-founders, and sponsors who are ready to help you get started. Your community is here to help you — find an event today!

Sep 7, 2017
How to Develop a High Impact Startup
Colab Coworking

Before investing your life savings, asking friends and family for investment or leaving an existing job, there are things every entrepreneur should know about the road ahead. At The Bridge we work with new entrepreneurs every day. This 4-hour workshop reflects what we have learned about the risks and rewards of entrepreneurship and offers practical guidance on how to start a high impact business.

At The Bridge we focus on scalable and high impact businesses as opposed to “Main Street” small businesses. There is often, but not always, a strong element of technological innovation in these businesses. This might involve software development, engineering or even food science. Scalable businesses generally have more significant investment requirements and nationally, if not globally directed strategies.

In this entrepreneurial workshop participants will learn about: Financing Options – We will outline known and conventional funding sources for Entrepreneurs as well as discuss bootstrapping a startup without any outside funding

The Stages of a startup and what to expect at each stage IDEA > CONCEPT > COMMIT > VALIDATION > SCALE > ESTABLISHING

Business Model Canvas – This useful framework is a foundational tool for early stage founders to effectively map out all the areas required to make a business successful

This workshop is put on in cooperation with WorkSource and The Bridge. There is a fee of $495 per attendee, but based on eligibility Worksource is offering full scholarships to qualified individuals.

Please contact Doreen Englemann at WorkSource WA for details at [email protected] or 360-735-4960.

Jan 31, 2018
Startup accounting to keep you out of trouble
Colab Coworking

Starting up a venture can be filled with big questions we have trouble answering well. This is especially true when it comes to your finances and accounting.

This event will bring local experts who can help you get a clear perspective accounting choices and structures.

We plan to go over some very basic concepts as groundwork that can set a solid foundation. Things like;

• Basic accounting terms (asset, liability, revenue, Cost of goods sold, Operating Expenses, Gross profit, net profit, fixed expense, variable expense) • Basic accounting principles (measurement, matching, recognition, etc.)

• Balance sheet & Income statements (can’t fly without knowing what the instruments are saying)

• Cash-flow planning & budgeting.

• Profitability vs. solvency. The first doesn’t always mean the second.

• Capital requirements (equip, raw material, inventory, etc.)

• Cash-to-cash cycle

We also plan to do some hands-on exercises in Excel. So bring your laptops and get ready to get your fingers dirty in some exciting accounting. Ok, maybe that's a stretch but, it learning your way around these core principles and more and make a night and day difference in your Startup. That! is fun!

So come out an join us! You won't regret a minute of it!

This event is free to Bridge Members. $10 for all others. We will serve light refreshments and snacks.

Apr 22, 2017
Oregon Science Startup Forum
Collaborative Life Sciences Building

The Oregon Science Startup Forum is a one-day course in science entrepreneurship.

It's designed for students and professionals of all levels to meet science entrepreneurs, hear from their experiences and meet and connect with intellectual property lawyers and experts in turning science into businesses.

Hosted by the Portland Section of the American Chemical Society.

Sep 24, 2011
Vision Planning for the Community-Minded
Collective Agency Downtown

Vision planning for people who want to do something for a community.

Do you not yet have a vision statement written out, or would you like to tweak or revise? And do you say things like, "I'm hoping someone will want to contribute to my project: it is for the public good"? Then this workshop is for you.

Saturday, September 20th, 10am-12pm. Alex Linsker, Catherine Poole, and Russ Finkelstein will be the main facilitators and coaches of the workshop.

The main questions about your vision: Where are you coming from? What phrasing describes the reason why you’re doing this?

If related questions come up organically, we’ll explore. These questions are where groups like “Collective Agency” started.

Whether a website, open source project, discussion group, nonprofit startup, or something else, the main focus of the people who show up will be for the benefit of a group or groups of people (the "community"). We’ll have fun and develop a vision planning community of our own.

In 2 hours we will meet-and-greet (go around and say what we’re working on and what we’d like to happen with it), have a brief overview, then invest most of the time in one-on-one coaching in 15 minute sessions.

Coaches will each bring a vision plan for something they’ve done.

This event is free of charge. Coaching/mentoring/skill-sharing will be available here in the future with both free and paid options.

Please RSVP. Plancast is best, so people can see you're coming. Email [email protected] or tweet @alexlinsker with any questions.

Jun 23, 2016
Start-Up Spark - A Catalyst Event
Columbia Collective

Getting your Startup off the ground is hard work. Each month we pull together founders and discuss relevant topics to get you moving.

Make sure you register to save your spot at:

The cost is $10 to cover the snacks and drinks.

Each event will have 2-3 Entrepreneurs who are building successful businesses. We will hang out and meet each other, host a short presentation and then have a great interactive discussion about the subject most important to the group.

6:00 - 7:00 pm – Hang out and meet the other attendees 7:00 - 7:10 pm – "North Bank and News" 3-4 top stories that effect founders building startups 7:10 - 8:00 pm – "Flashpoint" Founder interview about subject voted by audience 8:00 - 8:30 pm – More Hang Out and Conversation

Dec 6, 2016
The Bridge Accelerator Showcase
Columbia Collective

Our special guests will be the first cohort of The Bridge Accelerator.

Curtis Townshend - Taavi Chris Meier - GrowlerFresh Michael Pan - PanCo Foods Adam Wehage - Soulfinder Janus & Josie Sanders - Glitch

VanTechy is the social starting point for the Vancouver Tech scene.

The beginning of a startup is about people and ideas. VanTechy, is our local meeting point for meeting each other in a relaxed, casual format. Our goals include:

-Welcoming new people to the growing Vancouver tech community. -Sharing and discovering local events, opportunities, connections. -Growing our skills and learning new things. -Sharing our experience by mentoring new members.

For beginners, VanTechy is where you should start. For veterans, VanTechy is a place to share and mentor others.

Oct 24, 2013
Startup fundraising workshop with Mike Buckley (Nike Digital and Intel Capital)
Columbia Square 8th Floor Conference Room

By Popular demand Founder Institute Portland is happy to present a workshop dedicated to early-stage fundraising.

Mike Buckley, Head of Finance and Strategy at Nike Digital, and previously Managing Director of Intel Capital, will join us to talk about how they’re working with Startups, and share his insights into early-stage fundraising and growth.

Afterward the local FI directors, Wade Brooks and Andrew Beldin, will facilitate a workshop on early stage fundraising 101 -- great tips, big pitfalls to avoid, pitching skills, building a killer pitch deck, etc. Wade and Andrew are both experienced startup fundraisers and investors.

Nov 7, 2013
Developing a Great Startup Idea with Mark Frohnmayer, CEO of Arcimoto
Columbia Square 8th Floor Conference Room

If you have an idea for a startup that could use some refinement, then join us for the Startup Ideation Bootcamp. In just three hours, this intensive workshop will help you improve your idea, come up with new ideas and even recruit potential co-founders. What are the components of a great idea? How do you know if you are working in an attractive market? How do you validate that your idea is great?

Oct 23, 2015
Startup Happy Hour ★
Commons Brewery

Startup Happy Hour ★ is a happy hour for startups.

We're less like a networking event, more like a party, and all about the people.

Please join us at Commons Brewery, a Southeast Portland nano-brewery with a taproom featuring traditional European beers made with local ingredients.


21+ venue.

Nov 6, 2015
Startup Happy Hour ★
Commons Brewery

Startup Happy Hour ★ is a happy hour for startups.

We're less like a networking event, more like a party, and all about the people.

Please join us at Commons Brewery, a Southeast Portland nano-brewery with a taproom featuring traditional European beers made with local ingredients.


21+ venue.

Nov 20, 2015
Startup Happy Hour ★
Commons Brewery

Startup Happy Hour ★ is a happy hour for startups.

We're less like a networking event, more like a party, and all about the people.

Please join us at Commons Brewery, a Southeast Portland nano-brewery with a taproom featuring traditional European beers made with local ingredients.


21+ venue.

Feb 5, 2016
Startup Happy Hour ★
Commons Brewery

Startup Happy Hour is a happy hour for startups.

Mar 4, 2016
Startup Happy Hour ★
Commons Brewery

Startup Happy Hour is a happy hour for startups.

Apr 1, 2016
Startup Happy Hour ★
Commons Brewery

Startup Happy Hour is a happy hour for startups.

May 6, 2016
Startup Happy Hour ★
Commons Brewery

Startup Happy Hour is a happy hour for startups.

Jun 3, 2016
Startup Happy Hour PDX
Commons Brewery

Startup Happy Hour PDX is a happy hour for the Portland startup scene.

Jul 1, 2016
Startup Happy Hour PDX ★ Two Year Anniversary!
Commons Brewery

Startup Happy Hour PDX is a monthly party for the Portland startup scene.

Come celebrate our two year celebration of community & internet freedom!



Aug 5, 2016
Startup Happy Hour PDX
Commons Brewery

Startup Happy Hour PDX is a monthly party for the Portland startup scene.

Sep 2, 2016
Startup Happy Hour PDX
Commons Brewery

Startup Happy Hour PDX is a monthly party for the Portland startup scene.

Oct 20, 2016
Startup Happy Hour PDX
Commons Brewery

Startup Happy Hour PDX is a happy hour for Portland startups.

Nov 17, 2016
Startup Happy Hour PDX
Commons Brewery

Startup Happy Hour PDX is a happy hour for Portland startups.

Dec 15, 2016
Startup Happy Hour PDX
Commons Brewery

Startup Happy Hour PDX is a happy hour for Portland startups.

Jan 19, 2017
Startup Happy Hour PDX
Commons Brewery

Startup Happy Hour PDX is a happy hour for Portland startups.

Feb 16, 2017
Startup Happy Hour PDX
Commons Brewery

Startup Happy Hour PDX is a happy hour for Portland startups.

Mar 16, 2017
Startup Happy Hour PDX
Commons Brewery

Startup Happy Hour PDX is a happy hour for Portland startups.

Apr 20, 2017
Startup Happy Hour PDX
Commons Brewery

Startup Happy Hour PDX is a happy hour for Portland startups.

May 18, 2017
CANCELED: Startup Happy Hour PDX
Commons Brewery

Startup Happy Hour PDX is a happy hour for Portland startups.

Apr 8, 2016
Portland Startup Weekend Education
through Concordia University

Have you ever had an idea for improving education? Here's your opportunity to transform your education ideas into action in 54 hours. Find the right people with complimentary skills and passion to work and learn with along the way. No tech skills required! Pitch your idea (or even better a problem/solution), then test it with real potential customers and receive coaching from industry experts in technology and education from the Portland Metro area. Join a community ready to help you take your concept to the next level!

We're looking for passionate educators, parents, students, developers, designers and business/non-profit professionals who want to make a difference in education now. Come learn the basics of founding and launching a successful education venture while solving real problems being experienced in Portland today.


In 54 hours, participants share ideas, form teams, build products and launch education ventures. Startup Weekend EDU begins with open-mic, 60-second pitches Friday night that result in the formation of small teams around the best, most viable concepts. Teams spend Saturday and Sunday morning focusing on customer development, validating their ideas and building prototypes with the help of experienced coaches. On Sunday afternoon, teams demo their education solutions and receive valuable feedback from a panel of expert judges. All of the pitches on Friday and companies demoed on Sunday will be educator approved and designed to solve problems in the education space, broadly defined (not restricted to K-12 or other “formal” education).

Jan 19, 2017
Building Companies: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Cozy Portland Office

Starting companies is easy. Keeping them going is hard.

Join us for an unfiltered, uncensored discussion with the founders/CEOs from Treehouse, Puppet, ClientJoy, and Cozy, people who've been in the trenches and found ways to succeed. We'll cover everything from raising capital, hiring and firing, and cultivating culture, to doing everything you can to stay alive. Stephen Green will field your questions and moderate what's sure to be a lively discussion!

Doors open at 6:30pm and the panel will begin at 7pm sharp. Light snacks provided. Seating is limited, so please register to attend.

Conversations at Cozy is a series of talks and lectures for the community. Follow @CozyCo on Twitter for details about the next event.

Jul 11, 2013
CrowdCompass hosts Portland Beer 2.0
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Join CrowdCompass and Ubrew for some tasty new beers and some awesome startup conversations.

Jul 30, 2008
PDX Lunch w/ a VC-- meet with Epic Ventures & learn about VC funding.
CubeSpace [ *sniff* out of business 12 June 2009]

Come hang out with Epic Ventures to learn more about VC funding. Bring questions!

We'll have 45 min. of Q&A, then head out to lunch as a group.

(Make sure you watch at least one of the Gary Snoman VC videos before then:

Sep 12, 2008
From Side Project to Startup
through CubeSpace [ *sniff* out of business 12 June 2009]

The seeds for 'From Side Project to Startup' were sown at a session of early May's Bar Camp Portland. The conference generated a good amount of buzz, and brought up more questions than the time could answer.

On September 12 and 13, 'From Side Project to Startup' will focus on the resources, planning, and above all initiative needed to make idle thoughts, plots, plans, and what-ifs come to fruition.

The event is crystallized around several 'seeded' sessions, but the BarCamp-style 'unconference' sessions led by participants are the meat-and-potatoes of the weekend.

You'll notice the schedule includes a lot of 'schmooze,' snack, break and party time. With this as well as the unconference time to meet and discuss with people, it's a goal of 'From Side Project to Startup' that a network of interested startups will form to provide each other with peer support and accountability. You can do it, keep going!

As always, Legion of Tech events are free to participants, so please come share, experience, and enjoy the community we're all part of.

Oct 2, 2008
Entrepreneurial Series Open House
CubeSpace [ *sniff* out of business 12 June 2009]

CubeSpace's Entrepreneurial Series Morning Meetings are starting up again in October, and we want to introduce you to the participants! On October 2, from 9 to 10 a.m., we're hosting an Entrepreneurial Series Open House. Stop by, drink some coffee, and meet the cast of the Entrepreneurial program, as well as Kent Smith, our new SCORE counselor-in-residence. Kent will have office hours from noon to 5pm on Wednesdays from now on, and is a great resource for new entrepreneurs. We hope to see you there!

Jan 31, 2019
WeWork Labs Portland Launch Party
Custom House/WeWork

WeWork Labs is officially in Portland! As a partner to entrepreneurs all over the world, WeWork Labs empowers early-stage startups to put their vision in motion through a tailored approach to mentorship, programming, community building, and innovation.

Join us on Thursday, January 31 as we celebrate our Portland opening with a thought-provoking panel discussion on building an ecosystem of innovation where local startups can thrive. Afterwards, you’ll have the chance to mix and mingle with fellow entrepreneurs and members of the local startup community. RSVP now and help us kick off a new chapter of innovation and entrepreneurship in PDX!

Doors open at 6:00pm. Food and refreshments to be served complimentary.

Apr 4, 2019
TF Blockchain Portland - Chapter Launch & Panel
Custom House/WeWork

TF Blockchain is bringing our Premier Blockchain Events to Portland with the launch of our Portland Chapter. TF Blockchain hosts quarterly conferences and monthly collaboration events where we invite top blockchain innovators to share their insights and engage with the attendees.

We would love to invite you to attend our inaugural event on April 4, 2019 at WeWork.

Feb 9, 2017
Event Organizer Best Practices with Gathrly
Customs House, 220 NW 8TH Ave, Portland, OR

Many entrepreneurs and administrators are event organizers themselves, utilizing event planning platforms like Meetup and Eventbrite to host their events.

Very few, however, are professional event organizers, yet need support when it comes to connecting with relevant sponsors to boost the marketability of their event and enhance their audience experience.

Our goal is to share best practices from leading event organizers in the community, and have an open forum discussion about how to streamline pre-event planning, sponsorships, and logistics.

Join us during PDX Startup Week!! This is a free event and food and drink will be included.

Nov 18, 2014
TiE Oregon Pitch Club featuring Tom Sperry (Rogue Venture Partners)
Davis Wright Tremaine

There may be remodeling going on at TiE Pearl/ISITE, but Pitch Club must go on!

Join us for the last TiE Oregon Pitch Club of the year, and the last one before TiE PitchFest 2014!

Our featured speaker is Tom Sperry, Managing Director at Rogue Venture Partners, and he will talk about what investors are looking for in a pitch. There will of course be plenty of opportunity for Q&A as well, so bring your questions!

After Tom's talk, we will be practicing pitches and you will get constructive and actionable feedback from attendees. If you have a slide deck, put it on a USB memory stick so we can project it (from a Windows laptop); or do a pitch without slides.

Take this last opportunity in 2014 -of course we will be back in 2015- to test drive and fine tune your pitch at Pitch Club, especially if you are thinking of competing in TiE PitchFest! (Did you apply for PitchFest yet...? )

TiE Members: FREE Public: $25

Sep 26, 2017
TiE Oregon 's Confessions of an Entrepreneur with Jesse Rosenzweig - Co-Founder and CTO of AWS Elemental
Davis Wright Tremaine LLP

Elemental Technologies is one of Portland’s biggest start-up successes. Founded in 2006, Elemental was acquired for a reported $287M just nine years later by AWS Elemental, an Amazon Web Services company. Along the way, Jesse Rosenzweig, and his co-founders learned a lot; some things worked out well and some things should have been done differently. Come hear Jesse speak about the lessons learned, and memorable stories along the way.

Learn more about Jesse Rosenzweig -

Learn more about AWS Elemental -

Oct 8, 2015
TiE Oregon Pitch Club Featuring Brent Hieggelke

COST: TiE Members: FREE, Public: $25

Join us for another edition of TiE Oregon Pitch Club, the most educational pitch clinic in town! Our featured speaker for this edition is Brent Hieggelke.

Brent Hieggelke is the Chief Mobile Evangelist for Urban Airship and is responsible for uncovering and inspiring innovation with customers, app development and agency partners, mobile platform providers and the industry-at-large.

Before Urban Airship, Brent spent more than a decade helping brands optimize digital marketing initiatives in Marketing Executive positions at WebTrends, TouchClarity and Omniture. Most recently, Brent founded and launched Second Porch, the first Facebook-integrated social vacation rental site that was sold to HomeAway, Inc. in May 2011. Early in his career, Brent also co-founded New City, a media company in Chicago.

Brent has been awarded multiple marketing awards, and is a frequent speaker at both marketing and digital conferences. He is a member of the Mobile Marketing Association’s North America board and the International Executive Council of the Internet Marketing Association.

Once Brent is finished speaking, you will have the opportunity to practice your pitches with us. You can practice investor pitches, concept pitches, sales pitches, co-founder pitches, product pitches, elevator pitches, or any other pitch you can think of. Bring your pitch and pitch deck to receive actionable and valuable feedback from fellow entrepreneurs who have been through it or are going through it. You never know, there may be an investor or two sprinkled throughout the crowd.

Not fully comfortable pitching? Come be part of the audience and learn by watching and providing feedback to others. However, it pays not to just be a watcher; you will definitely get the most benefit from this event by getting up and practicing your pitch! Many went before you, lived to tell the tale (we don’t bite!) and got a lot of actionable feedback!

Nov 5, 2015
TiE Oregon Pitch Club Featuring Ryan Jenson CEO & Founder of HoneyComb

Join us for TiE Oregon's November edition of Pitch Club featuring Ryan Jenson CEO & founder of HoneyComb!

When: Nov. 5th 5:30pm - 8:30pm Where: DeskHub, 334 NW 11th Ave., Portland, OR 97209 Cost: TiE Members: Free; Non-members: $25 Exclusive 20% Portland Startup Switchboard Promo Code: HONEYCOMB

Mr. Jenson has experienced-based knowledge of what it takes to get even the most difficult products to market. Founding and running a company that specializes in agricultural drones (in which regulation is still being decided by the U.S. government), Ryan and HoneyComb have had to learn how to pivot and adapt while still delivering value to customers and building their company. The insight that Ryan can provide to entrepreneurs and their startups is extremely valuable in today's highly saturated and ever-changing market.

Once Mr. Jenson is finished speaking, you will have the opportunity to practice your pitches with us. You can practice investor pitches, concept pitches, sales pitches, co-founder pitches, product pitches, elevator pitches, or any other pitch you can think of. Bring your pitch and pitch deck to receive actionable and valuable feedback from fellow entrepreneurs who have been through it or are going through it. You never know, there may be an investor or two sprinkled throughout the crowd.

Not fully comfortable pitching? Come be part of the audience and learn by watching and providing feedback to others. However, it pays not to just be a watcher; you will definitely get the most benefit from this event by getting up and practicing your pitch! Many went before you, lived to tell the tale (we don’t bite!) and got a lot of actionable feedback!

Speaker Bio:

Ryan is CEO & founder of HoneyComb which specializes in the development of drone technology and data services for precision agriculture. Over the past decade Ryan has contributed to a wide range of technology projects with the USDA, Department of Energy, National Science Foundation, Department of Defense, British Royal Navy, NASA and Fortune 500 companies. His experience encompasses agriculture, big data, remote sensing, aerospace systems, and software to name a few. Ryan holds a master’s degree in mechanical engineering; along with a bachelor’s degree and minor in electrical engineering that he received at age 19. Today his name appears on over 30 publications & presentations and he routinely advises on business strategy, disruptive technology, and leadership.

Nov 13, 2015
Startup Weekend
through DeskHub

Portland Startup Weekend November 13th - 15th
Register Here

The Portland Startup Weekend brings together people with different skill sets (such as developer, designers, and business people) to experience an intense weekend of building a new business. Why should you attend?

  • Build your network
  • Co-founder dating
  • Learn a new skill
  • Get face time with thought leaders
  • Join a global community
  • Actually launch a business!

Details for next Portland Startup Weekend:

Date: November 13th-15th
Time: Friday: 6 -10pm, Saturday: 9am -11pm, Sunday 9am -9pm
Place: DeskHub - 334 NW 11th Ave, Portland, OR 97209

About Startup Weekend: Startup Weekends are 54-hour events designed to provide superior experiential education for technical and non-technical entrepreneurs. Beginning with Friday night pitches and continuing through brainstorming, business plan development, and basic prototype creation, Startup Weekends culminate in Sunday night demos and presentations. Participants create working startups during the event and are able to collaborate with like-minded individuals outside of their daily networks. All teams hear talks by industry leaders and receive valuable feedback from local entrepreneurials. The weekend is centered around action, innovation, and education. Whether you are looking for feedback on a idea, a co-founder, specific skill sets, or a team to help you execute, Startup Weekends are the perfect environment in which to test your idea and take the first steps towards launching your own startup.

Feb 3, 2016
Portland 1 Million Cups

Excited to have DropTrip speaking to us this week!

"DropTrip is a crowdsourced shipping platform."

1 Million Cups Portland is a free, weekly national program designed to educate, engage, and connect entrepreneurs. Developed by the Kauffman Foundation, 1MC is based on the notion that entrepreneurs discover solutions and network over a million cups of coffee.

Every week we have a new local entrepreneur building an amazing company here in Portland. They give a short presentation followed up with a great Q&A session where you get to ask questions and ask about the real challenges and triumphs behind the business.

As always we welcome everyone interested in startups and founders building great companies here in Portland.

Come and check it out and bring a friend.

Feb 17, 2016
Making the Leap from Employee to Entrepreneur

Do you want to start your own technology company, but don't know where to get started? You are not alone. Every day millions of people go to jobs they don't enjoy, but few do something about it. At the “Employee to Entrepreneur” event, you can hear the stories, tips, and best practices of those who left their jobs to pursue their own startup company. Listen to the experiences of people just like you that have made the transition, and discuss any questions or concerns that you have. How do you know if you have a good idea? What are the first steps in an entrepreneurial journey? Join us for a fun evening!

Mar 2, 2016
VENUE CHANGE: Founders Institute - Startup Funding 101: How to Raise Capital for Your Idea

At this free fundraising workshop, We will host a successful Entrepreneur who has successfully raised capital for their company and experienced Investor that funds startups, will walk you through the process to raise capital for your own idea.

This is NOT a startup pitch competition, or an opportunity to pitch investors your ideas.

Mar 31, 2016
Confessions of an Entrepreneur "Wild Friends: The Story of Two Accidental Entrepreneurs"

And so the story goes…

…at the University of Oregon, Keeley and Erika were in their college apartment, scraping the bottom of yet another empty jar of peanut butter. As hungry college students and athletes, they ate a lot of peanut butter, and on this occasion, neither of them felt like biking to the store in the rain to buy more. So, they decided to try making their own! That day, Wild Friends was born.

More than four years have passed since the day they made that first jar. They’ve left their college apartment behind and are now based in Portland, Oregon. They’ve launched dozens of new flavors of nut butter and sell in thousands of stores across the country.

However, despite all these changes, a few things have stayed the same — most importantly, their passion for awesome tasting products, made with the healthiest whole ingredients they can find.

Apr 27, 2016
TiE Oregon Confessions of an Entrpreneur with Jay Haladay, Founder of Viewpoint Construction Software

Join us on Wednesday, April 20th for the next event in the series, Confessions of an Entrepreneur.

Jay Haladay is the founding partner of 10 Branch, an investment and advisory firm that is associated with the Haladay Family Office. Jay spent over 40 years in the technology field, working for the first 10 years at the IBM Corporation. The last 30 years have been spent founding, developing and operating vertical market software businesses. He recently retired as CEO and Chairman of the Board of one of these firms, Viewpoint Construction Software. Based in Portland, Oregon Viewpoint serves over 8,000 construction customers in 26 countries. With almost 800 employees, Viewpoint is the largest dedicated provider of construction specific software to this large global market. In elevating Viewpoint to this stature, Jay was responsible for raising over $500M in growth equity during the past 6 years. Jay and his wife have four married children and five grandchildren are Oregon residents. 10 Branch is dedicated to providing both financial and operational support for growing businesses in Oregon.

This event will be moderated by Ajay Malhotra, Vice President, Technology & Media Practice, CBRE.

May 17, 2016
TiE Portland Pitch Club - Pitch Practice with your Peers

During the 5th installment of “The Perfect Pitch,” Tom Kingsley will discuss the 7th item to cover in the perfect investor pitch – The Competition!

Competition – current, potential, and your defense

As always you, the participant will have the chance to stand and give your pitch too! Pitch Club is an ongoing series of events where entrepreneurs can practice their pitch in a supportive environment. This could be a sales pitch, concept pitch, investor pitch, etc. whatever kind of pitch you need feedback on! Come to Pitch Club regardless of the stage you are in.

There is no need to have attended the other installments to attend this one – we look forward to seeing you there!

—————————–Tom Kingsley————————–Tom has conceived, built, and managed new product lines and businesses for over 30 years as a technology executive of several startups and Fortune 500 companies including Synopsys, Sharp, Xilinx, Avnet, and Citibank. As co-founder and CEO of CrowdCompass, Tom most recently guided the company from founding through successful start-up, financing, acquisition, and integration.

May 24, 2016
Small Business Funding (Lunch+Learn) Seminar for SBIR Grants by Oregon Best

Calling on tech entrepreneurs for a small business funding seminar! Are you looking for funding for your proprietary technology? Please sign up!

Oregon Best funds and supports cleantech startups and we are hosting a series of small business funding seminars for SBIR/ STTR grants.
This is a Lunch + Learn event - sign up here - best $10 you'll ever spend! 12 - 1:30pm Tuesday May 24th.

We will start with a 10 min overview Oregon Best and what we do ( and explain what cleantech is) followed by a 30 min in-depth SBIR/ STTR presentation by expert Leon Wolf.
We will give you an overview of the process, understand eligibility requirements and give free support in applying for grants for appropriate companies.

Many people get confused by the word cleantech. We want to clarify and shed light on the wide range of technologies that fall under this category.

The hope is that more people will: 
a.) see themselves and their tech as possibly falling under the "cleantech" umbrella 
b.) contact us about their technology c.) seek eligibility and support in applying for an SBIR/ STTR grants.

Oregon Best invests at very early "risky" stages - before the technology has been proven.
We then support startups in several ways by: 
a.) Investing between $50k - $250 per startup 
b.) Making Introductions / networking with key partners
c.) Funding interns to work in their company d.) Connecting co's to an experienced CEO or Entrepreneur-In-Residence to help them navigate growth, priorities, business plans, pitches e.) Help with manufacturing / scale up through our partnerships f.) showcasing the company at conferences, trade shows and BESTFEST g.) Support with Government grants SBIR/ STTR

Please register to attend! Lots of great information to learn about and resources to help tech startups.

Jun 9, 2016
TiE Oregon June Pitch Club

During the 6th installment of “The Perfect Pitch,” Tom Kingsley will discuss how to talk about “Traction” in the perfect investor pitch.

Traction – development, hiring, and sales progess (pre or post revenue).

As always you, the participant will have the chance to stand and give your pitch too! Pitch Club is an ongoing series of events where entrepreneurs can practice their pitch in a supportive environment. This could be a sales pitch, concept pitch, investor pitch, etc. whatever kind of pitch you need feedback on! Come to Pitch Club regardless of the stage you are in.

There is no need to have attended the other installments to attend this one – we look forward to seeing you there!

Feb 1, 2016
Portland Startup Week: Free coworking at DeskHub Portland
through DeskHub Portland

Want to try coworking? DeskHub Portland will be opening its doors to offer free coworking space for the entire week of Portland Startup Week 2016!

Feb 5, 2016
Portland Startup Week: NewTechPDX Thought Leader Coffee
DeskHub Portland

Join us for Thought Leader Coffee on the first (or sometimes the second) Friday of every month. Portland has one of the most vibrant tech communities in the country, and the more we support our tech ecosystem, the more we'll all experience and create together!

Entry to the meetup is $5 per person (with online RSVP), or $10 at the door.

This month's thought leader is co-founder of, Chris Justice.

Mar 9, 2016
Founders Institute: Information Session
DeskHub Portland

The Founder Institute is the world’s most challenging and effective step-by-step program to start a company. Many leaders of the world’s fastest-growing startups have used our program to transition from employee to entrepreneur, test their startup ideas, build a team, get their first customers, raise funding, and more. Join us for an informational event where you can meet local Directors, ask questions and learn how you can launch a startup in Portland with our help.

May 15, 2016
StartupBus 2016: Portland stop
DeskHub Portland

Equal parts hackathon, road trip and global community, StartupBus is a life accelerator that skyrockets you to your greatest potential. It’s an initiation into a community of over a thousand people who are on the same journey to greatness, on and off the bus.

Will StartupBus be uncomfortable? Yes, comfort and growth don’t coexist. Will you have to fight off ravenous, battery starved techies to charge your devices? Yep. Will there be consistent Internet? Yeah… probably not.

Will it be the single greatest adventure of your personal and professional life? Ab-so-effing-lutely.

One more question, but only you have the answer.

Are you crazy enough to jump on a bus conceive, build and launch a startup with a group strangers in 72 hours?

Nov 13, 2012
SBIR/STTR National Conference
through DoubleTree Hotel & Executive Meeting Center Portland - Lloyd Center

The Micro-enterprise Inventors Program of Oregon (MIPO) and the Oregon Small Business Development Center Network (OSBDC) will host the SBIR/STTR 2012 National Conference: Crack the Code an event that welcomes entrepreneurs, businesses, government agencies, innovators, universities, and community partners to Portland, Oregon.

SBIR/STTR are competitive federal government grant programs that fund small businesses to develop innovative, high-risk technologies with the goal of increasing private sector commercialization into the marketplace. This conference will provide critical information to small businesses competing for SBIR/STTR grants and contracts, which amount to approximately $2.5 billion in funding annually.

Entrepreneurs can meet one-on-one with federal program managers; learn from SBIR/STTR past recipients, and tap into successful commercialization strategies through experts in the field.

Mar 20, 2014
YESpdx | Portland Entrepreneurs Night Out
Doug Fir Lounge

Join YESpdx for our most popular event: Mix & Mingle | Portland Entrepreneurs Night Out. Last time we packed the house, so this time we're getting a larger venue. Join us on March 20th at the Doug Fir and meet fellow entrepreneurs, startup founders and potential collaborators, friends or investors. You never know who you're going to meet at these things, but you're guaranteed to have a good time! RSVP today and PUT IT ON YOUR DAMN CALENDAR because this thing is going to sell out. Sponsors include Oregon Entrepreneurs Network and NedSpace. Free. Ages 21+

YESpdx is a social club for young entrepreneurs in Portland. Our mission is to bring young entrepreneurs and innovators together and to foster collaboration, community and growth.

Aug 9, 2016
WDS 2016: Unconventional Work, Life, and Travel
through Downtown Portland (various)

Calling all dreamers, world-changers, entrepreneurs, travelers, and creatives! Interested in exploring the question: How do we live a remarkable life in a conventional world?

Join in Portland’s 6th annual World Domination Summit with thousands from around the world who value Community, Adventure, and Service.

Although our main-stage speaker experience is sold out, you can still get in on hundreds of attendee-led meetups, dozens of engaging workshops, and a spectacular closing party. It’s an awesome, immersive experience in life, work, and travel!

Learn more and grab a Connect ticket [] to get access to WDS events all week long. Here’s a small sample of the activities available (for ticket holders only!):

Attend (or host!) Meetups: - Remote Workers of the World - Creating a Viable Business Plan for Your New Venture - Own Your Learning: the Power of Choice-Based Education - Niche Blogging - nailed it! Attend Spark Session discussions: - How to do the impossible - Building an audience - Travel Better, Cheaper, Longer - Honest Online Business - Live a Life You Love Attend a half-day Academy: - Think Better, Live Better - Be a Money Boss - How to Travel For 6 Months (or Longer!) - The Science of Happiness. Connect with attendees from around the world who share your interests and unconventional goals. Experience our spectacular Closing Party with new friends on Sunday, August 14th.

May 29, 2013
May CAKE (Case) Study
East Bank Saloon & Restaurant

Last year we gathered weekly to share useful business tips that could be implemented immediately. In 2013 our workshops are changing to a new monthly format. This time we’ll gather monthly to share lessons learned working with a Portland-based business and present the results of our work in the form of a case study.

Each month will feature a different local business.

Why should you join us?

If you can identify with any of the following scenarios, you should stop what you’re doing and reserve yourself a seat for an upcoming CAKE:

You have a great idea for a business. You have just started developing a business. You have a hobby you want to make money from. You own an existing business and are feeling overwhelmed. You’re just a really awesome person who enjoys eating cake (the edible kind).

Don’t take our word for it, people really like us…

“Since the first CAKE workshop that I attended, I’ve gone back as often as my schedule allows. The two hosts, as well as all the participants have great input and advice to offer, and they offer somewhat unconventional advice on how to start up a business with a more ‘boot-strap’ approach.“ -Grant Bernard (Blurble)

“CAKE provides, not just vague conceptual pieces of inspirations, but tangible information in order for you to confidently and with ease take the next step to grow your business.” -Akiko Oguchi (5th Season: Clothing Reborn)

Apr 18, 2023
Women* in Start-ups and Venture - A Celebration and Discussion
Eastside Jewish Commons

Join us for a morning of celebrating and discussing the role of women* in the innovation and investing ecosystem. Hear from Oregon investors, venture-backed founders, and ecosystem builders. Light breakfast and refreshments will be served.

Doors open at 8:30 and panel starts promptly at 9am!

All are encouraged to attend, celebrate, and support! men and *women and LGBTQIA2S+

Oct 24, 2014
PIE Demo Day 2014 - Simulcast
eBay Community Lounge

Here at PIE, we like to think of our Demo Day as a community event. So we're always looking for ways to ensure we can get our awesome startup community together in person to take part in it. Although we've run out of room at our main location, we're pleased to announce that our friends at eBay have been kind enough to host a PIE Demo Day simulcast. And they have room for 100 folks to join them.

We invite you to join our hosts for PIE Demo Day, October 24, 2014, at the brand new eBay Community Lounge. Doors open at 1:30pm, presentations will begin at 2:00pm.

This year will feature presentations from our funded companies and highlights from our latest experiments. We'll also take a look back at five years of PIE and the amazing startups with whom we have had the pleasure to work.

Please RSVP

Oct 2, 2019
The Intersection of Health, Tech and Cannabis

Join us on the evening of Wednesday, October 2nd as experts explain key considerations for investing at the intersection of health, tech and cannabis.

TOPICS INCLUDE: — Market Evolution trends, growth areas, global and local market data, Oregon’s regional advantages and disadvantages — Supply Chain and Investment Vehicles including blockchain-based solutions and equity vs. debt investing — Regulatory Landmarks current and potential regulations — Health Research specific to cannabis, gaps in intelligence, and where we go now — Experience-based Evidence augmenting evidence-based medicine, laboratory regulatory challenges and the real risk of consolidation and mono-cropping — Final Rollup: Health data property Act, individual ownership of health data, the Quest diagnostic breech, and cannabis ushering a Health 3.0

SPEAKERS: -- Jenny Diggles, Vice President, Cura Cannabis Solutions -- Marcus Estes, Chief Executive Officer, Commodities Exchange -- Adie Rae PhD, Chief Executive Officer, Smart Cannabis -- Robert Strongin PhD -- Alex Tinker, Of Counsel, Tonkon Torp LLP -- Mason Walker, Chief Executive Officer, East Fork Cultivars

In addition, several cannabis and health/tech related companies will introduce their products and solutions... -- Kathleen and Raja Afrika, Co-Founders, Marijuana Software -- Mark Lewis, Founder and CEO, Prrl Labs -- Heidi Marks, Founder, Orevape -- Samantha Montanaro, Co-Founder and CEO, ALTA Social -- Rachael Rapinoe, Co-Founder and CEO, Mendi -- Adrian Wayman, Co-Founder, Green Box

WHO SHOULD ATTEND: -- Investors looking to de-risk their investments by understanding current market, regulatory and technical trends -- Anyone looking for front-line acces to the rapidly evolving landscape of the cannabis industry -- Anyone interested in business opportunities in the health, technology and cannabis industries -- Cannabis entrepreneurs who are currently seeking or will be seeking funding in the future

Dec 2, 2008
Green Drinks
Ecotrust (Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center)

Every month people who are interested in environmental issues and topics meet up for beers at informal sessions known as Green Drinks. These events are very simple and unstructured, but many people have found employment, made friends, developed new ideas, done deals and had moments of serendipity.

Oct 12, 2018
Elevate Inclusion Summit 2018
Elevate Inclusion Summit 2018

Please join us at Elevate Capital’s first annual Elevate Inclusion conference, a gathering of entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds including women, minority entrepreneurs from underserved communities, and veterans as well as venture capitalists and investors.

The conference program will feature keynote presentations and panel discussions focused on inclusion, entrepreneurship, mentor capitalism, success stories and other topics. It will be a day of learning, sharing, inspiration, and new funding opportunities. Entrepreneurs will also be invited to present in front of potential investors.

Providing startup funding to the next group of break-out entrepreneurs is only part of what Elevate Capital believes that venture capitalists and other investors should do. Working to ensure inclusion while providing mentorship and funding to entrepreneurs from underserved communities is a vital part of building thriving business communities.

Jan 25, 2019
OEN Cannabis Business Basics
Emerge Law Group

Are you a scaling business in the cannabis industry? Are you looking to connect with experts in the sector who can help you get to the next level? Do you want to connect with a peer group of other cannabis founders? If so, our 10-week Cannabis Business Basics series is for you!

Our 10-week Cannabis Business Basics series covers the nuts and bolts of building and scaling a strong business, through the lens of the cannabis industry. Topics will include sales & marketing strategies, fundraising, finance and accounting, HR, legal & compliance, and much more. All instructors are experts in the cannabis industry and have a track record of helping companies succeed.

This series has also been designed to educate participants on the diversity and equity challenges facing the cannabis industry, and provide strategies for building a more diverse industry. Each course topic will take into account the unique hurdles business owners of color face, and include tools for overcoming those challenges.


Welcome & Goal Setting; Intro to equity and inclusion Your Business Structure Checklist and Intro to real estate considerations Marketing Strategy Building a Sales Strategy Developing a Healthy Financial Structure Business Operations and Lean Principles Compliance and Licensing Funding Your Company Hiring and Firing a Team Wrap Up Session In addition to a top-notch curriculum that provides critical business skills applicable to any business, each participant in OEN’s Cannabis Business Basics will have access to a network of mentors covering each of the session topics above. Our mentors have agreed to provide guidance during the full 10 weeks of this program. Have a burning question about licensing? No need to wait until week 7, just email one of our mentors. A full mentor list will be provided on the first day of class and will be updated regularly.

This course was developed by OEN’s Cannabis Leadership team in partnership with Nu Leaf, and is the first major program specifically tailored for businesses in the cannabis sector. OEN’s goal is to help a diverse group of entrepreneurs in the cannabis industry connect to the resources they need so they can significantly increase their odds of success. OEN’s driving mission is that a thriving networking of entrepreneurs makes Oregon stronger, and we look forward to playing our part to strengthen the business community surrounding cannabis.

Dec 10, 2015
1776 Challenge Cup Local: Portland
Empirical Theater at OMSI

Each year 1776, a global incubator and venture fund, hosts a worldwide tournament called the Challenge Cup. Together, with our Startup Federation partners, Revolution, the Global Entrepreneurship Network (GEN) and over 50 incubator hosts around the world, we’ll discover the most promising, highly scalable startups that are poised to solve the major challenges of our time.

Startups advance through three rounds: Local, Regional and Global Finals. All of the regional winners and a host of wild cards will be invited to participate in the Challenge Cup Global Finals next June in Washington, D.C. There, they’ll compete for over $1 million in prizes, as well as spend time with the investors, customers, media and other key connections that can help them succeed on a global scale.

Join local host, PIE as we bring some of the most promising new startups to stage at the OMSI Empirical Theater.

May 7, 2014
Esri R&D Center Brand New Office Party!
Esri Portland R&D Center

Come Celebrate our new Office!

After Portland startup Geoloqi joined Esri in 2012, our office has grown from 6 to 20 people and our current space didn't fit everyone! This year, we found an awesome new space downtown and moved into a new, permanent location. Now that we're all settled into our new space, we'd love to invite you to join us in celebrating growth, community and all things geo! We'll have Legos, toys, and even a custom-built Settler's of Catan board for you to play! Feel free to bring other board games if you'd like.


RSVP on EventBrite so we can make sure we have enough drinks and light snacks (gluten free) for everyone! We are using Eventbrite to track RSVPs, if you know you are coming please reserve a ticket! In addition to celebrating Esri R&D Center Portland's new office, we will be celebrating Geoloqi's 4th year anniversary, as well as both Amber Case's and Patrick Arlt's birthday!

Who is invited?

The entire Portland tech community is invited, as well as friends and family of the Esri R&D Center team!

We have all of you to thank for helping us get where we are today. Special thanks to TiE, PIE, PSF, PDC for funding us, providing mentorship and being patient with our crazy vision this entire time. It's been 4 years since Geoloqi started, and almost 2 since we've been a part of Esri!

In town for Write the Docs, Monitorama or Webvisions? Feel free to join us as well!

RSVP on Eventbrite.

Jun 1, 2016
A Portland community effort to help those affected by the Intel layoffs
Falcon Building

By now, you've heard the news about the layoffs occurring at Intel, Oregon's largest employer. And now Jive, as well. Nearly 800 people from our community are now in the midst of searching for new jobs.

But you know what? In Portland, we have never been a community that shies away from making the best out of every situation. Or from supporting one another. And that's not going to change anytime soon. Especially now.

That's why a bunch of us are banding together to figure out ways to help those folks affected.

Why? Because we're a community. And this is what communities do.

Mar 18, 2016
Founder's Happy Hour
Feral Public House

Vancouver is bursting at the seams with new energy, founders, spaces, businesses. You can hear the buzz downtown everywhere you go. Come hear the buzz firsthand and meet some of the great people up here making it happen.

Dec 14, 2017
First Insight

Pitch Club is an ongoing monthly series where entrepreneurs can practice their pitch and business plan. Tom Kingsley creates a dynamic and realistic environment. Participants are given the opportunity to role-play being an investor to other entrepreneurs giving them a better understanding of what the investors are looking for.

Jan 7, 2015
1 Million Cups - Portland
Forge Portland

The 1 Million cups weekly meetings are a great opportunity for people and founders to connect.

Each week we invite a founder of a local startup or unique local business to give a short presentation. Then we follow up with a productive guided Q & A from the audience. Founders learn great insights about the businesses and the audience learns from people making great ideas happen in our exciting Portland startup scene.

During the month of January we are focussing on Female Founders. In February we bring in Foodie Founders. Stay tuned for March's theme!

No registration needed, no pretense allowed, just great coffee, conversation and connections every week. Come on by.

Jan 14, 2015
1 Million Cups - Portland
Forge Portland

The 1 Million cups weekly meetings are a great opportunity for people and founders to connect.

Each week we invite a founder of a local startup or unique local business to give a short presentation. Then we follow up with a productive guided Q & A from the audience. Founders learn great insights about the businesses and the audience learns from people making great ideas happen in our exciting Portland startup scene.

During the month of January we are focussing on Female Founders. In February we bring in Foodie Founders. Stay tuned for March's theme!

No registration needed, no pretense allowed, just great coffee, conversation and connections every week. Come on by.

Jan 21, 2015
Forge Portland Website
Jan 28, 2015
1 Million Cups - Portland Female Founders
Forge Portland

The 1 Million cups weekly meetings are a great opportunity for people and founders to connect.

Each week we invite a founder of a local startup or unique local business to give a short presentation. Then we follow up with a productive guided Q & A from the audience. Founders learn great insights about the businesses and the audience learns from people making great ideas happen in our exciting Portland startup scene.

During the month of January we are focussing on Female Founders. In February we bring in Foodie Founders. Stay tuned for March's theme!

No registration needed, no pretense allowed, just great coffee, conversation and connections every week. Come on by.

Feb 4, 2015
1 Million Cups - Portland Food Founders
Forge Portland

The 1 Million cups weekly meetings are a great opportunity for people and founders to connect.

Each week we invite a founder of a local startup or unique local business to give a short presentation. Then we follow up with a productive guided Q & A from the audience. Founders learn great insights about the businesses and the audience learns from people making great ideas happen in our exciting Portland startup scene.

During the month of January we are focussing on Female Founders. In February we bring in Foodie Founders. Stay tuned for March's theme!

No registration needed, no pretense allowed, just great coffee, conversation and connections every week. Come on by.

Feb 11, 2015
1 Million Cups - Portland Food Founders
Forge Portland

The 1 Million cups weekly meetings are a great opportunity for people and founders to connect.

Each week we invite a founder of a local startup or unique local business to give a short presentation. Then we follow up with a productive guided Q & A from the audience. Founders learn great insights about the businesses and the audience learns from people making great ideas happen in our exciting Portland startup scene.

During the month of January we are focussing on Female Founders. In February we bring in Foodie Founders. Stay tuned for March's theme!

No registration needed, no pretense allowed, just great coffee, conversation and connections every week. Come on by.

1 Million Cups - Portland Food Founders
Forge Portland

The 1 Million cups weekly meetings are a great opportunity for people and founders to connect.

Each week we invite a founder of a local startup or unique local business to give a short presentation. Then we follow up with a productive guided Q & A from the audience. Founders learn great insights about the businesses and the audience learns from people making great ideas happen in our exciting Portland startup scene.

During the month of February we bring in Foodie Founders. Stay tuned for March's theme!

No registration needed, no pretense allowed, just great coffee, conversation and connections every week. Come on by.

Feb 18, 2015
1 Million Cups - Portland Food Founders
Forge Portland

The 1 Million cups weekly meetings are a great opportunity for people and founders to connect.

Each week we invite a founder of a local startup or unique local business to give a short presentation. Then we follow up with a productive guided Q & A from the audience. Founders learn great insights about the businesses and the audience learns from people making great ideas happen in our exciting Portland startup scene.

During the month of February we bring in Foodie Founders. Stay tuned for March's theme!

No registration needed, no pretense allowed, just great coffee, conversation and connections every week. Come on by.

Feb 25, 2015
1 Million Cups - Portland Food Founders
Forge Portland

The 1 Million cups weekly meetings are a great opportunity for people and founders to connect.

Each week we invite a founder of a local startup or unique local business to give a short presentation. Then we follow up with a productive guided Q & A from the audience. Founders learn great insights about the businesses and the audience learns from people making great ideas happen in our exciting Portland startup scene.

During the month of February we bring in Foodie Founders. Stay tuned for March's theme!

No registration needed, no pretense allowed, just great coffee, conversation and connections every week. Come on by.

Mar 4, 2015
1 Million Cups - Portland
Forge Portland

The 1 Million cups weekly meetings are a great opportunity for people and founders to connect.

Each week we invite a founder of a local startup or unique local business to give a short presentation. Then we follow up with a productive guided Q & A from the audience. Founders learn great insights about the businesses and the audience learns from people making great ideas happen in our exciting Portland startup scene.

No registration needed, no pretense allowed, just great coffee, conversation and connections every week. Come on by.

Mar 11, 2015
1 Million Cups - Portland
Forge Portland

The 1 Million cups weekly meetings are a great opportunity for people and founders to connect.

Each week we invite a founder of a local startup or unique local business to give a short presentation. Then we follow up with a productive guided Q & A from the audience. Founders learn great insights about the businesses and the audience learns from people making great ideas happen in our exciting Portland startup scene.

No registration needed, no pretense allowed, just great coffee, conversation and connections every week. Come on by.

Mar 18, 2015
1 Million Cups - Portland
Forge Portland

The 1 Million cups weekly meetings are a great opportunity for people and founders to connect.

Each week we invite a founder of a local startup or unique local business to give a short presentation. Then we follow up with a productive guided Q & A from the audience. Founders learn great insights about the businesses and the audience learns from people making great ideas happen in our exciting Portland startup scene.

No registration needed, no pretense allowed, just great coffee, conversation and connections every week. Come on by.

Mar 25, 2015
1 Million Cups - Portland
Forge Portland

The 1 Million cups weekly meetings are a great opportunity for people and founders to connect.

Each week we invite a founder of a local startup or unique local business to give a short presentation. Then we follow up with a productive guided Q & A from the audience. Founders learn great insights about the businesses and the audience learns from people making great ideas happen in our exciting Portland startup scene.

No registration needed, no pretense allowed, just great coffee, conversation and connections every week. Come on by.

May 6, 2015
1 Million Cups - Portland
Forge Portland

The 1 Million cups weekly meetings are a great opportunity for people and founders to connect.

Each week we invite a founder of a local startup or unique local business to give a short presentation. Then we follow up with a productive guided Q & A from the audience.

Founders learn great insights about the businesses and the audience learns from people making great ideas happen in our exciting Portland startup scene.

No registration needed, no pretense allowed, just great coffee, conversation and connections every week. Come on by.

May 13, 2015
1 Million Cups - Portland
Forge Portland

The 1 Million cups weekly meetings are a great opportunity for people and founders to connect.

Each week we invite a founder of a local startup or unique local business to give a short presentation. Then we follow up with a productive guided Q & A from the audience.

Founders learn great insights about the businesses and the audience learns from people making great ideas happen in our exciting Portland startup scene.

No registration needed, no pretense allowed, just great coffee, conversation and connections every week. Come on by.

May 20, 2015
1 Million Cups - Portland
Forge Portland

The 1 Million cups weekly meetings are a great opportunity for people and founders to connect.

Each week we invite a founder of a local startup or unique local business to give a short presentation. Then we follow up with a productive guided Q & A from the audience.

Founders learn great insights about the businesses and the audience learns from people making great ideas happen in our exciting Portland startup scene.

No registration needed, no pretense allowed, just great coffee, conversation and connections every week. Come on by.

May 27, 2015
1 Million Cups - Portland
Forge Portland

The 1 Million cups weekly meetings are a great opportunity for people and founders to connect.

Each week we invite a founder of a local startup or unique local business to give a short presentation. Then we follow up with a productive guided Q & A from the audience.

Founders learn great insights about the businesses and the audience learns from people making great ideas happen in our exciting Portland startup scene.

No registration needed, no pretense allowed, just great coffee, conversation and connections every week. Come on by.

Jun 3, 2015
1 Million Cups - Portland
Forge Portland

The 1 Million cups weekly meetings are a great opportunity for people and founders to connect.

Each week we invite a founder of a local startup or unique local business to give a short presentation. Then we follow up with a productive guided Q & A from the audience.

Founders learn great insights about the businesses and the audience learns from people making great ideas happen in our exciting Portland startup scene.

No registration needed, no pretense allowed, just great coffee, conversation and connections every week. Come on by.

Oct 22, 2015
Forge October Happy Hour
Forge Portland

Register here for free beer!

Fall has arrived and it's time to celebrate - register now for Forge's October Happy Hour! Beginning at 5pm, Forge Portland coworking space will be filled with musical notes from Brutha Bob arranged by Portland Radio Project and beer provided by Hopworks Urban Brewery, a local certified B Corp. Forge Portland is again excited to host the Portland creative & entrepeneur community for a couple of hours of drinks, live music, and the opportunity to connect with inspiring people. Members of Forge Portland will be in attendance, so for those of you who are members, or would like to be, this is an especially great opportunity to meet awesome people doing awesome things in Portland!

We need a headcount for drinks and snacks, so be sure to register!

See you soon, Forge Portland

Oct 13, 2014
Small Business Quickbooks Accounting Workshop Day 1 of 2
Forge Portland - 1410 SW Morrison Street, Suite 850

Small Business Quickbooks Accounting Workshop: Have a fulfilling business but lost when it comes to accounting? Come learn Quickbooks basics hands on at this 2-day split workshop with Renee Trump of Pasaban Accounting! If you have a laptop, feel free to bring it along and follow the workshop with your own real numbers - this way, you will have made great progress with your business by the end of the workshop. In the event that you don't have a laptop, come join us nonetheless and learn how to get a strong handle on your finances! Register now to ensure you have a spot! Seats are limited to ensure that all participants receive direct attention.

IMPORTANT DATE & TIME INFO: The workshop is split between Monday, October 13th and Thursday, October 16th from 6:00pm-8:00pm each day. The Eventbrite interface is not conducive to that format for dates and times, so the event above does say Oct. 13 at 6:00pm - Oct. 16 at 8:00pm. This is not a 3-day event, but rather is a 4 hour workshop divided between two evenings. The registration admits to both days as they are consecutive and not alternative dates.

Forge Portland is hosting the workshop and is located in the Tiffany Center at 1410 SW Morrison St., Suite 850. For $99, Renee Trump and Forge Portland are offering you the opportunity to get your small business accounting on the right track with Quickbooks.

Oct 16, 2014
Small Business Quickbooks Accounting Workshop Day 2 of 2
Forge Portland - 1410 SW Morrison Street, Suite 850

Small Business Quickbooks Accounting Workshop: Have a fulfilling business but lost when it comes to accounting? Come learn Quickbooks basics hands on at this 2-day split workshop with Renee Trump of Pasaban Accounting! If you have a laptop, feel free to bring it along and follow the workshop with your own real numbers - this way, you will have made great progress with your business by the end of the workshop. In the event that you don't have a laptop, come join us nonetheless and learn how to get a strong handle on your finances! Register now to ensure you have a spot! Seats are limited to ensure that all participants receive direct attention.

IMPORTANT DATE & TIME INFO: The workshop is split between Monday, October 13th and Thursday, October 16th from 6:00pm-8:00pm each day. The Eventbrite interface is not conducive to that format for dates and times, so the event above does say Oct. 13 at 6:00pm - Oct. 16 at 8:00pm. This is not a 3-day event, but rather is a 4 hour workshop divided between two evenings. The registration admits to both days as they are consecutive and not alternative dates.

Forge Portland is hosting the workshop and is located in the Tiffany Center at 1410 SW Morrison St., Suite 850. For $99, Renee Trump and Forge Portland are offering you the opportunity to get your small business accounting on the right track with Quickbooks.

Oct 22, 2014
BRIX Lunch Workshop with Mazarine Treys
Forge Portland - 1410 SW Morrison Street, Suite 850

THIS WEDNESDAY - October 22nd from 12pm-1pm

Register HERE.

Mazarine Treyz is "the Wild Woman of Fundraising and Social Media." She will be sharing her success and focusing in on how to get people to click "Buy" on your business website. Please join us for food, soak in all the wonderful advice, and meet a seasoned fundraiser and social media expert. Lunch will be provided by BRIX Tavern! See the presentation preview below.

How to Get People to Click Buy On Your Business Website Workshop

Have you ever wondered how some people make a living online, and others just barely get by? With this workshop, you'll be able to start to make real money online for your business. You'll be able to take your prospects up the ladder of engagement, you'll be able to prove to them that you are trustworthy, and have something useful for them.

You'll learn what your prospects want the most, and how to vet a mailing list. You'll also learn how to get more people to sign up for your email newsletter using social media AND on your website, and, finally, the right words to help people open your emails and get on with buying your products!


Steps 1-10 in the ladder of engagement

How to collect emails with social media

3 ways to collect addresses on your website

4 ways to use social proof to help people buy

22 Key words to make people open your emails

5 Key Survey questions to help you reach your target market

Buying mailing lists: What questions you MUST ask, to save you money and time.

Stupendous sales letters: How to get people to go through your sales page and buy

Bonus Materials:

5 step worksheet for your ladder of engagement

Problem to Solution grid to help you write to your customers

Slides and presentation notes

Jan 9, 2024
Startup Open Coffee in the Couve
Formos Software

Welcome All Founders and Tech Pros

• What we'll do You will drink coffee (and tea for those who are recovering caffeine addicts) and talk with other great founders and companies in our local area.

• What to bring Nada. Just a friendly demeanor and willingness to meet new great founders and talk about your project.

• Important to know This is REALLY not the place you want to come if you are looking for sales leads. This event is a place to meet and share your startup journey and talk about your project. While we appreciate all the members of our community, network marketing and sales reps will find many short unuseful conversations in this crowd. Thanks for understanding.

Jul 8, 2013
Lean Startup [Book]: Discussion
Front Row Bar and Grill Website
Jul 22, 2013
Lean Startup [Book]: Discussion
Front Row Bar and Grill Website
Aug 5, 2013
Lean Startup: Build, Test, Learn
Front Row Bar and Grill Website
Nov 17, 2011
Galois Tech Talk: Candid experiences from a hardware startup
Galois, Inc

Presented by Eric Migicovsky.

Hardware is hard. At least that's what people always say. Building a hardware startup requires a broad base of technical knowledge, from electronics and manufacturing experience to aesthetic and interface design. But Eric Migicovsky chose to start a hardware company after graduating from engineering because he wanted to see something he designed become a physical reality.

inPulse is a $150 hackable Bluetooth smartwatch. It connects to your smartphone and displays notifications like incoming emails, calls, and calendar alerts right on your wrist. After launching an SDK, 3rd party developers have started to create apps for inPulse.

In his talk, Eric will share some honest stories and anecdotes from various stages of product development. He'll also talk about the costs, timeframes and failure modes of hardware startups.

Sep 29, 2010
Continuous Web+ Startup Studies: Concept to capitalization in under a year

Local web startup is in the throes of launching their video platform amidst a whirlwind year or conceptualizing, coding and capitalizing. J. R. Storment, President/COO of Dovie will be sharing stories, lessons, and thoughts on the business of starting a business. Additionally, you will meet other web professionals across all manner of skill-sets, from the uber-geek, to the marketing wiz, to the investment/startup junkie. Share stories, share common experiences, and get out of the house!

Join us for an informal living-room style discussion group in my living room! Feel free to bring your own beverages or snacks. We'll try to have some available as well. Bring a note-taking device, questions, or simply an inflamed sense of interest.

Apr 23, 2024
Panel at the Pub: Funding Options and Solutions for Startups
Georgie's Garage & Grill

Are you ready to take your startup to the next level? Join us for an insightful event tailored specifically for early-stage startups like yours, where we'll delve into the various funding options available to fuel your growth.

At this event, you'll have the opportunity to:

  • Gain valuable insights into alternative funding avenues and understand how these options can kickstart your entrepreneurial journey.
  • Learn about the nuances of angel investment, including how to attract angel investors, what they look for in startups, and how to navigate the angel investment landscape effectively.
  • Explore the world of venture funding and understand the key considerations for securing venture capital, including pitching strategies, valuation, and investor expectations.
  • Network with fellow entrepreneurs, investors, and industry experts to forge meaningful connections and potentially uncover new opportunities for collaboration and support.

Whether you're seeking your first round of funding or looking to expand your existing funding sources, this event is designed to equip you with the knowledge and resources you need to make informed decisions for your startup's future success.

Panel: Donn Dimond, TiE Oregon Angels Stephanie Kunert, Bank of America Brandon Ross, Elevate Capital

Oct 24, 2014
PIE Demo Day 2014
Gerding Theater at the Armory

We invite you to join us for PIE (Portland Incubator Experiment) Demo Day, October 24, 2014, at the Gerding Theatre. Doors open at 1:30pm, presentations will begin at 2:00pm.

This year will feature presentations from our funded companies and highlights from our latest experiments. We'll also take a look back at five years of PIE and the amazing startups with whom we have had the pleasure to work.

Demo presentations will be followed by a reception with the startups and members of the tech, brand, startup and investor communities.

Apr 13, 2016
OEN Angel Oregon 2016 Showcase
Gerding Theater at the Armory

OEN’s Angel Oregon Showcase is your opportunity to nurture breakthrough ideas, discover new markets, and make invaluable business connections. Join over 300 investors, entrepreneurs, and business leaders to get a sneak peek at Oregon’s most exciting up-and-coming companies!

The program will feature 12 pitches from the finalists in our Angel Oregon Program, as well as a presentation on the state of angel investing in Oregon from Rob Wiltbank, an Entrepreneurship Professor at Willamette University. The audience will get to vote on winners for our early-stage category, and at the end of the day, one of our growth-stage finalists will win an investment award of $200,000 to $300,000.

See the presenters and register here:

Nov 4, 2015
How SheerID Raised $9 million from Angels
Golden Valley Brewery

At this Westside PubTalk(TM) you'll learn about how SheerID navigated the challenges of startup fund-raising. Early in their history, the SheerID founding team attended a 3 month boot-camp at OTBC. Since then, the team has consistently grown the business, and funded that growth by raising approximately $9 million from angel investors and, recently, more than $5 million in venture capital funding. SheerID CEO Jake Weatherly will share some of the strategies and lessons-learned as the SheerID team raised funding and built the company.

The Westside PubTalk is sponsored by the City of Hillsboro, City of Beaverton, the Oregon Entrepreneurs Network and Beaverton’s Oregon Technology Business Center.

When: Wednesday, Nov. 4 with food and networking at 5 PM, the program at 6 PM Where: Golden Valley Brewpub, 1520 NW Bethany Blvd in Beaverton Cost: $15 fee includes food and one drink ticket

Please register at the OTBC website:

Mar 3, 2016
West Side PubTalk(TM): Fund your Startup
Golden Valley Brewery

At this West Side PubTalk(TM) we’ll discuss how do you fund a startup when the resources of the founders and friends and family run out? There are angel investors and venture capital firms, but they aren’t the only sources of funding for startups, and they are often not the right fit. Fortunately, there are other options. Some of those options are:

Seed funds in Oregon invest anywhere from $10,000 to $250,000 in startups.

Banks will make loans to small businesses – but the business does have to meet some key requirements.

The federal SBIR program can provide $1 million in grant funding or more

At this West Side PubTalk, you’ll learn more about all three of these sources from a panel that has experience in each of these three types of funding.

Mar 12, 2024
Panel at the Pub: Funding Options for the Stages
Golden Valley Brewery

ABOUT: Are you ready to take your startup to the next level? Join us for an insightful event tailored specifically for early-stage startups like yours, where we'll delve into the various funding options available to fuel your growth.

At this event, you'll have the opportunity to:

-- Gain valuable insights into alternative funding avenues, such as grants, crowdfunding, and bootstrapping, and understand how these options can kickstart your entrepreneurial journey. -- Learn about the nuances of angel investment, including how to attract angel investors, what they look for in startups, and how to navigate the angel investment landscape effectively. -- Explore the world of venture funding and understand the key considerations for securing venture capital, including pitching strategies, valuation, and investor expectations. -- Network with fellow entrepreneurs, investors, and industry experts to forge meaningful connections and potentially uncover new opportunities for collaboration and support.

Whether you're seeking your first round of funding or looking to expand your existing funding sources, this event is designed to equip you with the knowledge and resources you need to make informed decisions for your startup's future success.

PANELISTS: -- Donn Dimond, TiE Oregon and TiE Oregon Angels

-- Joshua Jacobs, Micro Enterprise Services of Oregon

-- Deepthi Madava, Oregon Venture Fund

SPONOSORED BY: -- Oregon Startup Center - -- TiE Oregon - -- City of Hillsboro - -- City of Beaverton -

May 16, 2012
OEN PubTalk™ Hillsboro: Three Stages of a Start-Up
Golden Valley Brewing

The Hillsboro Chamber and the Oregon Entrepreneurs Network have partnered to bring you the OEN PubTalk™ Hillsboro. Attend and you’ll find a unique mix of educational panel discussions, delivered by successful entrepreneurs, investors or business experts, combined with opportunities for entrepreneurs to gain expertise in delivering investment pitches.

Join us on May 16th, 2012 for an informative panel on the “Three Stages of a Start-Up”. This event will feature a panel of entrepreneurs representing companies from early stage to mature. Each panelist will share their triumphs and tribulations, along with their plans for the future, as they make the move along the path to success!

Oct 28, 2014
Grants for Startups
Golden Valley Brewing

There are grants available for startups - including the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grants from the federal government. At this West Side PubTalkTM, you'll learn from entrepreneurs who have taken advantage of various grant programs. In particular, you'll hear from eWind Solutions, which just recently submitted an SBIR grant application to the US Department of Agriculture, and Sonivate which has obtained several millions of dollars in grant funding from the Department of Defense.

During networking time before and after the panel, you'll be able to talk with representatives from the Small Business Administration, Business Oregon , and Oregon BEST about programs they have to help entrepreneurs get grants.

Come learn what you need to know to take advantage of grant opportunities.

This West Side PubTalk is brought to you by the City of Hillsboro, the City of Beaverton, and the Oregon Technology Business Center

When: Oct. 28, 5pm to 8pm Where: Golden Valley Brewery (map) Cost: $15 (includes food and drink ticket!)

May 24, 2016
EMA Trade Talk
Golden Valley Brewing

EMA & ERA Talk Trade on May 24. Join Us.

We are excited to present our first seminar of the year. Join us for a fun, informative evening featuring talks from three industry pros. Their combined topic is from an Idea to a Product: How to Start and Grow Your Business. Take Your Business to the Next Level

This event is geared towards patent based businesses and start-ups, inventors, and people looking at new ventures in electronics manufacturing. The format is casual, with opportunities to network before and after. Hors d'oeuvres and a no-host bar are available, so grab a beer and stay awhile. Meet People & Grow Your Network

We expect lots of faces from the electronics manufacturing industry, so be sure to bring your business cards. This is an excellent opportunity to meet new faces and reconnect with colleagues.

Three Expert Speakers

An Introduction to Intellectual Property Dr. Laura Zager, patent attorney (more info)

"I've got a great idea for a business name, and just printed it on 3000 mugs!" "I think I need to get a patent so I'll be clear to make and sell my product." "Of course I own my company's logo—I paid a graphic designer to create it!" All of these statements represent misunderstandings of intellectual property law, which can trip up even the most conscientious of business owners. This talk will give a quick overview of the key areas of intellectual property law in the US, and will use case studies and examples to flag some of the most common pitfalls.

Financial, Business and Estate Planning Strategies for Business Owners Diana Wojcik, patent valuation analyst (more info)

Covering incorporation choices, valuations, tax strategy, and continuity/succession plans, Diana will illustrate different options available to business owners and explain the costs, risks, and benefits of each, to help business owners plan ahead to maximize their gains and minimize their risks. Her talk will mainly address the needs of businesses based on patent or other IP, manufacturing, tech advisory/consulting, and privately owned businesses.

Getting it all Wrong: How I learned to Love the Lean Startup Leo Frishberg, UX strategist (more info)

The Lean Startup takes an "action first" approach to exploring products, markets and business models. In theory this approach makes a lot of sense, but in practice it is fraught with challenges. In his talk, Frishberg leads the group through a couple of case studies in which the business got almost everything wrong, and was all the better because of it.

Feb 15, 2023
New to Portland Tech Meetup
Good Coffee

New to the city? Looking to network with other local entrepreneurs in the Technology space? Join Oregon Venture Fund at our upcoming coffee meetup and stay connected with the Portland entrepreneur tech community together with Oregon Venture Fund. This is your chance to network and meet.

Sep 18, 2019
Founders Live PDX

75 FREE TICKETS through Friday, August 23rd. After that, admission is $10 which includes food and drink.

Founders Live is an unforgettable happy hour competition sweeping the globe where up to five handpicked companies take the hot seat, with only 99 seconds to pitch their company and describe their value proposition in front of an eager audience. After the pitches and audience Q&A, the crowd will vote on a winner who will not only receive an award, but recognition from the crowd and also the opportunity to talk more about their product or service. So bring your friends and coworkers, grab some food and drink, get to know your local entrepreneurs and vote for what you think will be the next big thing... built in Portland.

Here's how it all goes down:

Dec 4, 2019
Founders Live PDX

Join us on Wed., Dec. 4th for our final event of the year, which promises to be OUR BEST ONE yet! If October was any indication, FL PDX is growing by leaps and bounds.

EARLY BIRD tickets available through Friday 11/15...

IN ADDITION TO the unmatched networking and fast-paced startup pitches...

...we have expanded our sponsors, have added special guests addressing the crowd with their interesting stories, and been featuring drink vendors like Wild Roots (serving mixed drinks) and One World Coffee Roasters.

You really don’t want to miss 12/4!

Feb 12, 2020
Founders Live PDX

Please join us for another amazing night of networking, fast-paced startup pitches, and good food and drink.

HALF-PRICED tickets available through Friday, 1/24. Get yours now...


Register here:

And remember: You can always watch the event online at

Mar 11, 2020
Founders Live PDX


February 12th was our best night yet... with an amazing crowd, Nick Hughes in the house, an ever-expanding list of sponsors... and of course 5 simply amazing startups!

Let's do it again on March 11th... :)

Excellent networking, food, drink, and awesome startup innovation. Don't miss it!

Or watch it at:

Jun 14, 2023
Food & Bev Co's, ChatGPT, AI & Food For Thought

Oh, let me tell you all about this event, It's one you won't want to miss, my friend!

It's all about food and drink, you see, And how AI and ML might change the industry.

We'll have experts and innovators galore, Sharing insights like never before.

From startups to big brands, they'll be here, To talk about how technology will steer.

Imagine a world where your favorite snack, Is made by a robot, with incredible knack.

Or a drink that's crafted, just for you, With AI's help, it's not too good to be true!

So come one, come all, to this event of the year, Where we'll explore the future, without any fear.

Food and drink will never be the same, Thanks to AI and ML, it's a whole new game!

Don't miss out on this amazing chance, To learn and network and maybe even dance!

Startup food and beverage companies, unite, The future is bright, it's gonna be a delight!


Oct 30, 2013
Portland Startup Weekend Pre-Party
Green Dragon Bistro & Brew Pub

The fall Portland Startup Weekend (PDXSW) is fast approaching! Get warmed up, informed and inspired at our semi-annual Portand Startup Weekend Pre-party!

  • Learn more about PDXSW

  • Hear tips on how to get the most out of your PDXSW experience

  • Get ahead of the curve by making connections early

  • Compete for prizes in our lightning talk competition

To submit a lightening talk proposal, email [email protected]

Tickets are free, but are required. Get yours here:

Snacks will be served

Jan 21, 2014
Portland Startup Weekend Happy Hour
Green Dragon Bistro & Brew Pub

Join us for a fun evening and:

  • Meet some of our sponsors, organizers, alumni and other people who are interested in Startup Weekend.

  • Find out about the two upcoming Startup Weekends: Startup Weekend Access and Portland Startup Weekend.

  • Hear tips on how to get the most out of your Startup Weekend experience

  • Get ahead of the curve by making connections early

This event is open to anyone who is interested in Startup Weekend

Snacks will be served

If you have any questions, email [email protected]

Apr 10, 2014
Portland Startup Weekend Pre-Party
Green Dragon Bistro & Brew Pub

Portland Startup Weekend April (PDXSW) is fast approaching!

Help us kick things off with a pre-party!

Join us at the Green Dragon Barrel Room on Thursay April 10, 2014, 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM (PDT).

We’ll provide snacks and share some startup weekend-style fun. Get ahead of the game by beginning your networking early, getting feedback on your pitch idea, and hearing tips on how to get the most out of your Portland Startup weekend experience.

  • Learn more about PDXSW

  • Hear tips on how to get the most out of your PDXSW experience

  • Get ahead of the curve by making connections early

For more information about Portland Startup Weekend, visit

Jul 22, 2014
PDX SoFo Meetup for Solo Startup Founders
Green Dragon Bistro & Brew Pub

We're a group of solo startup founders, business owners, and entrepreneurs. This is our first meetup to share stories, advice, and resources. If you're one of us, RSVP on the meetup website and we'll look forward to seeing you there!

Sep 14, 2014
Portland Stripe Meetup
Green Dragon Bistro & Brew Pub

We're holding a get-together for Stripe users and friends while in town for XOXO. We'd love to meet you and hear about your experience using Stripe so far!

There'll be a number of Stripe team members in attendance, including engineers, designers, growth folks, and our cofounder. Bring your questions and feedback or just come and get a beer on us.

Nov 9, 2015
Portland Startup Weekend Happy Hour
Green Dragon Bistro & Brew Pub

Join us for our traditional pre-event!

  • Meet sponsors, organizers, alumni and other people who are interested in Startup Weekend.

  • Hear tips on how to get the most out of your Startup Weekend experience.

  • Get ahead of the curve by making connections early.

This event is open to anyone who is interested in Startup Weekend.

Snacks are on us.

If you have any questions, email [email protected]

Aug 8, 2016
Happy Birthday Silicon Florist!
Green Dragon Bistro & Brew Pub

Buy yourself a cool beverage on a hot summer day and wish the long standing (and long-winded) cornerstone of the Portland Startup Community, The Silicon Florist, a happy 9th birthday. Let’s get nostalgic on the patio of Green Dragon while we wish both the blog and the community it captures, encourages, and celebrates another fantastic year. Please RSVP on link.

Sep 13, 2016
PDX Maker Week: Silicon Florist happy hour
Green Dragon Bistro & Brew Pub

Join PDX Maker Week folks, members of the startup community, and other awesome people for a gathering at Portland's favorite tech happy hour spot, the Green Dragon. We're not buying you drinks. But we guarantee you'll meet some awesome folks. Or, worst case, Rick Turoczy. In which case, you'll probably need a drink. Free or not.

Nov 2, 2016
Happy Hour: Portland Startup Weekend
Green Dragon Bistro & Brew Pub

What's almost as fun as Startup Weekend? Happy Hour, free food, and awesome people! This is a chance to meet other potential participants as well as the organizers, mentors, sponsors, and past participants.

Appetizers provided include hummus plate, pork sliders, mushroom sliders and chips and salsa.

The happy hour is a free event.

Find out more about Startup Weekend at

Mar 14, 2018
Workshop: Starting a Podcast

Podcasting is one of the most accessible ways to build a brand and get your voice out to public.

In this introductory course, Hatch Innovation's Channelsmith, Collin Gabriel, will help you understand the gear, software, and service options you will need to get your podcast off the ground. From low cost/no cost options to premium services, this will be a fast paced review of what it takes to establish your RSS stream on the channels available, obtain high quality sound, and the best options to conduct interviews remotely.

Soon you will be entertaining earballs everywhere and adding to the diversity of voices that make podcasts such an awesome tool for learning.

Bring: You should bring a laptop and a willingness to learn! You do not need to know anything about programming.

Instructor: Collin Gabriel, Hatch Innovation's Channelsmith

Jun 21, 2018
Personalized Marketing Through Automation is Possible
Hatch Lab PDX,

Participants will learn how to do marketing and sales for any product or service more efficiently and productively through the use of marketing and sales technology. They will also be able to hear what solutions, as there are many, would be a good fit for their particular needs.

This workshop is taught by Bottom Line Strategy Group.

Oct 25, 2018
Better Email Marketing: Active Campaign 101
Hatch Lab PDX,

Have you ever wondered how all the wiz-bang marketing professionals are able to increase website traffic and conversion rates for their clients? Yeah, we did too. So, we asked the very talented Jake Wagner, CDMP to host a workshop on one of the comprehensive email marketing solutions available today, Active Campaign.

In this workshop, Jake will introduce newsletter campaigns, contact managment, automation set up, and the reporting and analytics that are included in this online tool.

If you haven’t heard of ActiveCampaign, it’s like MailChimp on steroids. It is a great tool at an affordable price, making it the best fit for many entrepreneurs. Bring your laptop and desire for better communication to the first of these one hour workshops!

Nov 14, 2018
Better Email Marketing: Active Campaign 101
Hatch Lab PDX,

Have you ever wondered how all the wiz-bang marketing professionals are able to increase website traffic and conversion rates for their clients? Yeah, we did too. So, we asked the very talented Jake Wagner, CDMP, of Digital Marketing 4FP to host a workshop on one of the comprehensive email marketing solutions available today, Active Campaign.

In this workshop, Jake will introduce newsletter campaigns, contact managment, automation set up, and the reporting and analytics that are included in this online tool.

Mar 11, 2020
Pitch Club Hillsboro
through HillHub

Pitch Club is a collaborative workshop for any entrepreneur with the desire to create and deliver a perfect pitch. Pitch Club will assist participants in sharpening their ability to communicate with investors including gaining insight on the types of questions potential investor will ask and the best way to answer them.

Why do we pitch?

To be successful, entrepreneurs need the ability to sell their product. Pitch Club will provide insight into perfecting how to talk about your business.

Who facilitates Pitch Club?

TiE has an extensive network of Charter Members. Many of our Charter Members have run successful businesses in the past and many are current Angel Investors. We curate curriculum and leadership from the pool of talent within our network because of a shared desire to mentor entrepreneurs.

This month, Tom Kingsley, Successful Entrepreneur, TiE Charter Member, Mentor and Investor will lead the event.

Each attendee who intends to pitch should prepare a five minute pitch presentation. (This can include a power point projection that will be presented from your computer.) Directly after pitching a 10 minute Q&A will take place with questions to the imaginary investors about the product and pitch.

Those who attend pitch club will walk away with a better understanding of what investors look for in a pitch and how to answer the questions possible investor will ask. In addition, each presenter will receive a digital copy of their pitch and feedback from their peers and TiE Charter Members.

Jun 10, 2020
Pitch Club Hillsboro

Pitch Club is a collaborative workshop for any entrepreneur with the desire to create and deliver a perfect pitch. Pitch Club will assist participants in sharpening their ability to communicate with investors including gaining insight on the types of questions potential investor will ask and the best way to answer them.

Why do we pitch?

To be successful, entrepreneurs need the ability to sell their product. Pitch Club will provide insight into perfecting how to talk about your business.

Who facilitates Pitch Club?

TiE has an extensive network of Charter Members. Many of our Charter Members have run successful businesses in the past and many are current Angel Investors. We curate curriculum and leadership from the pool of talent within our network because of a shared desire to mentor entrepreneurs.

This month, Tom Kingsley, Successful Entrepreneur, TiE Charter Member, Mentor and Investor will lead the event.

What to expect?

Each attendee who intends to pitch should prepare a five minute pitch presentation. (This can include a power point projection that will be presented from your computer.) Directly after pitching a 10 minute Q&A will take place with questions to the imaginary investors about the product and pitch.

Those who attend pitch club will walk away with a better understanding of what investors look for in a pitch and how to answer the questions possible investor will ask. In addition, each presenter will receive a digital copy of their pitch and feedback from their peers and TiE Charter Members.

Feb 6, 2013
SmartPitch: Creating an Effective Investor Pitch
Hillsboro Chamber of Commerce

To close funding from investors, you first must accomplish some key milestones. When it's time to pitch investors, you must convey the investment opportunity and what you've accomplished in a compelling way that motivates the investor to want to learn more.

In this OTBC/OEN workshop you'll learn what headway investors expect that you've already made, and what topics they want to learn about in a pitch. And you'll learn about effective pitch techniques, and effective pitch tactics. In the interactive portion of the workshop, you'll develop and delivery the front-end of an investor pitch - one of the hardest pieces: a description of the problem or unmet need, and a description of your solution both of which are concise, compelling and motivating.

Oct 8, 2015
Pitch Perfect Hillsboro: Practice Pitch & Startup Mixer
Hillsboro Chamber of Commerce

The Hillsboro Chamber is excited to announce our first startup practice pitch through Pitch Perfect Hillsboro featuring Distributed BioSystems, Inc. Join us THIS Thursday, October 8th from 4:30-6:30 pm to support this local startup. Attendees enjoy networking, pitch, and Q&A session. This event is FREE, though RSVP's are necessary to prepare so if you intend on going, please RSVP to [email protected]. Snacks & drinks included.

What: Startup Practice Pitch & Networking Where: Hillsboro Chamber of Commerce, 5193 NE Elam Young Pkwy Ste A 97124 When: Thursday, October 8th from 4:30-6:30 pm Cost: Free RSVP: [email protected]

Pitch Perfect Hillsboro allows startups to reserve the Chamber classroom on the 2nd Thursday of the month from 4:30-6:30 to work on a project, network, and/or pitch their company. This program is free and open to any startup whether east or westside. One week's notice and reservation is required to staff the office. Inquiries can be made to Aimee Sukol.

Nov 18, 2015
Branding & Marketing Tips from the Pros: Starbucks & MKTX Marketing
Hillsboro Chamber of Commerce

If you're interested in learning more about how to brand your business, I invite you to attend the Hillsboro Chamber's monthly workshop BYB (Building Your Business) on Wednesday, November 18th. We welcome Starbucks and MKTX (pronounced Marketex) marketing firm to offer insights and tips on branding.

We also thank our sponsor FundPDX, which is an accredited investor of startup businesses. FundPDX will have an opportunity to discuss its projects and opportunities.

BYB is $10 for members and $15 for nonmembers. Lunch is included. To reserve your seat, you can register now by visiting and go to the calendar. Early registration ends Monday, November 16.

Questions? Contact [email protected].

Nov 30, 2017
Workshop: Startup 411 – How to Start Your Startup
Hillsboro Public Library

Got an idea for a startup, but don’t know where to start? This workshop will provide an overview of local resources, along with a checklist of steps to take as you build out your plan.

This workshop, held jointly by OEN and OTBC, will provide you with:

  • A checklist of where to get started
  • A review of common mistakes entrepreneurs make and how to avoid them
  • An overview of startup funding options (and realities)
  • An overview of resources available to entrepreneurs
  • Answers to some of the basic questions that always come up about protecting your idea, co-founders, etc.

Learn more and register here:

May 4, 2023
The State of Portland's Start-up Scene
Hilton Portland and Executive Tower

Business start-ups play an important role in driving economic growth, promoting innovation, creativity, and creating new opportunities for individuals and communities.

Over the past few decades, Portland was a hub for entrepreneurs and start-ups. The city’s deep talent pool, prime location, relative affordability, and access to natural resources made the Rose City an ideal location for launching and growing a business. As recently as 2020, Portland was ranked as one of the best places in the country to start a new business.

But that was then. Flash forward three tumultuous years and we have to ask ourselves: is Portland still a good market for start-ups?

Join the Portland Business Alliance for our final Forum Breakfast of the season, as we explore the state of start-ups in Portland. Our panel of experts will share perspectives on the current ecosystem, highlight emerging local businesses, and reflect on what it will take to better support all of Portland’s entrepreneurial start-ups.


  • Kristy Edwards, Co-founder and CEO of Privacy Code
  • Steve Eichenlaub, Managing Director, Portland Seed Fund
  • Cara Turano, President and Executive Director, Oregon Entrepreneur Network
  • Ben Nahir, Venture Principal, Elevate Capital

Moderated by Malia Spencer, Tech Reporter, Portland Business Journal

$55 Members Only

Oct 22, 2015
Oregon Story Board Demo Day 2015
Hollywood Theater (Portland)

Join us to hear the stories of the second class of the Oregon Story Board accelerator program companies. The 2015 class will share their digital storytelling businesses with you at the historic Hollywood Theatre (4122 NE Sandy Blvd) on October 22, 2015.

Jan 9, 2015
Oregon Story Board Demo Day [Sold out]
Hollywood Theatre

Oregon Story Board is proud to present the first class of our accelerator program, featuring five companies from the digital storytelling industry in Oregon. Come meet Built Oregon, Mountain Machine Studios, A Fourth Act, Studio Kate, and Chroma at the Hollywood Theatre for exciting presentations from five creative entrepreneurial teams.

Want to know more about what it means to be a digital storyteller? We'll talk about how Oregon Story Board is working to support companies by providing the resources companies and entrepreneurs need to thrive. After four months in our beautiful glass 'fishbowl' space inside of OMSI, hard at work together, our companies are excited to share their stories with you.

Mar 8, 2017
How to turn your idea into a startup and get your first clients.
Hudson Community Room

All too often entrepreneurs delay action while they perfect their product or service. However, to be a successful entrepreneur today you need to move quickly to market. That can mean developing and validating markets even before you are ready to serve them. We will explore 3 key strategies to launch your idea before fully developing your product or service.

Feb 14, 2024
Startup Conversations in the Couve
Hudson Community Room

North Bank Innovations is a local non-profit based in Southwest Washington, committed to building a local ecosystem that helps early-stage startups.

Each month we will host a local founder to give a short presentation about their company. They will focus on how it all started, where they are today, and their plans for the future including the challenges they face to make their goals happen.

Following the presentation we will invite key founders, investors, and startup junkies familiar with some of the most successful startups in our region.

Events like this in other regions have been significant catalysts for startup growth and success.

After the presentation, we'll leave plenty of time for audience Q&A and Networking.

If you are interested in presenting please direct message me here on meetup or fill out the short form at

Please note, that we encourage genuine networking, not hunting for sales or leads. If you are genuinely starting or working with a startup, this is the right crowd for you. Thanks for helping us keep it real.

Mar 13, 2024
Startup Conversation in the Couve
Hudson Community Room

North Bank Innovations is a local non-profit based in Southwest Washington, committed to building a local ecosystem that helps early-stage startups.

Each month we host a local founder to give a short presentation about their company. They will focus on how it all started, where they are today, and their plans for the future including the challenges they face to make their goals happen.

Following the presentation we will invite key founders, investors, and startup junkies familiar with some of the most successful startups in our region.

After the presentation, we'll leave plenty of time for audience Q&A and Networking.

If you are interested in presenting please direct message me here on meetup or fill out the short form at

Please note, that we encourage genuine networking, not hunting for sales or leads. If you are genuinely starting or working with a startup, this is the right crowd for you. Thanks for helping us keep it real.

Jul 10, 2024
Startup Conversations in the Couve
Hudson Community Room

Amina Moreau is a chronic entrepreneur with a penchant for big achievements, having built five successful companies, sold two of them, and led one of her teams to win five Emmy Awards.

Radious is her next big thing, an online platform that outfits residential properties (like houses and apartments) with workplace amenities, and offers them up for company workdays and team meetings — rented by the day. With Radious, companies get on-demand access to unique workspaces, right in employees’ neighborhoods.

When she’s not busy building Radious, you’ll find her grunting on the tennis court. Ranked #1 in the Pacific Northwest just recently, she continues to play at a high level and finds her sense of peace crushing it at 100 MPH.

About North Bank Innovations North Bank Innovations is an organization based in Southwest Washington, committed to building a thriving ecosystem that helps early-stage startups.

About the Startup Conversations Event Each month we host a local founder who will give a short presentation about their company. They will focus on how it all got started, where they are today, and their plans for the future including the challenges they face to make their goals happen.

Following the presentation our host, Dave Barcos will dig into the founder's background, the company's story, and other observations. After the interview, we will have an audience Q&A session to help attendees ask direct questions of the presenter. It has proven to be a great format to catalyze the local founders and the startups in the region. You won't want to miss it.

For more details on other North Bank events check our event calendar at

Please note, that we encourage genuine networking, not hunting for sales or leads. If you are genuinely starting or working with a startup, this is the right crowd for you. Thanks for helping us keep it real.

Aug 14, 2024
Startup Conversations in the Couve
Hudson Community Room

Each month we host a local founder who will give a short presentation about their company. They will focus on how it all got started, where they are today, and their plans for the future including the challenges they face to make their goals happen.

Following the presentation our host, Dave Barcos will dig into the founder's background, the company's story, and other observations. After the interview, we will have an audience Q&A session to help attendees ask direct questions of the presenter. It has proven to be a great format to catalyze the local founders and the startups in the region. You won't want to miss it.

For more details on other North Bank events check our event calendar at

Please note, that we encourage genuine networking, not hunting for sales or leads. If you are genuinely starting or working with a startup, this is the right crowd for you. Thanks for helping us keep it real.

Nov 15, 2016
Level Up - Taking Your Business to the Next Level
Indio Spirits Tasting Room and Bottle Shop

Level Up is a series of educational networking events for emerging and developing businesses, providing knowledge and tools for business growth.

Session One: Learn the realities and strategies of securing a location for your expanding business.

Attendees Will Learn:

  • Current and projected rental rate and vacancy statistics of Portland's commercial real estate market

  • Various lease types and the additional costs associated with each type

  • Negotiating lease terms and space improvements

  • How to secure space for your current business needs while planning for future growth

Who Should Attend: Owners of emerging and developing businesses that have outgrown their current or shared workspace.

Guest Speaker: Bob Turner of Indio Spirits

Nov 13, 2011
Android Developers Westside
Insomnia Coffee
Nov 22, 2011
iPhone, Android, and .NET Workgroup
Insomnia Coffee

Keep walking until you see laptops or a yellow shirt placed on a table.

Aug 30, 2017
PitchBlack: Black entrepreneur pitch event

"411": Ten entrepreneurs will get five minutes to pitch the audience and then three minutes of questions about their idea. After the last pitcher has answered questions from the audience, attendees will then vote for the three (3) winners who will split the prize money equally. When: First pitch will be at 6:00pm with doors opening at 5:30pm and everyone out by 8:00pm Where: Our gracious hosts are the great folks at Instrument. Their amazing HQ is located at the One North development in the heart of inner N/NE Portland on North Williams Ave.

Who: This event is the brainchild of Stephen Green @PDXStepheng, economist, entrepreneur & strong advocate of CHEATING to support small businesses. By day he is the Community Manager for Townsquared where he is engaging area small businesses to support each other and share knowledge. Stephen, along with others in the community have been looking to spread broader narratives about black founders locally. This event wouldn't be possible without the support of some amazing partners; Instrument, Spirit Mountain Community Fund, Silicon Florist, Digital Trends, Built Oregon, ClientJoy, Albina Community Bank, Miller Nash Graham & Dunn LLP, Business For A Better Portland

Why: To connect the region's growing entrepreneurial ecosystem with the increasing number of African-American founders.

Cost: Tickets are $22 with ALL PROCEEDS from ticket sales going directly to the three winners. Bring some extra cash to make sure you leave with some event swag.

May 21, 2017
TYE (The young entrepreneur) State Competition
Intel Hawthorn Farms 3 (HF3) Campus

TiE Young Entrepreneurs (TYE) is a Global program aimed at fostering our future generation of entrepreneurs. TYE focuses on teaching entrepreneurship to high school students and helping them discover the rewards and challenges of becoming an entrepreneur. During the program the students form teams, go through workshops focused on different aspects of business and entrepreneurship, and then create products and companies.

This year, teams will be coming from schools all around the Portland Metro area including Jesuit, Reynolds, Benson, Catlin Gabel, Rosemary Anderson, and others.

Teams compete at the state level first and the winner of each chapter goes on to the Global Competition to compete for cash prizes. This year, the Global Competition is taking place in Irvine California at the end of June.

Mar 4, 2014
CoFoundersLab Matchup Portland
ISITE Design

CoFoundersLab Matchup Portland is aimed to help build founding teams in finding co-founders, advisers & interns. Get started networking now with a potential core team member by creating a FREE profile on

Dec 13, 2012
TiE Oregon Happy Hour
Jack London bar

What's a better way to unwind after a long day than meeting up for happy hour with some like-minded entrepreneurs to discuss startup issues? Get out of the rain and attend the TiE Startup Happy Hour Thursday evenings starting at 5pm to meet other entrepreneurs or even get advice from seasoned Charter Members. A great way to build connections in a relaxed atmosphere!

Contact Sheri Dover if you are interested in joining this coming week.

[email protected]

Ph: (541) 602-6215

Jan 10, 2013
TiE Oregon Happy Hour
Jack London bar

What's a better way to unwind after a long day than meeting up for happy hour with some like-minded entrepreneurs to discuss startup issues? Attend the TiE Startup Happy Hour Thursday evenings 5-7pm to meet other entrepreneurs or even get advice from seasoned Charter Members. A great way to build connections in a relaxed atmosphere!

This event is free and open to the public. There is a no-host bar.

Contact Sheri Dover, or just show up, if you are interested in joining this coming week.

[email protected]

Ph: (541) 602-6215

Jan 17, 2013
TiE Oregon Happy Hour
Jack London bar

What's a better way to unwind after a long day than meeting up for happy hour with some like-minded entrepreneurs to discuss startup issues? Attend the TiE Startup Happy Hour Thursday evenings 5-7pm to meet other entrepreneurs or even get advice from seasoned Charter Members. A great way to build connections in a relaxed atmosphere!

This event is free and open to the public. There is a no-host bar.

Contact Sheri Dover, or just show up, if you are interested in joining this coming week.

[email protected]

Ph: (541) 602-6215

Jan 24, 2013
TiE Oregon Happy Hour
Jack London bar

Come shake off the cold and warm up with some good conversation with other entrepreneurs, tech-types and seasoned charter members at the TiE Startup Happy Hour. Meet with us Thursday Night, 5pm – 7pm, at the Jack London Bar. A great way to build connections in a relaxed atmosphere! The Jack London Bar is a great space hidden in the basement of the Rialto Pool Hall 529 SW 4th Ave Portland, OR 97204. To find us, go to the back of the pool hall and down the stairs. Call or text Sheri if you get lost.

This event is free and open to the public. There is a no-host bar.

Contact Sheri Dover, or just show up, if you are interested in joining this coming week.

[email protected]

Ph: (541) 602-6215

Jan 31, 2013
TiE Oregon Happy Hour
Jack London bar

What's a better way to unwind after a long day than meeting up for happy hour with some like-minded entrepreneurs to discuss startup issues? Get out of the rain and attend the TiE Startup Happy Hour Thursday evenings starting at 5pm to meet other entrepreneurs or even get advice from seasoned Charter Members. A great way to build connections in a relaxed atmosphere!

This event is open to the public.

Contact Sheri Dover, or just show up if you are interested in joining this coming week.

[email protected]

Ph: (541) 602-6215

TiE Oregon Happy Hour
Jack London bar

Meet entrepreneurs, tech-types and seasoned TiE charter members at the TiE Startup Happy Hour Thursday, 5pm – 7pm, at the Jack London Bar. A great way to build connections in a relaxed atmosphere! The Jack London Bar is a great space hidden in the basement of the Rialto Pool Hall 529 SW 4th Ave Portland, OR 97204. To find us, go to the back of the pool hall and down the stairs. Call or text Sheri if you get lost.

This event is free and open to the public. There is a no-host bar.

Contact Sheri Dover, or just show up, if you are interested in joining this coming week.

[email protected]

Ph: (541) 602-6215

Feb 7, 2013
TiE Oregon Happy Hour
Jack London bar

What's a better way to unwind after a long day than meeting up for happy hour with some like-minded entrepreneurs to discuss startup issues? Attend the TiE Startup Happy Hour Thursday evenings starting at 5pm to meet other entrepreneurs or even get advice from seasoned Charter Members. A great way to build connections in a relaxed atmosphere!

This event is open to the public.

Contact Sheri Dover, or just show up if you are interested in joining this coming week.

[email protected]

Ph: (541) 602-6215

Feb 14, 2013
TiE Oregon Happy Hour
Jack London bar

What's a better way to show your commitment and undying love for your startup/idea/the startup community than meeting up for happy hour with some like-minded entrepreneurs to discuss startup issues? Attend the TiE Startup Happy Hour Thursday tonight starting at 5pm. A great way to build relationships in a relaxed atmosphere!

This event is free and open to the public.

Contact Sheri Dover, or just show up if you are interested in joining this coming week.

[email protected]

Ph: (541) 602-6215

Feb 21, 2013
TiE Oregon Happy Hour
Jack London bar

TiE Happy hour is about entrepreneurs sharing ideas and building relationships over drinks. Join us this week!

Contact Sheri Dover, or just show up, if you are interested in joining this coming week.

[email protected]

Ph: (541) 602-6215

Apr 4, 2019
ProductTank PDX April Meetup
Jama Software

We'll have two 20-minute talks, each followed by 10 minutes of Q&A. We'll have plenty of time at the start and end of the meetup for tasty beverages and networking.

Using Wireframes to Communicate Product Vision Amy King, Software Product Manager at Digimarc

Supercharging User Engagement by Supporting Autonomy: Practical Motivation Science for Product Managers Jahed Momand, Head of Product Management at Conversa Health

Nov 20, 2011
Android Developers Westside
Java Nation Website
Dec 6, 2016
TiE Oregon Confessions of an Entrepreneur with Jill Nelson, Founder of Ruby Receptionist

Join us on Wednesday, December 6th when Founder and CEO of Ruby Receptionist, Jill Nelson participates in our monthly series, Confessions of an Entrepreneur.

Since founding the company in 2003, Jill has led Ruby to double-digit revenue growth every year, and last year sold the majority share of Ruby for $38.8 million to Updata Partners out of Washington D.C. Today, Ruby’s 340+ employees provide live receptionist service to 6,000 small businesses throughout North America. Jill’s unique vision of charming, professional receptionists enabled by leading-edge technology has built Ruby into a platform by which small businesses can deliver exceptional customer experiences over the phone and grow their companies.

Confessions of an Entrepreneur is a series that allows entrepreneurs to hear the highs and lows of what it takes to build a successful company – unfiltered and off the record!

This is always a fun and valuable event, so be sure to invite your friends and team members.

Sep 28, 2017
How to Scale Up Your Startup

Join us for our Scale Up workshop series to learn how to: tailor your company’s growing operations to a specific business strategy, learn when and how to outsource work, align your product development and business goals, and develop a scalable sales & marketing strategy.

Learn more and register:

Our workshop series consists of three sessions on Sept. 28, Oct. 5, and Oct. 12 focused on operations, product development, and marketing. Each session runs from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and includes lunch.

OEN Workshop: Scaling Operations for Startups

Scaling a startup requires careful attention to the operational details within the company. Experts in finance, human resources, and real estate will equip you with concepts and tools to build and evaluate operations to support your vision. You will learn how to tailor your company’s operational competencies, processes, and assets to a specific business strategy.

Learn more and register:

This session is part of a three-part workshop series, "How to Scale Your Startup," hosted by the nonprofit Oregon Entrepreneurs Network. Register for the entire series here:

Oct 5, 2017
OEN Workshop: Scaling Product Development for Startups

You’ve turned your idea into a product – now how do you grow your team and deliver that product to the broader market? In this workshop session, we will focus on the unique and practical considerations of scaling product development for the next level.

Learn more and register:

This session is part of a three-part workshop series, "How to Scale Your Startup," hosted by the nonprofit Oregon Entrepreneurs Network. Register for the entire series here:

Oct 10, 2017
Evolve Your Startup: It’s All About Traction – Sell, Sell, Sell!

It’s All About Traction – Sell – Sell – Sell!

After months, or maybe even years of finding product/market fit, you’re ready to take your product to market! You’re excited to have people all over the world enjoy the benefits your product can provide. So why is it that one of the biggest hurdles for a startup is gaining initial traction?
Join us on October 10th as we hear from successful entrepreneurs, from an array of backgrounds, talk about how selling is and will always be the biggest key to your company’s success. They will share how they’re companies flourished because of the time and effort they put into being good sales reps and how they passed this knowledge to all their employees no matter what role they played in the organization – everyone selling, all the time!

Topics will Include: • Developing yourself as a salesperson • The right time to hire a sales person/team and how to do it successfully • Developing a pipeline/demand generation • Sales conversion • Selling into international markets • Sales Management Applications

Panelists: • Chanin Ballance, Cofounder and Chief Executive Officer, Veelo • David Eddy, Vice President, Head of Content & Business Development, GuideSpark • Scott Campbell, Chief Revenue Officer, Lytics • Sce Pike, Chief Executive Officer & President, IOTAS

Moderator: Tom O'Keefe, President & Chief Executive Officer, 4-Tell

Details: When: Tuesday, October 10th Time: 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM Cost: TiE Oregon and TAO Members $5 / Nonmembers $25

Oct 12, 2017
OEN Workshop: Scaling Sales for Startups

Startups face unique challenges when it comes to identifying and developing their growth engines and putting sustainable processes in place. In this workshop session, learn how to create a sales force and develop a selling process and strategy.

Learn more and register:

This session is part of a three-part workshop series, "How to Scale Your Startup," hosted by the nonprofit Oregon Entrepreneurs Network. Register for the entire series here:

Oct 10, 2017
TiE & TAO Partner Event - Evolve Your Startup: It's All About Traction - Sell Sell Sell!
JLL Portland

After months, or maybe even years of finding product/market fit, you’re ready to take your product to market!  You’re excited to have people all over the world enjoy the benefits your product can provide. So why is it that one of the biggest hurdles for a startup is gaining initial traction?

Join us on October 10th as we hear from successful entrepreneurs, from an array of backgrounds, talk about how selling is and will always be the biggest key to your company’s success. They will share how they’re companies flourished because of the time and effort they put into being good sales reps and how they passed this knowledge to all their employees no matter what role they played in the organization – everyone selling, all the time!

Topics will Include: - Developing yourself as a salesperson - The right time to hire a sales person/team and how to do it successfully - Developing a pipeline/demand generation - Sales conversion - Selling into international markets - Sales Management Applications

PANELISTS: - Chanin Ballance, Cofounder and Chief Executive Officer, Veelo - Scott Campbell, Chief Revenue Officer, Lytics - Leah Daniels, Vice President Business Development, Galois - Sce Pike, Chief Executive Officer & President, IOTAS

Moderator: - Tom O’Keefe, President & Chief Executive Officer, 4-Tell

EVENT DETAILS: When:  Tuesday, October 10th Where:  JLL, 1120 NW Couch St #500, Portland, OR 97209 Time:  5:00 PM – 7:00 PM (light appetizers and beverages will be served)      5:00 PM – Check-in and networking      6:00 PM – Panel discussion and Q&A      7:00 PM – More networking

COST TO ATTEND: $5 TiE and TAO Members $25 Nonmembers


ABOUT THE SERIES: TiE Oregon, in partnership with the Technology Association of Oregon introduces the “Evolve Your Start-up” series. This new series of events will explore topics relevant to a variety of roles and functions within startups. The goal is to have seasoned professionals in growth-phase companies share their stories and strategies with entrepreneurs just starting out.

Oct 3, 2013
Startup Ideation Bootcamp with Rob Wiltbank and Wade Brooks
Journey Gym

You have an idea for a startup, but don't know what to do next? In just three hours, the Startup Ideation Bootcamp will help you improve your idea, come up with new ideas, determine the next steps, and even recruit potential co-founders. This intensive, collaborative workshop begins with talks by leading startup Founders designed to teach you the components of good and bad startup ideas. For example, is your market big enough, is there organic growth potential, and a clear path to profitability? Then, attendees can share their ideas with both experts and peers to receive constructive feedback. Join us for a fun evening!

Oct 8, 2013
Founder Institute Information Session
Journey Gym

The Founder Institute is the world's largest early-stage accelerator. Join us for a informational event where you can meet the local Directors, ask questions, and learn how you can launch a startup with the Founder Institute's help.

Oct 3, 2013
Tech Cocktail's Portland Social
Jupiter Hotel

Hey Portland, get ready for your upcoming Tech Cocktail Social. Tech Cocktail Social Events- Networking need not feel like work.  That's why Tech Cocktail Socials focus on infusing fun into what is normally a stale experience.  The premise is simple; we bring together Portland's hottest startups, Mix with local tech enthusiasts and serve over cocktails.  Whether you're seeking a new job, looking to build a new connection to take your business to the next level, or simply looking for an exciting environment to break up the week, Tech Cocktail Mixers are the perfect way to serve up a healthy dose of fun and value into your week.

Please join us: When: Thursday, October 3rd, 2013 - 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. PST Where: Jupiter Hotel - 800 East Burnside Street, Portland, OR 97214 What: A cocktail of tech enthusiasts   THANK YOU TO OUR PARTNER!! Partner, American Airlines

  Helping startups get exposure – Tech Cocktail will be selecting two winning companies from your region to be included in our grand-scale nation event, Tech Cocktail Celebrate, held in Downtown Las Vegas.  Startups will also receive mention on the Tech Cocktail website during the event wrap-up post for FREE. Apply now - space is limited!  We'll let you know if you are selected.  

  Connecting the technology community – At Tech Cocktail events you are bound to connect with potential new employees, developers, designers and more. Tech Cocktail could be the place where you meet your next employee, co-founder or even get a date. If you are a company looking to hire, you can also leverage the Tech Cocktail Job Board to get the message out early – or you could sponsor the event and use it as your own personal job fair. Click here to contact us for sponsorship information.    Interested in sponsoring Tech Cocktail Portland? Tech Cocktail offers a range of sponsorship options for every budget. Whether you're looking to just support the event so local startups can get more coverage, or leverage the event to get exposure for your product or company (or find people to hire!), we have affordable opportunities for you. Learn how your company can be a part of the event here.   Tech Cocktail ( is a media company that covers the latest tech innovations across the globe. Tech Cocktail has been hosting mixer events and writing about technology start-ups and entrepreneurs across the country with the focus of helping to amplify the local technology signal since 2006. We have hosted large events in Chicago, D.C., NY, San Francisco, Boston, Boulder, San Diego, Detroit, Boise, Austin, Barcelona and more. Read more about Tech Cocktail.   

Apr 10, 2024
Founders Roundtable and Happy Hour Networking
K&L Gates 1 SW Columbia Street

If you are a B2B Founder, this event is for you. Feeling isolated or alone? Hear from other Founders (from Seed to Series C) and gain valuable insights, strategies, thoughts, and concerns during these times of economic uncertainty. This will be a no holds barred, authentic, open-conversation in a roundtable format.

​​Followed immediately with an audience Q&A.

Sponsored by K&L Gates, J.P. Morgan, Mucker Capital and LeadrPro

​Founder Roundtable Participants

Darius Monsef, Brave Care (Series B, $25MM) Mat Ellis, Sixty AI (Seed, $3.5MM) Fahti Khosrow, Ceek Women’s Health (Seed, $3.7MM) Henry Shapiro, (Seed, $13.4MM raised) Amina Moreau, (undisclosed) Jelani Memory, A Kids Co (Series A, $8MM)

plus special guests...

​​To nominate a founder, email [email protected]

Moderated by Chris Sheng: Advisor at Mucker Capital, CEO at LeadrPro, and Host of PodSaas

We'll cover such relevant topics as:

​​founder war stories ​raising capital growth during a recession ​culture and teams during times of uncertainty ​what's in store for 2024

About the companies:

Radious is an online marketplace that transforms houses, apartments, and other residential properties into collaborative workspaces that companies rent by the day. Brave Care is Walk-in Pediatric Urgent Care Sixty AI highlights what needs your attention and magically manages the rest. is an AI-powered smart calendar assistant used by over 37,000 companies across the globe, empowering individuals, teams, and enterprises to automatically align their time to their most important priorities. Ceek Women's Health has created the first speculum designed with the patient in mind. A Kids Co is a new kind of kids media company that is working to empower a generation of kids through diverse storytelling.

Jan 26, 2024
Bootstrap Founders Connect

Join us for an interactive group session, to share, learn, and connect with other bootstrap founders around Portland!

At this event, we'll let 2 founders share in-depth something they're working on. So, if you're looking for some group feedback...or just want to showcase your project...come prepared to share! It'll be a great time for questions, discussion, and feedback.

Space is RSVP's are required!

Save time for an optional group lunch after the meetup!

Date: Friday, Jan 26 Time: 10a - 12p Location: Kiln Coworking Space 1120 SE Madison St Portland, OR 97214

Feb 13, 2024
PDX AI Demo Night
Kiln Portland

​​OVF is excited to kick off the first PDX AI Demo Night to showcase the AI products coming from the founder and engineering community through lightening demos + Q&A. ​

​Join us for an evening of networking and excitement, as we revel in the latest AI demos from:

​Hello Wonder DXM Paxton Reclaim

​Agenda: ​​​​​6:00-6:30pm: Welcome & mingle ​​​​​6:30-7:15pm: AI Demos ​​​​​7:15-8:00pm: Food & drinks

​Please make sure to register, as we have limited capacity - seats will fill quickly!

​We're gathering at Kiln - a beautiful new co-working space on SE Hawthorne.

Aug 2, 2024
Startup School: How to get your first customers
Kiln Portland

We're starting free in-person workshops...cause we all gotta level up! We're calling it "Startup School".

The main topic of this workshop is... "How to Get Your First Customers".

Our 2 speakers are Pat Cheung and Andreeas Trattner, and they'll share their journey on getting their first customers.

Pat Cheung is the founder of Fanlist. He'll share details on how he landed his first 50 customers through a tradeshow. He'll walk through all the tactics he used to sponsor a tradeshow booth, what went well, what didn't, and how he did it on a budget...with a full breakdown of costs.

Andreeas Trattner is the founder of reachtools. Andreeas will speak on his journey in acquiring initial users as a bootstrapper. He will cover leveraging his network, utilizing Google Ads, and his strategy for creating a direct mail campaign in 2024, as well as the limitations of these approaches.

Space is RSVP's are required! Optional group lunch at nearby food carts after the meetup!

Date: Friday, Aug 2 Time: 10a - 12p Location: Kiln Coworking Space 1120 SE Madison St Portland, OR 97214

A big thank you to Kiln for hosting us. You can read more about their co-working space at

Nov 14, 2024
AI Portland: Developing an AI Policy at Work
Kiln Portland

As we navigate the evolving landscape of AI, understanding and developing robust policies is more crucial than ever. Join us as we discuss practical considerations when evaluating AI policies for your company or team. Leave with real tips and tricks for navigating this at your job.

Meet our panel:

  • Suzame Tong, Corporate Marketing Executive: From start-ups to scale-ups through IPO, Suzame Tong is a proven corporate marketing leader with depth of experience in brand, PR, social, and executive and employee communications for global B2B SaaS companies.
  • Lyndsey Washburn, Director of Public and Social Sector Policy for the AI Governance Group: Lindsey is a social impact leader and policy expert with over 15 years of experience working across all sectors. As Director of Public and Social Sector Policy for the AI Governance Group, Lindsey provides strategic guidance to nonprofits and governments on how to leverage AI in a responsible and ethical way. She's an inaugural Affiliate of All Tech Is Human, a Research Member of the Center for AI and Digital Policy, and a Responsible AI Advocacy member of the GovAI Coalition, among other affiliations. Lindsey has built her career on bridging gaps between diverse stakeholders and driving systemic change through participatory policymaking, with a particular focus on using technology to strengthen democratic institutions.
  • Jordan Plawner, AI Strategy Advisor and Product Management Executive, AI Advisory Group: Founding member of The AI Advisory Group, Jordan was previously Intel's Global Executive Director of AI Product Management, where he led teams to launch seven generations of AI products and build a $3 billion annual business. Jordan specializes in aligning AI technology with organizational needs. As an AI evangelist featured on CNN and Time, he focuses on empowering leadership, transforming workforces, and crafting strategies to integrate AI into business operations.
  • Nicole Mors, Co-founder of AI Portland and Group Design Manager at Lithia Motors: Nicole is a seasoned Product Design Leader with a deep passion for crafting engaging digital experiences that drive business success across diverse industries. Her expertise spans leading design teams within tech organizations of all sizes, where she's committed to fostering growth and instilling a culture of passion and enthusiasm.
Dec 7, 2016
OEN Startup Resources Tradeshow 2016
Lagunitas Community Room

Did you know that in the Portland metro area alone, there are over 50 organizations dedicated to helping entrepreneurs? But which ones can help YOU?

The Startup Resources Tradeshow 2016, hosted by Oregon Entrepreneurs Network, is the perfect starting point for new entrepreneurs trying to navigate our startup ecosystem. It includes representatives from local organizations, accelerators, incubators, universities, and government programs that provide support, mentorship, and potential funding for entrepreneurs.

Register at:

Mar 25, 2013
Launching a web-based business Q&A

You've got questions, we've got answers. Meet up with Team LaunchSide for a time of networking and individual Q&A. We will spend the first 30 minutes networking and the remainder of the time discussing topics in small groups:

Nathan Taggart, CEO has a strong background in launching tech companies and will answer any questions related to building a Minimum Viable Product, Business Strategy Development, Recruiting Co-Founders, Managing Teams, Raising Capital.

Chris Chong, CMO has over 10 years experience using online marketing for lead generation and customer acquisition. He will answer any questions related to Customer Acquisition, Revenue Strategy, Bootstrapping vs Raising Money, Testing Market Viability, Using SEO and PPC for Advertising.

Travis Cannon, COO is a software engineer with an MBA. He will answer any questions related to Business Strategy, Software Engineering, Lean Startup, Business Model Development and Product Management.

Feb 5, 2016
Elevating Impact Summit
Lincoln Performance Hall - PSU Campus

From garages to corporate offices, you will find pragmatic, creative people designing new solutions to pressing social and environmental issues and creating value for their companies, communities, and society at large. These social entrepreneurs are finding new ways to make a difference while changing how business is done. The Summit celebrates and shares new approaches to generating social and environmental impact across business, social, public, and academic sectors.

The full day program includes a social innovation pitch fest; candid keynotes with renowned social entrepreneurs; diverse perspectives on funding for social impact; how an intrapreneurial company is partnering with employers to lower national recidivism; a look at the power of zip codes vs. genetic codes in lifelong health, and an exploration of the often untold risks, failures, and first steps to creating social change.

Buy tickets at

$20 student ticket rate!

Limited ticket scholarships available, e-mail [email protected] for more information.

Sep 6, 2024
Founder Fridays Portland
Lovely Rita

A casual meetup where founders discuss their biggest challenges and share learnings.

Oct 4, 2024
Founder Fridays Co-working
Lovely Rita

This Week in Startups listeners, LAUNCH portfolio companies, Founder University alumni, and investors get together in real life with a mix of exclusive and open events to connect the startup community. These events are for founders, by founders — absolutely no service providers or agency owners.

Feb 13, 2024
#social_beer February Hangout!
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

Members of the Portland Startups Slack gather in person to do the same thing they do on the Portland Startups Slack. Only in real life.

No agenda. Just an opportunity for folks who regularly collaborate online to meet in person.

Feb 11, 2015
OEN PubTalk: How to Grow Your Startup by 16,000 Percent in Three Years
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

Ever wonder what it takes to make Inc. 5000‘s list of the 10 fastest-growing private companies in America? Cliff Johnson, COO and co-founder of Vacasa, is here to tell you. Of course, there’s no “secret sauce,” but Cliff will share the challenges, successes, and lessons learned in the six years since co-founding this wildly popular vacation rental startup.

Mar 11, 2015
OEN PubTalk: Is Brick and Mortar Retail Dying or Evolving?
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

It’s projected that within the next 15-20 years, half of America’s malls will shut down. JCPenney, Macy’s, and Sears are among the many retail giants that have recently announced fresh rounds of closures and layoffs.

So is brick-and-mortar retail dying? Though e-commerce platforms are increasingly vital in today’s retail marketplace, not everyone is quick to discount good ol’ fashioned brick-and-mortar stores. Join us at our March PubTalk to learn how startup companies are leveraging online and offline retail experiences to create more demand.

Apr 8, 2015
OEN PubTalk: How to Win Investors and Keep Them Loving You
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

An ideal investor-entrepreneur relationship is not merely transactional. Taking on investors is a long-term commitment that, like any relationship, requires a foundation of communication, trust, and shared values and goals.

So, how do you not only win over investors, but keep them loving you? Join us at our April PubTalk to hear about the love story between Sseko Designs and Skyline Capital.

As always, the program will be preceded by time for networking and will include free appetizers and pizza. Registration begins at 5:15 p.m. The program will kick off around 6:00 p.m. with five-minute pitches from Jennifer Pereau of Rawdacious Desserts and Reggie Senegal of SnapLaces. We’ll then proceed to our panel and will wrap up at 7:00 p.m., including time for audience Q&A.

Cost: $10 for OEN members; $20 for non-members

Register at:

May 13, 2015
OEN PubTalk: Get in the Game – The Future of the Oregon Gaming Industry
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

Whether or not you’re into gaming, you can’t deny the industry’s economic impact here in Oregon. Between 2009 and 2012, it contributed over $111 million to the state’s economy.

So, where is this growing industry headed? Join us at our May PubTalk to get your game on and learn about the future of gaming here in Oregon.

Learn more and register:

Feb 11, 2016
OEN PubTalk: Intentions Are Worthless – An Honest Conversation About Inclusion in Oregon’s Startup Community
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

Inclusion has become a popular buzzword these days. But what does it really mean, why is it important, and what can we actually do about it? Our February PubTalk will cut through the jargon and vague “good intentions,” bringing uncomfortable truths about our startup community’s implicit biases to light. Attendees will walk away with a list of concrete actions they can take today to help ensure that all Oregon entrepreneurs have access to the support and resources they need to thrive.

Our all-star panel will feature Stephen Green of Elevate Capital (moderator), Paige Hendrix Buckner of ClientJoy, Tory Campbell of Felton & Mary’s Artisan Foods, Dwayne Johnson of ScaleUp Partners, and Grace Andrews of Puppet Labs and Lurabel.

As always, the program will be preceded by time for networking and will include free appetizers and pizza. Registration begins at 5:15 p.m.

Cost: $10 for OEN members; $20 for non-members. We do take walk-ins but prefer that you register online:

May 11, 2016
OEN PubTalk: The Daily Juggle – Stories from Mompreneurs
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

Spreadsheets and sippy cups, pitches and potties, term sheets and tantrums… managing a startup can be all-consuming, so how the heck do you do it when you also have a family to manage? On the heels of Mother’s Day, hear from moms in the trenches who are learning to master the ‘Daily Juggle.’ They will share their challenges, their victories, and their tips for those who dare to try to ‘have it all.’

Jun 8, 2016
OEN PubTalk: What the BLEEP is Lean?
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

You’ve heard of the lean process, but are you fuzzy on the details? Curious if you can apply it to your startup? Although lean is often linked to manufacturing, it’s really about how ideas, people, energy, information, materials, and cash flow through an organization. At our June PubTalk, four panelists from diverse industries will discuss how the lean process has impacted their company culture, including the benefits and potential pitfalls.

Panelists linclude: - Alvin Elbert, A.R.E. Manufacturing - John Grant, Agile Attorney Network - Ken Tomita, Grovemade - Yesenia Gallardo, Poda Foods

Nov 9, 2016
Speed Networking!
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

Entrepreneurs are often told to “network” their way to investors, mentors, and business partners. But this can be scary if you’re not comfortable, don’t know where to start or what to say. Come get some practice building your social capital game.

Do successful networkers have a secret? Do the top networkers talk differently? Have different body language? Respond in different ways depending on the conversation starter? We want to help you better understand what it means to be a successful networker.


The OEN PubTalk™ is our flagship monthly happy hour — a perfect starting point for new community members and a great place for established members to make new connections.

For our November PubTalk, we have partnered with a local research team, the Science of People who will be running a little experiment on networking behavior. They will ask you to fill-out a little pre and post survey as your enter and exit the event and will be observing during the event. We will share the results for you in a few months! (If you would like to opt-out, no problem! Just let us know at the door.)

Hashtag: #oenpubtalk

Cost: $10 for OEN members; $20 for non-members. Register at:

Jun 14, 2017
OEN PubTalk: Beyond Angels – Startup Funders Pitch to YOU
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

Much ado is made about angel investment and venture capital, but the truth of the matter is that the majority of businesses get their funding elsewhere. Before you start chasing down angel investors, take some time to understand the full funding landscape, from community public offerings to crowdfunding to small business loans.

At our June PubTalk, funders will pitch to YOU to provide an overview of who their target market is and how they stack up to their competition.

The OEN PubTalk™ is our flagship monthly happy hour — a perfect starting point for new community members and a great place for established members to make new connections. As always, the program will be preceded by time for networking and will include free appetizers and pizza.

Learn more and register:

Jan 10, 2018
OEN PubTalk: Crowdfunding Your Startup
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

Everyone knows about Kickstarter, but it’s only one of many ways to crowdfund your startup. At our January PubTalk, we’ll explore a range of crowdfunding opportunities, including regulation crowdfunding, community public offerings, Regulation A+, crowd lending, and more.

Entrepreneurs who have taken advantage of crowdfunding options will share their experiences so that you can decide whether crowdfunding is right for you.

Learn more and register:

Feb 20, 2018
OEN PubTalk: Speed Networking!
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

Entrepreneurs are often told to “network” their way to investors, mentors, and business partners. But this can be scary if you’re not comfortable, don’t know where to start, or what to say. We’re here to help—our Speed Networking PubTalk is back by popular demand! Join us to practice building your social capital game.

Register now:

Mar 14, 2018
OEN PubTalk: PitchFest 2018!
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

Our PubTalk PitchFest is on! Featuring 25 one-minute pitches, our PitchFest will introduce you to exciting new ideas from up-and-coming entrepreneurs. One lucky winner, determined by an audience vote, will walk away with $1,000 in cash and a two-night stay at a Vacasa property.

Interested in pitching? Sign up for our Pitch Perfect Seminar on Thursday, March 1. We will select 25 seminar participants to proceed to our PitchFest.

Register here:

Feb 12, 2020
Picking the Right Incubator, Accelerator, or Co-Working Space
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

Quick, what’s the difference between an incubator and an accelerator? How can each one help you? And how are they different from a co-working space? Our panel of experts will break it all down for you. They’ll discuss how to pick the right program based on your start-up stage, how to “win” the application, and more.

You’ll learn

  • Key differences between an incubator, an accelerator, and a co-working space
  • What support you should expect from each
  • How to capitalize on what they offer to build your business
May 13, 2010
Willamette Angel Conference
McDonald Theatre

Attend the first-ever angel investor conference to hit the Eugene community. If you've never attended an angel investor conference you're not going to want to miss this opportunity. The day (May 13th | 7:30am - 5pm) is filled with excitement, education, competition, and fun. The winning company will walk away with a minimum investment prize of $125,000.

Oct 3, 2012
OEN Startup Pitch & Putt
through McMenamins Edgefield

OEN is redefining the meaning of "hackathon" with our first-ever OEN Pitch & Putt at McMenamin's Edgefield on Wedneday, Oct 3. Get ready to hack around the 12-hole Edgefield pub course with your fellow Oregon and SW Washington entrepreneurs and other leaders in Oregon's entrepreneurial scene. Come share your startup stories while holding a McMenamin's beer in one hand and a club in the other! Can you do this without spilling? We will see!

At the beginning and end of the 12-hole course sits the lovely Distillery Bar. This is a great place to grab an additional drink...or two when the tournament ends at 5 PM.

Get registered today and let's have some fun! Oh, and if you happen to forget your putter, no worries because you can rent them for only $2 at the course! SCORE! (Hopefully you won't be saying FORE.)

Already have a 4-some and want to play? Let Kirsten Ringen know! [email protected].

Hole Sponsors: Alexander Connections Comcast Business Services First Citizens Bank Perkins & Co.

Photography Sponsor: Edis Jurcys Photography

Oct 12, 2017
Happy Startup School
McMenamins Kennedy School

Welcome to the first meet up of the Happy Startup School's Portland Chapter!

On 12 October we'll be hosting an intimate gathering of likeminded people that believe there's more to life and business than making money.

Launched in the UK in 2012, The Happy Startup School has grown from a small meetup in London to a global community of purpose-driven founders, creatives and leaders that regularly gather to inspire each other and have the conversations that matter. They run experiences and programs that set people on the right path, where money and meaning meet.

For our first event we are also lucky enough to have Laurence McCahill and Carlos Saba, founders of the Happy Startup School with us, as they pass through on their way to Alptitude USA – their week-long retreat for changemakers at Mount Hood that takes place October 15-22.

They'll share their story, ask questions and get us all sharing ideas and learning from each other.

Who's it for?

Do you feel a compulsion to get a new project, product, app or service that you believe in, live and into the real world?

Are you a skilled tech, design or marketing professional attracted to the energy of the startup scene?

Or are you just super energised and excited to help someone bring their vision to the world?

If so, come and join us for an evening of structured but agenda-less small group conversation.

For those new to Lean coffee, it is a structured but agenda-less meeting. Participants gather, democratically choose the topic of discussion by vote, then get talking. Simples.

There are dozens of Lean Coffee meetups happening across the world in places like Seattle, San Francisco, Toronto, Stockholm, Edinburgh, Brighton and now we can add Portland to that list.

Who usually comes along?

• budding startups • intrapreneurs • small business owners • one man bands • people with a passion for startups • ...and anyone who simply wants to learn, or create.

Topics regularly discussed within small groups are:

• productivity hacks • how to test an idea without having customers • building a 100% transparent company • pricing your services effectively • how to find designers/developers • how to choose the right product features • community building hacks • growth & content marketing

...but we welcome all sorts of startup, business and happiness related topics you might need help with.

Look forward to seeing you there.

Apr 8, 2014
Demolicious Portland
McMenamins Mission Theater & Pub

Portlanders in web and mobile tech are creating cool new apps, services and companies. But we aren't sharing them nearly enough. Demolicious shines a well-deserved spotlight on some of the best work. Previous presenters have gone on to raise money from PIE, the Portland Seed Fund and other investors.

Feb 3, 2016
Portland Startup Week: Portland Seed Fund Pitch for a Beer
McMenamins Ringlers Pub

You have a big idea, maybe even a co-founder. But you'd like a second opinion before you sever all ties to paid employment, loved ones and regular meals. Time to Pitch for a Beer and get frank and fast feedback from Portland Seed Fund managers!

How it works: First 50 to arrive get in free with an elevator pitch to the bouncer. Those who want to pitch PSF simply drop their names in a hat. 12 names will be drawn for 5-min power sessions with PSF managers Jim Huston, Angela Jackson and Jenn Lynch. Ringler booths will be filled with other PSF alumni and mentors, so you will garner additional feedback from great sources even if your name didn't get drawn. Everyone gets a beer ticket (and pizza).

No RSVP required. Doors will be closed after first 50 in.

Jan 29, 2019
Portland Seed Fund Pitch-for-a-Beer
McMenamins Ringlers Pub

You have a big idea, maybe even a co-founder. Now you're ready to Pitch for a Beer and get frank and fast feedback from Portland Seed Fund managers, investors and alums!

How it works: No sign-up required. First 12 entrepreneurs to arrive will get 5-min power sessions with PSF managers Jim Huston, Angela Jackson and Jenn Lynch. Ringler booths will be filled with PSF alumni founders and mentors, so additional rotations give you extra feedback. Everyone gets pizza (and a beer!)

Event capacity - 50 people.

Questions? [email protected]

Sep 8, 2014
Portland Seed Fund- Pitch for a Beer!
McMennamins Ringler's

Working on a startup? Have an interesting business idea that's going to disrupt the market?

Come enjoy pizza and beer on us and pitch that idea to Portland Seed Fund, a professionally managed early-venture fund with 46 seed and early stage investments.

You'll have two minutes to pitch PSF alumni, fund managers and mentors, with one tough question served up by a panel of Portland Seed Fund portfolio founders. There will also be time for you to learn more about becoming a Portland Seed Fund company from the alumni who've been through it.

Space is limited and exclusive to those pitching; pre-registration required:

When: Monday September 8, 2014

Time: 5:00pm-7:30pm

Where: McMenamins Ringlers Pub (NOT Annex)

1332 W Burnside St, Portland, OR 97209

Questions? Please email us at: [email protected]

Learn more about Portland Seed Fund:

This event is a lot of fun, don't miss it!

Dec 7, 2017
Pitch Oregon
Melody Ballroom

TiE’s annual Pitch Oregon is our marquee event, which attracts over 200 attendees each year. Entrepreneurs from all around Oregon pitch for cash and prize packages in the following categories.

Concept Stage – you either have an idea or you’ve just started working on your product Seed Stage– you have a product and have taken some funding or are bootstrapping Timeline:

September 22nd — Apply to Pitch October 27th — Application Deadline November 10th — Finalists Announced December 7th — Pitch Oregon


Concept Stage Prize Package:

The chance to participate in the TiE Oregon Entrepreneurs Boot Camp complimentary The opportunity to pitch in-front of the TiE Oregon Charter Members One year TiE Oregon Entrepreneur Membership One year Technology Association of Oregon Membership Cash $2500 – $5,000! Check-back as this list will continue to grow! Seed Stage Prize Package:

The opportunity to participate in the TiE Oregon Entrepreneurs Boot Camp complimentary One year TiE Oregon Entrepreneur Membership One year Technology Association of Oregon Membership Investment from TiE Oregon Angels Check-back as this list will continue to grow!


Join us for the evening Celebratory Dinner Program too! 10 Years – FORGING THE FUTURE

Jun 7, 2013
OEN's Entrepreneurial Summit: The Entrepreneurs Journey
Mercy Corps

From tech to food and onto science, our region's entrepreneurs are developing ideas and companies that are making a difference from both an economic development standpoint and the betterment of the society we live in. The journey from an idea or concept to actually getting your company up and running is never an easy one. It's one that is filled with ups and downs, victories and defeats, but the one thing that all of these entrepreneurs share is a passion for what they are trying to build or create.

OEN's Entrepreneurial Summit is your opportunity to discover and learn about the incredible collection of entrepreneurs, across all industries that are making things happen in Oregon.These entrepreneurs all have a passion and belief in what they have built, but their journeys will both inspire and spark ideas within you. D'Wayne Edwards with Pensole Shoe Design Academy, Anna Martens with FreeRangePDX/Leatherman and Mat Ellis with Cloudability are just a few of the great speakers that are lined up for the event.

As many of these entrepreneurs will attest, they couldn't have done it on their own. To that end, after the talks have completed, OEN is hosting an"Entrepreneurs Journey" trade show. The trade show will include the organizations, accelerators, universities and government resources that provide the support, mentorship and potential funding for entrepreneurs.

Jan 10, 2015
Portland Launch 15
Mercy Corps

New Year's Resolutions don't work. Chance favors the prepared. We're grabbing every opportunity by the scruff of the neck and making every minute count. Portland startups are claiming success for the New Year. January 10th the members of Portland's startup scene are getting together to kick off the New Year Portland style!

We will have a hosted bar with great beer and wine, along with a buffet and awesome music!

There are so many great groups, organizations and meetups in Portland that it's easy to get lost and only meet a small portion of this huge community. This will be the best chance to meet the up-and-comers, the recent stars and the new players on the scene.

Mar 31, 2015
Startup 411 – “How to Start” Workshop
Miller Nash

Got an idea for a startup, but don’t know where to start? This workshop, hosted by OEN and OTBC, will provide an overview of local resources, along with a checklist of steps to take as you build out your plan.

Dec 15, 2016
Need Capital? OEN Angel Oregon 2017 Info Session
Miller Nash

Got a great idea? The Oregon Entrepreneurs Network (OEN) wants to help it take flight. OEN’s Angel Oregon 2017 Program is an opportunity for you to:

  • Receive a sizeable investment (historically between $200,000-300,000)
  • Hone your pitch and business plan
  • Get intensive coaching & mentoring from our network of Angel Investors
  • Present to hundreds of investors and business leaders at OEN’s annual Angel Oregon Spring Showcase

At our Dec. 15 info session, OEN staff and an active investor will provide an overview of OEN’s Angel Oregon 2017, including eligibility requirements, new funding opportunities, and application details.

Cost: FREE, limited to 40 people. Light lunch provided. Please register here:

Mar 11, 2009
TiE Oregon SW & Internet SIG: Launching and Building Companies - How They Did It
Monsoon Software

TiE Oregon Software & Internet SIG is kicking off the first session devoted to Launching and Building Software & Internet Companies.

We will be hosting three special guests who will share their experiences on How They Did It, and offer perspectives on company growth.

Michael Berkley - CEO, Splashcast Media. SplashCast is a content syndication service for social networks and mobile devices. SplashCast enables brand advertisers and content owners to reach out and engage consumers through micro-channels of content that people want and share. SplashCast has raised funds from prominent angel investors in the last two years. Mark Friess - President and Co-founder, wired.MD, Inc. wired.MD helps patients and their families make informed healthcare decisions through access to patient education videos and comprehensive solutions that also benefit treatment providers. Following angel investor funding between 2000 to 2005, wired.MD took on debt financing in 2004 and 2007 from PDC and others before being acquired by Krames/StayWell, a division of MediMedia USA in 2008. Ranjit Pandit - Founder and VP, RNA Networks. RNA Networks makes makes memory a shared network resource to deliver high performance on commodity hardware utilizing existing data center resources, without application changes. Investors include Oregon Angel Fund, Divergent Ventures, Menlo Ventures and Reference Capital. Whether you are thinking, planning or in the midst of a startup, this is your opportunity to get insights from the diversity of industry, funding and growth experiences represented by these entrepreneurs.

Oct 27, 2009
Gorge Angel Conference
Mt. Hood Winery

Join us for a fun evening where you will get to hear from past recipients of Gorge Angel investments, other successful local entrepreneurs, and Angel Investors. Hosted hors D’ oeuvres (Thanks to NW Natural, the food is on us!) No Host Wine

Mt. Hood Winery, 1930 Hwy 35, Hood River October 27, 2009 5:30-7:30 PM

RSVP: Nick.Kraemer "at", 541-387-7012

May 18, 2019
Professional Scrum Training
Ned Space

Want to learn how to take your projects to the Next Level

Practical, Hands-on Training for Scrum

Join us for an all day Scrum workshop on May 18th, 2019; featuring Suzanne Ward MBA MEng PMP CSM CSPO PSM CSP, a Scrum Master & Agile Coach/Trainer from Intel.

Our world is changing fast. Markets and consumers are demanding faster, cheaper and better products. Demands for quicker turnaround on new product development and innovation have only increased. How do companies like Google, Yahoo, Amazon, and Apple keep up? They practice agile techniques, in particular they utilize scrum to manage their projects.

Scrum has the power to transform project management across every industry, every business, and even across your personal life. By using Scrum, you’ll become more agile, discovering how to react more quickly and respond more accurately to the inevitable change that comes your way. By staying focused, collaborating, and communicating with customers and your team, you can accomplish what truly needs to be done — successfully.

Come get a taste of the future of project management and learn about the Scrum process. This one day classroom training with exercises will cover the material from scrum introduction certification class and Product Owner role in the Scrum Process.


Learn about the Scrum Process. Learn what a Product Owner and Scrum Master is responsible for. Come away with insights on how to manage your next project


 * Retain more information because of our unique hands-on approach; based on the latest research into brain science
 * Be entertained by stories from our real-world experienced and knowledgeable instructors
 * Maximize investments already made by gaining valuable Professional Development Units (PDUs)
 * Increase your personal worth within your company and in the marketplace
 * Network with people from Intel Corporation and other software companies


People whose work is completed through projects and through teams; Engineers, Software Engineers, Marketing Professionals, Project Managers, Program Managers, Business Executives, Technology Professionals, Students in MBA or undergrad business and engineering programs.


 * Product, Brand, and Marketing Management in diverse range of markets and industries, with P&L responsibilities up to $100 million annual sales.
 * Quick Learner of new industries/product offerings with results-oriented achievements. Created excitement around a static accessories category in condensed time frame. Created full line of support, educational, training, and presentation materials. Impact of efforts increased sales from $16.4M to $37.2M in 24 months.
 * Program management for multiple high tech/electronic development projects, averaging $3 million annual budget. Serve in project manager and product manager capacities. Two successful worldwide launches in 3 years. $1M annual OEM/B2B sales and $10M annual sales.
 * Combine demonstrated product management leadership experience with strong hands-on technical background. Equally comfortable delving into product requirements with hard-core engineers as well as presenting to executive level decision makers.
 * Uniquely skilled at fostering new ideas, building successful cross-functional teams, and nurturing a culture of consumer-driven product development and user experience innovation. Experience working in and managing cross-functional, cross-division, cross-geographic and multicultural sales, marketing and engineering organizations.
 * International program management, sourcing, engineering, OEM/ODM management/development experience. Overseas work assignments in EU and Asia with extended stay in Asia.


 * PMP, Project Management Professional, Project Management Institute
 * PSM, Professional Scrum Master,
 * CSM, CSPO, Certified Scrum Master, Certified Scrum Product Owner, Scrum Alliance
 * CSP, Certified Scrum Professional, Scrum Alliance


This workshop is meant to introduce professionals and students to the Scrum methodology, though the material we cover will give you the knowledge and material covered in the exam for the Professional Scrum Master (PSM) certification. Our students have gone on to take this test after the event, and passed.


By attending this workshop you’ll receive professional development units (PDU). They are for professionals looking to maintain Project Management Institute (PMI)- certified credentials. Eligible PDUs: 8 PMP PDUs


SW Engineers: eXtreme Programming, Test Driven Development, Pair Programming, Project Managers: Bridging the Gap between Project Management and Scrum


For more information and dates about our next event, join our Meetup Group:


For further information: please contact Heber Michaels, [email protected] or our team at [email protected].

Mar 19, 2009
Startup Now: What Would Your Startup Do With $250,000 in 2009?

Join Oregon's entrepreneurs Thursday evening March 19th at 5:00 PM at NedSpace (920 SW Third, between Taylor and Salmon) to explore and answer the question "What Would Your Startup Do With $250,000 in 2009?"

In the last 6 months the economy, access to capital, the cost of talent and the opportunities for innovation have all changed. We think it’s time for the relationship between entrepreneurs and the State of Oregon to change, too (the state needs jobs & entrepreneurs need capital!).

Hear stories of successful, local homegrown companies that have either bootstrapped or raised funds and then grown themselves to success.

Most importantly, though, the goal of this event is to prove to the State of Oregon that there are enough jobs, compelling ideas and entrepreneurs to warrant an immediate investment of $100,000,000 for start ups that want to hire local talent.

We are working to raise a $100M fund that makes small investments in Oregon-based companies who hire Oregon-based employees. Now, in 2009. Not next year or some point in the future. In growing these new startups, we are investing in innovation, creating jobs and building Oregon’s brand with innovators and entrepreneurs.

Please be prepared to answer the following questions:

  • Could your company hire $250,000 worth of Oregon-based talent in 2009 to get it to the next level?
  • What could your company achieve during 2009 with a $250,000 investment?
  • How many new jobs would be created if 400 new Oregon startups were funded?
  • How would you like to see $100,000,000 invested in Oregon startups?

Brought to you in part by NedSpace, Oregon Entrepreneurs Network, Reference Capital, Software Association of Oregon and Starve Ups.

NedSpace is proud to host an Oregon entrepreneurial startup event during this unparalleled time of economic chaos.disruption. Be a part of this unparalleled movement!

//Contact Information// Wayne Embree - [email protected], 503.619.4310 Josh Friedman - [email protected], 503.705.7975 Mark Grimes - [email protected], 503.502.0185 Harvey Mathews - [email protected], 503-999-5849

Nov 6, 2013
9Mile Labs (B2B Accelerator) Information Session

Please join us for some drinks and snacks at an Informational session with the partners at 9Mile Labs. We'll discuss the program and will answer any questions. 9Mile Labs is currently accepting applications into the program that starts Jan 15, 2014.

9Mile Labs is a B2B technology accelerator based in the Seattle metro area. We run a 4-month program with a group of 9 startups. During the program, startups receive $35k, access to an impressive set of mentors, free workspace and the opportunity to present to investors at Milestone9, the 9Mile Labs Demo Day.

Jan 9, 2018
Turn Your Idea Into Something Real With App Lab

At Alchemy Code Lab, we strive to cultivate more creativity, opportunity, and impact for everyone in our community through code. That’s why we’re excited to announce App Lab, a brand new consultancy program that combines the fresh talent of Alchemy grads with the seasoned skill of Alchemy mentors to bring the web & mobile application ideas of local entrepreneurs, businesses, and nonprofits to life!

Do you have a vision for an app or a technology component of your business you’ve been unable to realize? The reality is that paying full price for an MVP or internal app has traditionally be cost-prohibitive -- and as a result, many ideas simply never get built.

Come learn about App Lab’s cost-effective approach to small-scale app development (think beauty school haircut or culinary institute dining, but for apps) and see if our consultancy is a good fit!

QUESTIONS? Email us: [email protected]

Oct 27, 2018
SAFe Product Owner/Product Manager Training

SAFe Product Owner/Product Manager Training

Join us for a our SAFe Product Owner/Product Manager workshop on Saturday, October 27th, 2018; featuring Jay Mittal PMP, CSM, CSPO, SA, SPC; an experienced Project and Product Manager, whose client list include many of the Fortune 500 companies, including Nike, Columbia Sportswear, and Standard insurance in Portland, OR. Jay is a certified trainer for SAFe Scrum Master, SAFe Product Owner, and SAFe Agilist courses.

Blockbuster. Kodak. Tower Records. Nokia. Taxi Industry. Compaq. These companies were all iconic market leaders that couldn’t adapt to new business models and technology innovations ahead of their competitors. Our world is changing fast. Markets and consumers are demanding faster, cheaper, and better products. Demands for quicker turnaround on new product development and innovation have only increased. Enterprises must learn how to adapt quickly to these changing technologies and economic conditions or they will become extinct, no matter their size, smarts, or strength. This holds true even for businesses that don’t consider themselves Information Technology (IT) or software companies. Professional services, financial services, healthcare institutions, and government entities are all highly dependent on their ability to produce new technology-based products and services. How do companies like Google, Yahoo, Amazon, and Apple keep up? They practice agile techniques.


IBM: "There will only ever be a need for 100 computers." DEC: "No one would ever buy a personal computer." Blockbuster: "People don't want to watch films over the internet." Novell: "Our technology is much more sophisticated than Microsoft." Bookstores: "People want to pick up and handle the books, not read them on the computer." SONY: "Beta technology is far superior to VHS." LOTUS: "Our spreadsheet is far superior to Microsoft even if it is complicated." NOKIA: "Our phones are the world standard, even if they are proprietary." TOWER RECORDS: "People want to own their own music, not rent it online." BlackBerry: "Our security is what companies want, they won't let Android or iPhones on their network, even if our stuff costs more." Kodak: "People will always prefer film cameras, even if we invented digital ones."


You’ll learn how to apply Lean thinking to write Epics, break them down into Features and Stories, plan and execute Iterations, and plan Program Increments. Finally, attendees learn about the Continuous Delivery Pipeline and DevOps culture, how to effectively integrate as Product Owners and Product Managers, and what it takes to relentlessly improve the ART. In addition, you'll learn;

 * Learn about the Scrum Process.
 * Learn what a Product Owner/Product Manager is responsible for.
 * Come away with insights on how to manage your next project
 * Learn about the Scaled Agile Framework for enterprises.
 * Learn what a Product Owner for in large organizations like Intel, Nike, Google, and Apple are implementing Agile techniques in Scaled environments. Come away with insights on how to manage your next projects.
 * Apply SAFe in the Lean enterprise
 * Connect SAFe Lean-Agile principles and values to the PO/PM roles
 * Collaborate with Lean Portfolio Management
 * Explore continuous value with Program Increment Planning
 * Execute the Program Increment and deliver continuous value
 * Articulate the Product Owner and Product Manager roles
 * Create a role action plan


 * Retain more information because of our unique hands-on approach; based on the latest research into brain science
 * Be entertained by stories from our real-world experienced and knowledgeable instructors
 * Maximize investments already made by gaining valuable Professional Development Units (PDUs)
 * Increase your personal worth within your company and in the marketplace
 * Network with people from Intel Corporation and other software companies


People whose work is completed through projects and through teams; Software Engineers, Marketing Professionals, Project Managers, Technology Professionals, Students in MBA or undergrad business programs.


 * Highly skilled professional with over fifteen years of experience, Jay has extensive experience in diverse software and hardware platforms providing management, leadership, analysis, design, development, migration to implement business technology solutions.
 * Experienced in complete life cycle of software development projects in both Waterfall and Agile frameworks including working as Project Manager, Product Manager, Scrum Master and Agile coach.
 * Consulting experience with Standard Insurance, Anthem Insurance, Nike, Michelin Tire, Novelis, WebMD.
 * Experienced in different Industry Verticals including: Retail, Life & Health Insurance, Manufacturing, Advertising, and Banking.
 * Worked as Project and Product Manager with Fortune 500 companies. Client list include Nike, Standard Insurance, Michelin Tire, and WebMD.


 * Implementing Scaled Agile Framework - SAFe 4.5 Program Consultant (SPC)
 * Leading Scaled Agile Framework - SAFe 4.5 Agilist (SA)
 * Scaled Agile Framework for Teams - SAFe 4.5 Practitioner (SP)
 * Scrum Alliance Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
 * Scrum Alliance Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)
 * PMI certified Project Management Professional (PMP)
 * Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP - MS Project 2010)


This workshop is meant to introduce professionals and students to the Scrum methodology, though the material we cover will give you the knowledge and material covered in the exam for the Professional Scrum Master (PSM) certification. Our students have gone on to take this test after the event, and passed. In addition for more information with SAFe certification.


Apr 26, 2024
Founders, Professionals, & Remote Workers: Game Night!

This is super casual - We're hosting a game night for founders, professionals, remote workers, and everyone else to get together for a night of gaming!

Bring your card games, board games & table sets, consoles, or whatever else floats your boat. and snacks & drinks (for yourself or to share!)

Let's build friendships & network outside of the usual networking events & socials.

Perfect for introverted types who are looking to make friends while given something to do.

All are welcome.

RSVP on meetup to be sent after-hours building access info, 24 hours before the event:

See y'all soooooon.

Feb 1, 2016
Portland Startup Week: Quick Coffee & Then Get Sh#t Done
NedSpace Broadway

Grab some coffee. Drink it black. Coffee is for closers. Find a fellow startup founder who is drinking coffee. Introduce yourself. Know they are a fellow startup founder because they're there at 8:30am in the morning and ready to tackle the week and get shit done.

Feb 2, 2016
Portland Startup Week: Rethink Diversity w/ Yu
NedSpace Broadway

Startups are hard. You don't have to do it alone. Let's challenge the assumptions of what it means to be a startup founder, a person of color and build a diverse startup ecosystem here in Portland. Redefining diversity to be more inclusive (even including white males, go figure). Come for coffee. Meet other founders. Then get to work. Hosted by Yu Te, founder of MacPCX (and Startup Weekend Organizer) [email protected] or 971-998-9511

Feb 3, 2016
Portland Startup Week: Women Startup Founders
NedSpace Broadway

As Portland's longest running women's weekly startup group approaches our one year anniversary, there is a lot to celebrate. Let's start with you.

Please visit us during Portland Startup Week on Wednesday February 3rd at 7:30am and meet fellow women's startup founders who are working heads down on growing their company and building their product/service in a meaningful way.

The Weekly Founders Roundtable is comprised of Portland women founder who are focused on growing their startup and very focused on revenue, sales and marketing. We are a peer-to-peer support group of amazing women, building incredible things, who want to change the world....and understand that big sales and hockey stick like revenue growth is the way to achieve this. We don't talk, we do. We don't pontificate, we focus on milestones. We don't hyper focus on ideas, we focus on revenue. We make things happen. Our combined group of 10 women founded startups will have collective sales in excess of one million dollars this year.

Please come join us this Wednesday between 7:30am-8:30am and grab a cup of coffee on us. We'd love to hear about the company you've founded and where you're at.

See you here

Lin Carson, founder XFounders, and CEO BAKERpedia

Feb 23, 2019
4th Annual Woman Led (Un)conference and Fundraising Panel
NedSpace Broadway


Purchase Tickets Here:

Join as at the upcoming 4th Annual Woman Led (un)Conference! This annual event brings together local business owners to create an open and ongoing dialogue, share their experiences and resources, and to expand their network of like minded people in their community.

The Unconference follows an open format, where the topics discussed are driven by the participants and their interests and needs. We will begin the day with some time to meet other participants, followed by an introduction to the Unconference format and creation of the days agenda!

This years (un)Conference will be followed by a Fundraising Panel featuring an amazing group of women with a lot to teach us about how to get your business funded. We are excited to welcome:

Sara Batterby of The Batterby Group who has working in Venture Capital, has raised money as the co-founder of Hi-Fi farms, and now helps other women business owners get the funding they need.

Jill Keulher of Freeland Spirits. Jill left a long career in Nonprofits to start the first woman owned and run distillery in the country. In only a couple years she has successfully raised 2 rounds of funding and has enjoyed critical acclaim.

Julia Niiro of MilkRun. Julia launched MilkRun in 2017 after falling in love with small scale farming, but seeing first hand the difficulty of being a small scale producer. MilkRun was created to solve the marketing and logistics hurdles of small producers, using technology to replicate joint collection and delivery.


Woman Led is a local nonprofit that brings together women entrepreneurs for peer-to-peer mentorship Mastermind Groups. We are working to expand the community of women leaders who are building profitable & sustainable businesses that will positively impact the economy. Together we are working to create a world where women have equitable access to opportunity, support & success.


9:00am-9.30am // Coffee & networking 9.30am-10:00am // Welcome 10:30am-11:30am // Overview and Group Agenda Setting 11:30am-12:15pm // Session 1 12:15pm-1:00pm // Session 2 1:00pm-1:45pm // Lunch 1:45pm-2:15pm // Session 3 2:15pm-3:00pm // Session 4 3:00pm-4:00pm // Fundraising Panel

Mar 5, 2010
Startup Weekend
through NedSpace Old Town

Join us for the second Startup Weekend in Portland! Come with or without an idea to the weekend and spend the next 54 hours building it instead of just talking about it with a room full of your peers and mentors. 7-meals are included. Check the website for more info.

Startup Weekend
through NedSpace Old Town

A 54 hour event to help take entrepreneurs on an exercise from idea to launch. Come meet other passionate startup enthusiasts for a weekend of fun, food, drinks, and startups. No Talk. All Action.

Nov 12, 2010
Startup Weekend #PDXSW
through NedSpace Old Town

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media contacts: Michael Coates, [email protected], 503.780.3945 Startup Weekend Portland set for November 12-14

Part of Startup Weekend, worldwide organization funded by the Kauffman Foundation, the Portland event supports startup development over a 54-hour weekend marathon.

Portland, OR – October 12, 2010 – Kicking off Global Entrepreneur Week, Startup Weekend Portland is open to entrepreneurs, developers, marketing folks, students, lawyers, angel investors, and anyone who wishes to spend an intense and intensely fun weekend building a team to start a new company.

Under the guidance and encouragement of business leaders, mentors and investors, attendees pitch their business ideas on Friday evening. The most viable ideas are chosen and teams begin to form organically. Over the weekend, teams are coached, guided and taught by members of the startup community to produce a working business model by Sunday. All teams present to a panel of judges, comprised of leaders within the local entrepreneurial community, and a winner is chosen.

Register by going to the web site. Ticket prices are $75 for members of the business community and $40 for students.

Notable companies who have emerged from Portland are CPusage, Mugasha Get Gathered, Life Grant, Startup River, and TreasuRecycle.

Startup Weekend is a non-profit, global organization supported by funding from the Kauffman Foundation. Startup Weekend events are currently held in over 100 cities in over 30 countries with new cities added every month. One event which created worldwide interest was Startup Weekend in Tel Aviv, Israel for Israelis and Palestinians. The two groups coming together and cooperating to build businesses created a positive buzz around the globe and especially in the Middle East.

Global Entrepreneurship Week runs from November 15 – 21 and will host 40,000 events in 100 countries involving 10,000,000 people.

Jan 23, 2014
The Basics of Startup Law with YESpdx
NedSpace on 5th

In the start-up world, legal issues are frequently identified but practical solutions are hard to come by. However, with a little bit of knowledge better decisions can be made early and there are more ways to succeed and fewer ways to fail.

There are many “checklists” for startup legal but most importantly a company must identify:

1) Ownership among founders / employees / investors

2) Entity selection

3) IP protection

4) Employee / Independent Contractor relationships

5) Tax planning

6) What to do when things go wrong

This month Leigh Gill of Immix Law will join YESpdx to present on the fundamentals of start-up law. Leigh started his career in finance and then spent a decade in software development before becoming an attorney. For more information on Leigh, visit

As usual, there will be beer and snacks! Event co-sponsored by NedSpace and the Oregon Entrepreneurs Network (OEN).

Apr 4, 2019
Fundraising For Startups - Getting Equitable Access To Capital
Nike Valiant Labs

Join us for this power hour workshop focused on helping historically underserved founders get access to startup capital. About this Event


Are you a startup founder who wants to learn more about getting access to capital to grow your business? Or have you already gone through a painful process raising capital and want to do it with more confidence, competence, and control the next time around?

If that sounds like you, you’re going to love this one hour workshop!

Legacy fundraising relies on access and entitlement, rather than skills to win. So what does that mean for those of us who have been excluded from those networks? How do founders with diverse backgrounds, ethnicities, genders and identities gain access to capital?

In this one-hour workshop, you’ll discover:

The #1 barrier for founders to get equitable access to capital (and it’s probably not what you think!) The “normal” raise process vs the effective raise process The top 3 things you can start doing immediately to build confidence, competence, and capability for your raise The Equity Capital Collective™ (EqCo - pronounced "echo") offers consulting and training for early and growth-stage startup founders. Our mission is to enable and empower entrepreneurs who have been excluded from access to capital, networks, and resources, such as women, people of color, and LGBTQIA communities.

Our founder community learns a unique tactical and strategic fundraising methodology that develops critical skills and insights and addressing the fundamental internal barriers associated with an unequal experience of entitlement.

Founders gain confidence, competence, and capability as they lead their raise, break open critical influence networks and deliver innovative ventures that embrace a broader community of stakeholders in both investment and returns.

Together, we’re insisting on a more equitable landscape of opportunity and access for a greater diversity of founders.

Drinks and snacks will be provided.


All founders and future founders who are considering raising capital for their startup.


This event is free of charge.


Sara Batterby has spent 20+ years launching and building companies in high growth emerging markets. Sara Batterby founded, funded and built Hifi Farms, one of Oregon's most progressive and visible cannabis brands. Prior to that she spent 20 years building and funding startups in the Bay Area. She has deep expertise on both the founder and investor side of early stage capital having developed portfolio and risk management strategies for seed stage investors and funds. She currently leads The Equity Capital Collective which advises founders and funds on raising money and expands access to capital for women, people of color and LGBTQ founders.

Examples of client achievements after working with Sara:

An Oregon biotech company raised $4M in Series A funding - oversubscribed by $1M after 90 days A California cannabis retail company raised 2.2M in seed funding - oversubscribed by $6M An Oregon food and beverage company raised $430k in seed funding - oversubscribed in four months ABOUT THE EQUITY CAPITAL COLLECTIVE (EqCo)

The Equity Capital Collective™ (EqCo) offers consulting and training for early and growth-stage startup founders. Our mission is to enable and empower entrepreneurs who have been traditionally excluded from access to capital, resources, and networks, such as women, people of color, and LGBTQIA founders.

Through our high-value training and workshops, founders gain confidence, competence, and capability as they lead their raise, break open critical influence networks and deliver innovative ventures that embrace a broader community of stakeholders in both investment and returns.


3:15 pm - 4:00 pm Grab a drink + snack, get settled, and make a friend or two 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm Access to Capital Workshop (includes Q+A) 5:00 pm - 5:30 pm Make a few more friends and move on to the next Portland Startup Week event ACCESSIBILITY

This event is in an ADA compliant building with the workshop on the ground floor. Gender neutral restrooms are available.


The The Equity Capital Collective™ offers consulting and training for early and growth-stage startup founders.

To learn more about The Equity Capital Collective™, please visit our website at

Apr 17, 2013
Quantified Self Show-and-Tell Meetup at the Nike+ Accelerator
Nike+ Accelerator powered by TechStars

Everyone who's interested in learning about, using, or creating new technologies for self-tracking is invited to join us at our Quantified Self Show-and-Tell Meetup at the Nike+ Accelerator (1714 NW Overton St) at 6 pm on Wednesday April 17.

QS Show-and-Tell Meetups feature first-person, personal experiments and experiences in self-tracking, as well as plenty of time for informal conversation and networking. Besides our QS community, we're inviting the startup founders at the Nike+/TechStars Accelerator to join the mix and share their personal stories too. Let me know if you're willing to be one of the presenters. We'll have an agenda up soon.

With two events this month -- the QS Co-Laboratory on April 9, and the QS Show-and-Tell on April 17 -- you can really top up your idea tank with exciting technology developments and interesting personal connections. See you there!

Mark Leavitt

Apr 26, 2013
TechStars Seattle Happy Hour in PDX
Nike+ Accelerator powered by TechStars

TechStars Seattle is taking a road trip down to the City of Roses to meet and greet with local tech talent + entrepreneurs.

Join us at the amazing Nike+ Accelerator Powered by Techstars office for Happy Hour with various members of the Techstars family.

Drinks and snacks will be provided.

Don't be shy! We're excited to meet you and find out what you're working on!

Aug 9, 2017
1 Million Cups - Portland
NXT Industries: Lab

oin us for a morning coffee and a friendly mingling with like-minded Portland entrepreneurs! Every week on Wednesday morning we have a new local startup team building an amazing company here in Portland giving a short presentation followed up with a great Q&A session where you get to ask questions and ask about the real challenges and triumphs behind the business.

1 Million Cups is a great opportunity to network, and as always we welcome everyone interested in startups and founders building great companies here in Portland.

Come and check it out - and bring a friend.

P.S. We are always happy to hear about newcomers in the PDX startup scene. If you are one and would like to present your startup to our audience you are more than welcome to apply at

Aug 16, 2017
1 Million Cups - Portland
NXT Industries: Lab

oin us for a morning coffee and a friendly mingling with like-minded Portland entrepreneurs! Every week on Wednesday morning we have a new local startup team building an amazing company here in Portland giving a short presentation followed up with a great Q&A session where you get to ask questions and ask about the real challenges and triumphs behind the business.

1 Million Cups is a great opportunity to network, and as always we welcome everyone interested in startups and founders building great companies here in Portland.

Come and check it out - and bring a friend.

P.S. We are always happy to hear about newcomers in the PDX startup scene. If you are one and would like to present your startup to our audience you are more than welcome to apply at

Aug 23, 2017
1 Million Cups - Portland
NXT Industries: Lab

Join us for a morning coffee and a friendly mingling with like-minded Portland entrepreneurs! Every week on Wednesday morning we have a new local startup team building an amazing company here in Portland giving a short presentation followed up with a great Q&A session where you get to ask questions and ask about the real challenges and triumphs behind the business.

1 Million Cups is a great opportunity to network, and as always we welcome everyone interested in startups and founders building great companies here in Portland.

Come and check it out - and bring a friend.

P.S. We are always happy to hear about newcomers in the PDX startup scene. If you are one and would like to present your startup to our audience you are more than welcome to apply at

Sep 13, 2017
1 Million Cups - Portland - A weekly presentation and QA with Portlands hottest new Startups.
NXT Industries: Lab

Each week 1 Million Cups hosts great local founders. We hear a short presentation about their company and where its roots and genesis. Then we have a great QA session where you get up real answers about how they built their businesses. It's a great learning experience as well as networking with some of the up and coming startups in our region.

Mar 8, 2018
Society of Physician Entrepreneurs-Portland Chapter Meeting
OHSU Doernbecher Children's Hospital, 11th Floor, Vey Conference Center, Collins Goudy Room

Join us for a networking event in connecting clinicians with tech-savvy individuals to create innovative healthcare solutions. Everyone in the biotechnology startup ecosystem and life sciences community are welcome and encouraged to attend. Speakers include Kenton Gregory, M.D., Director of OHSU Center for Regenerative Medicine, and Sheila Ramerman, Founder and Principal Consultant for SJR Associates. This is a free event. Refreshment will be provided.

Oct 4, 2019
Biomedical Innovation: Commercialization Readiness Program (BIP Corp)
OHSU Southwest Waterfront

The Oregon Clinical and Translational Research Institute (OCTRI) is pleased to announce that BIP Corp (Biomedical Commercialization Readiness Program) is now accepting applications for the fall 2019 cohort. Formerly fastPACE, this 4-week experiential course brings together experts from within OHSU and from the business community to teach the foundational components needed to bring an idea to market. Participants will graduate with a competitive pitch and business case that should attract collaborators, investors, and further research opportunities.

Designed for busy clinical and research scientists, course content works within your schedule and is open to all life scientists with early-stage ideas regardless of experience or desired outcome (read: exit strategy or desire to become an entrepreneur). This course is appropriate for individuals or teams of researchers, clinicians, faculty, students, and industry scientists with early stage ideas. BIP Corp instructors are experts from across the bioscience industry and academia with experience bringing healthcare technologies and therapeutics to market.

BIP Corp runs October 4 – November 1. Accepting applications through Sept 20 (

Please contact Melissa Mudd ([email protected]) for more information.

Jul 28, 2015
Portland Seed Fund Pitch for a Beer
Old Town Pizza, 5201 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Portland, OR 97211

Working on a startup? Have an interesting business idea that's going to disrupt the market?

Come enjoy pizza & beer on us and pitch that idea to Portland Seed Fund – a professionally managed early-venture fund with 58 seed and early-stage investments.

You'll have five minutes to pitch PSF alumni, fund managers and mentors. There will also be time for you to learn more about becoming a Portland Seed Fund company from the alumni who've been through it.

Space is limited and exclusive to those pitching. Pre-registration is required.

Questions? Please email us at: [email protected]

This event is a lot of fun – don't miss it!

Sep 6, 2013
through OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry)

TechFestNW (formerly known as PDXconf) is designed to celebrate interesting people who are passionate about technology. Who are building a better world. And who value craft over commodity.

The event takes place in conjunction with MusicFestNW, one of the largest independent music festivals in the US. Last year, MFNW attracted acts from up-and-coming artists to bands like Passion Pit, Dinosaur Jr, Silversun Pickups, and Girl Talk. While the inaugural tech event featured speakers from Flipboard, Betaworks, Walmart Labs, GigaOM, Shazam, and Spotify---as well as local favorites like Draplin Design Co, LAIKA, Chirpify, Simple, and Nike.

TFNW will take place September 6-8, 2013, with speakers the 6th and 7th and a hackathon on the 8th. Tech takes place during the day. And music takes place during the night. Creating a true festival atmosphere.

Apr 2, 2018
Immersive startups: A conversation with AR/VR founders
OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry)

Immersive technology like augmented and virtual reality is creating a rapidly growing new industry. A report from Tech Trends’ Editor-in-chief, Alice Bonsaio cites this fast growing sector estimated to be $162B by 2020! Far beyond gaming and entertainment, there is potential for this technology to disrupt everything from healthcare and architecture to changing the way we maintain global supply chain. Join us for an engaging evening of conversation with early startup founders and those that support them, as we explore the experience of being on the ground floor of this new immersive reality.

The evening will start with a presentation from Russell Ladson, the Founder of Drop, a ViveX company. Russell will then be joined by two to three other local startup founders in the immersive tech space. We will have a candid conversation about their experiences as founders in the new field, the current state of this technology and where it is headed, along with Q&A from the audience. It will be an insightful and engaging panel.

Apr 22, 2018
Design Reality's Immersed Conference
through OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry)

Design Reality’s Immersed Conference is scheduled for April 22nd-23rd at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI). The two-day AR/VR conference will explore the current state of the Immersive Technologies and their impact on how we work, live, learn, heal, and consume. Design Reality builds on its monthly premier immersive tech event series to produce a conference offering a multitude of insights and opportunities.

See the full list of speakers, panels, and workshop:

The two-day AR/VR conference will explores the current state of the Immersive Technologies and their impact on how we work, live, learn, heal, and consume. Design Reality builds on its monthly premier immersive tech event series to produce a conference offering a multitude of insights and opportunities. Who should attend? - Business Professionals in all industries - Entrepreneurs, Investors and Influencers - Designers, Developers and Tech enthusiasts - Storytellers and creatives

Why should you attend?

Attendees will benefit from insightful takeaways delivered through educational workshops, expert speaker presentations, use cases for various verticals, and demonstrations during the expo. Attendees will have ample opportunity to::

Collaborate - meet innovators, entrepreneurs and thought-leaders 
Experience - new immersive technology, expo demonstrations
Network - with multi-industry professionals, experts and thought-leaders
Learn - new perspectives and how to apply it to your professional path. 

Topics to be explored include:: - The overall state of the AR/VR industry - Medical and Mental Health Applications for Immersive Tech - Architecture, Engineering, and Construction - Navigating Legal Matters for the AR/VR Industry - 360 Film and Post Production

Voice of VR's Kent Bye will be giving the opening Keynote on Monday Morning!

Learn more and grab tickets at:

Apr 30, 2015
TechfestNW and Columbia Sportswear Company present: A Shared Future
OMSI Empirical Theater

TechfestNW, a leading tech conference in Portland, is thrilled to bring you a special evening event dedicated to the Sharing Economy. Hear from business and tech innovators, city officials and others as we discuss the economic, political and social impact of the Sharing Economy.

Speakers include:

David Plouffe, SVP, Policy and Strategy for Uber and former campaign manager for Barack Obama Aaron Easterly, CEO of Rover Marcelo Louriero, CEO of Spinlister Sarah Mastrorocco, Business Development, Instacart Charlie Hales, Mayor of Portland And many others.

Tickets are $30 and include a networking happy hour

For tickets:

Apr 30, 2014
PIE application deadline
through Online

PIE, an early stage startup accelerator, is accepting applications for its fourth class. They are due by 11:59PM PT on April 30, 2014.

PIE has been helping early stage startups in Portland for five years. Alums include Urban Airship, Simple, Athletepath, Cloudability, Little Bird, Lytics, Stand In, Switchboard, and Orchestrate, among many others. We tend to work best with platforms and enabling technologies, but we encourage all types of tech startups to apply.

Applications may be submitted through the PIE site or via

Questions? [email protected]

Oct 24, 2014
PIE Demo Day 2014 - Livestream

It's become a tradition. Watch PIE Demo Day 2014 from the comfort of your own laptop or mobile device.

PIE Demo Day is sold out. As is the simulcast at the eBay Community Lounge. But you can still get your fill of startup goodness by tuning into the PIE Demo Day livestream.

All of the content. None of the hassle.

Mar 14, 2019
PIE Demo Day 2019 - Livestream

It's been a while. But we're prepping a couple of new batches of startups — through both PIE and PIE Shop — who are eager to tell their stories. So we want to make sure that you're there to hear those stories.

We will be holding the next PIE Demo Day on Thursday, March 14, 2019. Because that's Pi Day. And that only makes sense. And we'll be hosting it at our biggest venue yet, the Aladdin Theater in southeast Portland. As always, we'll be livestreaming the event so folks around the world can take part.

So if you're interested in attending, please RSVP at your earliest convenience.

The event is free. Childcare will be provided.

Aug 12, 2019
Apply to PIE: Question and answer session (virtual)

(We realize that not every potential PIE or PIE Shop company can make it to Portland to ask their questions, face to face. But we still want you to have the opportunity to get those questions answered. So we'll be holding a virtual session to help get that done.)

Thinking about applying to PIE or PIE Shop? Have questions about the program? Curious as to what an accelerator even does? Wondering if the format is right for you? Cool. Let's talk about that. All of that.

Please join PIE online for a question and answer session to get more information on our programs and the benefits for early stage startups.

Questions about the differences between the two programs causing you to second guess whether you should even show up? Well, let's get that one answered first. Yes. The answer is yes. If you're a founder of an early stage startup, you should show up.

And in terms of the differences? PIE is an accelerator designed to support startups building digital products. PIE Shop is an incubator/accelerator designed to support startups manufacturing physical products.

We're looking forward to seeing you on the interwebs.

Already ready to apply? Here's a cheat sheet that will help you prepare your application:

(Meeting details will be shared with folks who RSVP.)

Aug 18, 2019
PIE + PIE Shop applications close
through Online

at PIE, we love founders and founding teams. The passion, creativity, and grit that drive people to pursue their vision is a constant source of intrigue — and inspiration. And it’s a pursuit we want to encourage. And facilitate.

We believe that you should be building your company. And we want you to do that.

That said, after 10 years of doing this work, we recognize that one of the most challenging things about building a business is finding access to the people and resources that can help support you at the earliest stages. Before you’re popular. Before you’re a household name. Before you can afford an office. Before investors are lining up to fund you.

That’s why we’re here. To support you. Please apply:

Dec 16, 2019
Crowdinvesting in Zebras

Join Zebras from around the world for an online Webinar exploring ways that the crowd can help finance Zebra companies and activities. While we'll touch on traditional crowdfunding, we're eager to share and explore newer "crowdinvesting" models that focus on financing through equity or debt.

Topics include:

  • Pros and cons of crowdinvesting options
  • TechSoup sharing experiences from the nonprofit world
  • For profit Participant Assistive Products sharing insights on its Wefunder campaign
  • How and why Zebras Unite is partnering with platforms like Wefunder for the benefit of the Zebra community


  • Portland entrepreneur Astrid Scholz, Zebras Unite
  • Dara Westling, TechSoup
  • Keoke King, Participant

Please RSVP to join us on December 16, 2019, at 10:00AM Pacific Standard Time (-08:00 GMT)

Join us:

Mar 19, 2020
[ONLINE ONLY] PIE Demo Day 2020

UPDATE: No in-person event this year. Online only. More details:

At PIE (, we're hard at work, prepping a couple of new batches of startups — through both PIE and PIE Shop — who are eager to tell their stories. So we want to make sure that you're there to hear those stories.

We will be holding the next PIE Demo Day on Thursday, March 19, 2020 as an online event only. This change is due to concerns over COVID-19 Novel Coronavirus and ensuring the health and safety of the Portland startup community.

Apr 7, 2020
PIE hosts an "ask me anything" on the Portland startup community

Join cofounder and general manager of PIE, Rick Turoczy, for an "ask me anything" session on the Portland startup community. He's looking forward to answering your questions about startups, startup accelerators, and Portland, in general.


Apr 9, 2020
Marketing and Sales Q&A with Kasey Jones of A Better Jones, Our Galaxy

Kasey is a startup growth strategist, community builder, event organizer, and people connecter. She is founder of A Better Jones a demand generation marketing agency that helps startups accelerate growth, sales teams fill pipeline, and leaders expand their influence as industry thought leaders. And co-founder and co-host of The Other Side of Sales, a podcast, Bravado community, and resource on a mission to make B2B sales culture more inclusive by celebrating the stories of underrepresented sales professionals.

Her latest endeavor is Our Galaxy, a community, resource, and coaching platform designed to diversify thought leadership, by helping founders, leaders, and business pros on the rise build authentic personal brands and expand their industry influence.

Apr 13, 2020
Portland startup community Q&A with Stephen Green

Stephen Green is a an economist, speaker, startup advisor and “recovering” venture capitalist. By day he is the director of operations for Pensole, the world’s only footwear design and development school based in Portland, Oregon. He has spent his career helping founders start, grow and prosper. His tireless advocacy for Black & Latinx founders has landed him on stages across the country speaking about the power of entrepreneurship.

One of his projects “PitchBlack” is a national pitch event that connects ecosystems with talented black founders in cities across the country. Since 2015, competitors in the Portland event have gone on to raise over $32MM for their ideas.

He is a husband to a brilliant wife and father to 3 wonderful children. Spreadsheets are his super power and sneakers are his kryptonite.


Apr 14, 2020
Community Management Q&A with Cami Kaos of Automattic

Cami lives, works, and parents in the rainy city of Portland, Oregon. She’s had a love of WordPress and WordCamps since the last century, when she happened to stumble upon the first WordCamp Portland.

Since 2013, she has worked at Automattic, as a community organizer for the WordPress open source project. In that role, she gets to work with WordCamps and their organizers from around the world, every day. She continues to write on an irregular basis at where she explores concepts from the plight of modern parents to mental health to marveling at the seemingly mundane.

Cami is active on a number of social platforms but can be most readily found as @camikaos on Twitter.


Apr 15, 2020
Photography, Visual Media, and Your Brand with Aaron Hockley of Tech Photo Guy

The photography world has been upended a few times in the last couple of decades and with all professional photography on hiatus for the time being, we'll find out if this leads to another major change. What hasn't changed is that every business, from startup to corporation, needs to have images of their people, products, venues, and other resources. These photos end up on websites, social media, in print, at those things called conferences that we used to do, and elsewhere. Folks are going to notice the difference between an organization that has solid consistent imagery versus an outfit where you can tell that their visual brand was an afterthought.

What does photography and visual branding look like for a startup or other organization in 2020 and beyond? When should you hire a pro and when should you do it yourself? If you can afford the same gear as a pro, what else are they bringing to the table that you don't have? Should you invest in photography proactively, or react as you have a need for pictures? Let's talk about visual media and photography.

Join us for a mentor Q&A with Aaron Hockley of Hockley Photography and Aaron is a professional photographer with a background in the tech world; he's photographed quite a few Portland tech startups and organizations over the past 12 years. The Professional Photographers of America has recognized him as a Master of Photography and Photographic Craftsman, which means that he knows a thing or two (maybe even three!) about making and using effective images.


Apr 16, 2020
Community Projects in Times of Crisis with Marcelino Alvarez of Fresh Consulting

We all rely on the bonds of our community in order for our businesses to thrive. We seek intros to VCs, backchannels to clients, advice from our peers and mentors. In normal times, these bonds heavily rely on in-person interactions — coffees, lunches, beers, and 1:1's.

Reading body language is a critical component to reinforcement of those bonds. In our most vulnerable moments, we want to ensure that the other party is present, listening, and empathizing. And beyond the 1:1 interactions, in social places like our coffee shops and coworking spaces, we create room for serendipity — that chance encounter that leads to something new and unexpected, whether it's a new business idea or a solution to an existing problem facing a member of our community.

During this pandemic, we've been stripped of the ability to interact as normal. Sure, we have all these video chat tools — but it's not a replacement of our in-person interactions, just a digital proxy. And while those proxies may suffice for our 1:1 meetings, they certainly aren't helping with serendipity.

So how do we form community in a time of crisis? How do we create space for chance? And how can we come together to listen, to engage, to be present, when many of us are already at our wits end staring at a video on a computer screen all day long?

Join us for a mentor Q&A with Marcelino Alvarez, Chief Product Officer at Fresh Consulting. He was formerly CEO of Uncorked Studios, which co-founded Safecast during the 2011 Fukushima earthquake and ensuing nuclear disaster. He'll share perspectives from then and now as he undertakes other efforts to maintain his community and pursue digital serendipity.


Apr 20, 2020
Effectively using video Q&A with Sylvia Salazar of Tono Latino

Please join us for a Q&A session with PIE alum and mentor in residence Sylvia Salazar of Tono Latino, a media company that helps distill politics down to digestible chunks — with a special focus on informing Latinx and Spanish speaking communities.

Sylvia is a Colombian immigrant and a computer engineer turned political activist. Her passion is helping other people understand what is going on in the world of politics and encourage them to become more politically involved and vote. She is determined to change Latinx representation in politics and in media.

As her following has grown, Sylvia has experimented with a number of video formats and has a variety of creative ways to make short form video work. (You can experience her creativity firsthand on Instagram.) She's excited to share that expertise with you.


Apr 21, 2020
ASABHKE* with Saul Colt of The Idea Integration Co.

*Ask Saul Anything Because He Knows Everything

Join PIE and long time PIE mentor Saul Colt for an AMA (but we recommend that you tap into his Word of Mouth marketing genius).

Saul is the Founder and Creative Director at The Idea Integration Co. In his career he has been named as one of the iMEDIA 25: Internet Marketing Leaders & Innovators as well as been called one of Canada’s best community builders/experiential marketers. NYT Best selling author and Internet Pioneer Chris Brogan once referred to Saul as “exactly who you want representing your company” and that message has been echoed by media properties ranging from Inc to Forbes Magazine.

Saul has had many career highlights including being selected as the first international employee of Zipcar and the person responsible for launching Zipcar into the Canadian marketplace. Was the first marketing person and a key part of the growth of (The #1 Cloud Accounting service for Small Business Owners) as well as leadership roles at Rogers Communications and the first Chief Evangelist of

And as if that wasn’t enough, Saul is also a Professional Speaker and Consultant specializing in Word of Mouth Marketing, Stunt Marketing, Social Media, Customer Experience, Community Building and Business Courage.


Apr 22, 2020
Living alone and extroverted: A struggle for sanity — but still easier than being a founder

Everyone needs hobbies. And if you follow PIE mentor Nick Lambert on Instagram, you'll see that the pandemic has been a good time for him to reboot a few of them: music, cooking, ridiculous short films… we all deal with this stuff differently.

We're happy to have Nick take moment away from his more creative efforts to join us for an "Ask Me Anything" session. Being a former startup founder, startup accelerator manager, and professional musician — and currently Customer Success Manager at local VR/AR/XR startup The Wild — you've got a wide range of topics at our disposal.

So please register to attend and start adding — and upvoting — the questions we'll be asking.


Apr 23, 2020
Really Working from Home: How to get the most out of your now remote employment

With the onset of quarantine and social distancing, many of us have been settling into a somewhat surreal semblance of remote work. It doesn't feel quite right. But we're doing our best to fake it. And because of that we're not really working from home.

PIE wants to help. That's why we've assembled a panel of PIE mentors: one who helps lead a successful remote only company, one who has worked as a remote employee for a decade while working alongside an online school student, and one who has assembled the most fervent community of remote workers on the planet — all while leading a remote company, himself.

Join these incredibly insightful PIE mentors for an open and honest discussion about how to be truly successful as a remote employee. And how to manage remote teams. And deal with all the life that happens when that life all happens in a single place.

Any question you've had about working from home, these folks are going to be able to answer.

Invited panelists

  • Barrett Brooks, ConvertKit
  • Cami Kaos, Automattic
  • Darren Buckner, Workfrom


Apr 24, 2020
A founder's journey through upticks and downturns: Q&A with Elia Freedman

Please join us with a former founder who has seen the ups and downs of the economy for insights on what to suspect — and some guidance that may help you navigate this new normal.

Elia Freedman was founder and CEO of Infinity Softworks, which he started in 1997 as a senior in college, leveraging both his business training and programming ability. The company has helped more than 20 million professionals and students in real estate, financial services, math and science who use calculation every day to solve problems and generate proposals, both in the field and at their desk.

The company's primary app, PowerOne, has been in existence as apps for iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, Palm OS, and Windows computers for more 20 years, Infinity Softworks re-launched PowerOne as a web and mobile service in 2018.

As a founder, Elia weathered both the dotcom bust and the mortgage crisis. Which is sure to inform a unique vantage on our current state of existence within a pandemic ravaged economy.


Apr 28, 2020
Lunch & Learn: Shelly Bell, Black Girl Ventures

PIE is honored to be hosting Shelly Bell for a virtual Lunch & Learn. This is a rare opportunity to grab some time with one of the most impactful people in startups. So please come with questions.

Named as one of Entrepreneur Magazine’s Top 100 Powerful Women in Business, Shelly Bell is a computer scientist, system disruptor and business strategist who moves ideas to profit while empowering people to live to build and foster better relationships. She connects entrepreneurs, investors, and corporations in order to diversify their talent pipeline, increase equity and grow their brands.

Shelly is among the nation's most sought-after transformational speakers in the DC Metro area with features in Forbes, Fast Company, The Washington Business Journal, NewsOne, Entrepreneur Mag, People of Color in Tech and on Politico Live.

Her organization, Black Girl Ventures (BGV) is a culturally converging ecosystem igniting economic security, civic engagement, and hyperlocal infrastructure at the intersection of STEM education and entrepreneurship for Black and Brown woman-identifying founders, funders, and veterans. Since 2016, BGV has funded 41 women, increased access to social capital for 168 program participants and launched their efforts in 10 cities. As a one of 8 Google Gurus across the nation and an Ecosystem Builder, she engages audiences from grassroots to government.

Through Shelly’s Return on Relationship (R.O.R) Method she is teaching intrapreneurs, entrepreneurs, and wantrepreneurs how to hold the ladder for others and/or how to find the person they need to hold the ladder toward moving to the next level of success. She has trained over 5,000 entrepreneurs, held over 300 events for empowering leaders, managed multi-million dollar contracts, and helped to scale over 200 businesses.


Apr 29, 2020
Asking the right questions with Leah Noble Davidson of Because Human

Join PIE as we talk with Leah Noble Davidson, Chief Experience Officer at Because Human.

Leah has consulted within Portland’s startup tech industry for 10 years, working with larger teams from Jive and Puppet to startups like Torch and BeyondPulse.

Having newly ventured into the role of a founder, she’ll be asking questions from the perspective of a female design professional who can speak the language — but is only now really learning how to juggle the risks and rewards firsthand.

Finding answers is one thing. Knowing the questions to ask is entirely another. Leah — a professional asker of questions — will help us hone in on the right questions, provide the necessary reality checks, and share ideas about leveraging the startup community to find the help you need as your startup grows from a concept into being a real business.


Apr 30, 2020
Building a sustainable and resilient company for the 21st century with Kate Ertmann

We're excited to have the chance to sit down with Kate Ertmann for a question and answer session.

Her life's work has been focusing on building from scratch — or rebuilding and reorganizing — the operational infrastructure for sustainable businesses. That includes everything from the elements of a business plan, the importance of Mission and Purpose and Values, the how-to of defining Roles and Responsibilities, and when to hire and how to best structure that management org chart — as well as the finance that runs in parallel with all of that.

Her distinct rallying cry through all of that work is the necessity of embedding equity and inclusion in all processes, procedures, and culture of an organization, and as a guiding principle in all leaders with whom she works — especially when it is "hard" or if there are uncomfortable conversations to be had.

Kate constantly seeks to leverage her privilege and position: applying constant pressure to the systemic structure of 20th century practices so there can be systemic changes that will define 21st century practices.


Talking to media with Malia Spencer of Portland Business Journal

We're honored to grab some time with the best startup journalist in Portland, if not the Northwest.

Please join us for a Q&A session with Malia Spencer, a Portland-based journalist who covers startups, venture capital, and technology for the Portland Business Journal.

Her career has ranged a variety of media, starting with traditional print journalism at daily newspapers. She began at a large metro then at a smaller daily paper on the California central coast. As the media landscape shifted, she finds herself with one foot still in traditional print and one firmly online.

At the Portland Business Journal we produce award-winning reporting in a weekly print edition as well as daily work online. I also edit out technology and entrepreneurs focused newsletter, TechFlash Portland.

Please RSVP and submit & upvote questions ahead of time:

May 1, 2020
Onboarding employees, remote or otherwise, with Kristen Gallagher of Edify

Ensuring that new employees are properly onboarded can always be a challenge. And in our new all remote, all of the time world, it can be even more difficult. That's why we're excited to get the chance to catch up with PIE alum Kristen Gallagher.

Kristen is the founder and CEO of Edify. She brings over a decade of learning and development and business partnership experience to Edify and has architected and delivered onboarding programs for companies such as AWS Elemental, Puppet, OpenSky Alibaba, Cirium (FlightGlobal), Cloudability, and more. She is a frequent speaker and instructor for O’Reilly, DevOpsDays, and other conferences.

If you have questions about employee onboarding, she has answers. Please join us to get those questions answered.


May 5, 2020
Portland startup community Q&A with Rick Turoczy of PIE, Silicon Florist

Join cofounder and general manager of PIE, Rick Turoczy, for an "ask me anything" session on the Portland startup community. He's looking forward to answering your questions about startups, startup accelerators, and Portland, in general.

A little background on our guest…

Rick Turoczy has worked in, on, and around the Portland, Oregon, startup ecosystem for more than 25 years. Throughout that time, he's worked for venture funded startups, founded failed companies, consulted, mentored, and worked to connect dots within and outside the community.

More than a dozen years ago, he started Silicon Florist, a blog designed to capture what he saw happening in the Portland startup community. That work led to the opportunity to start PIE, the Portland Incubator Experiment, an organization he continues to manage.

At its very most basic, PIE is an ongoing experiment designed to explore ways that established organizations — like corporations, governments, and educational institutions — can effectively collaborate with startup communities in mutually beneficial ways, thereby strengthening the entire ecosystem.

PIE currently exists as an early stage startup accelerator with three separate areas of focus: Software as a Service (in partnership with Puppet), manufactured products (in partnership with Autodesk), and traditional consumer products like food, beverage, and apparel (in partnership with Built Oregon).


May 6, 2020
Consumer products startup ecosystem with Mitch Daugherty

Join us for a conversation with Mitch Daugherty, cofounder and director of Built Oregon, an organization focused on championing the consumer product industry in Oregon.

The greatest joy Mitch has found is meeting with everyone in the statewide ecosystem. Listening to entrepreneurial challenges. Looking for opportunities to connect them to a resource that could help them get one step further down the road. Engaging in conversations about breaking down the silos and echo chambers.

He listened to stories and realized each one formed a piece of this tapestry that makes up Oregon.

As he looked back on his journey, he noticed the common theme in all his adventures and career choices has been the effort to bridge gaps through interaction and dialogue.

He cofounded Built Oregon as a way to build on a simple belief: that stories can raise awareness of companies and regions and help drive economic development.

Throughout that process, he's constantly reminded of what he has learned over his journey: Conversations matter. And the most important conversations take place with those outside of your sphere of influence, and with people who possess opposing views.

The value of a given dialogue hinges on conversations that are inclusive, honest and transparent.


May 7, 2020
Discussing founder mental wealth with Anthony Ware

As part of our celebration of Mental Health Month we'll be spending time with Anthony Ware who champions mental wealth.

Mental wealth is the collection of intentional thoughts, behaviors, and experiences—mental wealth deposits—someone uses to make a positive impact on their mental health. These deposits have a cumulative positive impact, especially during times when you’re challenged with mental illnesses and external events.

Mental wealth deposits include working with a therapist, spending time by large bodies of water to connect with nature, going on a vacation, or making time for friends and family.


May 12, 2020
PIE founder stories: Mat Ellis, Cloudability

Join PIE alum and longtime PIE mentor Mat Ellis, founder of Cloudability, for a conversation about his experience as a founder growing a startup from an idea to a successful exit, all of the lessons learned along the way, effectively engaging with and supporting the Portland startup community, and maybe just maybe, what's next.

According to The Oregonian, "Cloudability was among the most prominent of a generation of startups that emerged in Portland in the aftermath of the Great Recession. It helped clients such as BP, Sony and Siemens manage what they spent hosting their data in third-party data centers.

"Before its sale, Cloudability said it managed more than $9 billion in spending at Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud."

RSVP / Submit questions:

May 13, 2020
Next generation of innovators with Juan Barraza of PSU

Please join PIE for a conversation with Juan Barraza from the Portland State University Center for Entrepreneurship, Invent Oregon (InventOR), and Pitch Latino.

At the PSU Center for Entrepreneurship, Juan works to propel students innovators to solve big problems that benefit our community. Through an exciting learning environment and program of events, students find the creative energy to expand their impact, explore new ideas, and bring their future into focus.

Invent Oregon is an exciting competition for college and university students with ideas for inventions to address today’s most pressing problems.

Inspired by PitchBlack, Pitch Latino is designed to give Latinx startup entrepreneurs a platform to connect with the regions growing startup ecosystem.

RSVP / Submit questions:

May 14, 2020
Establishing healthy habits with Karthy Chandra of Goalden Hour

Join PIE for a conversation with Karthy Chandra, founder of Goalden Hour, for guidance on how to establish and maintain healthy habits and goals, even in the most challenging of times.

Goalden Hour is the first productivity app that connects the realms of task management, scheduling, and self-improvement to encourage you to make goals & habits an integral part of your planning process. We provide meaningful insight into the different areas of life and nudge you to reflect often, build better habits, and discover new ways to grow and improve. Our mission is to help people manage and master their lives.

Interested in learning more? Watch Karthy's presentation from PIE Demo Day 2020

RSVP / Submit questions:

May 15, 2020
PIE founder stories: Julia Niiro, MilkRun

Join us for a conversation with PIE alum and Techstars alum Julia Niiro, founder of MilkRun.

See Julia's story about MilkRun at PIE Demo Day 2019 (, her views on small local farms from TEDxPortland 2019, and the explosive growth MilkRun has seen due to the pandemic shared during Techstars Anywhere Demo Day 2020.

MilkRun works with farmers and producers in Oregon & Southern Washington to break down the access barriers to local food. The national average for how far food travels to get from the farm to your house is 1,500 miles. That’s wild! We’ve cut down our average to 35 miles and have designed a system that leapfrogs the industrialized food system. Less travel = less pollution. More access to food = fresher, healthier foods!

It’s not just about ditching the grocery store lines, it’s about keeping money in the community and supporting local producers. For farmers, we’re able to provide 6-7x what they’d make from a normal grocery store. It should be as easy (if not easier) to buy from local farmers as it is to order a cab or book a stay in someone’s house, right?

90% of the small farms in America right now are at risk of extinction. If mega-industrialized farming becomes our only option for food, we’ll have no more farmer’s markets, no more CSAs, no more farmers who are stewards to the land. Without radical new systems like MilkRun, the only options for food will be from huge corporations pushing profit over people, and we just don’t want to live in that kind of a world. We can do this, together!

RSVP / Submit questions:

May 19, 2020
PIE founder stories: McKenna Dempsey, Kamber

Join PIE for a conversation with McKenna Dempsey, cofounder and CEO of current PIE company Kamber.

At least 20 million teenagers are living with a mental health disorder in the United States and 70% of them aren’t getting the treatment they need. Kamber’s mission is to change that by providing easily accessible tools and resources that empower teens to prioritize their mental health and make space for self acceptance.

By creating a mobile app that provides exercises for difficult moments, coping techniques and education, teens will be equipped with the tools they need to begin managing their mental health and find ways to ground themselves.

For more, see McKenna's presentation from PIE Demo Day 2020 (

RSVP / Submit questions:

May 26, 2020
Ecosystem builders: Anika Horn, Social Venturers

Join PIE for a very special conversation with consummate ecosystem builder Anika Horn of Social Venturers.

Anika Horn is on a mission to support changemakers build purpose-driven careers, organizations and ecosystems without losing themselves

Rooted at the intersection of systems thinking, social impact and storytelling, she helps changemakers lead impact-driven careers and meaningful lives by equipping them with thought-provoking insights, field-tested resources and a strong peer community at Social Venturers. Through her advisory services, Anika works closely with selected purpose-driven entrepreneurs in the areas of strategy, communications, personal and professional growth. She leverages her global network to raise the profile of ecosystem building for social change as a contributing editor for Impact Boom (where she covers Europe and the U.S.) and Ecosystem Builder Hub (where she heads up the national campaign Unsung Ecosystem of Ecosystem Building) as well as co-lead of storytelling at the ESHIP Storytelling Initiative.

Previously, Anika co-founded Unreasonable Lab VA (Virginia’s first mini-accelerator for social entrepreneurs), CO.STARTERS VA (a startup program for idea-stage founders) and Rebelle Con (a boutique conference for entrepreneurial women). At the same time, she worked with high-growth startups at nationally ranked accelerator program Lighthouse Labs and spearheaded the B Corp movement in Virginia as the state’s official B Keeper.

Prior to her work in North America, Anika earned a Bachelor of European Studies and Masters of Sustainability Sciences in Germany, France and Australia where she spent a decade working in journalism, non-profits, government and the private sector.


Jun 16, 2020
How to create frameworks and strategies for equity within startups

Join PIE for a conversation with PIE alum Quincy Brown about how to create frameworks and strategies for equity within startups.

"As startups we have a chance to lead with equity as we develop our business plans, marketing, customer outreach, and the like," said Quincy. "From my perspective, equity includes including women, BIPOC, youth, elderly, and everyone undeserved by policies and programming."

Quincy is a young, native transportation planner from Portland. He began is transportation planning career volunteering at TriMet working directly with the HR department where he served as a volunteer translator and helped recruit Latinx employees.

Following his degree from Claremont McKenna College, Quincy engaged in post bac work at Berkeley in Sustainability and the Built Environment and City and Regional Planning. He won best research in Human Rights from the Mgrublian Center for Rights and was Claremont McKenna's first Mellon Mays undergraduate fellow, a fellowship for minority students interested in becoming PhD professors.

His research has consistently focused on creating sustainable and equitable planning and programming that support and involve people of color, people with disabilities, and low income residents. In all pursuits, Quincy is passionate about bringing equitable and sustainable practices to everyone regardless age, race, gender, sexuality, or belief.


Jun 25, 2020
How to pivot

Feel free to submit (and upvote) questions ahead of time on Crowdcast

Running a startup is hard enough as it is, but with a worldwide pandemic, it became a lot more difficult. And it forced any number of founders and teams to consider pivoting their product and market to survive.

If you're working through similar thoughts with your startup, hearing from folks who have already turned that corner might be helpful. So we're inviting you to join us for a conversation about pivots with Alisia Ford, founder and CEO of PIE and XXcelerate alum Glory Skincare, and Jonathan Minori, founder and Chief Product Officer for PIE and Techstars alum Caravel.

We'll talk through their experiences, their recommendations for founders who are considering a pivot, and how to communicate your intentions and reasoning to your team.

And as always, we'll also spend most of the conversation answering your questions. So if you've got questions or concerns, please share them so that we can get you the information you need.

By participating in this event, you agree to abide by the PIE Code of Conduct (

Jul 8, 2020
Turning failures into opportunities

In the world of product creation, negative feedback and failure are easy to come by. But it doesn't make that feedback any more comfortable to assimilate. Join this #PracticalWednesday session with Rick Turoczy to explore how to potentially turning any failure into success and opportunity to grow.

What you’ll learn in this webinar?

  • How to get comfortable with negative feedback
  • How to make it a critical, ahem, part of your assessments and strategy
  • How to avoid succumbing to Imposter Syndrome when things don't seem to be going the way you thought they would


Jul 21, 2020
Apply to PIE: Question and answer session

Feel free to submit (and upvote) questions ahead of time on Crowdcast

Thinking about applying to PIE? Have questions about the program? Curious as to what an accelerator even does? Wondering if the format is right for you? Cool. Let's talk about that. All of that.

Please join PIE online for a question and answer session to get more information on our programs and the benefits for early stage startups.

Questions about the differences among the programs we offer causing you to second guess whether you should even show up? Well, let's get that one answered first. Yes. The answer is yes. If you're a founder of an early stage startup, you should show up.

And in terms of the differences? PIE is an accelerator designed to support startups building digital products. PIE Shop is an incubator/accelerator designed to support startups manufacturing physical products. PIE Consumer is focused on traditional consumer products like food, beverage, apparel, footwear, beauty, pet products… you get the gist.

By participating in this event, you agree to abide by the PIE Code of Conduct (

Jul 27, 2020
The Startup Community Way

Join us as PIE mentor Stephen Green talks with Ian Hathaway, coauthor of The Startup Community Way: Evolving an entrepreneurial ecosystem, the follow up to Startup Communities: Building an entrepreneurial ecosystem in your city by Brad Feld.

If you have questions about startup communities — or what Portland could be doing to become a better startup community — you won't want to miss this conversation.

"The Startup Community Way is an explanatory guide for startup communities. Rooted in the theory of complex systems, this book establishes the systemic properties of entrepreneurial ecosystems and explains why their complex nature leads people to make predictable mistakes. As complex systems, value creation occurs in startup communities primarily through the interaction of the parts—the people, organizations, resources, and conditions involved—not the parts themselves. This continual process of bottom-up interactions unfolds naturally, producing value in novel and unexpected ways. Through these complex, emergent processes, the whole becomes greater and substantially different than what the parts alone could produce.

"Although we are living in a booming age for startups, we need to think about the future. When the boom times slow, what will happen to our startup communities, and how will we ensure that entrepreneurial success is still within reach for everyone? This book provides a framework for answering these questions, looking at startup communities as complex systems that—given the right resources and support—can help entrepreneurs succeed and benefit society as a whole.

"If you have been involved in any way in building a startup community or entrepreneurial ecosystem in your city, The Startup Community Way is key to helping you understand the next phase of your journey."

The book releases on July 28, 2020. Preorder your copy:

Jul 28, 2020
What startups need to know about accessibility

Please join PIE for a conversation with Steve Axthelm, Principal Software Engineer at Puppet, to discuss product accessibility and how that applies to startups and engineering teams.

During this session, we'll cover topics like

  • Why you should care about accessibility
  • The legal history of accessibility
  • Accessibility standards like Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)
  • Composing a Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT)
  • Questions you should ask your developers about accessibility
  • Where to find more information

… plus answering any questions you might have.

Aug 4, 2020
What startups need to know about accessibility

Please join PIE for a conversation with Steve Axthelm, Principal Software Engineer at Puppet, to discuss product accessibility and how that applies to startups and engineering teams.

During this session, we'll cover topics like

  • Why you should care about accessibility
  • The legal history of accessibility
  • Accessibility standards like Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)
  • Composing a Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT)
  • Questions you should ask your developers about accessibility
  • Where to find more information

… plus answering any questions you might have


Aug 9, 2020
PIE applications close

Thank you for your interest in PIE, an early stage startup accelerator focused on SaaS offerings; PIE Consumer, an accelerator focused on growth stage consumer products; and PIE Shop, an advanced manufacturing and prototyping incubator to support the next generation of product companies. These programs are each designed to connect participants with peers, mentors, investors, and other critical connections, all in an effort to build better founders and to encourage companies to go further and faster than they would be able to go on their own.

Selected startups will join us virtually to work with their peers, PIE alums, and the world-class PIE mentor network. We'll provide you with advice, connections, discounts, support, and other benefits.

Interested? Cool.

Most responses are optional. But more complete applications help us with our decision. All information submitted to PIE via this form will be considered completely confidential and will not be disclosed to anyone outside the PIE selection committee.

If you would prefer to upload a presentation or one pager instead, please visit


Need to think about your answers? We highly recommend that you begin formulating your responses using our cheat sheet

Questions? Contact Marquita Jaramillo, Program Manager, PIE, at [email protected].

Want to stay in the loop?

Dec 9, 2020
Portland Lunch 2.0: Virtually

Remember in the good old days — like way back in 2019 — when we used to get together for events in person? Well, that's not an option these days. But that doesn't mean that we still can't get together for a good old fashioned Portland Lunch 2.0. Virtually.

If you've been looking for the opportunity to reconnect with your peers in the Portland startup community, you're thinking about starting something, or you're new to the area and looking to meet some folks amidst this pandemic weirdness, please join us for a virtual Portland Lunch 2.0.

No agenda. No talks. Just lunch with the community.

And while we'd love to buy lunch for you like we used to, this time, there is no such thing as a free lunch. You'll have to bring your own.

Dec 10, 2020
Press releases for startups

or many startups, getting press coverage — earned media — can be one of the most cost effective means of promoting products and engaging with new users. But how are you supposed to actually go about getting that type of coverage? 🤔

Let's start demystifying that whole process with one of the most simple — yet poorly used and misunderstood — tools at your disposal: the humble press release.

I've been working with media and pitching startup stories since last century. I can — and do — write press releases in my sleep, at this point. In this free session, I'll share my tips and tricks to help you craft compelling press releases, whether it's the first time you've written one or the hundredth time you've tried.

So if you've had questions about press releases, can't understand why your press releases never work, or are scared of even beginning to compose a press release, trust that I've created this session especially for you.

Please join me! It's free.

Apr 8, 2021
Portland Lunch 2.0: Virtually

Just because we're still socially distanced doesn't mean we can't connect.

As the weather starts to change, vaccines continue to roll out, and the glimmer of recovery grows ever brighter, there's no better time to reconnect with folks in the community with whom you've lost touch. And there's no better way to gather with a random smattering of your startup community peers than Portland Lunch 2.0.

No agenda. No talks. Just lunch with your community.

And while we'd love to buy lunch for you like we used to, this time, there is no such thing as a free lunch. You'll have to bring your own. Or not.

May 25, 2021
Portland Lunch 2.0: Virtually

Just because we're still socially distanced doesn't mean we can't connect.

There's no better time to reconnect with folks in the community with whom you've lost touch. And there's no better way to gather with a random smattering of your startup community peers than Portland Lunch 2.0.

No agenda. No talks. Just lunch with your community.

Jun 23, 2021
Portland Lunch 2.0: Virtually

Just because we're still socially distanced doesn't mean we can't connect.

There's no better time to reconnect with folks in the community with whom you've lost touch. And there's no better way to gather with a random smattering of your startup community peers than Portland Lunch 2.0.

No agenda. No talks. Just lunch with your community.

Jun 28, 2021
PIE Demo Day 2021

Please join us online for an all virtual PIE Demo Day, all from the comfort of your Web browser.

You do not need to be an accredited investor to attend. And you don't need to be in Portland, Oregon. Everyone is welcome. It's a community event and all aspects of the virtual demo day are free and open to the public.

If you're interested in participating in PIE Demo Day, there are three ways for you to do so. Each starts at 3:14PM Pacific Time on June 28, 2021:

Follow PIE on Twitter ( Like last year, the PIE Twitter account will serve as the emcee for PIE Demo Day 2021. If you're interested in experiencing the event as we envisioned it, please make sure you're following our Twitter account as we take you through the run of show. Best of all, the event will be captured in a single thread so that you can reference — and share — it later.

Subscribe to PIE on YouTube ( Interested in more of a "choose your own adventure" format? You're in luck, because we'll be uploading all of the demo day presentations to our YouTube channel as a single playlist.

Join the virtual trade show ( Not every founder will be presenting on PIE Demo Day, this year, but you'll still get the opportunity to meet them and hear more about the companies they're creating. Join us for a virtual trade show to hear more from this year's founders.

We look forward to seeing you at PIE Demo Day 2021.

Jul 28, 2021
Portland Lunch 2.0: Virtually

Things are still slowly getting back to in person, so this month will be virtual, again.

There's no better time to reconnect with folks in the community with whom you've lost touch. And there's no better way to gather with a random smattering of your startup community peers than Portland Lunch 2.0.

No agenda. No talks. Just (virtual) lunch with your community.

Dec 1, 2021
PDXWIT celebrates Kiva Hackathon Winners + Participants

PDXWIT joined Kiva to put on a virtual 6-week hackathon for social good. Over 200 participants came together to create solutions that provide financial access across the globe.

Let’s celebrate the hard work of all our participants and watch the winning hackathon videos!

We will have ASL interpretation and closed captioning throughout. Please get in touch with any additional accessibility needs you may have.

All are welcome. Hope to see you there!

Agenda: 12:00 p.m. - Event opens 12:03 p.m. - Introductions + Announcements 12:10 p.m. - Winning videos 12:45 p.m. - Event ends Purpose:

We are building a better tech industry by creating access, dismantling inequities and fueling belonging.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our mission are welcome.

Jan 26, 2022
Apply to PIE: Question & Answer session

Thinking about applying to PIE ( Have questions about the program? Curious as to what an accelerator even does? Wondering if the format is right for you? Cool. Let's talk about that. All of that.

Please join PIE for a question and answer session to get more information on our programs and the benefits for early stage startups.

Questions about the programs we offer causing you to second guess whether you should even show up? Well, let's get that one answered first. Yes. The answer is yes. If you're the founder of an early stage startup that has a product of some sort, you should show up. Whether you're building a SaaS product, a hardware product, or a typical consumer product, PIE has a program to support you along your journey.

By participating in this event, you agree to abide by the PIE Code of Conduct:

Feb 2, 2022
Portland Lunch 2.0: Virtually

There's no better time to reconnect with folks in the community with whom you've lost touch. And there's no better way to gather with a random smattering of your startup community peers than Portland Lunch 2.0. Even if it is virtually.

No agenda. No talks. Just (virtual) lunch with your community.

Sponsored by PIE (

By participating in this event, you agree to abide by the PIE Code of Conduct (

Feb 11, 2022
Pitch Oregon

In its 6th year, Pitch Oregon is TiE Oregon’s marquee event, attracting hundreds of entrepreneurs, mentors, and investors each year. New this year, we are welcoming companies from around the Pacific Northwest to apply and applicants will compete for an equitable investment!

Feb 14, 2022
Apply to PIE: Applications open

The PIE application period opens for product-based startups building software (SaaS), hardware, and/or consumer products.

Feb 15, 2022
PIE Applications AMA (Ask Me Anything)

Feel free to submit (and upvote) questions ahead of time on Crowdcast

By the time you attend this session, PIE applications will be open! Have questions about the program? Looking for some guidance on the application itself? Wondering if this mentoring format is right for you? Cool. Let's talk about that. All of that.

Please join PIE for a question and answer session on the application process, our programs, startup accelerators in general, and the potential benefits for early-stage startups.

If you're the founder of an early stage startup that has a product of some sort, you should show up. Whether you're building a SaaS product, a hardware product, or a typical consumer product, PIE has a program to support you along your journey.


By participating in this event, you agree to abide by the PIE Code of Conduct (

Feb 16, 2022
Instagram Live: Startup Accelerators 🚀

Hosted by Rick Turoczy (, cofounder and general manager of PIE, who has been working in, on, and around startup accelerators for more than a decade.

Join us for an Instagram Live gathering to get your questions answered, to share your experiences with startup accelerators, or to simply try out Instagram Live.

Feb 18, 2022
Creating a compelling pitch deck

Join Laura Kubisiak for a Lunch & Learn on “Creating a Compelling Pitch Deck”. There will be plenty of time to ask questions throughout the presentation.

Feb 23, 2022
LinkedIn Live: Startup Accelerators AMA

Hosted by Rick Turoczy, cofounder and general manager of PIE, an organization that has been working in, on, and around startup accelerators for more than a dozen years.

Join us for a LinkedIn Live gathering to get your questions answered, to share your experiences with startup accelerators, or to simply connect with other startups and programs in the accelerator community.

Mar 1, 2022
PIE: A new experiment

Please feel free to submit questions ahead of time at

There's a reason we call it the Portland Incubator Experiment.

In addition to our core efforts to assist founders who are building early-stage, product-based startups, PIE continually strives to rethink, reimagine, and experiment with new concepts each year that further creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship, and collaboration within the startup community.

This year is no different.

For 2022, we'll be taking on an experiment that reframes the role of the startup accelerator within the broader community. And explores ways that the impact of innovation can be more widespread, accessible, and beneficial beyond the startups and founders, themselves.

Sound interesting…? Please join PIE for a discussion about our latest experiment, some ideas for moving the experiment forward, and an opportunity for questions and critique of the concept itself.

Mar 2, 2022
Portland Lunch 2.0: Virtually

There's no better time to reconnect with folks in the community with whom you've lost touch. And there's no better way to gather with a random smattering of your startup community peers than Portland Lunch 2.0. Even if it is virtually.

No agenda. No talks. Just (virtual) lunch with your community.

Sponsored by PIE (

By participating in this event, you agree to abide by the PIE Code of Conduct (

Mar 13, 2022
Hit submit: Apply to PIE virtual coworking sprint

Have a partially completed application that you can't seem to finalize? Could you use some motivation, accountability, and camaraderie to derail your procrastination? Have a few last-minute questions before you hit "submit"?

Join PIE staff, alums, community members, and other PIE hopefuls for a coworking session focused on getting your PIE application completed and submitted ahead of the deadline (March 14, 2022 at 11:59PM Pacific Time).

Join us Sunday evening (Pacific Time) — the day before applications are due — in the PIE virtual cafe, powered by PIE alum Workfrom. Everyone will be on mute. Cameras are optional.

Mar 14, 2022
Apply to PIE: Applications close
through Online

All applications for PIE are due before the stroke of midnight on Pi Day, March 14, 2022.

Mar 15, 2022
Flux: Thriving in constant change with April Rinne

Join us for a Fireside Chat with futurist, author and Zebras Unite ally April Rinne.

April Rinne is a “change navigator,” speaker, investor, and adventurer whose work and travels in more than 100 countries have given her a front-row seat to a world in flux. She is ranked one of the 50 leading female futurists in the world by Forbes and is a Harvard Law School graduate, a Young Global Leader at the World Economic Forum, a Fulbright Scholar, and the author of Flux: 8 Superpowers for Thriving in Constant Change. April is a trusted advisor to well-known startups, companies, financial institutions, nonprofits, think tanks, and governments worldwide, ranging from Singapore to South Africa, Canada to Colombia, and Italy to India. Earlier in life she was a global development executive, an international microfinance lawyer, and a hiking guide. As a certified yoga teacher, she can often be found upside-down, doing handstands around the world.

Mar 31, 2022
OTBC: Preparing for Seed Funding

Join us for a free webinar on Thursday, March 31 from 1-2 PM to hear from an experienced Seed Fund Manager, Robert Pease of Cascade Seed Fund, an active Angel Investor Raul Krivoy, and entrepreneur Lauren Schneider who co-founded TrovaTrip and has raised funds to launch her company.

Learn what investors expect from you in the way of a business plan, financials, and market validation. Are there "tips" you can learn about successfully raising money to build your business? What does the current market look like for an entrepreneur to raise money?

Apr 22, 2022
Accenture x PIE: Conversation on Building your Brand and Strong Teams

Join Accenture as we partner with Portland Incubator Experiment (PIE) for an exciting event for PNW Black Founders. Our event will be centered around a Q&A with panelists specialized in building your brand and strong teams.

Meet our panelists

  • Deesha Dyer: An award-winning strategist, community organizer, and seasoned public speaker with an online community of 38,000 people. For nearly two decades, she has produced social impact campaigns across entertainment, politics, philanthropy, and business, specializing in causes that create tangible change. Her most recent endeavor is Hook & Fasten, a social impact firm that is dedicated to building partnerships between communities and companies around the world.
  • Jason Clark: A Research Scientist by training, Jason pivoted his career 20 years ago to build a career in sales (“origination”). He’s been instrumental in helping small and large companies grow and commercialize new products and solutions across a diverse list of businesses likes Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL), Huron, BD, and startups Outcome Health and Cedar. Jason brings a heavy focus and involvement with DE&I, as he is mixed blood Native American (Lenni-Lenape) and has worked for the Senate Committee On Indian Affairs in DC.
  • Veronica Jones: With over 20 years of leadership experience, Veronica has a strong passion for building and leading teams, as well as mentoring and developing talent. As a result-oriented strategist, Veronica has a proven record of successfully enabling collaboration within cross-functional teams through the improvement of organizational processes and strategic development/implementation. Veronica has built the ability to advise and influence peers around her to help them successfully achieve their goals.
  • Sage Salvo: Gil Perkins’ (dba Sage Salvo) start-up, Words Liive, is a futuristic education technology start-up, organized around a ‘Literacy Moonshot’ goal of getting 2/3 of the nation’s children grade literate by 2045. He’s raised and earned over a half million dollars for Words Liive to further develop their technology product The Opus, which is a new Platform as a Service (PaaS) technology which enables on-demand and real-time lesson development and so much more.


Oct 12, 2022
PIE Demo Day 2022

PIE Demo Day 2022 will be held as a free virtual tradeshow, enabling community members to meet and visit with a variety of startups from PIE — while having the opportunity to meet other mentors, alums, investors, and supporters of the PIE community.

On October 12 at 3:14PM PDT, we highly encourage you to join these 26 startups from PIE, PIE for Our Neighbors, PIE Shop, and Slice of PIE at the PIE Demo Day virtual tradeshow:

  • BabbleBuy, your small biz activities hub
  • BuildingLens, building management that prioritizes occupant’s health and comfort
  • Buildly, product management for distributed teams
  • Ditto Pigeon, automated, programmable Instagram posts
  • DTocs, a sustainable, earth-friendly choice for disposable tableware
  • Hemingway Designs, (pre-launch) bringing recyclability to disposable insulin pens
  • HotZot, your grandparents didn’t need herbicides to control weeds and neither do you
  • How I Chow, eat the food you love and build the community you crave
  • HUUB, a central hub for economic development and small business
  • Kit Switch, modular interiors to create the homes we need with the buildings we have
  • Kocchi, resilient off-grid communications
  • Missing Middle Housing Fund, doubling Oregon’s housing production
  • Momentum, your productivity coach app that goes everywhere you go
  • NearHear, music discovery for local shows
  • Prestavi, simple process automation for your entire team
  • Radious, find a meeting space or private office right in your neighborhood
  • ReDram Program, convenient kiosks to solve plastic pollution
  • Re-Public, a dashboard for your personal dataverse 
  • Shilling, screen time platform that helps improve financial habits
  • Stumpworx, breathable, adjustable, lightweight, and comfortable prosthetic sockets
  • Teaminal, an agile meeting tool for remote teams
  • Thriving Design, versatile, sturdy DIY plant support systems in a snap
  • Toast Wear, (pre-launch) rethinking the way we stay warm outdoors
  • Tonsil Tech, kiss tonsil stones goodbye
  • UrbanForm, automated zoning technology for better buildings, cities, and environments
  • Width by Height (WxH), simplifying how you decorate your walls

(Additional companies from the various PIE programs may opt to participate in the tradeshow up until the day of the event.)

We look forward to seeing you at PIE Demo Day on October 12!

Nov 16, 2022
Ask Julie Anything!

Julie Harrelson, Managing Director of the Cascade Seed Fund

Julie has over 30 years of experience as an investor, founder, sales executive and consultant. She launched Cascade Seed Fund with Robert Pease in 2019 after being founder of the five predecessor Cascade Angels Funds. Cascade is the first seed fund in Oregon founded outside the Portland metro area. She has been a seed stage investor since 2013 and founded her first enterprise at age 8.

(A child prodigy indeed!)

Julie was previously a tech executive in multiple companies variously acquired by Earthlink, Time Warner and others. Following an exit from a telecommunications startup, Harrelson worked as a trusted advisor with regional entrepreneurs, Fortune 500 companies, as well as leaders of massive change efforts in healthcare, education and energy before launching Cascade.

Nov 18, 2022
Connecting the dots: A virtual networking event for Black founders

A free, virtual networking opportunity for Black startup founders around the US, organized by Accenture and PIE (

Join Accenture for an exciting networking event for tech founders. Connect with Black founders, investors, and Accenture industry experts from across North America.

Keynote speaker: Dr. Charlton McIlwain

Author of the recent book, Black Software: The Internet & Racial Justice, From the Afronet to Black Lives Matter, Dr. Charlton McIlwain is Vice Provost for Faculty Development & Engagement at New York University, and Professor of Media, Culture, and Communication at NYU Steinhardt. He works at the intersections of computing technology, race, inequality, and racial justice activism. He has served as an expert witness in landmark U.S. Federal Court cases on reverse redlining/racial targeting in mortgage lending, and recently testified before the U.S. House Committee on Financial Services about the impacts of automation and artificial intelligence on the financial services sector. He writes regularly for outlets such as The Guardian, Slate's Future Tense, MIT Technology Review and other outlets about the intersection of race and technology. McIlwain is the founder of the Center for Critical Race & Digital Studies, is the President of the Board for Data & Society Research Institute, heads NYU’s Alliance for Public Interest Technology, and is NYU’s Designee to the Public Interest Technology University Network.

Founders attending this event will have the opportunity to...

  • Meet Kathy Ross and Dujon Smith, leads of the Accenture Black Founders Development Program
  • Hear about recent Accenture Ventures start-up investments and our FY23 goals
  • Participate in peer-to-peer networking with founders and investors from across North America

Peer-to-Peer networking hosted on Mixtroz (

Mar 6, 2023
Apply to PIE: Q&A

Thinking about applying to PIE? Have questions about the program? Curious as to what a startup accelerator even does? Wondering if the format is right for you? Cool. Let's talk about that. All of that.

Please join PIE for a question and answer session to get more information on our program, startup accelerators in general, and the potential benefits for early-stage startups.


Please feel free to submit questions ahead of time. Even if you cannot attend the event.

By participating in this event, you agree to abide by the PIE Code of Conduct

Mar 13, 2023
Apply to PIE: Q&A

Thinking about applying to PIE? Have questions about the program? Curious as to what a startup accelerator even does? Wondering if the format is right for you? Cool. Let's talk about that. All of that.

Please join PIE for a question and answer session to get more information on our program, startup accelerators in general, and the potential benefits for early-stage startups.


By participating in this event, you agree to abide by the PIE Code of Conduct

Dec 21, 2023
2024 Portland startup community

Get ready for 2024! Please join PIE for a look into the year ahead, designed to help you get more engaged and connected with the Portland startup community.

  • Ask questions about the Portland startup community
  • Learn about online resources to connect with folks
  • Save important dates for upcoming events
  • Get insights on groups focused on helping you feel more you connected


Jan 17, 2024
Climate Curious judges PSU Cleantech Challenge

Due to weather, PSU has shut down their campus, and therefore we're moving the Cleantech Challenge pitch competition event from in-person to Zoom. We're still very excited to hear what the students have been cooking up, so please follow these steps to join:

RSVP to the Zoom invite by clicking through this link Assemble your favorite frosty weather snacks and drinks Sign on to the Zoom at 5:30 pm today Kick back, enjoy, and participate!

Apologies for the last-minute heads-up. The school's decision is out of our hands, but we're so grateful to Abigail and the rest of the PSU Center for Entrepreneurship team for coming up with a workaround that will keep the program moving and everyone else safe and cozy at home. See you soon!

Feb 22, 2022
Startup Accelerators 🚀 AMA
Online Discord

Hosted by Rick Turoczy (, cofounder and general manager of PIE, who has been working in, on, and around startup accelerators for more than a decade.

Join us for a gathering on the PIE Discord server to get your questions answered, to share your experiences with startup accelerators, or to simply try out Discord.

Nov 2, 2021
Ace the Accelerator Application: Hands On with Y Combinator
Online via Zoom

As another application season approaches, hear from Y Combinator on the hallmarks of a successful application.

After a short introduction and question and answer session, we’ll break out into small groups for hands-on application tips from investors and founders that have successfully applied to accelerators.

Featuring: Nick Vivion, Founder - Ghost Works Tamanna Khemani, Outreach - Y Combinator Robyn Exton, CEO - HER Anthony Scarpone-Lambert, Co-Founder & CEO of Lumify Care


5:00pm - Welcome and Introductions 5:15pm - Y Combinator Interview + Q&A 5:30pm - Hands on workshop with YC mentors 6:00pm - Goodnight!

Feb 23, 2015
Crowdfunding 101
Online Webinar

Want to launch your idea, startup and need the support of your community? Crowdfunding might be the solution. Join us for a discussion around crowdfunding.

We will help you find answers to these questions:

  1. Is crowdfunding right for me?
  2. What is the best crowdfunding platform for me?
  3. How do I know what financial goal to set?
  4. Can I run the campaign solo or should I have a team?
  5. What is the small and the big picture of crowdfunding?
  6. What myths of crowdfunding?
  7. What are the top 5 biggest mistakes of a successful crowdfunding campaign?
  8. What are the 3 circles of crowdfunding?

Lets explore what crowdfunding is and what it is not. We will explore the good and the bad of crowdfunding.

Dec 10, 2020
Supporting Entrepreneurs & Ventures in Washington County
Online Webinar

Have an idea for a new venture, or need help growing your existing venture? Want to learn more about equity financing and the options available in Oregon? Join Laura Kubisiak and Ana Chaud for an interactive session on resources available to entrepreneurs looking to start a new business, as well as existing ventures looking for higher growth.

Laura Kubisiak is the Venture Catalyst for Washington County and will talk about the services and resources for early-stage entrepreneurs, as well discuss equity financing to raise capital. She will be joined by Ana Chaud, founder of Garden Bar. Ana successfully sold the business in 2019 and is now giving back to the entrepreneurial community in a variety of ways, including as a TiE Oregon angel investor and an Executive Partner in Elevate Capital. She’ll share her experience as an entrepreneur, as well as her thoughts on working with angel investors and venture capital firms.

Topics to be discussed:
• The Venture Catalyst (VC) Network
• The VC Services in Washington County
• Equity Financing as part of the Funding Ladder
• Types of Equity Investors
• Local Venture Funds
• Straight Scoop from Ana on being an Entrepreneur and an Investor

The focus is on traded sector, but all business are welcome!
There will be plenty of time for questions.

Speaker Backgrounds:

Laura Kubisiak serves as the Venture Catalyst for Washington County. She is an “on the ground” resource for helping traded-sector companies start-up and scale-up. She meets one-on-one with entrepreneurs, assesses their business needs, and then connects them to people, programs and financial capital to help fuel their growth. Laura also leads programming to educate entrepreneurs and give them an opportunity to network with others in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Prior to this role, Laura served as a senior executive in marketing, sales and business development at companies ranging from start-up to Fortune 500.

Ana Chaud started her career as a financial and business manager in the San Francisco Bay Area. In January 2014, Ana co-founded Garden Bar, the first fast casual, salad concept restaurant in the NW. In five years, Garden Bar grew ~600% in revenue and expanded from 9 to 120 employees. In 2019, Garden Bar was acquired by Evergreens, which provided Ana with a full circle experience – from concept to exit. Ana recently joined the Board at TiE Oregon and will share her insights on being an entrepreneur, as well as investing in new ventures through TiE Angels and Elevate Capital.

Jul 25, 2012
Portland Games for Change: Visioning & Agenda Setting

Meet fellow members and help develop our agenda for events, initiatives and programs.

Jan 11, 2024
Accelerate Happy Hour Networking - 1/11/2024
Oregon Bioscience Incubator (OBI)

Mingle with your fellow biotech and digital health enthusiasts, help build community, and share your ideas on how to further accelerate the growth of these promising sectors in Portland. We will gather at OBI's brand new event space for our January 11 Accelerate Happy Hour.

These happy hours bring together creative and driven professionals who are passionate about promoting the growth of Portland's biotech, medical device, and digital health community. This is a great opportunity to network and build relationships with individuals working across these sectors in both academia and industry.

Want to introduce your startup or idea at one of our upcoming happy hours? We have speaking opportunities at each of our events. If you would like 2 minutes to speak about your startup or introduce yourself or your idea to the group, please contact us at [email protected].

Jan 9
OBI's Accelerate Happy Hour Networking
Oregon Bioscience Incubator (OBI)

Join Us for the First Accelerate Happy Hour of the Year!

Start the year by connecting with fellow biotech and digital health professionals, building community, and sharing ideas to accelerate innovation in these sectors. We'll gather at OBI's event space on January 9th for a special evening of networking and celebration.

This Happy Hour is particularly meaningful as we honor Rene Miller, our Associate Director, who will be retiring on January 10, 2025. Join us in celebrating Rene’s impactful contributions to OBI and the broader biotech community.

Accelerate Happy Hours bring together professionals in biotech, medical devices, and digital health across academia and industry. Don’t miss this opportunity to make new connections and strengthen relationships with others in these fields.

Interested in introducing your startup or idea? We offer 2-minute speaking slots at each event. To reserve a spot, email us at [email protected].

Jan 29
Workshop: Scaling Biotech and MedTech Startups
Oregon Bioscience Incubator (OBI)

This workshop by Biotech Bootcamp is designed to provide insights into the operational and strategic considerations for scaling up a MedTech or biotech startup, including project management, team building, and managing growth phases. Attendees will walk away understanding the startup lifecycle and risks, and will be empowered to scale "people and processes" at the appropriate times.

Location: 4640 S Macadam Ave Suite 230 Portland, OR 97239

Presented by

Travis Rappleye is a MedTech professional with over 24 years of experience in pre-commercial product development, project management, and operations. He is passionate about organizing and efficiently managing startup MedTech projects to make the most out of an organization's resources. In addition to practicing, he supports the next generation of MedTech professionals by lecturing at San Jose State University in the Biomedical Engineering program, and is developing standalone educational programming for MedTech founders.

Nov 9, 2023
Accelerate Happy Hour Networking - 11/09/2023
Oregon Bioscience Incubator (OBI) / OTRADI

Mingle with your fellow biotech and digital health enthusiasts, help build community, and share your ideas on how to further accelerate the growth of these promising sectors in Portland. We will gather at OBI's brand new event space for our November 9th Accelerate Happy Hour.

These happy hours bring together creative and driven professionals who are passionate about promoting the growth of Portland's biotech, medical device, and digital health community. This is a great opportunity to network and build relationships with individuals working across these sectors in both academia and industry.

Oct 26, 2016
OEN Tom Holce Entrepreneurship Awards 2016: Create Your Legacy
Oregon Convention Center

It’s like the Oscars, but with less glam and more grit. Each fall, over 600 local business leaders converge at OEN’s Tom Holce Entrepreneurship Awards Dinner for Oregon’s largest and most prestigious business networking event.

Join us for our October 26 “Create Your Legacy” Awards Dinner to:

  • Honor Oregon entrepreneurs who are making their mark
  • Celebrate OEN’s 25th year of helping entrepreneurs succeed and thrive
  • Pay tribute to OEN’s outgoing President & Executive Director, Linda Weston

See this year's finalists and learn more at:

Jul 19, 2016
Resources to Start & Grow a Startup
Oregon Story Board

(While this is a follow-up event to Startup Weekend Latino, this event is open to all!)

You have a brilliant idea. Maybe your pitch wasn’t selected for Startup Weekend Latino, or maybe your startup didn’t win the competition. Or maybe you weren’t able to attend at all. That doesn’t mean that your idea should fall by the wayside!

Whether Startup Weekend Latino left you with an entrepreneurial itch that you can’t wait to scratch, or you’ve always had entrepreneurial fever but aren’t sure how to act on it, this workshop is for you!

Mar 21, 2017
Law Chat w/ Miller Nash
Oregon Story Board

The attorneys over at Miller Nash are looking to refine their knowledge in regards to the legal needs of startups here in town.

Along with Oregon Story Board, Miller Nash is hosting a gathering for local entrepreneurs and startups to both gain a better understanding of your needs as well as answer a few of your own questions.

There will be four different attorneys from Miller Nash in the areas of Intellectual Property, Tax and General Business, General Business and Securities, and Employment in attendance.

Space is limited, so register now.

May 22, 2019
Battle Royal: Text A Lawyer co-founders pitch each-other in competition. You're invited to be a judge!
Oregon Technology Buisiness Center (OTBC)

Come judge the Text A Lawyer Battle Royal! Katia v. Kevin You decide who pitches in June to the crowd of silicon valley investors!

The Text A Lawyer co-founder team is preparing for an investor demo day event in the bay area in early June. We're looking to discern who should handle pitching and who should handle Q&A. We're planning to record things so we can replay all your helpful feedback (internal use only, promise).

We are going to follow the time format precisely: 10 minutes -- introduction

5 minutes -- Katia will pitch

10 minutes -- Katia's Q/A session

5 minutes -- Kevin will pitch

10 minutes -- Kevin's Q/A session

10 minutes -- Katia and Kevin will leave the room for the judges (you) to deliberate. Yes, we'll leave the recording on so we can listen later but we're hoping you can speak freely an honestly. -- We can take some tough love.

10 minutes -- We'll quickly tally the votes and announce who's doing what in at the demo day next month. Share a drink and snack with us - we'll stay around to chat.

TOTAL: 1 hour of your time means the world to us!

To show our appreciation we'll provide BEER/soda/water and chips/candy/hummus/celery type of refreshments and light snacks. Please email [email protected] to confirm (so we know how much food/drinks to purchase).

Thank you, K2 (Kevin and Katia)

Oct 8, 2009
TechAmerica: 3 Ways To Triple Your Revenue
Oregon Zoo

Several of the area's top-level executives will discuss what types of changes they made within their companies to successfully achieve fast growth. They will share their unique experiences and explore issues and expertise in overcoming the challenges they have faced and the sometimes hard choices they have had to make in order to achieve growth. This is your opportunity to learn what worked and what didn't as you pursue aggressive growth in your own business.

Oct 10, 2013
Finance Forum - Preparing for Your Next Transaction
Oregon Zoo, Skyline Banquet Room

Your company is growing, your customers are happy – what’s the next step? Is it an IPO? Is it a merger or acquisition? Or just getting an initial round of funding? Whatever the end result, thinking through and developing an appropriate plan and taking the proper steps is key to a successful entry into any transaction.

Join our esteemed panel of business experts as they discuss ways in which you can maximize the value of your business by giving quality advice and informative instructions that will help ease a future transaction no matter what it might be.

Some of the Panel Questions that will be Discussed Include:

•What type of transaction is right for my company?

•What are the advantages and disadvantages of different types of transactions?

•What options do I have in raising capital?

•What do buyers look for in buying a company?

•What are some common obstacles that companies encounter as they prepare for a transaction?

This will be a very interactive session between the panel, moderator and attendees so bring the specific questions that will assist you.


  • Brad Gevurtz, Managing Director, Head of Investment Banking, D.A. Davidson & Co. - Brad has significant experience in M&A, private placements, and public offerings, and has worked with clients such as Alltel, AT&T, Cadbury Schweppes, Computer Associates, Comsat, GE, IBM, Toyota, Verizon, and Xerox

  • David Nelsen, President at Giftango LLC - InComm - Having just sold his company less than a year ago, David brings first-hand experience from an entrepreneur’s perspective

  • Roy Tucker, Partner, Perkins Coie LLP - Roy has represented issuers and underwriters in numerous public offerings and regularly advises corporate clients and private equity firms on mergers, asset sales and leveraged buyouts

  • Todd Wall, CPA, Partner, Moss Adams LLP - With more than 16 years of experience in public accounting, Todd also consults on matters related to private debt and equity offerings, restructurings, leveraged recapitalization, option accounting, and venture capital transactions


  • Steve Giannini, President, Opal Labs, Inc. - On track to close $1 million this year and currently raising a round, Opal Labs radically amplifies the innovation potential of your organization, unlocking insight sharing across geographies, business units and specialties

Details: When: Thursday, October 10, 2013 Time: 7:30 - 9:00 AM Where: Oregon Zoo, Skyline Banquet Room, Portland, OR Cost: TAO Members $25 Non Members $45 To Register: TAO, 503-228-5452

Event Sponsors: D.A. Davidson

Series Sponsor: Stoel Rives LLP

Apr 2, 2019
Portland Lunch 2.0 - Portland Startup Week: OTBC Lunch 2.0
OregonTechnology Business Center

Join our friends at OTBC for a Portland Lunch 2.0… in Beaverton. It's all part of Portland Startup Week. (If you're in downtown Portland, it's just a quick trip on the MAX Blue Line to get out to the location.)

Space is limited

Access: 1 minute walk from MAX. Alternatively - there is, of course, plenty of free parking.

For parking:

For MAX: When you exit MAX you're facing Bogza coffee. We're in the brick building just beyond Bogza.

Either way - use the building entrance on Rose Biggi Ave.

Apr 1, 2019
OEN & OSU Startup Series
OSU Portland Center 555 SW Morrison Street, Portland, OR 97204 Portland OR

Thanks to a grant from US Bank, OEN is proud to announce a partnership with Oregon State University to pilot our Startup Series in a hybrid (part online, part in person) platform. This partnership allows us to scale this critical program to entrepreneurs across the state. OSU is a leading provider of online content and their expertise, combined with OEN’s stellar network of instructors/mentors, will provide a top-notch program accessible to anyone, anywhere.

Do Excel spreadsheets make your heart skip a beat? Are you embarrassed to admit that you’re not sure what a hashtag is? No entrepreneur can be expected to know it all. Our 10-week Startup Series covers the nuts and bolts of the areas in which you may lack expertise, including business structure, financial management, sales & marketing strategies, fundraising, and more. As an added benefit, each participant will be paired with a mentor, as well as have access to a mentor in each specialty for the duration of the 10-week series.

In addition to formal instruction in weekly classes, each participant in OEN’s Startup Series will have access to a network of mentors covering each of the session topics below. Our mentors have agreed to provide guidance during the full 10 weeks of this program. Have a burning funding or accounting problem? No need to wait until week 7, just email one of our mentors. A full mentor list will be provided on the first day of class.

Scholarship Opportunity: SPOTS FILLING UP FAST! If you would like to be considered for a scholarship for the Startup Series, please complete this form below. Thank you to US Bank and Columbia Bank for sponsoring these scholarships!

Deadline to apply for scholarships is March 25.

Oct 9, 2014
OTBC: Fund your Startup

When you are at the Idea stage, it's not likely that investors will be willing to invest. Fortunately, there are other sources of funding that are available for early stage funding. We'll describe quite a few of the funding sources that you can leverage to build your startup, from loans, to grants, to crowdfunding, and then yes, even investors - and more.

Mar 8, 2011
About Stock
OTBC (Oregon Technology Business Center)

You're starting a company and have multiple founders. A number of questions come up:

  • What exactly is founders stock? How is it different from options?
  • How is it different from investors' stock?
  • How do you decide how much stock each founder will receive?
  • Do founders purchase their stock?
  • How much do they pay?
  • Should the stock vest?
  • What happens if a founder leaves?
  • What happens if you add more founders a few months down the road?
  • How do founders get diluted when investors buy stock?
  • How much stock do founders typically have when a company gets acquired or goes IPO?

We'll answer those questions and more at this event. OTBC exec director (and former startup CEO) Steve Morris and Ernie Bootsma, an emerging-business attorney with Ater Wynne will provide an overview of how stock works, and answer your questions.

As an extra incentive - all attendees to this event will receive, courtesy of the Synergy Consulting Group, a stock structure / growth spreadsheet that will help you evaluate different valuation/growth/dilution scenarios. The spreadsheet is a $29.95 value!

So join us for this seminar. You'll learn a few things, and walk away with a very useful tool.

Date: Tuesday, March 8, 2011 Time: 4:30pm to 5:30pm, followed by food, beverage, and networking Where: OTBC: 8305 SW Creekside Place, Suite C, Beaverton Cost: $15

Mar 11, 2011
Founder Courtship
OTBC (Oregon Technology Business Center)

Whether deliberately or accidentally, corporate culture starts developing the day you form your partnership, and blossoms as the company grows. Emphasis on a healthy corporate culture and assuring "fit" with each hire can lead to unprecedented success with happier, more productive employees...and customers.

Sara Davey-Schmidt will lead the discussion at the brown-bag lunch event. For the past 15 years, Sara has worked with many, many clients to help them identify talent who are not only qualified for the positions in their organization, but are--more importantly--a cultural fit with the company's core values and approach to business. In this brown bag session, Sara will provide some tools to articulate your own values and strengths in order to determine the Business Partner who is right for you. The benefits: Your partnership will thrive, a healthy corporate culture will develop deliberately, and your business will evolve into an entity authentic to you and your Business Partner.

When: Thursday, Feb. 24 from noon to 1pm Where: OTBC, 8305 SW Creekside Place, Suite C, Beaverton, OR (Directions) Cost: Free (bring lunch!)

Apr 1, 2011
Portland Startup Weekend
through OTBC (Oregon Technology Business Center)

Startup Weekend is coming back to Portland for the 4th time, and we are headed to the suburbs! Prior Portland Startup Weekends have launched companies such as Mugasha, CPUsage and Taggr.

The event is a 54 hour sprint where software developers, business people, designers, and other experts go from ideas to full fledged businesses by Sunday night.

To learn more, visit

May 23, 2011
Startup Lessons Learned Simulcast - Beaverton
OTBC (Oregon Technology Business Center)

Startup Lessons Learned 2011 is the sequel to last year's inaugural event, which brought together nearly 400 entrepreneurs and executives interested in building and supporting lean startups. The goal for this event is to give practitioners and students of the lean startup methodology the opportunity to hear insights from leaders in embracing and deploying the core principles of the lean startup methodology. The day-long event will feature a mix of panels and talks focused on the key challenges and issues that technical and market-facing people at startups need to understand in order to succeed in building successful lean startups.

Confirmed Speakers Include: Eric Ries, The Lean Startup (@ericries) Brad Smith, President and CEO, Intuit (@IntuitInc) Mitch Kapor (@mkapor) Steve Blank (@sgblank) Suneel Gupta, VP Product, Groupon (@guptathink) Drew Houston, Co-Founder and CEO, Dropbox (@drewhouston) Clara Shih, Founder and CEO, Hearsay Social (@clarashih) Janice Fraser, Lean User Experience Residency (@clevergirl) Manuel Rosso, Founder, Food on the Table (@manuelrosso) Dave Binetti, Founder and CEO, Votizen (@dbinetti) Roy Bahat, President, IGN Entertainment (@roybahat) Pascal-Louis Perez, VP Engineering and CTO, Wealthfront (@pascallouis) Tim McCoy, Dir, Integrated Product Development, Cooper (@seriouslynow) Jeff Gothelf, Dir of User Experience, (@jboogie) Josh Seiden, Program Dir, LUXr NYC (@jseiden) Zach Larson, Entrepreneur/Former CPO, SideReel (@zachlarson) Tony Ford, Dir of Engineering, IGN Entertainment (@tony4d)

Jan 18, 2012
OEN Business Plan Development Seminar - January 2012
OTBC (Oregon Technology Business Center)

Need to learn how to develop a solid business plan? This seminar is for you. Join OEN at OTBC to attend the OEN Business Plan Development Seminar. It reviews all components of an effective, compelling business plan. You'll learn from seasoned OEN experts why certain information is important and how your audience will evaluate what you present. Besides learning what is critical to include in an effective business plan, you'll take away valuable handouts and a listing of key resources.

Registration is required, and space is limited to 15 entrepreneurs.

Presenter: Steve Morris Steve Morris is the Executive Director of OTBC and the Managing Director of He is a veteran of three start-ups, and has more than 25 years of management experience in the software, service, and semiconductor test industries at companies such as Hewlett Packard, Integrated Measurement Systems, Cadence Design Systems, Mentor Graphics, Credence Corporation and Teseda Corporation. He holds a B.A. in mathematics from Reed College and a Masters of Science degree from Carnegie-Mellon University Graduate School of Industrial Administration (now The Tepper School of Business).

May 24, 2012
PSU Call for Startups
OTBC (Oregon Technology Business Center)

Looking for help for your startup? PSU is looking for startups to help via their Business Administration Capstone program during Fall 2012. Receive business assistance in the areas of market validation, funding need, business development strategy, finance, early stage potential revenue forecasts, and possibly go-to-market strategies.

Jun 2, 2012
Founders Seeking CoFounders
OTBC (Oregon Technology Business Center)

Do you have an idea for a company, and are looking for others to join your team? Then come to "Founders Seeking Co-Founders" with a 1 minute pitch summarizing your idea & the skills sets you need to add to the team. And if you'd consider joining a start-up on the ground floor, come listen to the pitches. You just might end up starting a company!

Jul 12, 2012
Online Startup Summer Camp - Meetup
OTBC (Oregon Technology Business Center)

Online Startup Summer Camp for entrepreneurs is brought to you by OTBC, OEN, TiE, Startup Weekend, SAO, and OAF. This event is one of the (optional) weekly meetups.

This summer, you can take your idea and go through the steps to launch your startup and build an investor pitch, while getting feedback and meeting lots of people.

FORMAT: We'll post weekly online videos each of which covers a key task that's one aspect of preparing for an investor pitch. Week by week, you'll build a pitch deck, while developing and validating your business model.

Participants can ask questions online. In fact, you can do the entire boot camp, online, on your schedule (we know schedules are a challenge during the summer).

Jul 19, 2012
Online Startup Summer Camp - Meetup
OTBC (Oregon Technology Business Center)

Online Summer Camp is free - but you can also join us for this optional weekly meetup. $10 includes food and beverage. We had 25+ people at the first two and had great conversations!

-Meet other entrepreneurs - Ask questions about the summer camp videos - Here what other entrepreneurs are up to

If you haven't seen the videos yet - check out
Jul 26, 2012
Online Startup Summer Camp - Meetup
OTBC (Oregon Technology Business Center)

Online Summer Camp is free - but you can also join us for this optional weekly meetup. $10 includes food and beverage. We had 25+ people at the first two and had great conversations!

-Meet other entrepreneurs - Ask questions about the summer camp videos - Here what other entrepreneurs are up to

If you haven't seen the videos yet - check out
Aug 2, 2012
Online Startup Summer Camp - Meetup
OTBC (Oregon Technology Business Center)

Online Summer Camp is free - but you can also join us for this optional weekly meetup. $10 includes food and beverage. We had 25+ people at the first two and had great conversations!

-Meet other entrepreneurs - Ask questions about the summer camp videos - Here what other entrepreneurs are up to

If you haven't seen the videos yet - check out
Aug 9, 2012
Online Startup Summer Camp - Meetup
OTBC (Oregon Technology Business Center)

Online Summer Camp is free - but you can also join us for this optional weekly meetup. $10 includes food and beverage. We had 25+ people at the first two and had great conversations!

-Meet other entrepreneurs - Ask questions about the summer camp videos - Here what other entrepreneurs are up to

If you haven't seen the videos yet - check out
Aug 27, 2012
Online Startup Summer Camp Pitch Event
OTBC (Oregon Technology Business Center)

Six of the participants in the Online Startup Summer Camp will make a 10 minute investor pitch and receive 10 minutes of feedback from a panel of investors, including:

Scott Sandler, Fund Manager for the Oregon Angel Fund.

Shelley Gunton, angel investor, Chair of Angel Oregon 2012 and Executive Director of the PSU Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

Dennis Powers, angel investor, Managing Partner of VectorPoint Ventures and past Chair of the Portland Angel Network.

We'll have food and beverage and plenty of networking time too.

Learn more and register at

Sep 28, 2012
How to Fund your Startup
OTBC (Oregon Technology Business Center)

Investors rarely fund a startup that is at the "idea" stage. So how does an entrepreneur fund an early stage startup? At this 2 hour workshop at OTBC you'll learn how to leverage sources of funding ranging from microloans, grants and seed funds to angel and venture capital investors. Will also cover funding strategy: when to raise how much from where - and why.

Oct 11, 2012
How to Fund your Early Stage Startup
OTBC (Oregon Technology Business Center)

How do you fund a startup at the "idea / discovery" phase? That's typically too early for investors, so how can you find startup capital?

Video 2 of the OTBC Online Startup Camp covers a wide range of funding sources you'll want to consider. Topics include founder resources, Friends and Family, CrowdFunding, Government Grants, Micro-loans, Seed Funds, and more.

Check out the video at

and join us for the meetup to discuss early stage funding options.

Oct 25, 2012
Venture Capital 101
OTBC (Oregon Technology Business Center)

This week's topic for OTBC's Online Startup Camp is Venture Capital 101. View the 24 minute video any time that's convenient, then join us for the discussion on Oct. 25.

Nov 1, 2012
Build your Startup Team
OTBC (Oregon Technology Business Center)

Come follow up on Video 5: Build your Startup Team (the video will be available Oct. 29)

How do you build a startup team? - What roles do you need? What skills? - What happens when founders don't work out? - How does stock compensation work? - What should you do to protect your intellectual property?

Watch the video, then join other entrepreneurs & OTBC coaches to discuss building the Startup Team.

Nov 10, 2012
Startup Weekend PDX boot camp
OTBC (Oregon Technology Business Center)

For those who want to know what Startup Weekend is all about, we offer a Bootcamp that will give you a better sense of what to expect at Startup Weekend, how to get the most out of it, and help you increase your chances of success during the weekend.

Nov 13, 2012
Crowdfunding: Money 4 Something
OTBC (Oregon Technology Business Center)

Crowdfunding sites like have set the entrepreneurial world ablaze with their democratizing effect in the project funding realm. You’ve read about crowdfunding successes like Pebble, Kickstarter's biggest crowdfunding success (the project raised over $10 million). Now find out how you can use these same sites to get YOUR project off the ground or accelerated into the marketplace.

Dec 3, 2012
USPTO Seminar on Trademarks
OTBC (Oregon Technology Business Center)

Trademarks are an important tool for protecting your intellectual property. At this seminar, you'll learn about trademarks from US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) attorney Craig Morris.

Learn more and register:

Jan 12, 2013
Crowdfunding Workshop
OTBC (Oregon Technology Business Center)

Crafting the Perfect Pitch for Getting Your Projects Funded through Crowdsourcing

In this HANDS ON workshop you will create your fundraising pitch and set-up your profile on one of these crowdfunding websites: KICKSTARTER.COM, INDIEGOGO.COM, FUNDABLE.COM.


Sat, Jan. 12th and Sat. Jan.19th Classrooms,

    10a -4p—1-hour lunch break

Monday January 14th thru Friday January 18th

 e-mail support
Two conference calls during the Week of Jan 14th - 18th


Workbook for creating a powerful pitch

Guides for writing and producing content

Budget planning worksheet (paper & .xls) to help estimate the project budget and pledge levels

eMail and teleconference support the week between classrooms Links to helpful online resources

Case studies of successful crowdfunded projects and summary of projects that failed and why

List of the top crowdfunding sites for everything from projects to investment clubs.

After a review of the workbook, resource material & budgeting tools, we roll up our sleeves to begin the work of creating your project pitch.

Jan 25, 2013
Founder Seeking Cofounders
OTBC (Oregon Technology Business Center)

Find Cofounders - or Find a Startup

Looking for cofounders? Give a 1 minute pitch about your business, and what kinds of people/skills you need, and then network with the group to make connections.

We'll provide pizza and beverage! We do this about once a quarter (it's been a bit longer this time...) and it's always a great event.

Jul 18, 2013
OTBC Roundtable: Top 20 Mistakes entrepreneurs make
OTBC (Oregon Technology Business Center)

This week's topic:

  • The Top 20 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make (and how to avoid them)  
  • The online AudioSlidez presentation posts on July 14
  • Join us for the round table discussion on July 18

Upcoming roundtable topics (with free AudioSlideZ presentations):

  • How to Capture and Validate your Business Model Assumptions on a 1 Page Lean Canvas  July 25
  • Customer Development - if you build it, will they buy it?  posts on Aug. 1
  • How to Build a Realistic Funding Plan on Aug. 8
  • How to Size and Segment a Market  on Aug. 15
  • How to Develop a Go to Market Plan on Aug. 22
  • How to Make Sure your Company Owns it's Intellectual Property (and Why That is Critical)  on Aug. 29

Learn more and register here

Jul 25, 2013
OTBC Roundtable: How to Validate your Business Model Assumptions
OTBC (Oregon Technology Business Center)

This week's topic:

  • How to Validate your Business Model Assumptions  on July 25  
  • The online AudioSlidez presentation posts on July 22  
  • Join us for the round table discussion on July 25/li>

Upcoming roundtable topics (with free AudioSlideZ presentations):

  • Customer Development - if you build it, will they buy it?  on Aug. 1  
  • How to Build a Realistic Funding Plan on Aug. 8
  • How to Size and Segment a Market  on Aug. 15
  • How to Develop a Go to Market Plan on Aug. 22
  • How to Make Sure your Company Owns it's Intellectual Property (and Why That is Critical)  on Aug. 29

Learn more and register here

Aug 1, 2013
OTBC Roundtable: Customer Development: if you build it will they Buy it?
OTBC (Oregon Technology Business Center)

This week's topic:

  • Customer Development - if you build it, will they buy it?  on Aug. 1  
  • The online AudioSlidez presentation posts on July 29  
  • Join us for the round table discussion on Aug. 1

Upcoming roundtable topics (with free AudioSlideZ presentations):

  • How to Build a Realistic Funding Plan on Aug. 8
  • How to Size and Segment a Market  on Aug. 15
  • How to Develop a Go to Market Plan on Aug. 22
  • How to Make Sure your Company Owns it's Intellectual Property (and Why That is Critical)  on Aug. 29

Learn more and register here

Nov 7, 2013
Learn how a PSU Capstone Team might Help Your Startup
OTBC (Oregon Technology Business Center)

The PSU Business Strategy/Capstone Program (B495: is an intense 11-week project (Summer Term is 8 weeks) that is offered only to senior business students (roughly 750 business students annually) every term (summer, fall, winter, & spring).

And they are looking for some startups to help. Want to find out more? Attend this free brown-bag lunch with Bill Jones, Faculty Coordinator, Business Strategy Program. Register here.

Apr 10, 2014
Create an Effective Investor Pitch
OTBC (Oregon Technology Business Center)

We suggest that entrepreneurs not worry about pitching until your company is investor ready. But when the time is right, create a truly effective pitch that combines the right preparation, content, delivery and follow-up. In this seminar, we describe how to do that.

Included Tools: OTBC Pitch Checklist

This is part of the OTBC Get Started series.

When: Thursday, Apr. 10, 4pm-5:30pm
Where: OTBC
Cost: $15

Jun 2, 2009
OTBC: How to Get Investor Ready
OTBC [Old location, do not use!]

If you plan to raise money in the coming year, come to this all-day workshop to learn what it takes to be investor ready. (And yes, it is quite possible for Oregon startups to raise money - but it takes the right preparation!)

Our presenters will include Steve Morris, Executive Director of OTBC, and Dennis Powers, Chair of OEN's Portland Angel Network. Dennis and Steve have helped a number of Portland-area startups close investment funding. And to give you an extra advantage, you'll meet a number of local investors.

We'll review the preparation required to get serious attention from investors, and significantly increase your odds of obtaining investor funding. At the end of the day, you will understand how to:

Verify that your business concept can provide a sufficient return for angel or venture capital investors

Validate your market - be sure you're building something people want

Validate your pricing - if you build it, will they pay for it?

Develop financial projections

Protect your intellectual property

Reduce the market, technology, finance and team risk to present a strong investment opportunity

Develop a concise, compelling elevator pitch

Late in the afternoon, we'll be joined by several angel and venture capital investors. We'll break up into small groups so everyone has a chance to get feedback from investors on their business concept, ask questions -- and hear the feedback other entrepreneurs receive too.

And thanks to sponsor Credit Suisse, we'll wrap up with a reception where you'll have more chances to mingle with Portland area investors.

Increase your odds of getting funded. Join us on June 2 to learn how to get investor ready.

Jun 27, 2009
OTBC: Startup Cofounder SpeedDating
OTBC [Old location, do not use!]

Back by popular demand! Do you have an idea for a startup and you're looking for founders who can get as excited about your idea as you are?

Or -- are you looking for an early stage startup to join - even if the compensation up front is sweat equity instead of salary?

Then SpeedDating for Startups is for you.

Post your Idea If you have an idea for a startup and are looking for cofounders post some information about what it is (even if you need to be vague) so people looking for a startup can find you. To post your idea on the OTBC wiki, go to (If you don't want to reveal anything about the idea online, at least consider talking about what skill sets you'd like to add to the team so readers will know whether or not there might be a fit.)

Post your Skill Set Are you looking for a startup to join? You can post your skill set on the OTBC wiki (so startups can find you) at

What: Speed dating for startups When: Saturday, June 27, 1pm to 3pm Where: OTBC Cost: Free ($3 suggested donation to help cover costs) We'll provide beverages and munchies

Sep 22, 2009
OTBC: Sales for the Non Seller
OTBC [Old location, do not use!]

OK, you're not a sales person, you're a founder or early employee at a startup. But in the beginning, before you're ready to hire your first sales person, you are the sales force! So at this early stage, and given that you're not a "professional sales person" there are a few things you need to know to improve your effectiveness. At this lunch and learn, you'll learn some effective sales strategies to help you succeed in working with early customers and potential investors.

The Presenter Jeff Schneider is President of Schneider Training Solutions, an authorized agent for Sandler Sales Institute. Sandler is the leader for innovative training solutions for sellers and managers nationwide. Jeff has trained groups of people up and down the West Coast, on topics relating to sales, sales management and personal development.

Prior to starting this company, Jeff spent 18 years in sales and sales management, with most of his experience in media and advertising. Specifically, Jeff managed sales operations for television and radio stations in Spokane, Sacramento, Bend and Portland. He trained and mentored dozens of successful advertising sellers, and earned a reputation as a manager that knew how to take a seller to the next level of their selling career.

Location: OTBC, 12725 SW Millikan Way, Suite 101 Date: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 Time: Networking starts 11:30am; program from noon to 1:15pm Max: Blue line, Beaverton Central stop (one stop west of the Beaverton Transit Center) Driving directions: Parking: Free parking in the parking garage next door to our building Cost: $15 if paid 24 hours in advance; $20 after that

Sep 25, 2009
OTBC: An HR Checklist for Startups
OTBC [Old location, do not use!]

If you're thinking about attending OTBC Startup SpeedDating to build a founding team, start a company, then if all goes well eventually you'll be hiring employees and contractors. There are things you'll want to do -- and things you'll want to be sure to NOT do. At this brown-bag lunch, we'll discuss both. Bring your questions!

Discussion Leader This brown bag discussion will be led by OTBC coach and Human Resources professional Iris Sasaki.

Location: OTBC, 12725 SW Millikan Way, Suite 101 Date: Friday, September 25, 2009 Time: Noon to 1pm Max: Blue line, Beaverton Central stop (one stop west of the Beaverton Transit Center) Parking: Free parking in the parking garage next door to our building Cost: Free (bring your lunch!)

Sep 26, 2009
OTBC: Startup SpeedDating
OTBC [Old location, do not use!]

Do you have an idea for a tech startup and you're looking for founders who can get as excited about your idea as you are?

Or -- are you looking for an early stage tech startup to join - even if the compensation up front is sweat equity instead of salary?

Then SpeedDating for Startups is for you.

Oct 21, 2009
OTBC: How to Write a Business Plan
OTBC [Old location, do not use!]

Yes, you've seen outlines for a business plan. But how do you actually sit down and write one? The answer is: you don't. Not as the first step, at least. First, you have a fair amount of homework to do.

Homework such as defining your target market; sizing and segmenting that market; developing a competitive strategy; validating that your service or product fills an unmet need; value pricing your product. And the list goes on.

In this seminar, OTBC Executive Director Steve Morris will review the different objectives you might have for writing a business plan, and the homework you need to do before you write the plan - and then will review what goes into the plan. You'll leave with a detailed action plan for preparing to write a business plan -- and with an outline of what should be in the plan. The good news: once you've done your homework, writing a business plan isn't that difficult!

Who should attend: any entrepreneur or small business owner who needs to develop a strategy and a plan for launching or growing their business.

Nov 11, 2009
OTBC: How to Validate your Market
OTBC [Old location, do not use!]

Your product or service makes sense to you - but will it be compelling to your target customers? Entrepreneurs and small business owners often go with their gut feel - but that can be misleading. Not all of your target customers think the way you do!

How do you make sure that the demand is there, before you spend a lot of time and money developing and deploying a product or service? Validating the market first decreases your risk, and gives you a much better understanding of how to approach your market with the most effective messaging and marketing.

OTBC executive director Steve Morris will take you step by step through the process of validating your market, so you can be more confident that you are addressing an unmet need, and that customers will actually be willing to pay.

Who should attend: any entrepreneur or small business owner who needs to develop a strategy and a plan for launching or growing their business.

Nov 18, 2009
OTBC: How to Value Price your Product or Service
OTBC [Old location, do not use!]

You've defined, sized and segmented your market. You've validated the market to verify that your product or service does serve an unfilled need in the market, and customers are willing to buy it.

But how much will they pay? Many companies, large and small, set prices by making an "educated guess" based on gut feel and experience. But there's a better way to price: price your product according to the value your customers perceive.

How do you value price? At this seminar, OTBC executive director Steve Morris will explain how you can use analytical techniques to gain a much better understanding of how customers value your product or service, and how much they are willing to pay.

Who should attend: any entrepreneur or small business owner who needs to develop a strategy and a plan for launching or growing their business.

Feb 4, 2010
Bad Patent!
OTBC [Old location, do not use!]

Slashdotters' outrage meters were pegged again recently when somebody noticed that HP had gotten patent #7,523,150 last April. But what is the patent really about? And how did HP get it?

IP attorney Dave Madden of Mersenne Law LLC will present a quick overview of the patent process and then discuss the HP patent itself. It's very short (only 5 pages) and it's about an area of technology that's familiar to many engineers (binary representation of numbers in a computer), so it's a good vehicle to get into a discussion about the patent system, rather than the intricate details of a complicated invention.

Join us at the OTBC offices at noon on Thursday, February 4, 2010, for a brown-bag lunch, discussion and Q&A.

Location: OTBC, 12725 SW Millikan Way, Suite 300 (reception in Suite 101) Date: Thursday, February 4, 2010 Time: noon to 1pm Max: Blue line, Beaverton Central stop (one stop west of the Beaverton Transit Center) Driving: Directions Parking: Free parking in the parking garage next door to our building Cost: Free (bring your lunch!)

Nov 16, 2016
Startup 411 – How to Start Your Startup
OTBC [Old location, do not use!]

Got an idea for a startup, but don’t know where to start? This workshop will provide an overview of local resources, along with a checklist of steps to take as you build out your plan.

This workshop, held jointly by OEN and OTBC, will provide you with:

  • A checklist of where to get started
  • A review of common mistakes entrepreneurs make and how to avoid them
  • An overview of startup funding options (and realities)
  • An overview of resources available to entrepreneurs
  • Answers to some of the basic questions that always come up about protecting your idea, co-founders, etc.

Register here:

Sep 11, 2013
Startup Pitch Bootcamp with Rob Wiltbank and Wade Brooks
Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA)

Pitching your startup ideas effectively is a crucial skill that will help you acquire financing, customers, partners, and top talent. In just three hours, the Startup Pitch Bootcamp will help you improve your pitching skills and recruit potential co-founders. This intensive, collaborative workshop begins with talks by leading startup Founders designed to help you understand the key ingredients of a successful pitch. Then, you can apply that learning and pitch to both experts and peers to receive constructive feedback in a relaxed setting. Join us for a fun evening!

Sep 17, 2013
Founder Institute Information Session
Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA)

The Founder Institute is the world's largest early-stage accelerator. Join us for a informational event where you can meet the local Directors, ask questions, and learn how you can launch a startup with the Founder Institute's help.

Jun 29, 2017
OEN 2017 Entrepreneurial Summit: Leap of Faith
Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA)

Whether it’s the decision to quit your day job and go all in, to make a major pivot, or to take on a new partner, entrepreneurship involves many leaps of faith.

Join us at our 2017 Entrepreneurial Summit to hear stories from successful local entrepreneurs on the leaps of faith they have had to take, and whether success or disaster ensued. This year’s Summit will feature the founders of barre3, Ruby Receptionists, Society Nine, Panacea Valley Gardens, Harper’s Playground, and Sudara. The opening reception includes food, drinks, wine tasting, and networking opportunities.

Cost: Early-bird registration is $45 for OEN members and $75 for non-members.

Register at:

Jun 22, 2016
OEN Entrepreneurial Summit 2016: True Grit – The Power of Perseverance
Pensole Footwear Design Academy

What does it take to be a successful entrepreneur? Innovation, talent, a touch of crazy – all of these are important ingredients. But the least celebrated, and arguably most important, is true grit. On Wednesday, June 22, eight successful local entrepreneurs will their their stories of perseverance, including how they overcame seemingly insurmountable obstacles, where they stumbled, and what they learned along the way.

Speakers include: - Monica Enand, Zapproved - Bertony Faustin, Abbey Creek Vineyard & Winery - Cody White, Spaceview - Michael Morrow, Nutcase Helmets - Mindee Hardin, Boogie Wipes - Brian Chaney, Korkers - Janelle Isaacson, Living Room Realty

Feb 18, 2016
Clover Developer Meetup

Clover is the fastest-growing POS platform, and has the largest App Market for small and medium size businesses (SMBs).

At this event, you'll have a chance to:

Check out Clover hardware: Station, Mini, and Mobile

Learn about the Clover platform

Meet the Clover App Market team

Participate in a Q&A panel with Clover Sales Reps

Sep 23, 2009
How to Access Federal Funding for Renewable Energy and Cleantech Projects
Perkins Coie (PDX)

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act was signed into law earlier this year with substantial funding for cleantech companies. The Recovery Act created new funding opportunities and increased funding for many existing programs.
Join us on Sept 23rd, for a discussion with William Malley, Perkins Coie's lead partner in Washington DC on how to access competitively awarded funding under the Recovery Act and other laws.

If you are a startup or an entrepreneur, and you want to understand how to access federal grants, loans, and loan guarantees, this event is for you.

Apr 17, 2012
PDX11 2012 Roundtable #3 - "Strategic Planning for Startups" with Richard Lazar
Perkins Coie (PDX)

PDX11 is proud to welcome Richard Lazar, CEO of RDI Labs and serial entrepreneur to lead Roundtable #3 – Strategic Planning for Startups!

On Tuesday, April 17th from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m, we will hold our third of the 2012 PDX11 Roundtable Series. This session’s topic is “Strategic Planning for Startups” – a firsthand exploration of fundamentally important areas of focus when planning your startup's success . This Roundtable will be hosted by Perkins Coie. Doors will be open at 5:00 p.m. for pre-discussion networking, and we will start promptly at 5:30 p.m.

Areas we’ll be exploring are:

• Great idea . . . but does the product really solve a big enough problem? (the problem/solution dynamic and the size and scope the market opportunity)

• How will the company make money, or not? (business and revenue models; sales and marketing)

• How much operating capital is needed and where should it come from? (fundraising)

• Who will launch the enterprise and how will the pie be divided? (founding and early team)

• What type of entity should be formed? (legal entity type)

• Where is the off-ramp and how does the company get there? (exit strategy)

The Portland startup scene is full of activity, talent, and new concepts – if you’ve got these but need a candid, firsthand roadmap on applying solid strategy to your business idea, this Roundtable’s for you. Refreshments will be served, and there are a limited number of seats. Please RSVP to Tamsen Galloway to reserve a spot at the roundtable. Details will be listed at

About the PDX11 Roundtable Series:

The PDX11 Roundtable Series is an answer to the startup community’s request for a roundtable-style, firsthand interaction with software leaders who have expertise in specific topics. These will be held on a regular basis throughout the year. For more information about the PDX11 Network, please visit

Please RSVP to [email protected] to reserve a spot at the roundtable.

Oct 29, 2015
TiE Oregon Presents Confessions of an Entrepreneur with Lisa Sedlar
Perkins Coie (PDX)

Join us for October’s installment of Confessions of an Entrepreneur, featuring Lisa Sedlar, CEO of Green Zebra Grocery.

Lisa serves as Chief Executive Officer, President and Director of Green Zebra Grocery, LLC. Lisa also served as the President of New Seasons Market, Inc. from 2005 until January 2012 and its Chief Executive Officer from 2010 until January 2012.

Lisa is a formally trained chef and has worked in retail food markets for over 20 years in positions ranging from Store Chef to Director of Purchasing to Vice President of Sales and Marketing. Ms. Sedlar serves as Member of Board of Directors of Oregon Food Bank, the Sustainable Business Network of Portland and the Portland Public Market. She also serves as Member of Business Advisory Committees of the Food Alliance and the Food Innovation Center. Ms. Sedlar is a Member of the City Club of Portland and the Portland Rotary.

This event is expected to sell out fast and space is limited. Please be sure you register as soon as possible to ensure you can attend!

Mar 6, 2018
Startup 411
Perkins Coie (PDX)

Got a great idea, but don't know where to start? Our Startup 411 workshop will provide you with: a checklist of where to get started, a review of common mistakes entrepreneurs make, an overview of startup funding options, and answers to common questions, including protecting your idea, finding co-founders, and more!

Register here:

Jul 16, 2014
OR Angel Fund Fast-Pitch Wednesday
Perkins Coie (PDX) / OAF

Fast Pitch Wednesday July 16, 4-6pm, reception following At Oregon Angel Fund / Perkins Coie LLP 1120 NW Couch, 10th floor No fee.

Registration required as space is limited. In the “message” space, please write the name of your (proposed) business:

If you have any questions, please contact Lynn Fletcher: [email protected]

Who should attend? Please come if you are starting a business or thinking about starting a business and would like informal feedback and advice from active members of the Oregon Angel Fund. No business or idea is too early or incomplete for this session.

Learn about the different types of investors and funding that might be available. Find out if you’ve got something that could be fundable by OAF or others. Discover who in town might be candidates to serve as advisors and coaches for your business.

85% of OAF investors have started or run a business at some point in their career and this will be a no-pressure, informal way to get early feedback from these local entrepreneur and tech leaders.

Format: - Beer and wine. - Short OAF overview. - Panel on what OAF and angels look for. - OAF investors meet individually with entrepreneurs at designated stations.
- More beer and wine.

Looking forward to seeing you there. -Eric Rosenfeld

Apr 21, 2011
Pitch Club
PIE: Portland Incubator Experiment

Please note new start time of 6pm - Show up by 6 so we can get this shit kicked off. Hard stop at 8pm; networkers/heavy drinkers/people who don't want to go home can take it to the bar after that.

Want to practice your startup pitch in front of people who've done it before? Crave the harsh criticism of your peers? Need the validation of seeing what works and what doesn't in other pitches?

Bring your 3 minute pitch. Put your name in a hat and if it gets picked, you're on. Powerpoints discouraged - just pitch. Then, answer questions and listen to painfully honest feedback from a panel of so-called experts.

The first rule of Pitch Club is you HAVE TO PITCH.

The second rule of Pitch Club is you HAVE TO PITCH. It doesn't have to be your startup - pitch your blog, your ideas for turning cat feces into gold, or your plan for world domination.

More rules as we think of them.

FAQ: Q: Who are these so-called experts and what are they going to do to me? A: Your pitch will be evaluated by tech entrepreneurs and people who pitch for a living. They are your superiors.

Q: What about NDAs? Someone's going to steal my idea! A: There are no NDAs - use your best judgment about what to talk about and what not to. Also, remember the first rule of fight club - don't talk about fight club. We're all on the honor system here.

Q: My pitch is more than 3 minutes - can I have more time? A: No.

Q: Will it be catered? A: Hell no. You know what's in the lobster bisque.

Q: Can anyone critique a pitch? A: No, only the panel.

May 22, 2012
PIE: Portland Incubator Experiment

Come practice your three-minute startup pitch and get feedback from experts.

No Powerpoints. No looky-loos. No mercy.

Oct 15, 2012
Geoloqi Acqusition Celebration!
Pints Brewing

Geoloqi has been acquired by Esri and we'd love to celebrate with all of you. Come to Pints at 6pm and we will have impromptu drinks and discussion!

Oh yeah, and drinks on us!

Oct 15, 2013
Esri Portland Anniversary Celebration! (aka anniversary of the Geoloqi acquisition)
Pints Brewing

It's been a year since we've joined Esri, and we've done a bunch of awesome stuff since then! Come celebrate with us!

Thanks to everyone who joined us last time! As usual, drinks on us!

We'll also play some games of MapAttack!

Sep 27, 2016
On Demand Day: FREE Blue Lemonade Delivered to You
Pioneer Courthouse Square

Tuesday September 27th, you’ll have access to on-demand blue lemonade delivered to you anywhere on Pioneer Square! All you have to do is click the “blue lemonade” button on our app, and we’ll be on our way in less than 15 minutes! We’ll be in the middle of Pioneer Square for more information!

COST: FREE This includes: FREE blue lemonade FREE delivery Free smiles

EASY AND SIMPLE: 1. Download our app 2. Make an appointment 3. Select blue lemonade

Hours of Operations: 11 am to 2 pm (September 27th) Once you have completed your request we’ll send you a text to let you know we’re on our way. Yes, its that easy

Ebernade #BLUED #BLUEDbyEbernade

Aug 25, 2022
Confessions of an Entrepreneur with Ganesh Shankar, Co-Founder of RFPIO
Portland Art Museum Website
Sep 14, 2022
Pitch Club
Portland Art Museum Website
Oct 27, 2022
Confessions of an Entrepreneur (after the exit) with Allie Magyar, Founder of Hubb
Portland Art Museum Website
Mar 20, 2012
PDX11 - Ken Westin and CPUsage co-founders Jeff Martens and Matthew Wallington discuss the Psychology of Starting Up
Portland Development Commission

PDX11 is proud to welcome Ken Westin, CEO of ActiveTrak, and Jeff Martens and Matthew Wallington, founders of CPUsage to lead Roundtable #2 - The Psychology of Starting Up!

On Tuesday, March 20th from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m, we will hold our second of the 2012 PDX11 Roundtable Series. This session’s topic is “The Psychology of Starting Up” – a first hand exploration of two different experiences that led to our speakers' successful launches.

The Portland startup scene is full of activity, talent, and new concepts – if you’ve got these but need a candid, firsthand account on how/when/why to leave the tarmac and launch your startup, this Roundtable’s for you. Refreshments will be served, and there are a limited number of seats. Please RSVP to Tamsen Galloway to reserve a spot at the roundtable. Details will be listed at

About the PDX11 Roundtable Series:

The PDX11 Roundtable Series is an answer to the startup community’s request for a roundtable-style, firsthand interaction with software leaders who have expertise in specific topics. These will be held on a regular basis throughout the year.

For more information about the PDX11 Network, please visit

Please RSVP to [email protected] to reserve a spot at the roundtable.

Feb 7, 2014
CANCELED - Startup Weekend Access
through Portland Development Commission

Use discount code " calagator "for a 25% discount.

Startup Weekend focused on making entrepreneurship more accessible to everyone. Our mission is to create an environment where anyone can innovate together. We're focusing on accessibility to provide better access for people with disabilities and fluid collaboration amongst every participant. An appropriate accessible environment with the necessary auxiliary aids support services will be provided!

Startup Weekend’s a 54-hour event where aspiring entrepreneurs, developers, designers, marketers, product managers, and entrepreneurs of all abilities come together to share startup ideas, form teams, build products, and launch startups. Essentially, it’s a crash course in entrepreneurship that lets you experience what it’s really like to build and launch a startup.

Whether you have an idea for a new mobile app that will make your life easier or just want to learn more about entrepreneurship, we encourage you to attend.

Why? The statistics are clear, people with disabilities are not only less likely to be employed, but also less likely to pursue entrepreneurship. We hope that Startup Weekend Access will ignite your entrepreneurial spark!

Jun 20, 2014
Volunteer at Startup Weekend Access!
through Portland Development Commission

Interested in volunteering at Startup Weekend? Join us June 20-22 for SWAccess!

Sign up here:

What is Startup Weekend Access? A crash course for those curious about entrepreneurship! You’re invited to attend Startup Weekend Access, a Startup Weekend focused on making entrepreneurship more accessible to everyone. Our mission is to create an environment where anyone can innovate together. We're focusing on accessibility to provide better access for people with disabilities and fluid collaboration amongst every participant. An appropriate accessible environment with the necessary auxiliary aids support services will be provided!

Everyone is welcome, and we’d love you to join us!

What’s Startup Weekend? Startup Weekend’s a 54-hour event where aspiring entrepreneurs, developers, designers, marketers, product managers, and entrepreneurs of all abilities come together to share startup ideas, form teams, build products, and launch startups. Essentially, it’s a crash course in entrepreneurship that lets you experience what it’s really like to build and launch a startup.

Whether you have an idea for a new mobile app that will make your life easier or just want to learn more about entrepreneurship, we encourage you to attend.

Why? The statistics are clear, people with disabilities are not only less likely to be employed, but also less likely to pursue entrepreneurship. We hope that Startup Weekend Access will ignite your entrepreneurial spark!

Mar 17, 2015
Launch Event: City of Portland Early Adopter Program
Portland Development Commission

Please join us for the public launch of the City of Portland Early Adopter Program.  This initiative seeks to better connect  local Portland companies that can provide smart tech solutions with city bureaus needing improvements in operations, maintenance and capital projects.  The public sector is a viable testing ground for innovations developed by the private sector, in particular those produced by early stage entrepreneurs.  As the go-to resource for public and private interaction on cooperative projects, the Early Adopter Program will foster better information exchange and more efficient decision making between city departments and local industry.

At this event, you will:

Learn about City Bureaus and the innovation challenges that your company may help solve Meet with city staff and discuss specific problem statements in a roundtable format Introduce and promote your company   Discover how the Early Adopter program can be a resource for your company

We will be sending more information before the event on specific problem statements that bureaus will present for the roundtable sessions.

Jan 5, 2017
Info Session: OEN Angel Oregon Investment Program
Portland State Business Accelerator

Got a great idea? We want to help it take flight. OEN’s Angel Oregon 2017 Program is an opportunity for you to:

  • Receive a sizeable investment (historically between $200-300k)
  • Hone your pitch and business plan
  • Get intensive coaching & mentoring from our network of Angel Investors
  • Present to hundreds of investors and business leaders at OEN’s annual Angel Oregon Spring Showcase

At our Jan. 5 info session, OEN staff and active investors will provide an overview of OEN’s Angel Oregon 2017, including eligibility requirements and new funding opportunities.

There’s a lot that goes into selecting our final investment winner, but the first step is taking the time to put together a thoughtful, compelling application. We will also walk you through Gust, the application and evaluation platform we use, and show you how to most effectively make your case to investors.

Cost: FREE, limited to 75 people. Please register at:

Mar 1, 2018
OEN Seminar: Pitch Perfect
Portland State Business Accelerator

Whether talking to someone in line at the supermarket or pitching to a VC, you need to be able to communicate your great idea. But the best message in the world won’t stick if you deliver it poorly, and a great delivery cannot overcome a confusing message. Join us to learn how to craft a clear, concise, compelling pitch that will pique investor interest.

You’ll walk away with an understanding of:

  • The problem you’re solving and your value proposition
  • What questions you need to answer before crafting your pitch
  • The elements, structure, and visuals that comprise a successful pitch
  • How to condense a full pitch into a one-minute elevator pitch

Registration for this workshop includes one pass to our March 14 PitchFest and three free months of LivePlan business plan software (combined value of $85). Following the workshop, participants will have an opportunity to complete a one-page overview of their business using LivePlan and submit it for the opportunity to compete in PitchFest.

Register here:

Jun 24, 2017
Intel Scrum Certification Workshop
Portland State University (PSU)

Join us for an all day Scrum workshop on June 24th, 2017; featuring Suzanne Ward MBA MEng PMP CSM CSPO PSM CSP, a Scrum Master & Agile Coach/Trainer from Intel.

Our world is changing fast. Markets and consumers are demanding faster, cheaper and better products. Demands for quicker turnaround on new product development and innovation have only increased. How do companies like Google, Yahoo, Amazon, and Apple keep up? They practice agile techniques, in particular they utilize scrum to manage their projects.

Scrum has the power to transform project management across every industry, every business, and even across your personal life. By using Scrum, you’ll become more agile, discovering how to react more quickly and respond more accurately to the inevitable change that comes your way. By staying focused, collaborating, and communicating with customers and your team, you can accomplish what truly needs to be done — successfully.

Come get a taste of the future of project management and learn about the Scrum process. This one day classroom training with exercises will cover the material from scrum introduction certification class and Product Owner role in the Scrum Process.


Day 1 – Learn about the Scrum Process, Learn what a Scrum Master is responsible for, come away with insights on how to manage your next project


•Retain more information because of our unique hands-on approach; based on the latest research into brain science •Be entertained by stories from our real-world experienced and knowledgeable instructors •Maximize investments already made by gaining valuable Professional Development Units (PDUs) •Increase your personal worth within your company and in the marketplace •Network with people from Intel Corporation and other software companies

Additional for Audience: SW Engineers: eXtreme Programming, Test Driven Development, Pair Programming Project Managers: Bridging the Gap between Project Management and Scrum

WHO SHOULD COME? People whose work is completed through projects and through teams; Software Engineers, Marketing Professionals, Project Managers, Technology Professionals.

SPEAKER'S CAREER ACCOMPLISHMENTS: •Product, Brand, and Marketing Management in diverse range of markets and industries, with P&L responsibilities up to $100 million annual sales. •Quick Learner of new industries/product offerings with results-oriented achievements. Created excitement around a static accessories category in condensed timeframe. Created full line of support, educational, training, and presentation materials. Impact of efforts increased sales from $16.4M to $37.2M in 24 months. •Program management for multiple high tech/electronic development projects, averaging $3 million annual budget. Serve in project manager and product manager capacities. Two successful worldwide launches in 3 years. $1M annual OEM/B2B sales and $10M annual sales. •Combine demonstrated product management leadership experience with strong hands-on technical background. Equally comfortable delving into product requirements with hard-core engineers as well as presenting to executive level decision makers. •Uniquely skilled at fostering new ideas, building successful cross-functional teams, and nurturing a culture of consumer-driven product development and user experience innovation. Experience working in and managing cross-functional, cross-division, cross-geographic and multi-cultural sales, marketing and engineering organizations. •International program management, sourcing, engineering, OEM/ODM management/development experience. Overseas work assignments in EU and Asia with extended stay in Asia.

SUZANNE WARD'S CERTIFICATIONS: •PMP, Project Management Professional, Project Management Institute •PSM, Professional Scrum Master, •CSM, CSPO, Certified Scrum Master, Certified Scrum Product Owner, Scrum Alliance •CSP, Certified Scrum Professional, Scrum Alliance



Jul 18, 2009
SCORE: Essentials for Starting Your Own Business
Portland State University School of Business Administration (SBA)

his is an interactive seminar, conducted using a panel format, where participants are encouraged to ask questions and take part in the discussion of the topics covered.

 You can test your ideas with proven professionals.
 Direct your questions to the business people on the panel.
 Learn what your next step is in your business quest. 
 Network with other beginers and listen to their stories.

This workshop is directed toward those who have questions on what it might take to get started in business. Some of the topics covered in the workshop are: the legal organization of your business; marketing and sales; the fundamentals of financing; and operations. PLEASE forward this to someone else you know that might be considering going into business.

Early Registration $55.00
Regular Registration $65.00

Sep 19, 2017
Yworkshop with Molly Lindquist
Project Object

Molly Lindquist is a founder of, a medical research crowdfunding platform. Molly is going to share her personal journey of founding Consano, how the breast cancer diagnosis became a call-to-action, how she was able to channel her experience into something positive, became a social innovator and much more. And most importantly she'll share lessons learned along the way for you to get movin’ on your own business dreams. Molly was named a 2014 Knowledge Networks Rising Star by Portland Monthly magazine, a 2014 Orchid Award Winner and a 2015 “40 Under 40” award recipient by the Portland Business Journal and a 2015 Honoree of “the one hundred.”

May 23, 2011
Startup Lessons Learned Simulcast - Downtown
PSU Business Accelerator

Welcome to the signup page for the Portland Startup Lessons Learned simulcast. We'll all be getting together to watch the Startup Lesson Learned conference at the Portland State Business Accelerator at SW Corbett & SW Meade starting at 9 am.

Please register here so we know how many people to expect. Note: your name, company and email address will be provided to the conference organizers (Eric Ries). We won't send you any spam or share your information with others.

Please use the driving directions on the PSU Business Accelerator website to find our location: The Portland State Business Accelerator is PSU's technology business incubator. Since 2004 the Business Accelerator has worked with 50 emerging technology companies. The Business Accelerator provides hands-on development support, a dynamic entrepreneurial community, connections to Oregon universities and plug and play space for bioscience, IT / software and cleantech startups.

Apr 27, 2012
Portland Startup Weekend
through PSU Business Accelerator

Spring 2012 Portland Startup Weekend

Oct 29, 2012
PSU Business Accelerator Company Showcase
PSU Business Accelerator

Accelerator Company Showcase! Meet our entrepreneurs and join us for demos, pitch stage and refreshments. See you there!

Nov 16, 2012
Portland Startup Weekend
through PSU Business Accelerator

Startup Weekend is a global grassroots movement of active and empowered entrepreneurs who are learning the basics of founding startups and launching successful ventures. It is the largest community of passionate entrepreneurs with over 400 past events in 100 countries around the world in 2011.

Apr 26, 2013
Portland Startup Weekend
through PSU Business Accelerator

Startup Weekend is a global grassroots movement of active and empowered entrepreneurs who are learning the basics of founding startups and launching successful ventures. It is the largest community of passionate entrepreneurs with over 400 past events in 100 countries around the world in 2011.

Ticket on sale now!

Nov 20, 2014
Real Estate for Startups 101
PSU Business Accelerator

When most people imagine a tech startup’s office they probably conjure up glossy stereotypes: an open workspace, maybe in a converted warehouse, with modern design and amenities from beer on tap to a ping pong table.

In reality, we know you’re running lean and working out of your garage or perhaps even a local tech incubator. But how do you make the giant leap into leasing your own new space?

Local real estate experts Ajay Malhotra of CBRE, Kristin Hammond of Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL) and Peter Andrews of Melvin Mark have joined forces to help you navigate the murky waters of commercial real estate! Join us for Real Estate for Startups 101 on Thursday, November 20 from 4--6pm.

You will:

Learn about the current market, building types and locations

Set realistic timelines for finding a new space

Understand the true cost of a lease

And more!

We’ll allow plenty of time for discussion with the experts so you can find answers to all your questions about commercial real estate.

The event is free and refreshments are provided, but please RSVP.

Feb 1, 2016
Portland Startup Week: Success and Challenges of Diverse Startup Founders Raising Money
PSU Business Accelerator

Success and Challenges of Diverse Startup Founders Raising Money

Date: February 1st. Location: PSU Business Accelerator Time: 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM

Join us for a candid conversation with 5 Portland CEO's and their take on how to raise money from Angel Investors and VC when you don’t fit the profile of traditional startup founder. They will be sharing their success and challenges while raising capital and their opinion of what needs to change to provide early access to capital to startups with diverse founding teams. the event will be hosted by the PSU Business Accelerator and coffee is sponsored by the Association of Latino Professionals for America

Apr 3, 2018
PSU School of Business

What: Event giving Latino startup entrepreneurs a platform to connect with the regions growing startup ecosystem.

When: First pitch will be at 6pm with doors opening at 5:30pm and everyone out by 7:30pm

How:Eight entrepreneurs will get five minutes to pitch to the audience and then three minutes of questions about their idea. After the last pitcher has answered questions from the audience, attendees will then vote for the three winners who split the prize money equally.

Who: This event is organized in collaboration with Juan Barraza one of the founding members of Latino Founders @Latino_Founders , Edgar Navas CEO of Cliqa both of them organizers of PDX Startup Weekend Latino @pdxswlatino and Fabio Valentino founder of Latinx Tech PDX.

Always inspired by Stephen Green work at PitchBlack.

Where: Our gracious hosts are the great folks at PSU School of Business - Karl Miller Center

Sep 19, 2014
Pop-Up Startup Accelerator
Public Domain

Join us this Friday at Startup Coffee Hour!, a pop-up startup accelerator taking place at Public Domain, the ultra-minimalist coffee shop anchoring the Portland Startup District.

Our startup accelerator is free and open to anyone who wants to come. There's no structure or agenda, and it only lasts two hours. All you need to participate is an open mind and a willingness to share your ideas and help others succeed.


Nov 22, 2013
Portland Startup Weekend
through Puppet

Ever wondered what it takes to be an entrepreneur?

The professional and personal challenges, the high and lows, the failures and the success?

Startup Weekend is a global grassroots movement of active and empowered entrepreneurs who are learning the basics of founding startups and launching successful ventures. It is the largest community of passionate entrepreneurs with over 400 past events in 100 countries around the world in 2011.

The non-profit organization is headquartered in Seattle, Washington but Startup Weekend organizers and facilitators can be found in over 200 cities around the world. From Mongolia to South Africa to London to Brazil, people around the globe are coming together for weekend long workshops to pitch ideas, form teams, and start companies.

All Startup Weekend events follow the same basic model: anyone is welcome to pitch their startup idea and receive feedback from their peers. Teams organically form around the top ideas (as determined by popular vote) and then it’s a 54 hour frenzy of business model creation, coding, designing, and market validation. The weekends culminate with presentations in front of local entrepreneurial leaders with another opportunity for critical feedback.

Whether entrepreneurs found companies, find a cofounder, meet someone new, or learn a skill far outside their usual 9-to-5, everyone is guaranteed to leave the event better prepared to navigate the chaotic but fun world of startups. If you want to put yourself in the shoes of an entrepreneur, register now for the best weekend of your life!

Feb 9, 2015

FailPDX was created out of direct response to a lot of the meetups and conferences that seemed to be focused on all of the good things about being part of startup and taking chances. The truth is, success is a unicorn. FailPDX was created to remind people that failure is inevitable. This group is a place where everyone can come together to listen and share their failure stories.

May 14, 2012
PDX11 Roundtable #4 - Bootstraps to Boardroom with John Tortorici and Craig Froude
Puppet Labs on NW Park (old office)

PDX11 is proud to welcome John Tortorici, CEO of Chart Solutions and Craig Froude, Former President of WellMed and Executive VP of WebMD to lead Roundtable #4 – From Bootstraps to Boardroom! Attendance is limited, and RSVP only.

On Monday, May 14th from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m, we will hold our fourth of the 2012 PDX11 Roundtable Series. This session’s topic is “Bootstraps to Boardroom” – a firsthand account of how Informedics and WellMed were started, matured, and acquired by Mediware and WebMD respectfully. We think you will find these two success stories interesting and informative.

Taking place at Puppet Labs 411 Northwest Park Avenue #500. Doors will be open at 5:00 p.m. for pre-discussion networking, and we will start promptly at 5:30 p.m. As a community effort to support the software segment's economic growth, the Roundtables are at no cost to attendees.

The Portland startup scene is full of activity, talent, and new concepts – if you’ve got these but need a candid, firsthand roadmap on applying solid strategy to your business idea, this Roundtable’s for you. Refreshments will be served, and there are a limited number of seats. Please RSVP to Tamsen Galloway to reserve a spot at the Roundtable.

About the PDX11 Roundtable Series:

The PDX11 Roundtable Series is an answer to the startup community’s request for a roundtable-style, firsthand interaction with software leaders who have expertise in specific topics. These will be held on a regular basis throughout the year. For more information about the PDX11 Network, please visit

Please RSVP to [email protected] to reserve your spot at the roundtable!

Jul 6, 2017
1776 Challenge Cup Portland
Revolution Hall

Join PIE, in partnership with 1776 and Revolution, on July 6, 2017 for Challenge Cup Portland where 15-20 startups will pitch for the chance to win a paid trip to New York City for the Global Final round of Challenge Cup!

Challenge Cup is a worldwide tournament for the most promising, innovative startups to win prizes, make connections, and share their vision on a global stage. This year, 1776 is partnering with 75 cities to host Challenge Cup Local events, and PIE is excited to host the competition for Portland's top startups!

One winner will advance with a free trip to the Global Finals at Challenge Festival in New York City from November 13-17, 2017. There, the finalists will compete for the grand prizes as well as spend time with the investors, customers, media and other key connections that can help them succeed on a global scale.

Interested in attending Challenge Cup Portland? RSVP today to see startups from your area in action!

Jul 24, 2019
CloudBolt Open House
Revolution Hall

Please join the CloudBolt team for an Open House at our new space in Revolution Hall!

We invite members of the Portland and software engineering communities to enjoy an evening of networking and socializing. Light snacks, refreshments, games and raffle prizes await. Get to know us and our open positions.

Winner of TAO’s 2019 “Influential Technology Company Not Headquartered in Oregon” award, CloudBolt is poised for growth and now hiring for several open roles. Bring your resume and learn more about becoming part of the leading cloud management team at CloudBolt!

Submit your RSVP:

Questions? Email [email protected].

CloudBolt is the industry's leading hybrid cloud management platform provider. With CloudBolt, enterprise IT can configure and manage private and public cloud resources—quickly, securely, and cost-effectively—while empowering DevOps and end-users with self-service provisioning environments. Today, CloudBolt is deployed in the world’s largest enterprises, across all industries, including financial services, government, healthcare, manufacturing, retail, technology services, and more.

CloudBolt kick-started 2019 with a record 150 percent surge in annual revenue and a 40 percent increase in enterprise customers worldwide in 2018.

CloudBolt... Proud winner of the TAO Award under the ’non-headquartered’ category:

Portland, Oregon ranks #8 in US News - “Best Places to Live”:

Mar 27, 2019
OHSU Commercialization Conference
through Robertson Life Sciences Building, OHSU

Please join us on March 27-28, 2019 for the sixth annual OHSU Commercialization Conference, hosted by Technology Transfer and Business Development . This conference connects with OHSU innovators with investors, industry partners and community collaborators to help build a vibrant hub for innovation and commercialization of innovative technology. Through speaker sessions, startup pitches, industry insights and collaboration stories, the conference will focus on the theme of "Fueling Health Care Innovation." The conference offers a platform for attendees to explore the impact of innovations that will revolutionize health care and understand the drivers of this transformation.

Apr 18, 2018
Evolve Your Startup – The NEW Global Workforce
Schwabe, Williamson, & Wyatt

With uncertainty around changing immigration policies, entrepreneurs are finding themselves wondering how to navigate the New Global Workforce. Join us on April 18th when we hear from successful entrepreneurs that have used the global workforce to create thriving companies.

Discussion Topics will Include:

Pro and cons of outsourcing IP and security considerations Hiring foreign nationals including student interns Opening operations elsewhere Latest news on H1B Visas Panelists:

Dr. Siva G. Narendra – Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Tyfone

Bradley Maier – Immigration and International Business Attorney at Schwabe Williamson & Wyatt

Tony Tom, Chief Business Development Officer, moovel North America


Brenna Legaard – Shareholder and Technology and Industry Group Leader at Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt

About the Series --

TiE Oregon, in partnership with the Technology Association of Oregon is introducing a new series of events/workshops to explore company department relevant topics specific for startups (i.e. Human Resources, Finance, Development, Legal, Marketing, Sales). The goal is to bring seasoned professionals in growth-phase and well-established companies to share their stories and best practices with entrepreneurs just starting out with their ventures - a peer to peer content exchange.

Aug 17, 2010
Innovate!2010 Pitch Slam in Seattle
Seattle Bell Harbor International Conference Center

Join us at the Innovate!2010 Pitch Slam in Seattle during Seattle Geek Week for an exciting evening of networking as eight leading tech startups deliver their best five-minute pitch in front of a panel of judges for a chance to be named to the Innovate!100 list of 100 most promising startups.

After a successful series of 14 Innovate!2010 Pitch Slams in Europe that began in Zaragoza, Spain and ended in Tallinn, Estonia, Guidewire Group has launched its North American tour and will be hosting a Pitch Slam in Seattle on August 17th during the pii2010 (privacy identity innovation) conference.

Admission to the Pitch Slam is free for all pii2010 participants. Or, you can purchase a Pitch Slam-only ticket here for $40, which includes a pre-event cocktail reception at the Bell Harbor International Conference Center from 4:30pm to 5:30pm where you can meet and mingle with pii2010 participants and Innovate!2010 Pitch Slam semi-finalists and judges.

Startups interested in a chance to present at the Pitch Slam can submit an application online (it's free to apply!).

Apr 18, 2012
OEN's Angel Oregon 2012
Sentinel Hotel

For innovators, investors, and networkers alike, OEN’s Angel Oregon is more than the northwest’s premier angel investment prize conference; it’s where breakthrough ideas are nurtured, new markets are tapped, and invaluable business connections are made.

At OEN’s Angel Oregon 2012 investment conference, Oregon and southwest Washington’s brightest entrepreneurs will be competing for the launch-stage investment award. It is the perfect opportunity for entrepreneurs to present to accredited angel investors.

This must-attend event gives presenting companies excellent visibility and a chance to obtain substantial investment capital by bringing together Oregon and southwest Washington’s brightest entrepreneurial talent with accredited angel investors.

People interested in applying or investing should visit to learn more.

Conference attendence includes: lunch, keynote speaker, presentations followed by questions and answers by Launch Stage Company Finalists and Concept Stage Company Finalists, vote for audience favorites, announcement of winners, and celebratory networking reception.


•Early bird Member Registration: $185 (Early bird pricing ends March 22nd)

•Early bird Non-member: $310 (Includes a one-year individual membership to OEN)

•OEN Member Registration: $210 (After March 22nd)

•OEN Non-member Registration: $335 ( Includes a one-year individual membership to OEN)

•Academic Registration: $140

•Additional colleague from finalist company: $132

•OEN Board and Angel Oregon Committee Registration: $130

Apr 7, 2022
Portland Business Journal Power Breakfast: Jelani Memory, Founder & CEO, A Kids Company About
Sentinel Hotel

Join us for a dynamic conversation with Jelani Memory, who is changing the way we communicate with children about life's toughest conversations.

Sep 29, 2009
Starveups: Convergence Marketing
seven planet

Join us for an evening of education and interaction with keynote speaker Richard Rosen, author of Convergence Marketing: Combining Brand and Direct For Profits.

Jan 26, 2024
Startup Cocktails in the Couve
Shanahan's Pub & Grill

If you are a Startup founder. If you are working in a Startup. If you are considering a Startup. If you know someone who is working at a Startup.

Then this group and event are for you!

The truth is Startups are hard! They are hard to build, they are hard to work at, they are hard to sell. There really isn't a part of it that's not hard. That said it's one of the most exciting and invigorating things you'll ever do. It also means you need to hang around others that are doing it also!

We Get It!

So... Come lift a glass to the life we live and the trials we suffer to create something great!

To be clear, this is an open invite to the Startup tribe. This group is inclusive and wants to pull in the broad range of people in our area building startups.

That DOES NOT mean service providers who simply wish to sell their services. RESPECTFULLY, DON'T COME IF THAT IS YOUR AGENDA.

Jun 25, 2009
OEN SwapMeet
Someday Lounge

In these tough economic times, Oregon's economy needs innovators and entrepreneurs to develop new opportunities for economic growth. SwapMeet is a great way to meet the people who are the drivers of this effort.

Join us at the OEN SwapMeet, a networking program specifically for people looking to connect with entrepreneurs, early-stage companies, and the people who can help Oregon businesses grow.

There's no entrance fee, and no pressure. Just networking, connecting, and a no-host happy hour! We hope to see you there.

Oct 8, 2020
Westside Early Stage Entrepreneur Peer Support (WESEPS)

What we're about

For those in the desert on their entrepreneurial journey.

This group is a peer-to-peer boot camp for entrepreneurs who are tired of being stuck at the early stage level. We're here to offer support, encouragement, and advice to our fellow entrepreneurs.

There are a lot of groups out there for folks already established in business but this group is for those who are not yet there.

There is no judgement. Doesn't matter if you're a grandparent wanting to sell your own homemade jewelry or a recent college grad with a woke startup idea to change the world. You're welcome and you're supported.

Nov 20, 2014
CoFoundersLab Matchup Portland
Starve Ups Garage

CoFoundersLab Matchup Portland is aimed at helping entrepreneurs find co-founders, advisers & interns and to build strong, core founding teams.

Get started networking now with a potential core team member by creating a free profile on

Agenda 6:00: Entrepreneur Check-In 6:15 - 6:30: Brief Intro from CoFoundersLab 6:30 - 7:15: Round Table Intros 7:15 – 8:30: General Networking 8:30: End of Matchup

Food & Drink Provided $10 CoFoundersLab Pro Members - Attend this event for FREE!

***Before attending, please be sure to:

• Create a free profile on

• Browse for other entrepreneurs by filtering in the Advanced Search under Community Affiliation > Events > CoFoundersLab Matchup - Portland

• Download the free CoFoundersLab mobile app in the iTunes app store.

• Share this event on your social channels to help get the word out. Your next core team member may be in your networks!

Suggested tweet:

I'm building my founding #startup team @CoFoundersLab Matchup #Portland Thurs 11/20 6:00PM @StarveUps Join me:

This matchup is an official event of Global Entrepreneurship Week!

Mar 3, 2010
Startup Story - Insights from the Zapproved Team
Stoel Rives LLP

Join us on March 3rd, 2010 for a chat with the team from Zapproved , a successful local startup. The panel includes Steve Sharp, Angel Investor & Board Member at Zapproved as well as former CEO & current Chairman TriQuint Semiconductor , Monica Enand, CEO Zapproved & Chris Bright, VP of Marketing at Zapproved.

The group will share "from the trenches" insights in how Zapproved acheived it's success this far, from product development/launch, marketing, to raising capital and how organizations like TiE Oregon helped in their success through Mentoring & Networking

Feb 24, 2011
TiE Oregon: Starting Up - The Open Source Way
Stoel Rives LLP

An Open Source company landing $5million in venture funding from one of the nation's leading venture capital firms?

That's a story in itself. But when you realize it's a Portland firm - Puppet Labs, and that the investment was lead by Kleiner Perkins Caulfield, you will want to hear the story straight from the horse's mouth - CEO Luke Kanies of Puppet Labs, the makers of a leading open source data center automation and configuration management framework.

Joining him to talk about the opportunities and challenges of an open source start-up will be Stuart Cohen, CEO of CSI (Collaborative Software Initiative), a company that introduces a process for companies to collaboratively build software applications.

Open Source has typically been associated with altruism - software that is given away free and is open to modification by users. The concept became a household word when Portlander Linus Torvalds developed the Linux operating system. Now the list of Open Source and Free Software today includes cutting edge solutions to large scale problems in multiple domains. From languages to runtimes, cloud infrastructure to databases, the best solutions are open-sourced. Leading companies are building on top of open-source components, while giving back to the community. But open source is not just about being cost-effective,it is becoming the key to innovation.

How do open source start-ups thrive in this eco-system? Come and learn from the founders of two innovative start-ups!

Register Now: Limited capacity for this event! Event will be on the 19th Floor.

Registration and Cancellation Policy: Registration: Online Registration closes at 12:00 Noon of the day of the event. Cancellation: All Registration Fees are Non-Refundable and No Credit is offered for cancellations.

Speakers Stuart Cohen, CEO, Collaborative Software Initiative Luke Kanies, CEO, Puppet Labs

Contact & Others Lakshmi Jagannathan 503 226 8677 [email protected]

Program Details 02/24/2011 06:00 PM Registration/Networking/Reception 02/24/2011 07:00 PM Panel Discussion 02/24/2011 08:00 PM Q & A

Registration Fees Type Online Onsite Member USD15 USD20 Student USD15 USD20 Guest USD25 USD30

Dec 3, 2015
Confessions of an Entrepreneur ft. Nitin Rai
Stoel Rives LLP

Are you currently boot strapping your startup? Do you want to learn how to raise $20M in venture capital? How does a company scale from 30 to 200 employees in less than a year? Is it possible for a company to survive market crashes? Come find out the answers to these questions and more from TiE President, serial investor, founder and CEO of First Insight, Nitin Rai. You won’t want to miss this event!

Jun 5, 2019
Portland Lunch 2.0 - Portland Lunch 2.0: Stoel Rives
Stoel Rives LLP

Not only will you get to have a great lunch with the amazing Portland startup community, you'll get one of the best views of the city.

More details to follow.

Jan 24, 2023
Confessions of an Entrepreneur with Allie Magyar, Founder of Hubb (after the exit)
Stoel Rives LLP, 760 SW 9th Ave. #3000, Portland, OR 97204

Allie Magyar recognized the need for software like Hubb in the event space from her firsthand experience as an event manager. She felt so passionate about her idea that she used her own capital to build the product. Microsoft, believe it or not, was her first paying customer.

As more customers started using Hubb, Allie got to a point where she needed to scale the business. So, she went out and raised some money. Although…she didn’t just raise some money. In typical Allie fashion, she raised the most money that year for a seed-stage company.

"In 60 seconds, I knew I wanted to talk to Allie Magyar about her business idea after I saw her pitch at an event. I handed her my card, and we took a meeting the next day," said Nitin Rai, President of Elevate Capital and Chairman of TiE Oregon Angles.

In 2020, Allie sat down and talked with us regarding her journey thus far. We are excited now again to hear from Allie as she walks us through the last two years of her entrepreneurial journey including the successful exit to Intrado Digital Media, now Intrado.

Please join us as we hear Allie Magyar, Founder of HUBB share her entrepreneurial story - after the exit!

Jun 28, 2017
OEN Workshop: Find Your Fans & Focus – How To Get More Customers and Read Their Minds
Stoel Rives Portland

Are you starting a new business but not sure how to get traction? This workshop is all about defining who exactly your customer is, and emotionally connecting the dots between what you offer and what they need or want. The result? Get more fans, followers, subscribers, and customers.

We’ll teach you a step-by-step, proven framework you will use again and again! (In your customer definition. As you develop your products or services. In your web, blog, and print copy. Basically, everywhere.)

In this workshop, you’ll learn how to:

  • Define exactly who your target customer is (hint: it’s NOT “everyone”)
  • Hone in on what your target customer needs and wants – so you can deliver it
  • Attract, woo + win your target customers, so they want to work with you again and again
  • Learn a step-by-step blueprint that will enable you to pinpoint who you should be selling to, and why they need you.
  • Find the best free, simple, easy-to-use tools to get into the hearts and minds of your target customer
  • Use a simple recipe to describe exactly what you sell, and for whom

Register at:

Feb 19, 2015
Crowdfunding 101

Want to launch your idea, startup and need the support of your community? Crowdfunding might be the solution. Join us for a discussion around crowdfunding. We will help you find answers to these questions: 1. Is crowdfunding right for me? 2. What is the best crowdfunding platform for me? 3. How do I know what financial goal to set? 4. Can I run the campaign solo or should I have a team? 5. What is the small and the big picture of crowdfunding? 6. What myths of crowdfunding? 7. What are the top 5 biggest mistakes of a successful crowdfunding campaign? 8. What are the 3 circles of crowdfunding? Lets explore what crowdfunding is and what it is not. We will explore the good and the bad of crowdfunding.

Mar 26, 2024

This month we are back at Taborspace. It's been nearly 5 years since we held a meetup in this space so we decided to come back.

We will do our best to provide some signage so people can identify the group more easily. We've heard you and know that it's a bit awkward to ask, "Are you here for the meetup!" when there's nothing to identify the group.

As always, be there thinking about ways you can help your fellow founders. No selling, no solicitations, just good conversations!

See you there! Josh & Mark

About As a business owner, you are faced with many challenges. You're forced to make decisions every day that could make or break your business. is a way to network with other entrepreneurs to allow free-flowing information with the intent to collaborate and help each other. So often we're challenged and there's very little we can do to express our challenges with the people we work with or the people we care about. Think of as your own personal support group for business owners. We're all here to help!

Jan 28, 2016
TiE Oregon Confessions of an Entrepreneur with J.R. Storment & Jessica Brandes – “Health & Life Balance while Starting Your Startup”

Please join us for this month’s installment of Confessions of an Entrepreneur featuring Co-Founder and Chief Customer Officer of Cloudability, J.R. Storment and Dr. Jessica Brandes, Founding Physician of Infuse Health for their talk titled, “Health and Life Balance While Starting your Startup.”

Dr. Jessice Brandes -- A board-certified Naturopathic Doctor, she earned her doctorate from the CNME-accredited National College of National Medicine. A former New Yorker, Jessica did her undergraduate work at NYU. She is a member of the AANP and the OANP and holds a certification in the use of advanced IV treatments from the IIVNTP.

Jessica lives in Portland with her software startup executive husband and twin boys. She maintains a hot yoga practice, experiments with paleo and ketogenic cooking and was once a NASM certified personal trainer.

JR Storment - J. R. Storment Co-founded Cloudability Inc. in 2011 and serves as its Chief Customer Officer. Mr. Storment is focused on ensuring that Cloudability’s customers succeed by promoting customer engagement, product education and advocacy. He held several startups and experienced firsthand the challenges of managing cloud costs. The first decade of his career was as web consultant helping businesses like Sothebys, Charles Schwab, and the Hawaii Tourism Authority define a customer-centric technology strategy for their web platforms.

Feb 5, 2016
Portland Startup Week: Help me, help you: Getting media coverage

Join Malia Spencer of the Portland Business Journal, Mike Rogoway of The Oregonian, and Rick Turoczy of Silicon Florist to gain insights on how to garner their attention, get them the information they need, and get media coverage for your startup.

Mar 22, 2022
Hardware Happy Hour (3H) Portland

Hardware Happy Hour is an informal way to socialize, show off your projects, and talk about the world of hardware.

We welcome anyone interested in any kind of hardware from beginner to expert: Arduino DIYers, engineers, hardware start up founders, e-textile experimenters, LED-curious folks, 3D printing enthusiasts or robotics geeks.

If you're working on something even vaguely related please do bring it along. No presentations, no pitch decks, just projects and conversation. Join us and nerd out about electronics!

Venue to be announced, but it will be somewhere Northeast with covered outdoor seating and a vaccine requirement.

COVID-19 safety measures COVID 19 vaccination required Event will be outdoors

Feb 25, 2023
Idea-to-Business Lab 2023
through TBD

Applications close January 30, 2023

This two-day event is designed to validate your business idea and gain insight on how to start a business. You will work with seasoned entrepreneurs, investors, and mentors to validate your idea and give you the tools to start your venture.

Who should attend? First-time BIPOC entrepreneurs that have an idea or an early version of a product which highly scalable. The product must have a technology component and be based on Portland, Oregon.

Apr 18, 2024
AI Portland: Generative image AI

Join us at the AI Portland Meetup for an insightful panel discussion on the intersection of generative image AI and the creative industries. Our panelists, each with their unique expertise, will shed light on how professionals in various creative fields are harnessing the power of AI tools while preserving the essence of their craft.

April's Panelists:

Aaron Hockley, Author and Photographer Aaron Hockley is a photographer, author, and speaker who merges his expertise in photography and technology to help others find success. He’s a PPA Master Photographer and Photographic Craftsman and has represented Team USA in the World Photographic Cup. He writes and speaks about technical aspects of photography, photo businesses, and the industry as a whole. He's spoken to audiences of photographers, marketers, and media professionals on stages of all sizes nationwide. Aaron’s recent ventures have focused on how Artificial Intelligence impacts how photographers capture, edit, and manage their images with an eye toward the shifting future of the industry. Find Aaron:

Karly Hand, Brand Developer & Creative Lead Seasoned brand developer and creative director Karly Hand blends strategic insight with creative vision to craft compelling brand narratives. With a distinguished portfolio spanning two decades, she has cultivated and propelled lifestyle brands like Aspen Snowmass, Verb Products, Smith Optics, Microsoft, and Adidas, shaping their identities and communicating their core value through strategic, artful brand expressions.

Karissa Liloc, Principal Product Manager Karissa Liloc (she/her) is a Principal Product Manager at Getty Images focused on Generative AI and other tools that make it easier for customers to find and use imagery. Previously at Disney and Gap, Inc, she has a track record of bringing cross-functional teams together to provide solutions to user problems and business challenges. Her most recent work has been bringing Generative AI by Getty Images to market, offering commercially safe, easy-to-use, AI image generation that compensates creators.

Emily Maass, Attorney Emily represents cutting edge companies as privacy and product counsel, general counsel, and a data protection and cybersecurity advisor. She helps clients navigate complex privacy frameworks, contract negotiations, regulatory compliance, and daily business operations, and she provides ongoing counsel for product development, launch, and management. Emily supports companies in AI, web3, gaming, automation, and software applications serving a broad range of industries.

This event promises a deep dive into the world of generative image AI, providing valuable insights for photographers, designers, AI enthusiasts, and anyone interested in the intersection of technology and creativity. Whether you're an artist seeking to enhance your craft or a business professional curious about the possibilities of AI, this meetup is your opportunity to gain a comprehensive understanding of the subject and engage in thought-provoking discussions.

Apr 23, 2024
PDX AI Demo Night
TBD - Portland

OVF is excited to hold the second PDX AI Demo Night!

​The goal of this event is to showcase the AI products coming from the founder and engineering community through lightening demos and Q&A.

​Join us for a fun evening of learning & networking, as we revel in the latest AI demos from:

​ Digs

​ Hello Wonder

​ Skypoint

​ Squidgies


​ 6:00-6:30pm: Welcome w/ Food & Drinks

​ 6:30-7:15pm: AI Demos

​ 7:15-8:00pm: Networking

​Please be sure to register now, as we have limited capacity and seats will fill quickly!

​The location and any additional details will be provided to registrants prior to the event.

Apr 17, 2017
Business for a Better Portland: Addressing the housing crisis
TerraMai PDX

Addressing the housing and homelessness crisis is essential to the future success of our city and businesses. With an issue of this scale and complexity, it can be difficult to know how we, as businesses, can engage in solutions.

In partnership with Business for a Better Portland members New Seasons Market and TerraMai PDX, we invite you to join us on Monday, April 17 for an event connecting members and business leaders with change makers working on the frontlines to ensure safe, stable and affordable housing for all.

You’ll have an opportunity to learn from community leaders, provide input on our advocacy, and walk away with a clearer sense of the concrete options for civic engagement. The challenges our city faces call for a new approach to engagement that is collaborative and advances the outcomes that will benefit not only our businesses, but the community as a whole.

We're excited to offer Business for a Better Portland members exclusive, earlybird registration. We look forward to seeing you!

Registration for non-members will be available as space allows starting April 3rd. Not a member yet? Find out more about how to become one.

Nov 8, 2017
Intro to Startup Funding
The Bridge Incubator

Finding funding sources for your startup can be difficult.

Come spend an evening with us and a panel of local experts who can help you explore how to fund your venture. We will talk about the pros and cons of raising that first funding to get rolling.

• Friends and family • Angels / angel groups and funds • Crowd Funding • Private Equity

Our expert panel will discuss when each can be appropriate and when. What angel investors are looking for? and What are the pros and cons of each investment type at each company stage?

Jun 1, 2022
Founders Live Relaunch
The Factor Building

Founders Live Portland Relaunch Event! Join us for a fun happy hour with drinks and light appetizers, a special talk with Nick Hughes the founder of Founders Live, as well as a surprise popup pitch competition. If you are feeling up to the challenge, get your 99 second pitch ready (no slides on this one!) and have a chance to pitch and gain feedback from the crowd. Hope to see you there!

Tickets are free!

May 8, 2023
NewTech PDX
The Factor Building

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