Viewing 0 current events matching “ruby” by Location.

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Viewing 1231 past events matching “ruby” by Location.

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Jan 31, 2010
Silverlight Hackathon

Silverlight Hackathon - Sunday Jan 31st 1pm-5:55pm Event Sponsors: IT Motives, Get It Right, Souk

We've got a great place to hang out, and the Silverlight Hackathon is a go! Meet us downtown at Souk, and we're going to have a great day of working on Silverlight. We've had some great project suggestions, and we'll break down into groups and work on projects that we find fun. Are you new to Silverlight? This is a great chance to get started. We've already had several people offer to help beginners out.

RSVPs not necessary Still, if you have 5 seconds, let us know you're coming by clicking on this poll: Hackathon RSVP Poll

FAQ/Wiki Want to know how to prepare your system for Silverlight? Want to arrange a project? Go to the Hackathon Wiki

Where? Souk downtown (,+Portland,+OR&ie=UTF8&om=1&hq=&hnear=322+NW+6th+Ave,+Portland,+Multnomah,+Oregon+97209&ll=45.525532,-122.676194&spn=0.010809,0.028818&z=16&iwloc=A ). It's super close to all kinds of Bus/Max stops, and there's a easy Smart Park close. Since it's Sunday, I expect there will even be street parking options.

Souk's direction page: Public Transportation souk is located on the Max Green Line/Yellow Line (China Town Stop) and the bus route. The nearby streetcar also accesses souk a few blocks away. Consult for more information. By Bike Bike lockers are within a couple blocks, and U bike racks are available on souk's block. By Car Zipcar's closest spot is at Flanders and 4th. The closest garage is on Everett at 5 th one block away. Smartpark has garages within a few blocks at Naito and NW Davis and at Station Place (at the westside foot of the Broadway Bridge). Additionally, there are several outdoor lots within a few blocks of souk.

What do I need? A laptop capable of running Dev Studio/Silverlight:

What can I do to help? Burn some CD/DVDs. We need SL3 Tools + Blend/Dev Express, SL 4 Tools and Blend/Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2. Bring a (labelled) extension cord/power strip Bring a projector (please let us know if you can do this)

Portland Silverlight User Group Sponsors Platinum Sponsors: Vertigo Software Location Sponsors: Webtrends

Aug 23, 2013
Portland Code School Graduation Ceremony

On Friday the 23rd, our students are hosting a graduation celebration and we'd love to invite all our friends and community members!

Festivities will begin at 5pm and will continue until the bar's tequila runs out (or until we get tired, or run off to do something crazy).

If you're not able to attend, but would like to celebrate anyways, please send a tweet and I'll buy them a drink for you.

This event is open invite. Please invite your colleagues and bring your friends.

Apr 1, 2015
Ruby Book Club - **Canceled**

Reading through technical books in a group is a great way to learn. You can stay motivated by reading together; better apply what you are reading by actively communicating it, as well as hearing others perspectives that will help you better understand the book. Even if you're a more experienced developer it's a great way to keep your skill sharp and share your wisdom and experience. If none of that is convincing just come and have fun with fellow ruby developers!

This meeting has been canceled will meet next week same place and time.

Mar 30, 2017
#FullStackPDX : Code Critique

Sign up for meetup required.

Apr 12, 2017
#FullStackPDX : Code Critique

Sign up for meetup required.

May 4, 2017
#FullStackPDX : Code Critique

Sign up for meetup required.

Jun 8, 2017
#FullStackPDX : Code Critique

Sign up for meetup required.

Jul 13, 2017
#FullStackPDX : Code Critique

Who are we? We are entrepreneurs, full stack engineers, hackers, continuous learners, but above all, we are a group that loves to work hard and play harder. We organize a variety of content types, and the organizing team believes in delivering the best value for time invested in our events. Companies have launched, founders paired, code taken apart, lessons learned, and more. We are not the typical meetup where a teacher like presenter stands in front of the class and delivers their message. We are a full hands on interactive experience and meetings are successful from the cumulative knowledge and expertise of all members.

Join us for something different.

Join us to learn.

Let’s have fun building our dreams.

Register for our events and buy your ticket on

Aug 10, 2017
#FullStackPDX : Code Critique

Who are we? We are entrepreneurs, full stack engineers, hackers, continuous learners, but above all, we are a group that loves to work hard and play harder. We organize a variety of content types, and the organizing team believes in delivering the best value for time invested in our events. Companies have launched, founders paired, code taken apart, lessons learned, and more. We are not the typical meetup where a teacher like presenter stands in front of the class and delivers their message. We are a full hands on interactive experience and meetings are successful from the cumulative knowledge and expertise of all members.

Join us for something different.

Join us to learn.

Let’s have fun building our dreams.

Register for our events and buy your ticket on

Sep 21, 2017
#FullStackPDX : Critique

Who are we? We are entrepreneurs, full stack engineers, hackers, continuous learners, but above all, we are a group that loves to work hard and play harder. We organize a variety of content types, and the organizing team believes in delivering the best value for time invested in our events. Companies have launched, founders paired, code taken apart, lessons learned, and more. We are not the typical meetup where a teacher like presenter stands in front of the class and delivers their message. We are a full hands on interactive experience and meetings are successful from the cumulative knowledge and expertise of all members.

Join us for something different.

Join us to learn.

Let’s have fun building our dreams.

Register for our events and buy your ticket on

Oct 19, 2017
#FullStackPDX : October : Critique

Who are we? We are entrepreneurs, full stack engineers, hackers, continuous learners, but above all, we are a group that loves to work hard and play harder. We organize a variety of content types, and the organizing team believes in delivering the best value for time invested in our events. Companies have launched, founders paired, code taken apart, lessons learned, and more. We are not the typical meetup where a teacher like presenter stands in front of the class and delivers their message. We are a full hands on interactive experience and meetings are successful from the cumulative knowledge and expertise of all members.

Join us for something different.

Join us to learn.

Let’s have fun building our dreams.

Register for our events and buy your ticket on

Nov 22, 2017
#FullStackPDX : November : Critique : Happy Thanksgiving

Who are we? We are entrepreneurs, full stack engineers, hackers, continuous learners, but above all, we are a group that loves to work hard and play harder. We organize a variety of content types, and the organizing team believes in delivering the best value for time invested in our events. Companies have launched, founders paired, code taken apart, lessons learned, and more. We are not the typical meetup where a teacher like presenter stands in front of the class and delivers their message. We are a full hands on interactive experience and meetings are successful from the cumulative knowledge and expertise of all members.

Join us for something different.

Join us to learn.

Let’s have fun building our dreams.

Register for our events and buy your ticket on

Dec 21, 2017
#FullstackPDX : December : Annual Charity Drive : Merry Christmas

Who are we? We are entrepreneurs, full stack engineers, hackers, continuous learners, but above all, we are a group that loves to work hard and play harder. We organize a variety of content types, and the organizing team believes in delivering the best value for time invested in our events. Companies have launched, founders paired, code taken apart, lessons learned, and more. We are not the typical meetup where a teacher like presenter stands in front of the class and delivers their message. We are a full hands on interactive experience and meetings are successful from the cumulative knowledge and expertise of all members.

Join us for something different.

Join us to learn.

Let’s have fun building our dreams.

Register for our events and buy your ticket on

Feb 15, 2018
#FullStackPDX : February : Critique : 2018 KICK OFF

Who are we? We are entrepreneurs, full stack engineers, hackers, continuous learners, but above all, we are a group that loves to work hard and play harder. We organize a variety of content types, and the organizing team believes in delivering the best value for time invested in our events. Companies have launched, founders paired, code taken apart, lessons learned, and more. We are not the typical meetup where a teacher like presenter stands in front of the class and delivers their message. We are a full hands on interactive experience and meetings are successful from the cumulative knowledge and expertise of all members.

Join us for something different.

Join us to learn.

Let’s have fun building our dreams.

Register for our events and buy your ticket on

Mar 22, 2018
#FullStackPDX : March : Critique

Who are we? We are entrepreneurs, full stack engineers, hackers, continuous learners, but above all, we are a group that loves to work hard and play harder. We organize a variety of content types, and the organizing team believes in delivering the best value for time invested in our events. Companies have launched, founders paired, code taken apart, lessons learned, and more. We are not the typical meetup where a teacher like presenter stands in front of the class and delivers their message. We are a full hands on interactive experience and meetings are successful from the cumulative knowledge and expertise of all members.

Join us for something different.

Join us to learn.

Let’s have fun building our dreams.

Register for our events and buy your ticket on

Apr 19, 2018
#FullStackPDX : April : Critique

Who are we? We are entrepreneurs, full stack engineers, hackers, continuous learners, but above all, we are a group that loves to work hard and play harder. We organize a variety of content types, and the organizing team believes in delivering the best value for time invested in our events. Companies have launched, founders paired, code taken apart, lessons learned, and more. We are not the typical meetup where a teacher like presenter stands in front of the class and delivers their message. We are a full hands on interactive experience and meetings are successful from the cumulative knowledge and expertise of all members.

Join us for something different.

Join us to learn.

Let’s have fun building our dreams.

Register for our events and buy your ticket on

May 31, 2018
#FullStackPDX : May : Critique

Who are we? We are entrepreneurs, full stack engineers, hackers, continuous learners, but above all, we are a group that loves to work hard and play harder. We organize a variety of content types, and the organizing team believes in delivering the best value for time invested in our events. Companies have launched, founders paired, code taken apart, lessons learned, and more. We are not the typical meetup where a teacher like presenter stands in front of the class and delivers their message. We are a full hands on interactive experience and meetings are successful from the cumulative knowledge and expertise of all members.

Join us for something different.

Join us to learn.

Let’s have fun building our dreams.

Register for our events and buy your ticket on

Jul 12, 2017
MotionPDX - RubyMotion PDX Monthly Meetup
1510 Technology Center

Come join us and learn how to build iOS, Android, Mac, Apple Watch and Apple TV apps using RubyMotion.

Jul 10, 2010
Dev Nation
Ace Hotel

In early 2009, several developers from Relevance and Viget Labs got together and starting talking about technical conferences. As we discussed our past experiences at regional, national, and international events, we began to realize something: large conferences are wonderful for a lot of things, but we wanted something that met a different set of goals. We came up with Developer Day, which was designed to:

  • Build lasting relationships among local peers
  • Bridge distinct technical communities

After a year of Developer Days, however, we decided a new look was in order, and thus was born DevNation. We've still got the same ideals, but we feel that the DevNation name better reflects that vision (and it's easier to Google!)


The general pattern for a large conference runs something like this: you fly to a city, go to the event, have a great time, meet lots of great people, and fly home. More often than not, you don't see those people again until the next big conference, and that's a problem. We wanted our event to be different, so it's intentionally local. Speakers and attendees are overwhelmingly local to the conference, so when you meet someone doing something cool, you can connect with them a week later for lunch without a problem.


Sure, there are events that draw a wide range of developers (e.g., OSCON), but even then people tend to segregate; the Pythonists go to their sessions, the Rubyists to theirs, and the PHP devs to theirs. By having only one track, we give everyone the opportunity to see what's happening in other communities.

Jun 5, 2013
2013 Tech+Pong Tournament

Come have a beer and (if you want to) compete in the Ping-Pong Tournament:

June 5th Tech+Pong tournament with two brackets:

1) The Best of the Best (for pongers who can smash, hit, and rock their way through a pong game).

2) The Best of the Worst (for rookie pongers who just want to have fun and the thought of "spinning a slice shot" seems like something having to do with a pizza parlor). More details can be found here:

Do you work for a tech company in any way, shape, or form (developer, marketing, design, admin, tech student, etc.)? Do you want to be more involved in the Portland tech community? Come by and play some Ping-Pong! Or, just come by for some good conversation and a beer. Headbands, wristbands, and other such attire are encouraged.

This event is free but please RSVP so we get a head count:

May 7, 2014
Tech + Pong Spring Tournament SE PDX

This is a pong tournament not to be missed!

Two Tournament Brackets:

1) The Best of the Best (for pongers who can smash, hit, and rock their way through a pong game).

2) The Best of the Worst (for rookie pongers who just want to have fun and the thought of "spinning a slice shot" seems like something having to do with a pizza parlor).

Attending Options:

1) Interested in just drinking beer and watching? Cool! RSVP for this event so we get a headcount.

2) Want to compete? If so, please email Kevin Long at [email protected] with the following info: A) Which of the two brackets you want to compete in, B) The name of the company you are representing and C) Your contact information for scheduling.

All - Please RSVP so we can get a head count.

Dec 10, 2014
Tech + Pong Winter Tournament SE PDX

Tech folks getting together to pong it up.

Year-end tournament not to be missed!

Two Tournament Brackets:

1) The Best of the Best (for pongers who can smash, hit, and rock their way through a pong game).

2) The Best of the Worst (for rookie pongers who just want to have fun and the thought of "spinning a slice shot" seems like something having to do with a pizza parlor).

Mar 30, 2016
PDX Tech + Pong

How it works:

Come have a beer and (if you want to) play some pong:

Do you work for a tech company in any way, shape, or form (start-up, developer, marketing, design, admin, tech student, etc.)? Do you want to be more involved in the Portland tech community? Come by and play some Ping-Pong! Or, just come by for some good conversation and a beer. Headbands, wristbands, and other such attire are encouraged.

Please RSVP so we can get a head count.


AltSource is on the ground level and has plenty of parking spaces nearby.

AltSource is a driven software development team focused on delivering custom applications of exceptional quality across any enterprise. Located in SE Portland, AltSource will be opening their doors and their kegerator to the PDX tech community. Looking for a job with a kegerator?


The Dyrt - Love camping and outdoor adventures? Come work for a fun start-up

Feb 28, 2019
#FullStackPDX : February : Critique
AltSource HQ

Tickets can be purchased at

Mar 28, 2019
#FullStackPDX : March : Critique
AltSource HQ

Tickets can be purchased at

Apr 25, 2019
#FullStackPDX : April : Critique
AltSource HQ

Tickets can be purchased at

May 30, 2019
#FullStackPDX : May : Critique
AltSource HQ

Tickets can be purchased at

Jun 27, 2019
#FullStackPDX : June : Critique
AltSource HQ

Tickets can be purchased at

Jul 25, 2019
#FullStackPDX : July : Critique
AltSource HQ

Tickets can be purchased at

Aug 29, 2019
#FullStackPDX : August : Critique
AltSource HQ

Tickets can be purchased at

Sep 26, 2019
#FullStackPDX : September : Critique
AltSource HQ

Tickets can be purchased at

Oct 24, 2019
#FullStackPDX : October : Critique
AltSource HQ

Tickets can be purchased at

Nov 14, 2019
#FullStackPDX : November : Critique
AltSource HQ

Tickets can be purchased at

Dec 12, 2019
#FullStackPDX : December : Critique
AltSource HQ

Tickets can be purchased at

Feb 6, 2013
Agile Open Northwest 2013 - "Agile For Real"
through Ambridge Event Center

Agile Open Northwest, a non-profit alliance of agile practitioners in the US Pacific Northwest region, presents our seventh annual conference, now expanded to a third day! This conference contains over 90 sessions bringing novices, journeymen, and experts together for face-to-face conversations exploring the most important topics in Agile software development today.

What: An Open Space conference about Agile practices and techniques. Where: Ambridge Event Center, Portland, Oregon When: February 6 to 8, 2013 - Now three days long! Who: YOU and other experienced, collaborative, committed agile practitioners. Registration is limited to 150 participants. Cost: $200 for the three-day event, including continental breakfast and lunch each day, and dinner on the first night.

Agile Open Northwest 2013 offers an opportunity to strengthen our community of practice and co-create the future for Agile development in our region. For three days, we build on conversation after conversation as we engage important questions like:

What is Agile really? What are the most important practices in making Agile approaches really successful on my team? Who practices Agile philosophies, methods, principles or practices in the Northwest, and what's the impact? What is the difference between Lean, Scrum, XP, and other Agile approaches? What new technical challenges face Agile? What are the latest cutting edge developments in the Agile software development world? How do Agile frameworks and methods co-exist with project management, process control and other governance structures? How do we adapt Agile practices to our organizations without diluting them? Can Agile methods work in big, risky projects? How? When distributed teams use Agile approaches, what changes? If we adopt an Agile mindset, what might the transition look like in my organization?

Mar 5, 2019
Portland Ruby Brigade - Monthly meeting
Bailey's Taproom

No formal meeting or speakers tonight. Change of Venue.

Come for the Social Hour over at:

Bailey's Tap Room 213 SW Broadway, Portland, OR 97205

We are looking for presenters for our upcoming meetings. Talk to an organizer if you have a talk that you would like to give at a future Ruby meetup!!!

Aug 16, 2011
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby
Blitz Ladd

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack.

Sep 20, 2011
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby
Blitz Ladd

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack.

Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise!

Dec 20, 2011
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby
Blitz Ladd

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack.

Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise!

Jan 17, 2012
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby
Blitz Ladd

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack.

Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise!

Feb 21, 2012
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby
Blitz Ladd

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack.

Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise!

Apr 26, 2013
Portland Code School Graduation Drinkup
Blitz Ladd

This friday our students are graduating and we'd like them to graduate, Idiocracy-style ("mooor beeeer!"). At 6pm I would be heartened if the supporters of the code school would descend on the graduates en masse for drinks and a formal welcoming to the developer community. If you're able to join us please do! If not, I'm sure they will understand and I will try to buy them a drink for you. :)

This event is open invite. Please invite your colleagues and bring your friends. There will be stickers and tantalizing folding puzzles.

Sincerest apologies for the late notice, it's been a crazy last week!

Jul 18, 2014
Ruby Co-Working
Breken Kitchen

Look for the fedora, and/or a tight knit group of macs. If you can not find us, ping @chrishough on twitter. The setup is informal, no presentations, and we are just trying to meet fellow ruby geeks in the community. Also, working remote or in an office space cube needs a change of scenery each week.

Aug 8, 2014
Ruby Co-Working
Breken Kitchen

Look for the fedora, and/or a tight knit group of macs. If you can not find us, ping @chrishough on twitter. The setup is informal, no presentations, and we are just trying to meet fellow ruby geeks in the community. Also, working remote or in an office space cube needs a change of scenery each week.

Aug 15, 2014
Ruby Co-Working
Breken Kitchen

Look for the fedora, and/or a tight knit group of macs. If you can not find us, ping @chrishough on twitter. The setup is informal, no presentations, and we are just trying to meet fellow ruby geeks in the community. Also, working remote or in an office space cube needs a change of scenery each week.

Aug 22, 2014
Ruby Co-Working
Breken Kitchen

Look for the fedora, and/or a tight knit group of macs. If you can not find us, ping @chrishough on twitter. The setup is informal, no presentations, and we are just trying to meet fellow ruby geeks in the community. Also, working remote or in an office space cube needs a change of scenery each week.

Aug 29, 2014
Ruby Co-Working
Breken Kitchen

Look for the fedora, and/or a tight knit group of macs. If you can not find us, ping @chrishough on twitter. The setup is informal, no presentations, and we are just trying to meet fellow ruby geeks in the community. Also, working remote or in an office space cube needs a change of scenery each week.

Sep 5, 2014
Ruby Co-Working
Breken Kitchen

Look for the fedora, and/or a tight knit group of macs. If you can not find us, ping @chrishough on twitter. The setup is informal, no presentations, and we are just trying to meet fellow ruby geeks in the community. Also, working remote or in an office space cube needs a change of scenery each week.

Sep 12, 2014
Ruby Co-Working
Breken Kitchen

Look for the fedora, and/or a tight knit group of macs. If you can not find us, ping @chrishough on twitter. The setup is informal, no presentations, and we are just trying to meet fellow ruby geeks in the community. Also, working remote or in an office space cube needs a change of scenery each week.

Sep 19, 2014
Ruby Co-Working
Breken Kitchen

Look for the fedora, and/or a tight knit group of macs. If you can not find us, ping @chrishough on twitter. The setup is informal, no presentations, and we are just trying to meet fellow ruby geeks in the community. Also, working remote or in an office space cube needs a change of scenery each week.

Sep 26, 2014
Ruby Co-Working
Breken Kitchen

Look for the fedora, and/or a tight knit group of macs. If you can not find us, ping @chrishough on twitter. The setup is informal, no presentations, and we are just trying to meet fellow ruby geeks in the community. Also, working remote or in an office space cube needs a change of scenery each week.

Oct 3, 2014
Ruby Co-Working
Breken Kitchen

Look for the fedora, and/or a tight knit group of macs. If you can not find us, ping @chrishough on twitter. The setup is informal, no presentations, and we are just trying to meet fellow ruby geeks in the community. Also, working remote or in an office space cube needs a change of scenery each week.

Oct 10, 2014
Ruby Co-Working
Breken Kitchen

Look for the fedora, and/or a tight knit group of macs. If you can not find us, ping @chrishough on twitter. The setup is informal, no presentations, and we are just trying to meet fellow ruby geeks in the community. Also, working remote or in an office space cube needs a change of scenery each week.

Oct 17, 2014
Ruby Co-Working
Breken Kitchen

Look for the fedora, and/or a tight knit group of macs. If you can not find us, ping @chrishough on twitter. The setup is informal, no presentations, and we are just trying to meet fellow ruby geeks in the community. Also, working remote or in an office space cube needs a change of scenery each week. (Please note: It is totally cool to work on non ruby languages with us too)

Oct 24, 2014
Ruby Co-Working
Breken Kitchen

Look for the fedora, and/or a tight knit group of macs. If you can not find us, ping @chrishough on twitter. The setup is informal, no presentations, and we are just trying to meet fellow ruby geeks in the community. Also, working remote or in an office space cube needs a change of scenery each week. (Please note: It is totally cool to work on non ruby languages with us too)

Oct 31, 2014
Ruby Co-Working
Breken Kitchen

Look for the fedora, and/or a tight knit group of macs. If you can not find us, ping @chrishough on twitter. The setup is informal, no presentations, and we are just trying to meet fellow ruby geeks in the community. Also, working remote or in an office space cube needs a change of scenery each week. (Please note: It is totally cool to work on non ruby languages with us too)

Nov 7, 2014
Ruby Co-Working
Breken Kitchen

Look for the fedora, and/or a tight knit group of macs. If you can not find us, ping @chrishough on twitter. The setup is informal, no presentations, and we are just trying to meet fellow ruby geeks in the community. Also, working remote or in an office space cube needs a change of scenery each week. (Please note: It is totally cool to work on non ruby languages with us too)

Nov 14, 2014
Ruby Co-Working
Breken Kitchen

Look for the fedora, and/or a tight knit group of macs. If you can not find us, ping @chrishough on twitter. The setup is informal, no presentations, and we are just trying to meet fellow ruby geeks in the community. Also, working remote or in an office space cube needs a change of scenery each week. (Please note: It is totally cool to work on non ruby languages with us too)

Nov 21, 2014
Ruby Co-Working
Breken Kitchen

Look for the fedora, and/or a tight knit group of macs. If you can not find us, ping @chrishough on twitter. The setup is informal, no presentations, and we are just trying to meet fellow ruby geeks in the community. Also, working remote or in an office space cube needs a change of scenery each week. (Please note: It is totally cool to work on non ruby languages with us too)

Dec 5, 2014
Ruby Co-Working
Breken Kitchen

Look for the fedora, and/or a tight knit group of macs. If you can not find us, ping @chrishough on twitter. The setup is informal, no presentations, and we are just trying to meet fellow ruby geeks in the community. Also, working remote or in an office space cube needs a change of scenery each week. (Please note: It is totally cool to work on non ruby languages with us too)

Dec 12, 2014
Ruby Co-Working
Breken Kitchen

Look for the fedora, and/or a tight knit group of macs. If you can not find us, ping @chrishough on twitter. The setup is informal, no presentations, and we are just trying to meet fellow ruby geeks in the community. Also, working remote or in an office space cube needs a change of scenery each week. (Please note: It is totally cool to work on non ruby languages with us too)

Dec 19, 2014
Ruby Co-Working
Breken Kitchen

Look for the fedora, and/or a tight knit group of macs. If you can not find us, ping @chrishough on twitter. The setup is informal, no presentations, and we are just trying to meet fellow ruby geeks in the community. Also, working remote or in an office space cube needs a change of scenery each week. (Please note: It is totally cool to work on non ruby languages with us too)

Jan 9, 2015
Ruby Co-Working
Breken Kitchen

Look for the fedora, and/or a tight knit group of macs. If you can not find us, ping @chrishough on twitter. The setup is informal, no presentations, and we are just trying to meet fellow ruby geeks in the community. Also, working remote or in an office space cube needs a change of scenery each week. (Please note: It is totally cool to work on non ruby languages with us too)

Jan 16, 2015
Ruby Co-Working
Breken Kitchen

Look for the fedora, and/or a tight knit group of macs. If you can not find us, ping @chrishough on twitter. The setup is informal, no presentations, and we are just trying to meet fellow ruby geeks in the community. Also, working remote or in an office space cube needs a change of scenery each week. (Please note: It is totally cool to work on non ruby languages with us too)

Jan 23, 2015
Ruby Co-Working
Breken Kitchen

Look for the fedora, and/or a tight knit group of macs. If you can not find us, ping @chrishough on twitter. The setup is informal, no presentations, and we are just trying to meet fellow ruby geeks in the community. Also, working remote or in an office space cube needs a change of scenery each week. (Please note: It is totally cool to work on non ruby languages with us too)

Jan 30, 2015
Ruby Co-Working
Breken Kitchen

Look for the fedora, and/or a tight knit group of macs. If you can not find us, ping @chrishough on twitter. The setup is informal, no presentations, and we are just trying to meet fellow ruby geeks in the community. Also, working remote or in an office space cube needs a change of scenery each week. (Please note: It is totally cool to work on non ruby languages with us too)

Feb 6, 2015
Ruby Co-Working
Breken Kitchen

Look for the fedora, and/or a tight knit group of macs. If you can not find us, ping @chrishough on twitter. The setup is informal, no presentations, and we are just trying to meet fellow ruby geeks in the community. Also, working remote or in an office space cube needs a change of scenery each week. (Please note: It is totally cool to work on non ruby languages with us too)

Feb 13, 2015
Ruby Co-Working
Breken Kitchen

Look for the fedora, and/or a tight knit group of macs. If you can not find us, ping @chrishough on twitter. The setup is informal, no presentations, and we are just trying to meet fellow ruby geeks in the community. Also, working remote or in an office space cube needs a change of scenery each week. (Please note: It is totally cool to work on non ruby languages with us too)

Nov 7, 2012
PDX Ruby Lunch
BridgePort Brew Pub

Get together for lunch and talk Ruby, or something else! For those that have a hard time making it to the pdxrb meeting, and those that like to eat and talk about Ruby at the same time. We'll be holding this on the first Wednesday of the month.

Nov 28, 2012
PDX Ruby Lunch
BridgePort Brew Pub

Get together for lunch and talk Ruby, or something else! For those that have a hard time making it to the pdxrb meeting, and those that like to eat and talk about Ruby at the same time.

Dec 26, 2012
PDX Ruby Lunch
BridgePort Brew Pub

Get together for lunch and talk Ruby, or something else! For those that have a hard time making it to the pdxrb meeting, and those that like to eat and talk about Ruby at the same time. We'll be holding this on the first Wednesday of the month.

Jan 30, 2013
PDX Ruby Lunch
BridgePort Brew Pub

Get together for lunch and talk Ruby, or something else! For those that have a hard time making it to the pdxrb meeting, and those that like to eat and talk about Ruby at the same time. We'll be holding this on the last Wednesday of the month.

Feb 27, 2013
PDX Ruby Lunch
BridgePort Brew Pub

Get together for lunch and talk Ruby, or something else! For those that have a hard time making it to the pdxrb meeting, and those that like to eat and talk about Ruby at the same time. We'll be holding this on the last Wednesday of the month.

Mar 27, 2013
PDX Ruby Lunch
BridgePort Brew Pub

Get together for lunch and talk Ruby, or something else! For those that have a hard time making it to the pdxrb meeting, and those that like to eat and talk about Ruby at the same time. We'll be holding this on the last Wednesday of the month.

Apr 24, 2013
PDX Ruby Lunch
BridgePort Brew Pub

Get together for lunch and talk Ruby, or something else! For those that have a hard time making it to the pdxrb meeting, and those that like to eat and talk about Ruby at the same time. We'll be holding this on the last Wednesday of the month.

May 29, 2013
PDX Ruby Lunch
BridgePort Brew Pub

Get together for lunch and talk Ruby, or something else! For those that have a hard time making it to the pdxrb meeting, and those that like to eat and talk about Ruby at the same time. We'll be holding this on the last Wednesday of the month.

Jun 26, 2013
PDX Ruby Lunch
BridgePort Brew Pub

Get together for lunch and talk Ruby, or something else! For those that have a hard time making it to the pdxrb meeting, and those that like to eat and talk about Ruby at the same time. We'll be holding this on the last Wednesday of the month.

Sep 25, 2013
PDX Ruby Lunch
BridgePort Brew Pub

Get together for lunch and talk Ruby, or something else! For those that have a hard time making it to the pdxrb meeting, and those that like to eat and talk about Ruby at the same time. We'll be holding this on the last Wednesday of the month.

Mar 28, 2014
Portland Code School: Friday Brunch
Brix Tavern

VENUE CHANGE We are now at Brix Tavern!

Interested in being a web developer? Come and learn more about how Portland Code School can give you the skills you want with the support you need. Discover what our accelerated learning programs can do for you!

At this event, you can talk with the staff, meet current and past students, and introduce yourself to other prospective students. Ask a server where we’re sitting, or look for our “Portland Code School” sign. We’ll socialize while we eat, drink, and otherwise be merry!

If you sign up for the Web Development Primer class at this event, you'll receive a $100 discount!

Apr 4, 2014
Portland Code School Brunch
Brix Tavern

VENUE CHANGE We are now at Brix Tavern!

Interested in being a web developer? Come and learn more about how Portland Code School can give you the skills you want with the support you need. Discover what our accelerated learning programs can do for you!

At this event, you can talk with the staff, meet current and past students, and introduce yourself to other prospective students. Ask a server where we’re sitting, or look for our “Portland Code School” sign. We’ll socialize while we eat, drink, and otherwise be merry!

If you sign up for the Web Development Primer class at this event, you'll receive a $100 discount!

Apr 18, 2014
Portland Code School Brunch
Brix Tavern

Interested in being a web developer? Come and learn more about how Portland Code School can give you the skills you want with the support you need. Discover what our accelerated learning programs can do for you!

At this event, you can talk with the staff, meet current and past students, and introduce yourself to other prospective students. Ask a server where we’re sitting, or look for our “Portland Code School” sign. We’ll socialize while we eat, drink, and otherwise be merry!

If you sign up for the Web Development Primer class at this event, you'll receive a $100 discount!

May 16, 2014
Portland Code School Brunch
Brix Tavern

Interested in being a web developer? Come and learn more about how Portland Code School can give you the skills you want with the support you need. Discover what our accelerated learning programs can do for you!

At this event, you can talk with the staff, meet current and past students, and introduce yourself to other prospective students. Ask a server where we’re sitting, or look for our “Portland Code School” sign. We’ll socialize while we eat, drink, and otherwise be merry!

If you sign up for the Web Development Primer class at this event, you'll receive a $100 discount!

May 30, 2014
Portland Code School Brunch
Brix Tavern

Interested in being a web developer? Come and learn more about how Portland Code School can give you the skills you want with the support you need. Discover what our accelerated learning programs can do for you!

At this event, you can talk with the staff, meet current and past students, and introduce yourself to other prospective students. Ask a server where we’re sitting, or look for our “Portland Code School” sign. We’ll socialize while we eat, drink, and otherwise be merry!

If you sign up for the Web Development Primer class at this event, you'll receive a $100 discount!

Dec 19, 2012
Portland Code School Meet and Greet
Burnside Digital Office

Portland Code School is entering its second session and we want to invite you to find out more information while consuming beer and pizza. If you've dabbled with Rails but haven't quite made it to paid developer status yet this may be just the program for you.

The Program

The class will take 3 months and by the end we expect that you will be ready to start work as a junior programmer immediately. This internship is not a requirement for employment at BD and is no guarantee of employment, but it is a great way to get into the field and a great way to network with tech organizations.

The Event

The introduction event will allow you to connect with the instructors and the organizers behind the internship program while eating delicious pizza and consuming beverages. We will go over the format of the program, talk about the requirements needed to enter, and the application process. At the end we will have time for you to talk to coaches and BD employees about what it's like to work for BD and what sorts of projects we work on.

For more information please email: [email protected]

Mar 6, 2013
Portland Code School Meet and Greet
Burnside Digital Office

Applications are now being accepted for the Portland Code School Summer Session!

Join us for an informal gathering to meet current students and find out more about the program over beer and snacks.

We'll start the evening with a presentation about the format of the program, what you'll learn, how we'll help you find a job at the end, and the application process and requirements.

If you've dabbled with web development but haven't quite made it to paid developer status yet this may be just the program for you.

For more information please email: [email protected]

Apr 13, 2013
Coders With Kids
Cafe au Play, SE Portland

We are an informal group of coders with kids! If you love to code and are also a parent we'd love to meet you and hack together. We use Ruby and JavaScript, but are open to all languages. My 3-year old boy will be attending, and we love Cafe au Play! If you are a parent and want to hack with other parents please attend this new family friendly event.

Feb 21, 2014
Ruby Programmers Informal Co-Working
Caffe Vita

Based off an idea from the pdxruby mailing list, this event is for any ruby programmers who want to informally co-work from a cafe. I'll be at Caffe Vita in NE:

If you'd like me to email you about each weekly co-working session, you can email me (Mike LaPeter) at my first initial + last name at gmail.

Jul 11, 2014
Ruby Coworking
Caffe Vita Website
May 7, 2019
Ruby Tuesday - PDX Ruby Brigade Monthly Meeting

Come out to the CENTRL Office on the Eastside for Ruby Tuesday. We'll have pizza starting at 6pm, so stop by early if you want to have dinner and socialize before the presentations. We are at a new venue this month because of construction at New Relic. Drinks are BYOB this month


  • Intro to Scorpio - Scorpio is a ruby library that represents RESTful resources, built around OpenAPI. ~ Presentation by Ethan

  • RailsConf Rewind - If anyone went to RailsConf 2019, please share what you learned or point out new resources for the group.

After presentations we'll have more socializing time.

Sep 18, 2011
Citizenry / ePDX Code Sprint
Cloud Seven Cafe

Come help work on Citizenry!

Citizenry is a Ruby on Rails project that powers ePDX, Portland's tech directory, and other similar sites across the country.

Specifically wanting to work on:

  • Setting up a copy of Citizenry on Heroku to find the pitfalls involved, improve documentation, and fix related bugs.
  • Evaluating the possibility of converting the app a Rails engine to make it easier for people in other communities to customize.
  • Allowing people to add multiple links to their profile, including automatic linking to other authorized profiles.
  • Enabling third-party editing of associations (e.g. adding projects to a company)

This is pretty casual, as code sprints go. Basically I'm planning to wander over to Cloud Seven and hack on Citizenry stuff and anyone who wants to join me is welcome. — @reidab

Oct 8, 2015
How to go from Airport Baggage Agent to Professional Developer in Weeks (Not Years)
Code Fellows

How will you change your career through Code Fellows? Come hear from US Navy veteran Ron Floyd, who went from airport baggage agent to professional web developer with a Code Fellows bootcamp.

You'll get to talk to Ron about his career switch and find out how you can do the same.

RSVP here:

Nov 7, 2012
Edx CS169.2x: SAAS using Ruby on Rails - Study Group

This is the first study group meeting for CS169.2x, UC-Berkeley's second edition of its SAAS class on See

The course teaches "software as a service" fundamentals using Ruby on Rails. The courseware just opened this past Monday, November 5th, so a few of use are hoping to form a study group in the physical here in pdx. Feel free to join us! Email me at [email protected] for any questions.

Description from EDX:

CS 169.2x is the second half of University of California, Berkeley's semester long course on Software as a Service. In the first half of the course, CS 169.1x, students use Agile development methods to deploy a simple SaaS app in the cloud. In the second half, CS 169.2x, students create more sophisticated apps by adding relationships between models in apps and by enhancing their apps with JavaScript. They also learn about what happens after the apps are deployed to real users, including how to monitor performance, identify and fix common performance problems, and avoid compromising customer data. Finally, students learn how to apply Agile techniques to enhance and refactor legacy code, a critical skill for professional programmers.

Nov 19, 2012
Edx CS169.2x: SAAS using Ruby on Rails - Study Group

This is the second study group meeting for CS169.2x, UC-Berkeley's second edition of its SAAS class on (See The first homework assignment is due 6 days after this date.

The course teaches "software as a service" fundamentals using Ruby on Rails. Feel free to join us! Email me at [email protected] for any questions.

Description from EDX:

CS 169.2x is the second half of University of California, Berkeley's semester long course on Software as a Service. In the first half of the course, CS 169.1x, students use Agile development methods to deploy a simple SaaS app in the cloud. In the second half, CS 169.2x, students create more sophisticated apps by adding relationships between models in apps and by enhancing their apps with JavaScript. They also learn about what happens after the apps are deployed to real users, including how to monitor performance, identify and fix common performance problems, and avoid compromising customer data. Finally, students learn how to apply Agile techniques to enhance and refactor legacy code, a critical skill for professional programmers.

Aug 23, 2011
Ruby Beginners Meetup
Collective Agency Downtown

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby and those interested in helping them. Come by to ask questions. Answer questions. Hack.

This is a bonus beginners' meetup, specifically aimed at the then-to-be-alumni of the Intro to Programming workshop on the 19th and 20th.

Jan 19, 2012
Portland ALT.NET 2012 January Meetup!
Collective Agency Downtown

Again, we'll be meeting for technical discussion and a lot more. So far, this is what is on the agenda. We'll start this meetup off with a presentation on Git, pair programming, and code katas and koans with .NET. The presentation will cover what these things are, how they're implemented, and what the best usage and benefit of each is. TDD/BDD Pair

Programming Session! Ever wanted to pair program? Wanted to learn about ping pong style, promiscuous pair programming or some other style? Well after the presentation, for those interested bring a laptop with Visual Studio 2010 with the latest services packs and MVC tools and we'll be stepping through exactly what these techniques are and how they're implemented with the .NET stack (and a few open source components too).

Feb 25, 2012
PDX ZeroMQ Conference
Collective Agency Downtown

A conference for anything and everything ØMQ!

Jul 25, 2014
Ruby Co-Working
Common Grounds

Look for the fedora, and/or a tight knit group of macs. If you can not find us, ping @chrishough on twitter. The setup is informal, no presentations, and we are just trying to meet fellow ruby geeks in the community. Also, working remote or in an office space cube needs a change of scenery each week.

Apr 15, 2015


Join us for MotionPDX as we talk about building mobile applications in RubyMotion! We'll have pizza & beer starting 6:45pm, so stop by a little early if you want to have dinner and socialize before the presentations.

Presentation at 7pm

Huge thanks to Copious for providing the space, pizza and beer this month.


6:45pm - show up early and mingle

7:00pm - Event begins!

  • Announcements
  • Presentation: Testing with Bacon - Jamon Holmgren of ClearSight
  • Q&A

8:00pm - Hang out and get to know other RubyMotion enthusiasts

May 27, 2015

Join us for Motion PDX as we build mobile applications in RubyMotion!

Copious will graciously be providing our meeting space, along with pizza and beer for the evening. (Thanks Copious!)

We just got some simulator-only RubyMotion licenses for MotionPDX attendees only! If you'd like to get your hands into some RubyMotion code without buying a full license, this is your chance!

You don't need to have a project to attend, but if you do, feel free to bring it along to get help from the group or just put in a few extra hours.

6:45pm - show up early and mingle
7:00pm - Event begins!

  • Announcements
  • Group hacking

8:00pm - Hang out and get to know other RubyMotion enthusiasts

Nov 1, 2013
COPIOUSLabs TechTalk: Build your own Ruby-powered Arcade Machine!

COPIOUS is a user-centered digital experience agency. We build digital products with the user at heart and technology in our bones.

About TechTalks:

COPIOUSLabs TechTalks series meets every other Friday at 1pm at the Copious office. Our talks span artificial intelligence, new programming languages and techniques, computational linguistics, geographic data processing, systems and software architecture, augmented reality, network security, and more as proposed to our engineering team.

About this talk:

Speaker: Andrew Havens, Senior Software Engineer

Have you ever wished you could re-live the fun you had as a kid playing arcade games? Have you ever wanted to learn 2D game programming with Ruby? Now is the time! The hardware is cheap. The libraries are easy to learn. This talk will cover some basic game programming techniques using Ruby, address some challenges you may run into, and cover the hardware and software you need in order to build and run your own Ruby-powered arcade machine.

All are welcome to attend. If you have a talk that you'd like to suggest presenting, please email it to [email protected] along with a brief outline of what you'd like to cover.

May 1, 2013
RailsConf Group Bike Ride
Corner of Holiday and Martin Luther King Jr

This ride will be a no-drop group ride for people attending RailsConf, local Rubyists who'd like to join in, and any assorted hangers-on who can put up with a bunch of nerds on bikes.

Check out the webpage for meetup and route details.

Thanks to Luke Francl for "driving" this!

Feb 28, 2014
Ruby Programmers Informal Co-Working

Based off an idea from the pdxruby mailing list, this event is for any ruby programmers who want to informally co-work from a cafe. We'll be at Crema Coffee and Bakery on 2728 SE Ankeny St. Come join!

If you'd like me to email you about each weekly co-working session, you can email me (Mike LaPeter) at my first initial + last name at gmail.

Jun 1, 2016
RailBridge Open Study Group

This is a weekly study group geared towards beginners but Rubyists of all levels are welcome.

Feb 8, 2017
Building mobile and desktop apps - RubyMotion PDX

Come join us and learn how to build iOS, Android, Mac, Apple Watch and Apple TV apps using RubyMotion.

Mar 8, 2017
MotionPDX - RubyMotion PDX Monthly Meetup

Come join us and learn how to build iOS, Android, Mac, Apple Watch and Apple TV apps using RubyMotion.

Apr 12, 2017
MotionPDX - RubyMotion and Image Recognition

This month, Eli Duke will present his work using RubyMotion and image recognition libraries to build an app for counting dominos.

About MotionPDX:
We're a group of RubyMotion developers sharing our knowledge with others. Come join us and learn how to build iOS, Android, Mac, Apple Watch and Apple TV apps using RubyMotion.

May 10, 2017
MotionPDX - Building Watch Apps with RubyMotion

This month we will discuss building Apple Watch apps with RubyMotion.

Come join us and learn how to build iOS, Android, Mac, Apple Watch and Apple TV apps using RubyMotion.

Jun 14, 2017
RubyMotionPDX - Using CloudKit in a Simple iOS App

Join us this month for a presentation by Andy Stechishin on using CloudKit in a simple iOS app. In his presentation, he will demonstrate the steps to integrate CloudKit persistence into a small iOS app that does car milage tracking.

Come join us and learn how to build iOS, Android, Mac, Apple Watch and Apple TV apps using RubyMotion.

Feb 18, 2015
Tech+Pong in SW Portland
CrowdCompass by Cvent

Do you work for a tech company in any way, shape, or form (start-up, developer, marketing, design, admin, tech student, etc.)? Do you want to be more involved in the Portland tech community? Come by and play some Ping-Pong! Or, just come by for some good conversation and a beer. Headbands, wristbands, and other such attire are encouraged.

This event is free but please RSVP so we can get a head count for food and drinks

Mar 18, 2015
Tech+Pong in SW Portland
CrowdCompass by Cvent

Do you work for a tech company in any way, shape, or form (start-up, developer, marketing, design, admin, tech student, etc.)? Do you want to be more involved in the Portland tech community? Come by and play some Ping-Pong! Or, just come by for some good conversation and a beer. Headbands, wristbands, and other such attire are encouraged.

This event is free but please RSVP so we can get a head count for food and drinks

Mar 20, 2012
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack.

Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise!

Apr 3, 2012
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting (NEW VENUE)
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby, libraries, tools and techniques. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday".

VENUE: This venue is kindly provided by CrowdCompass, "the ultimate mobile app provider for conferences":

Apr 17, 2012
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack.

Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise!

May 1, 2012
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting [NEW VENUE!]
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby, libraries, tools and techniques. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday".

VENUE: This venue is kindly provided by CrowdCompass, "the ultimate mobile app provider for conferences":

May 15, 2012
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack.

Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise!

Jun 5, 2012
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting: Riak, UNIX IPC, Marmoset Patching and more
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building


  • Markus Roberts: Hangman Ruby puzzle featuring Marmoset Patching
  • Casey Rosenthal: Overview and use of Riak, a NoSQL database with a focus on availability, fault-tolerance and scaling
  • Jon Guymon: UNIX IPC with Ruby, a report from the trenches at New Relic
  • ...and more

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby, libraries, tools and techniques. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday".

VENUE: This venue is kindly provided by CrowdCompass, "the ultimate mobile app provider for conferences":

Jun 19, 2012
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack.

Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise!

Jul 3, 2012
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting: Concurrency in Ruby; Installing and managing Ruby interpreters; etc
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building


  • Matthew Boeh will present "Concurrency in Ruby": The history of concurrency in Ruby. Current options and how the current Ruby implementations differ. The tradeoffs between evented and threaded approaches to I/O. What Rubyists can learn from other languages.
  • Nic Benders and Igal Koshevoy will present "Installing and Managing Ruby Interpreters": rvm and rbenv + ruby-build; deploying with Chef and Puppet; provisioning with cloud-init and other options.
  • ...and more!

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby, libraries, tools and techniques. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday".

VENUE: This venue is kindly provided by CrowdCompass, "the ultimate mobile app provider for conferences":

Jul 17, 2012
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack.

Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise!

Aug 7, 2012
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting: 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY!
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

The Portland Ruby Brigade has been meeting up for 10 years! We'll have cake, drinks and some curious presentations. Our friends at Crowd Compass are sponsoring a catered dinner by Nicholas. You're welcome to bring desserts or other yummy things to share.


  • Markus Roberts will share a 10th anniversary-themed Ruby puzzle
  • Rogelio J. Samour on "I know Kung Fu! (or neo4j on Rails without jRuby)" details
  • Igal Koshevoy on travis-ci, a easy-to-use, free, open source continuous integration system that's great for open source Ruby projects
  • Phil Tomson and Igal Koshevoy will present a timeline of pdxruby history and talk about major events in the group's history.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby, libraries, tools and techniques. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday".

VENUE: This venue is kindly provided by CrowdCompass, "the ultimate mobile app provider for conferences":

Aug 21, 2012
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack.

Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise!

Sep 18, 2012
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack.

Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise!

Oct 2, 2012
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building


  • Lyle Kopnicky of Janrain will present the design, testing/specification, and implementation of a sophisticated DSL for validating JSON structures using a functional programming-inspired approach.
  • Alex Kira will present "Concurrency with JRuby and the JVM", which will cover actors using the Akka library in JRuby in some detail, along with some patterns of use and techniques to help manage concurrency including java.util.concurrent, Futures, and software transactional memory.
  • Lightning talks:
    • Jesse Cooke: Rails generators that generate generators
    • Ben Cullen-Kerney: Acceptance testing command line applications with Aruba/Cucumber
  • ...and much more!

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby, libraries, tools and techniques. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday".

SPONSOR: This venue is kindly provided by CrowdCompass, "the ultimate mobile app provider for conferences":

Oct 16, 2012
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack.

Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise!

Nov 6, 2012
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building


  • Sam Livingston-Gray will give a brief (15 minutes or less) review of the "Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby" book, and give away at least two copies to those in attendance. (At least one copy will go to a first-time attendee!)
  • Kyle Drake will give a presentation on Celluloid, an actor-based concurrent object framework for Ruby.
  • Various folks will provide highlights from the recent RubyConf 2012.
  • ...and lots more!

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby, libraries, tools and techniques. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday".

SPONSOR: This venue is kindly provided by CrowdCompass, "the ultimate mobile app provider for conferences":

Nov 20, 2012
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack.

Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise!

Dec 4, 2012
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building


  • Markus Roberts will present a Celluloid-centric conundrum.
  • Matthew Boeh will give an overview to Celluloid, a "concurrent object oriented programming framework for Ruby which lets you build multithreaded programs out of concurrent objects just as easily as you build sequential programs out of regular objects" and its new features.
  • Robb Shecter will talk about optimizing Ruby on Rails applications, and how these techniques have been used on his WebLaws and OregonLaws sites. Additional support on the performance topic will also be provided by members of the NewRelic team.
  • ...and lots more!

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby, libraries, tools and techniques. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday".

SPONSOR: This venue is kindly provided by CrowdCompass, "the ultimate mobile app provider for conferences":

Dec 18, 2012
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack.

Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise!

Jan 8, 2013
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Note about the date: Yes, this meeting really is on the 8th because otherwise it would be on New Year's. Normally meetings are on the first Tuesday of a month.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Jan 29, 2013
Pdx.rb: Hack + Help Session
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby as well as old bitter veterans. Bring your laptop and your desire to learn.

Experienced Rubyists welcome; we will encourage newbies to self-teach during these sessions so you should have a great place to hack in peace.

Feb 5, 2013
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building


  • Markus Roberts: hangman - "It was a quiet night. The API was RESTful, but the developers weren't."
  • Ed Phillips will give a short talk on design principles within Rails: "For reasons of pragmatism and economy, I'll focus on test design. My current conscious thought on these principles has been reinvigorated by Sandi Metz, so I'll lean heavily on her work, as well as on Avdi's from Objects on Rails."
  • Lennon Day-Reynolds, now working at Twitter, will present "Ruby programming in the large". He'll talk about issues related to having hundreds of engineers working in a very small number of Ruby/Rails repositories, and what has and hasn't worked. He'll touch on process and culture, as well as architectural and technical solutions.

  • ...and lots of great group discussions on Ruby-related topics.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Feb 12, 2013
Pdx.rb: Hack + Help Session
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby as well as old bitter veterans. Bring your laptop and your desire to learn.

Experienced Rubyists welcome; we will encourage newbies to self-teach during these sessions so you should have a great place to hack in peace.

Feb 19, 2013
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Back at CrowdCompass this month!

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise!

If you have a question or a topic you'd like discussed at the meeting, feel free to post to the mailing list.

Feb 26, 2013
Pdx.rb: Hack + Help Session
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby as well as old bitter veterans. Bring your laptop and your desire to learn.

Experienced Rubyists welcome; we will encourage newbies to self-teach during these sessions so you should have a great place to hack in peace.

Mar 5, 2013
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Mar 12, 2013
Pdx.rb: Hack + Help Session
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby as well as old bitter veterans. Bring your laptop and your desire to learn.

Experienced Rubyists welcome; we will encourage newbies to self-teach during these sessions so you should have a great place to hack in peace.

Mar 19, 2013
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise!

If you have a question or a topic you'd like discussed at the meeting, feel free to post to the mailing list.

Mar 26, 2013
Pdx.rb: Hack + Help Session
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby as well as old bitter veterans. Bring your laptop and your desire to learn.

Experienced Rubyists welcome; we will encourage newbies to self-teach during these sessions so you should have a great place to hack in peace.

Apr 2, 2013
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting: Performance, "Get Your Ass to 1.9", "Hacking Cognition", and more!
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building


  • Markus Roberts: Ruby Hangman:!topic/pdxruby/OeaZCq4JHUM

  • David Celis and Ben Weintraub will talk about interesting performance issues.

  • Nic Benders from New Relic, "Get Your Ass to 1.9": Ruby 1.9 has been out for four years, everyone is telling you that it's great, but you've got this one production app (or maybe twelve) that is just sooo complicated and it looks like such a hassle to convert.... No more excuses people, it's 2013, let's get this thing done! I gave a version of this at Ruby on Ales last month, but we ran out of time and couldn't do questions. Since PDX Ruby is less formal, I am going to do it shorter, but with Q&A as we go. So bring your pointy sticks and lets have some fun.

  • Jonan Scheffler, "Hacking Cognition": This presentation will offer you some immediately actionable steps to improve your cognitive ability and be more efficient with your programming studies. You’ll learn techniques mnemonists use to memorize random pages of binary digits, how your brain physically changes as you learn something new and how simple changes in your daily routine can have a deep impact on your work.

  • ...and lots of great group discussions on Ruby-related topics.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Apr 9, 2013
Pdx.rb: Hack + Help Session
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby as well as old bitter veterans. Bring your laptop and your desire to learn.

Experienced Rubyists welcome; we will encourage newbies to self-teach during these sessions so you should have a great place to hack in peace.

Apr 16, 2013
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise!

If you have a question or a topic you'd like discussed at the meeting, feel free to post to the mailing list.

Apr 23, 2013
Pdx.rb: Hack + Help Session
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby as well as old bitter veterans. Bring your laptop and your desire to learn.

Experienced Rubyists welcome; we will encourage newbies to self-teach during these sessions so you should have a great place to hack in peace.

May 14, 2013
Pdx.rb: Hack + Help Session
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby as well as experienced programmers. Bring your laptop and your desire to learn.

Experienced Rubyists welcome; we will encourage newbies to self-teach during these sessions so you should have a great place to hack in peace.

May 21, 2013
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise!

If you have a question or a topic you'd like discussed at the meeting, feel free to post to the mailing list.

May 28, 2013
Pdx.rb: Hack + Help Session
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby as well as experienced programmers. Bring your laptop and your desire to learn.

Experienced Rubyists welcome; we will encourage newbies to self-teach during these sessions so you should have a great place to hack in peace.

Jun 4, 2013
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Thanks to CrowdCompass for hosting Ruby meetings every Tuesday!


  • Kerri Miller: You Can't Miss What You Can't Measure
    Adrift at sea, a GPS device will report your precise latitude and longitude, but if you don't know what those numbers mean, you're just as lost as before. Similarly, there are many tools that offer a wide variety of metrics about your code, but other than making you feel good, what are you supposed to do with this knowledge? Let's answer that question by exploring what the numbers mean, how static code analysis can add value to your development process, and how it can help us chart the unexplored seas of legacy code.
  • Markus Roberts: Ruby MRH (Most Recent Hangman)
  • Jonan Scheffler will talk about Ruby's singleton/eigen/metaclass.
  • David Celis and Ben Weintraub talk about interesting performance issues.
  • ...and lots of great group discussions on Ruby-related topics.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Jun 11, 2013
Pdx.rb: Hack + Help Session
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby as well as experienced programmers. Bring your laptop and your desire to learn.

Experienced Rubyists welcome; we will encourage newbies to self-teach during these sessions so you should have a great place to hack in peace.

Jun 25, 2013
Pdx.rb: Hack + Help Session
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby as well as experienced programmers. Bring your laptop and your desire to learn.

Experienced Rubyists welcome; we will encourage newbies to self-teach during these sessions so you should have a great place to hack in peace.

Jul 2, 2013
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting: Fluent Refactoring, performance issues, Ruby Hangman and more!
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Thanks to CrowdCompass for hosting Ruby meetings every Tuesday!


  • Markus Roberts: Ruby Hangman
  • David Celis and Ben Weintraub talk about interesting performance issues.
  • Sam Livingston-Gray: Fluent Refactoring

Fluency is "what you can say without having to think about how to say it." Refactoring is a language that describes ways you can make your code better. I want to inspire you to learn more of that language, so you can make your code better without having to think about it.

I'll walk through the process of reworking a 50-line controller action that resists comprehension, let alone refactoring. We'll discover how to tease apart some fiendishly intertwined code, embrace duplication, use dirty tricks to our advantage, and uncover responsibilities that weren't obvious when we started.

NOTE TO PDX.rb: I'll be giving this talk at Lone Star Ruby Conf in a few weeks. This will be a full run-through of the work in progress—slides may be incomplete, points may be muddled, jokes may not be quite as funny as they should be, and (time permitting) I'll ask you for feedback and suggestions at the end.

This presentation will be given without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Listen at your own risk. ;>

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Jul 9, 2013
Pdx.rb: Hack + Help Session
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby as well as experienced programmers. Bring your laptop and your desire to learn.

Experienced Rubyists welcome; we will encourage newbies to self-teach during these sessions so you should have a great place to hack in peace.

Jul 16, 2013
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise!

If you have a question or a topic you'd like discussed at the meeting, feel free to post to the mailing list.

Jul 23, 2013
Pdx.rb: Hack + Help Session
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby as well as experienced programmers. Bring your laptop and your desire to learn.

Experienced Rubyists welcome; we will encourage newbies to self-teach during these sessions so you should have a great place to hack in peace.

Jul 30, 2013
Pdx.rb: Hack + Help Session
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby as well as experienced programmers. Bring your laptop and your desire to learn.

Experienced Rubyists welcome; we will encourage newbies to self-teach during these sessions so you should have a great place to hack in peace.

Aug 6, 2013
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Thanks to CrowdCompass for hosting Ruby meetings every Tuesday!

11 year anniversary meeting!


  • Markus Roberts: Ruby Hangman
  • Jonan Scheffler will talk about metaprogramming in Ruby as it relates to eigenclasses and manipulating singleton objects and their methods.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Aug 13, 2013
Pdx.rb: Hack + Help Session
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby as well as experienced programmers. Bring your laptop and your desire to learn.

Experienced Rubyists welcome; we will encourage newbies to self-teach during these sessions so you should have a great place to hack in peace.

Aug 20, 2013
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise!

If you have a question or a topic you'd like discussed at the meeting, feel free to post to the mailing list.

Aug 27, 2013
Pdx.rb: Hack + Help Session
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby as well as experienced programmers. Bring your laptop and your desire to learn.

Experienced Rubyists welcome; we will encourage newbies to self-teach during these sessions so you should have a great place to hack in peace.

Sep 3, 2013
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Thanks to CrowdCompass for hosting Ruby meetings every Tuesday!


  • Markus Roberts Ruby Hangman
  • Lightning Talks:
  • -> Kerri Miller
  • -> You?

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Sep 10, 2013
Pdx.rb: Hack + Help Session
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby as well as experienced programmers. Bring your laptop and your desire to learn.

Experienced Rubyists welcome; we will encourage newbies to self-teach during these sessions so you should have a great place to hack in peace.

Sep 17, 2013
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise!

If you have a question or a topic you'd like discussed at the meeting, feel free to post to the mailing list.

Sep 24, 2013
Pdx.rb: Hack + Help Session
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby as well as experienced programmers. Bring your laptop and your desire to learn.

Experienced Rubyists welcome; we will encourage newbies to self-teach during these sessions so you should have a great place to hack in peace.

Oct 1, 2013
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Thanks to CrowdCompass for hosting Ruby meetings every Tuesday!


  • Markus Roberts: Ruby Hangman
  • David Celis and Ben Weintraub talk about interesting performance issues.
  • Robb Shecter: Code management from the organization's perspective Moved to November meeting

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Oct 8, 2013
Pdx.rb: Hack + Help Session
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby as well as experienced programmers. Bring your laptop and your desire to learn.

Experienced Rubyists welcome; we will encourage newbies to self-teach during these sessions so you should have a great place to hack in peace.

Oct 15, 2013
Ruby Beginners Meetup
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Hack. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise!

If you have a question or a topic you'd like discussed at the meeting, feel free to post to the mailing list.

Jul 23, 2008
FOSCON 2008: Cooking with Ruby
CubeSpace [ *sniff* out of business 12 June 2009]

FOSCON 2008: Cooking with Ruby

What: FOSCON is a free, fun gathering of Ruby fans held during an evening of O'Reilly's OSCON conference with cool presentations, food, discussions, and a live coding competition. Who: Anyone interested in Ruby, whether you're just curious or a seasoned pro. Where: CubeSpace, Portland, Oregon near the Oregon Convention Center (directions). When: Wednesday, July 23, 2008 from 6pm-9pm. Why: The Portland Ruby Brigade user group wants to share the joy of Ruby with you.

Presentations * IronRuby: John Lam * Selectricity and RubyVote: Benjamin Mako Hill * Ruby performance: Brian Ford * Musical glasses: Gregory Borenstein * Five minutes with Selenium: Ian Dees, author of "Scripted GUI Testing with Ruby" * Ruby culture: Audrey Eschright, Reid Beels and Igal Koshevoy of Calagator * Ruby server automation: Igal Koshevoy on AutomateIt * Ruby on Rails profiling: M. Edward Borasky on applying Linux OProfile * Ruby web development: John Labovitz on Gossamer, a microframework to spin websites out of distributed, lightweight, ephemeral resources * Live coding competition: Ruby on Rails, and hopefully Python Django, PHP Symfony, Drupal, and/or GemStone/S Smalltalk Seaside (details)

Sep 6, 2008
Luz, the Ruby Music Visualizer, Code Sprint
CubeSpace [ *sniff* out of business 12 June 2009]

Luz is a Ruby music visualization playground, aiming to create a simple, beautiful GUI for artists, and simple, beautiful code for us! (I heart Ruby!!)

We are holding the first-ever Luz code sprint:

  • Saturday, Sep 6th, 10am to 6pm at CubeSpace

(we had talked about doing it on sunday, but no: it's saturday)

This event is open to EVERYONE. Even if you don't know Ruby yet, there are plenty of ways to join in, from writing/improving the English descriptions for the 150+ existing plugins, to thinking of new plugins, or even just playing with Luz! :)

I'll bring all my gear for people to use: a wacom tablet, midi controller with gobs of dials and knobs, a gamepad, and we'll hook up to the projector.

Join us this Saturday! I really hope to see you there!


p.s. if you want to try out Luz ahead of time, it's super easy:

1) sudo apt-get install bzr ruby1.8 libgtk2-ruby libglade2-ruby libgtkglext1-ruby librmagick-ruby1.8 libcairo-ruby libsdl-ruby1.8 2) bzr branch luz 3) ./luz_editor.rb

Sep 11, 2008
Luz Code Sprint - Ruby music visualization
CubeSpace [ *sniff* out of business 12 June 2009]

Luz is a Ruby music visualization playground, aiming to create a simple, beautiful GUI for artists, and simple, beautiful code internally!

This event is open to EVERYONE, from coders to artists to musicians, everyone's input and contributions will be super useful.

I'm especially eager to see:

  • 2d sketch artists
  • OpenGL enthusiasts
  • Cairo enthusiasts

Please don't hesitate to invite your friends! :)

We'll have some fun inputs to play with: a wacom tablet, a console with gobs of dials and knobs, a gamepad, and hopefully we'll be able to hook up to the projector.

If you want to try out Luz ahead of time, it's super easy. In Ubuntu:

1) sudo apt-get install bzr ruby1.8 libgtk2-ruby libglade2-ruby libgtkglext1-ruby librmagick-ruby1.8 libcairo-ruby libsdl-ruby1.8 2) bzr branch luz 3) ./luz_editor.rb

Sep 18, 2008
Luz Code Sprint -- Music Visualization in Ruby
CubeSpace [ *sniff* out of business 12 June 2009]

I'm happy to announce the third Luz Code Sprint, happening this Thursday the 18th, 5-9pm at CubeSpace.

Luz is a Ruby music visualization playground, aiming to create a simple, beautiful GUI for artists, and simple, beautiful code for us! (I heart Ruby!!)

This event is open to EVERYONE, from coders to artists to musicians, everyone's input and contributions will be super useful.

I'm especially eager to see:

  • 2d sketch artists
  • OpenGL enthusiasts
  • Cairo enthusiasts

So please don't hesitate to invite your friends! :)

I'll bring all my gear for people to play with: a wacom tablet, a console with gobs of dials and knobs, a gamepad, and hopefully we'll be able to hook up to the projector.

Join us this Thursday! I really hope to see you there!


p.s. if you want to try out Luz ahead of time, it's super easy. In Ubuntu:

1) sudo apt-get install bzr ruby1.8 libgtk2-ruby libglade2-ruby libgtkglext1-ruby librmagick-ruby1.8 libcairo-ruby libsdl-ruby1.8 2) bzr branch luz 3) ./luz_editor.rb

Oct 7, 2008
pdx.rb, Ruby Brigade October Meeting
CubeSpace [ *sniff* out of business 12 June 2009]

To be decided.

Oct 11, 2008
Calagator Code Sprint
CubeSpace [ *sniff* out of business 12 June 2009]

Join us to work on adding features and improving Calagator!

We have a full-day code sprint on Saturday at CubeSpace starting at 10am and ending around 6pm. You don't have to be there for the full day, join us for however much time you'd like to contribute.

Some possible tasks for the sprint include adding data versioning and rollback, improving Google Calendar compatibility, and reviewing whether we'd like to include basic reservation support as seen on this demo site:

Everyone is welcome to participate, even those that haven't been at a code sprint before. These events are great for learning more about Ruby and Rails, agile programming, and finding ways to work better with other technical people in a friendly environment while making a genuine contribution to a community project.

Join us!


Nov 4, 2008
Ruby: pdx.rb November meeting
CubeSpace [ *sniff* out of business 12 June 2009]

pdx.rb is a gathering of Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area.

Dec 2, 2008
Portland Ruby Brigade
CubeSpace [ *sniff* out of business 12 June 2009]

pdx.rb is a gathering of Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area.

The next meeting of the Portland Ruby Brigade is coming up.

If you have a topic you'd like to present, please post to the mailing list so we can make sure that you get a spot.

Possible topics * Rails 2.2 features and changes review -- * Providing Ruby with access to C libraries through SWIG -- * ...?

Dec 4, 2008
Calagator CodeSprint
CubeSpace [ *sniff* out of business 12 June 2009]

Join us to work on adding features and improving Calagator!

Everyone is welcome to participate, even those that haven't been at a code sprint before. These events are great for learning more about Ruby and Rails, agile programming, and finding ways to work better with other technical people in a friendly environment while making a genuine contribution to a community project.

Jan 6, 2009
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
CubeSpace [ *sniff* out of business 12 June 2009]

pdx.rb is a gathering of Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area.

Presentations: - "Using the Ruby DBI, a low-level database interface" by Erik Hollensbe, the DBI maintainer - "Exploring the DataMapper ORM" with Jesse Hallett. - ...and often many others spontaneously added during meeting

Other possible topics: - What's new in Ruby 1.9.1? - What's new in Rails 2.2? - ...and more!

Jan 24, 2009
Calagator code sprint
CubeSpace [ *sniff* out of business 12 June 2009]

Come join us to work on improving Calagator in recognition of its 1 year birthday. We'll have a birthday party afterward.

Feb 3, 2009
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
CubeSpace [ *sniff* out of business 12 June 2009]

A user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area.

Presentations will include: * Monty Williams of GemStone's MagLev Alpha * Jesse Hallett on Rack, middleware and its role in Rails 2.3 * Don Park on OAuth and the Rails plugin * Dane Jensen on EventMachine and Thin * M. Edward (Ed) Borasky on Ruby 1.9.1 performance comparisons * ...and much more!

Mar 3, 2009
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
CubeSpace [ *sniff* out of business 12 June 2009]

The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses.

Apr 7, 2009
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
CubeSpace [ *sniff* out of business 12 June 2009]

The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses.

Presentations will include: * Igal Koshevoy: "Message queues showdown: Kestrel, AMQP, Starling, Sparrow, MemcacheQ, Delayed::Job, Beanstalk" * Bill Burcham: "Experiences migrating from EC2 to Heroku" * Jesse Hallett: "Protecting against CSRF attacks" (Cross-Site Request Forgery) * Markus Roberts: "Symbolic expressions that lets you capture expressions (generally numeric) as introspectable tree structures, manipulate them, evaluate them, etc." * Ed Borasky: "Overview of the Twitter API libraries"

May 5, 2009
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
CubeSpace [ *sniff* out of business 12 June 2009]

The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses.

Jun 2, 2009
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
CubeSpace [ *sniff* out of business 12 June 2009]

The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses.

Oct 13, 2011
discover-e Legal, LLC

The group is kicking off again talking on all sorts of dev topics, come join us for discussion, presentation, and impromptu developer bits.

Nov 15, 2011
Portland ALT.NET Lightning Presentations, Hack Session, and More
discover-e Legal, LLC

We'll have a few lightning talks on Visual Studio .NET 2010 & AWS (Amazon Web Services) Toolkit, utilizing CouchDB for data processing & testing, and more! Following that we'll touch on some mixed environment topics (Ruby on Rails + ASP.NET MVC w/ SQL Server) along with some.

We'll end the evening with a round at Bailey's (or other democratically elected establishment) with the distinctive possibility of some TDD, BDD, or hackery of some sort.

Note: There is also an invites... ...and for final location directions please see the meetup invite. Thanks!

on here:

on here:

on here:

Nov 17, 2011
Portland ALT.NET Lightning Presentations, Hack Session, and More
discover-e Legal, LLC

We'll have a few lightning talks on Visual Studio .NET 2010 & AWS (Amazon Web Services) Toolkit, utilizing CouchDB for data processing & testing, and more! Following that we'll touch on some mixed environment topics (Ruby on Rails + ASP.NET MVC w/ SQL Server) along with some.

We'll end the evening with a round at Bailey's (or other democratically elected establishment) with the distinctive possibility of some TDD, BDD, or hackery of some sort.

Note: There is also an invites... ...and for final location directions please see the meetup invite. Thanks!

on here:

on here:

on here:

Jul 19, 2012
ELC Technologies Internship Program Introduction
ELC Technologies offices

ELC Technologies is starting up a new paid internship program. If you've dabbled with Rails but haven't quite made it to paid developer status yet this may be just the program for you. Come and talk to us, eat food, and find out why you want to apply for the program.

The Program
The internship will take 3 months and by the end we expect that you will be ready to start work as a junior programmer immediately. This internship is not a requirement for employment at ELC and is no guarantee of employment, but it is a great way to get the fundamentals while getting paid to do so.

The Event
The introduction event will allow you to connect with the instructors and the organizers behind the internship program while eating delicious pizza and consuming beverages. We will go over the format of the program, talk about the requirements needed to enter, and the application process. At the end we will have time for you to talk to coaches and ELC employees about what it's like to work for ELC and what sorts of projects we work on.

For more information please email: [email protected]

Sep 4, 2012
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
Elemental Technologies


  • Jacob Helwig and Markus Roberts: Ruby hangman puzzle
  • Igal Koshevoy on using the factory_girl and database_cleaner gems to make integration testing with database records easier, clearer, faster and properly isolated.
  • ...and a lot of discussions on various Ruby-related topics

IMPORTANT: Help us prepare enough food and drink for you by (1) going to this Plancast page and clicking the "count me in" link on right side, and (2) tell us which pizza you want.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

ABOUT THE SPONSOR: The venue, food and refreshments are provided by Elemental Technologies, a Portland, Oregon software company that specializes in massively parallel processing solutions for video encoding, decoding and transcoding of video over IP networks. For more information, visit

May 7, 2013
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
Elemental Technologies

Thanks to Elemental for providing the space, and pizza & beer!


  • We'll have a short time at the beginning of the meeting to share some stories about Igal, then can continue at the after-meeting-beer.
  • Markus Roberts, Ruby Hangman for Martes, Seite de Mayo
  • Bill Den Beste, Reprise, Inc.: Generating Business Documents with Prawn
  • Reid Beels: Generating Business Documents with PDFKit
  • ...and lots of great group discussions on Ruby-related topics.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Aug 23, 2014
Calagator Code Sprint
Elemental Technologies

Come hack on Calagator, the open source calendar aggregator.

We'll be digging in to open issues, working on some refactoring tasks, and getting new folks acquainted with the code base.

Catch up on the current status with these notes from Open Source Bridge:

Also check out the current issues in our tracker:

Calagator is a Ruby/Rails web app.

Jan 6, 2016
Reboot! Getting started with RubyMotion to build an iOS app.
Elemental Technologies

Happy new year! Want to build a mobile app in 2016? Come join us and learn how to use RubyMotion to build that app in half the time in a syntax that you will enjoy!

Our first meeting of the new year we will be a workshop. We will walk through getting a free version of RubyMotion installed on your laptop, building an iOS app to fetch data from an API, display the data as a list, pass data from the list to a detail screen, and apply some basic styling.

We'll be at a new location, provided by Elemental Technologies. You're on your own for dinner until we can find a pizza sponsor.

Jun 22, 2011
Portland Ruby Brigade birds-of-a-feather at Open Source Bridge
Eliot Center (First Unitarian Church)

The Ruby programming language continues to be popular for web development and other uses in Portland and beyond. Come talk about what you’re working on, and find out what other people are using Ruby for.

If you'd like to give a short talk (3-10 minutes), please prepare and mention it at the beginning of the meeting so we can add you to the agenda. We'll spend the rest of the time on open discussions, which will be awesome.

The Portland Ruby Brigade (pdxruby) meets regularly to discuss these topics. See for details.

IMPORTANT: If you don’t already have a ticket for the Open Source Bridge conference, you’ll need to either buy one or register for a free “Community Pass” that will let you into the Friday unconference, Hacker Lounge and the evening BoFs:

Jun 18, 2013
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby
Eliot Center (First Unitarian Church)

This month we're meeting at the Eliot Center during Open Source Bridge in room B202/203.

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise!

If you have a question or a topic you'd like discussed at the meeting, feel free to post to the mailing list.

Jan 15, 2013
Rubinius Help Desk And Hack Hours
Engine Yard

Bring your Rubinius aspirations, questions, or problems and we'll hack on them.

Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby [DIFFERENT VENUE!]
Engine Yard

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack.

Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise!

For this month we'll be meeting at Engine Yard downtown.

Jan 20, 2013
Rubinius Help Desk And Hack Hours
Engine Yard

Bring your Rubinius aspirations, questions, or problems and we'll hack on them.

Jan 22, 2013
Rubinius Help Desk And Hack Hours
Engine Yard

Bring your Rubinius aspirations, questions, or problems and we'll hack on them.

Feb 7, 2013
Rubinius Help Desk And Hack Hours
Engine Yard

Bring your Rubinius aspirations, questions, or problems and we'll hack on them.

Feb 12, 2013
Rubinius Help Desk And Hack Hours
Engine Yard

Bring your Rubinius aspirations, questions, or problems and we'll hack on them.

Feb 19, 2013
Rubinius Help Desk And Hack Hours
Engine Yard

Bring your Rubinius aspirations, questions, or problems and we'll hack on them.

Mar 12, 2013
Rubinius Help Desk And Hack Hours
Engine Yard

Dirkjan Bussink is here from The Netherlands! Bring your Rubinius aspirations, questions, or problems and we'll hack on them.

Mar 28, 2013
Engine Yard Happy Hour
Engine Yard

It's been too long since we had folks over. And I swear, we somehow accumulated too much beer. ;) So we're having a drink night tomorrow (Thursday) from 6-8 pm. Come by, help us with our drink(ing) problem, and see some faces old and new.


Amy, Mark, Rachel, and Jacob.

Jun 30, 2013
Hackathon - Activst Event Calendar at Engine Yard
Engine Yard

The dream: The "Craig's List" of Activism & Civic Engagement, or.... Calagator + more features + more functions, focused on activism and available in every city every where. Because it should be.

Come tech types, come biz dev, come social media types, come change-makers!

Help create the site that will make your life easier, further your favorite causes, and impact the world!

One source for all the documentary screenings, protests, political debates, historical tours, and various geek events, in every city. A tool that empowers everybody to create change in their world. A tool for organizations to reach beyond their choir, discover new allies on issues and further their causes.

The event calendar is open source, forked from the Calagator code-base, in Ruby on Rails.

Yes, of course food and beer! Please RSVP

Feb 11, 2014
Hack + Help

New to coding, or just want to pick up a new language?

Experienced in coding and want to help others learn?

Come to Hack + Help and bring your desire to learn or teach! If you don't have a laptop, we have plenty of computers you can use.

This event was born out of PDX.rb but now regularly has experienced attendees who are willing to help you out with Ruby, JavaScript, Python, HTML/CSS, and more.

Mar 11, 2014
Hack + Help

New to coding, or just want to pick up a new language?

Experienced in coding and want to help others learn?

Come to Hack + Help and bring your desire to learn or teach! If you don't have a laptop, we have plenty of computers you can use.

This event was born out of PDX.rb but now regularly has experienced attendees who are willing to help you out with Ruby, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, and more.

Apr 8, 2014
Hack + Help - with Ryan Carson, Treehouse CEO

In addition to our regular hacking and helping, Ryan Carson, CEO of Treehouse, is going to give a talk at 6:30! And then you can pepper him with questions about learning and teaching coding.

New to coding, or just want to pick up a new language?

Experienced in coding and want to help others learn?

Come to Hack + Help and bring your desire to learn or teach! If you don't have a laptop, we have plenty of computers you can use.

This event was born out of PDX.rb but now regularly has experienced attendees who are willing to help you out with Ruby, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, and more.

Apr 16, 2014
Beginner's coding night

Every Wednesday, Epicodus opens its office to beginner coders who want guidance about how to start learning to code, help with particular coding problems, or just a place to work for a couple hours with other beginners.

Apr 23, 2014
Beginner's coding night

Every Wednesday, Epicodus opens its office to beginner coders who want guidance about how to start learning to code, help with particular coding problems, or just a place to work for a couple hours with other beginners!

Sep 17, 2014
Epicodus Open House

Epicodus is having an opening house!

Anybody is welcome: potential students interested in attending, employers interested in hiring, and everybody from the community who's interested or just wants to make new friends :)

If you aren't familiar, Epicodus ( is a four month, forty hour per week, in-person class on web development. Students learn the full stack from the database up to the client side, using JavaScript, Ember or Angular, Ruby, and Rails.

At the open house, we'll provide pizza and soft drinks. You'll have a chance to meet the students, see what they've been working on, and learn more about Epicodus.

Hope to see you there!

RSVP on Eventbrite:

Oct 18, 2014
Calagator Code Sprint

Come hack on Calagator, the open source calendar aggregator.

We'll be digging in to open issues, working on some refactoring tasks, and getting new folks acquainted with the code base.

Catch up on the current status with these notes from Open Source Bridge:

Also check out the current issues in our tracker:

Calagator is a Ruby/Rails web app.

Nov 8, 2014
Calagator Code Sprint

Come hack on Calagator, the open source calendar aggregator.

We'll be digging in to open issues, working on some refactoring tasks, and getting new folks acquainted with the code base.

Catch up on the current status with these notes from Open Source Bridge:

Also check out the current issues in our tracker:

Calagator is a Ruby/Rails web app.

Dec 6, 2014
Calagator Code Sprint

Come hack on Calagator, the open source calendar aggregator.

We'll be digging in to open issues, working on some refactoring tasks, and getting new folks acquainted with the code base.

Catch up on the current status with these notes from Open Source Bridge:

Also check out the current issues in our tracker:

Calagator is a Ruby/Rails web app.

(What we ended up doing.)

Jan 3, 2015
Calagator Code Sprint

Come hack on Calagator, the open source calendar aggregator.

We'll be digging in to open issues, working on some refactoring tasks, and getting new folks acquainted with the code base.

Catch up on the current status with these notes from the Calagator project wiki (, or check out our open issues ( to find something you'd like to work on!

Calagator is a Ruby/Rails web app.

Jan 6, 2015
Drop in hour for prospective students

Epicodus is a 20 week, full time, in-person class on programming. You'll learn everything you need to know to get a job as a web developer or build your startup's app.

At Epicodus, you'll learn how to build web applications from top to bottom with modern technologies and practices. More importantly than any particular skill, though, you'll learn how to think like a programmer, write good code, and pick up new languages and technologies in this fast-changing industry.

We currently offer two courses: one covering PHP, JavaScript, and Drupal, and one covering Ruby, JavaScript, and Rails.

Stop in to meet our staff, see the classroom and ask lots of questions. And if you're working on the pre-class homework from we can help with that!

Check out our FAQ:

Feb 3, 2015
Drop in hour for prospective Epicodus students and startup entrepreneurs

Epicodus is pleased to be a part of Portland Startup Week! Join us in celebrating Portland's startup community and entrepreneurial spirit. Drop in to meet our staff, see the classroom and ask lots of questions.

A bit about us:

Epicodus is a 20 week, full time, in-person class on programming. You'll learn everything you need to know to get a job as a web developer or build your startup's app.

We currently offer two courses: one covering PHP, JavaScript, and Drupal, and one covering Ruby, JavaScript, and Rails. Take a look at our curriculum at

Check out our FAQ:

Hope to see you there!

Feb 7, 2015
Calagator & Open Source Bridge Code Sprint

Come hack on Calagator, the open source calendar aggregator.

We'll be digging in to open issues, working on some refactoring tasks, and getting new folks acquainted with the code base.

Catch up on the current status with these notes from the Calagator project wiki (, or check out our open issues ( to find something you'd like to work on!

Calagator is a Ruby/Rails web app.

Feb 16, 2015
Ruby brightnight

Break into small teams! Build something awesome! Share the results!

At brightnight, we will start with a challenge, break into small groups, then create and code our ideas into existence! We will take the last 30 or so minutes of the night to show and tell. All skill levels are welcome. We'll code in Ruby but those who know other languages are welcome as well.

Come join us to enjoy some creative coding time where we all can learn from each other, try out wacky ideas and cultivate our skills in a fun, low-pressure environment.

Bring Computers to work on

Feb 21, 2015
Calagator & Open Source Bridge Code Sprint

Come hack on Calagator, the open source calendar aggregator, and Open Source Bridge, Stumptown Syndicate's open source conference.

We'll be digging in to open issues, working on some refactoring tasks, and getting new folks acquainted with the code bases.

Catch up on the current status by checking out our open issues ( to find something you'd like to work on!

Calagator is a Ruby/Rails web app.

Mar 3, 2015
Drop in hour for prospective students

Epicodus is a 20 week, full time, in-person class on programming. You'll learn everything you need to know to get a job as a web developer or build your startup's app.

At Epicodus, you'll learn how to build web applications from top to bottom with modern technologies and practices. More importantly than any particular skill, though, you'll learn how to think like a programmer, write good code, and pick up new languages and technologies in this fast-changing industry.

We currently offer two courses: one covering PHP, JavaScript, and Drupal, and one covering Ruby, JavaScript, and Rails.

Stop in to meet our staff, see the classroom and ask lots of questions. And if you're working on the pre-class homework from we can help with that!

Check out our FAQ:

Mar 16, 2015
Ruby brightnight

Break into small teams! Build something awesome! Share the results!

At brightnight, we will start with a challenge, break into small groups, then create and code our ideas into existence! We will take the last 30 or so minutes of the night to show and tell. All skill levels are welcome. We'll code in Ruby but those who know other languages are welcome as well.

Come join us to enjoy some creative coding time where we all can learn from each other, try out wacky ideas and cultivate our skills in a fun, low-pressure environment.

Bring Computers to work on

Mar 18, 2015


Join us for presentations, demos, discussions, and help getting started with RubyMotion. Bring your laptop if you’d like to follow along. You’ll want to have RubyMotion (download trial), the latest version of Xcode, and Xcode Command Line Tools (xcode-select --install) installed. Since this is our first meetup, we'll set aside some time to socialize. ClearSight will provide pizza and soda, and Epicodus is graciously providing our meetup location.

RubyMotion Basics

Jamon Holmgren

Basic app creation, how-tos, general tips and tricks, best practices, tests, and more!

Social Time

Hang out, meet everyone, ask each other or the speakers some questions, bounce ideas around, etc.

Cross Platform RubyMotion


We'll explore the current state of cross platform programming with RubyMotion and discuss some of the plans ClearSight has for improving cross platform development.

Apr 2, 2015
Learn Ruby PDX

We will be walking through writing your own methods and classes, (chris pine book) Whatever I feel is relevant to these subjects from eloquent ruby (which is much better updated) and add more syntax for you to memorize. Feel free to bring your own projects as well.

In Chris pine's book:

In Eloquent ruby: chapter 7-10

We will be going over methods and objects. Dynamic typing skills and more design techniques. we've slowed down on Pine as there is a lot of stuff in the Eloquent Ruby book that can help us refine our skills. I will assign a short project to work on at the end of this meetup to bring back our next meetup.

We will also be doing more psudo code examples.

Please join the meetup to RSPV

Apr 7, 2015
Drop in hour for prospective students

Epicodus is a 20 week, full time, in-person class on programming. You'll learn everything you need to know to get a job as a web developer or build your startup's app.

At Epicodus, you'll learn how to build web applications from top to bottom with modern technologies and practices. More importantly than any particular skill, though, you'll learn how to think like a programmer, write good code, and pick up new languages and technologies in this fast-changing industry.

We currently offer two courses: one covering PHP, JavaScript, and Drupal, and one covering Ruby, JavaScript, and Rails.

Stop in to meet our staff, see the classroom and ask lots of questions. And if you're working on the pre-class homework from we can help with that!

Check out our FAQ:

Apr 16, 2015
Learn Ruby PDX

We will be continuing our series on building classes (chris pine book) and Whatever is relevant to this subject from eloquent ruby (which is much better updated). Feel free to bring your own projects as well.

In Chris pine's book:

In Eloquent ruby: chapter 7-10

We will be going over methods and objects. Dynamic typing skills and more design techniques. we've slowed down on Pine as there is a lot of stuff in the Eloquent Ruby book that can help us refine our skills. I will assign a short project to work on at the end of this meetup to bring back our next meetup.

We will also be doing more psudo code examples.

Please join the meetup to RSPV

Apr 20, 2015
Ruby brightnight

Break into small teams! Build something awesome! Share the results!

At brightnight, we will start with a challenge, break into small groups, then create and code our ideas into existence! We will take the last 30 or so minutes of the night to show and tell. All skill levels are welcome. We'll code in Ruby but those who know other languages are welcome as well.

Come join us to enjoy some creative coding time where we all can learn from each other, try out wacky ideas and cultivate our skills in a fun, low-pressure environment.

Bring Computers to work on

May 18, 2015
Ruby brightnight

Break into small teams! Build something awesome! Share the results!

At brightnight, we will start with a challenge, break into small groups, then create and code our ideas into existence! We will take the last 30 or so minutes of the night to show and tell. All skill levels are welcome. We'll code in Ruby but those who know other languages are welcome as well.

Come join us to enjoy some creative coding time where we all can learn from each other, try out wacky ideas and cultivate our skills in a fun, low-pressure environment.

Bring Computers to work on

Jun 2, 2015
Drop in hour for prospective students

Epicodus is a 20 week, full time, in-person class on programming. You'll learn everything you need to know to get a job as a web developer or build your startup's app.

At Epicodus, you'll learn how to build web applications from top to bottom with modern technologies and practices. More importantly than any particular skill, though, you'll learn how to think like a programmer, write good code, and pick up new languages and technologies in this fast-changing industry.

We currently offer three courses: one covering PHP, JavaScript, and Drupal, one covering Ruby, JavaScript, and Rails, and a new class covering Java, JavaScript, and Android. Currently, the Java class is women-only.

Stop in to meet our staff, see the classroom and ask lots of questions. And if you're working on the pre-class homework from we can help with that!

Check out our FAQ:

Jun 15, 2015
Ruby brightnight

Break into small teams! Build something awesome! Share the results!

At brightnight, we will start with a challenge, break into small groups, then create and code our ideas into existence! We will take the last 30 or so minutes of the night to show and tell. All skill levels are welcome. We'll code in Ruby but those who know other languages are welcome as well.

Come join us to enjoy some creative coding time where we all can learn from each other, try out wacky ideas and cultivate our skills in a fun, low-pressure environment.

Bring Computers to work on if you prefer

Jul 20, 2015
Ruby brightnight

Break into small teams! Build something awesome! Share the results!

At brightnight, we will start with a challenge, break into small groups, then create and code our ideas into existence! We will take the last 30 or so minutes of the night to show and tell. All skill levels are welcome. We'll code in Ruby but those who know other languages are welcome as well.

Come join us to enjoy some creative coding time where we all can learn from each other, try out wacky ideas and cultivate our skills in a fun, low-pressure environment.

Bring Computers to work on if you prefer

Oct 23, 2016
Learn Ruby PDX "Hello Ruby world, let's get configured!"

Come get help configuring your computer for ruby. Bring your laptop, and your configuration questions. End the night with your very first "hello world" Program and a few math tricks to test your new configuration. Learn ruby pdx is a set of free curated lessons in ruby, rspec, (and now introducing rails). They are two hour classes, the first hour going over basic ruby and computer science concepts leading to intermediate concepts in the second hour. We continually develop our curriculum based upon software trends in order to teach not just how to program in a way that leads to a ruby career, but to a "learn more than one language" mindset, with a program that emphasizes current practices in the ruby industry.

Feb 7, 2014
CANCELED - Ruby Programmers Informal Co-Working
Floyds Coffee Shop


Based off an idea from the pdxruby mailing list, this event is for any ruby programmers who want to informally co-work from a cafe. I'll be at Floyd's Coffee (, probably wearing a green hoodie and working on ruby.

If you'd like me to email you about each weekly co-working session, you can email me (Mike LaPeter) at my first initial + last name at gmail.

Feb 14, 2014
Ruby Programmers Informal Co-Working
Floyds Coffee Shop

Based off an idea from the pdxruby mailing list, this event is for any ruby programmers who want to informally co-work from a cafe. I'll be at Floyd's Coffee (, probably wearing a green hoodie and working on ruby.

If you'd like me to email you about each weekly co-working session, you can email me (Mike LaPeter) at my first initial + last name at gmail.

Mar 28, 2014
Ruby Programmers Informal Co-Working
Floyds Coffee Shop

Based off an idea from the pdxruby mailing list, this event is for any ruby programmers who want to informally co-work from a cafe. We'll be at Floyd's Coffee in Old Town... come join!

May 23, 2014
Ruby Programmers Informal Co-Working
Floyds Coffee Shop

Based off an idea from the pdxruby mailing list, this event is for any ruby programmers who want to informally co-work from a cafe. Look for 4-10 people with laptops sitting in a bunch, introduce yourself and grab a seat!

Jan 24, 2014
Ruby Programmers Informal Co-Working
Ford Food and Drink (SE 11th and Division)

Based off an idea from the pdxruby mailing list, this event is for any ruby programmers who want to informally co-work from a cafe. I'll be at Ford food and Drink, wearing a green RailsConf t-shirt and working on ruby. Come join!

If you'd like me to email you about each weekly co-working session, you can email me (Mike LaPeter) at my first initial + last name @gmail.

Feb 6, 2014
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi)
Ford Food and Drink (SE 11th and Division)

New location: Ford Food & Drink! Since Side Door is closing early starting Feb, we are trying new venues, this week Ford Food & Drink.

Update: Due to #snowpocalypse Ford is closing at 8pm tonight

Come hang out and write code in a quiet, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult.

Mar 21, 2014
Ruby Programmers Informal Co-Working
Ford Food and Drink (SE 11th and Division)

Based off an idea from the pdxruby mailing list, this event is for any ruby programmers who want to informally co-work from a cafe. We'll be at Ford Food and Drink on SE 11th and Division... come join!

Apr 18, 2014
Ruby Programmers Informal Co-Working
Ford Food and Drink (SE 11th and Division)

Based off an idea from the pdxruby mailing list, this event is for any ruby programmers who want to informally co-work from a cafe. We'll be at the large table in Ford Food and Drink on SE 11th and Division... come join!

May 16, 2014
Ruby Programmers Informal Co-Working
Ford Food and Drink (SE 11th and Division)

Based off an idea from the pdxruby mailing list, this event is for any ruby programmers who want to informally co-work from a cafe. We'll likely be sitting at the big middle table, and I'll probably be wearing a green railsconf tshirt. Grab a seat and introduce yourself!

May 10, 2017
I want to work for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ meetup
Forge Portland

Join our very special meetup session this Wednesday, May 10th 6:00pm to 8:30pm at Forge Portland. Our special guests this month are Scott Judkins, CEO of PayTrace and Trevor Redfern, CTO of PayTrace! PayTace is a super unique “remote-first” company. They are based out of Spokane, WA but most of the technology and business development staff members are based all over WA, OR and Idaho! Over the years, they built a very robust remote-first culture and have been thriving the last couple years. The company is growing at 35% per year and adding a lot of new tech staff (developers, QA and infrastructure folks). PayTrace has also built an intentional culture and goes to great lengths to nourish their values and build a great team-oriented workplace. They currently use the following technologies: Ubuntu, python, ruby, Ruby-on-rails, PostgresSQL, SQL Alchemy etc.

If you are looking to learn about a fast growing technology company that thrives on remote teams in the open-source world, you should definitely join!!

Nov 30, 2010
Galois Tech Talk: The Rubinius Virtual Machine
Galois, Inc

Presented by Brian Ford

Ruby is a highly dynamic, strongly-typed programming language created by Yukihiro Matsumoto in 1993 and first released in 1995. It borrows from Smalltalk, Lisp, and Perl. Ruby has single inheritance, mixins, and syntax features like omission of parentheses that make it well-suited for embedded domain-specific languages. Ruby was popularized by the Ruby on Rails web development framework.

The Rubinius project began as an implementation of the Ruby programming language roughly following the design of the Smalltalk-80 virtual machine described in the Blue book (“Smalltalk-80: the language and its implementation” by Adele Goldberg and David Robson). We have extended the initial implementation based on modern research in virtual machines, garbage collectors, and just-in-time (JIT) compilers. Rubinius currently features a stack-oriented opcode virtual machine, generational garbage collector, and LLVM-based JIT compiler. Most of the Ruby core library and the bytecode compiler are written in Ruby.

We will examine the main features of Rubinius and take a deeper dive into some aspects of the virtual machine and JIT compiler. We will also look at possible future work to address memory load, startup, and suitability for using Rubinius in Android phones. If there is time and interest, we will discuss implementing programming languages besides Ruby on Rubinius.

Galois Tech Talk: The Rubinius Virtual Machine
Galois, Inc

Presented by Brian Ford

Ruby is a highly dynamic, strongly-typed programming language created by Yukihiro Matsumoto in 1993 and first released in 1995. It borrows from Smalltalk, Lisp, and Perl. Ruby has single inheritance, mixins, and syntax features like omission of parentheses that make it well-suited for embedded domain-specific languages. Ruby was popularized by the Ruby on Rails web development framework.

The Rubinius project began as an implementation of the Ruby programming language roughly following the design of the Smalltalk-80 virtual machine described in the Blue book (“Smalltalk-80: the language and its implementation” by Adele Goldberg and David Robson). We have extended the initial implementation based on modern research in virtual machines, garbage collectors, and just-in-time (JIT) compilers. Rubinius currently features a stack-oriented opcode virtual machine, generational garbage collector, and LLVM-based JIT compiler. Most of the Ruby core library and the bytecode compiler are written in Ruby.

We will examine the main features of Rubinius and take a deeper dive into some aspects of the virtual machine and JIT compiler. We will also look at possible future work to address memory load, startup, and suitability for using Rubinius in Android phones. If there is time and interest, we will discuss implementing programming languages besides Ruby on Rubinius.

May 7, 2014
Portland Novice Programmers Meetup (First One!)
Galois, Inc

RSVP on the site. Please and thank you!

Be at the door by 5:30pm.

Message me on Skype: tylerzika if you are running behind so we can buzz you in.

Small presentation on the meetup idea and values at 5:45pm by Tyler Zika.

Socialize, forming Master Mind groups, coding, and brainstorming from 6-7pm.

Another small presentation. Topic and speaker TBA for remainder of meetup.

Happy Coding!

Apr 11, 2014
Ruby Programmers Informal Co-Working
Glyph Cafe

Based off an idea from the pdxruby mailing list, this event is for any ruby programmers who want to informally co-work from a cafe. Come join us at Glyph Cafe!

May 9, 2014
Ruby Programmers Informal Co-Working
Glyph Cafe

Based off an idea from the pdxruby mailing list, this event is for any ruby programmers who want to informally co-work from a cafe. Come join us at Glyph Cafe! Look for 4-10 people with laptops sitting in a bunch.

Jun 13, 2014
Ruby Programmers Informal Co-Working
Glyph Cafe

Based off an idea from the pdxruby mailing list, this event is for any ruby programmers who want to informally co-work from a cafe. Come join us at Glyph Cafe! Look fora small group of people with laptops sitting in a bunch.

Mar 14, 2014
Ruby Programmers Informal Co-Working
Heart Coffee

Based off an idea from the pdxruby mailing list, this event is for any ruby programmers who want to informally co-work from a cafe. We'll be at Heart Cofee at 537 SW 12th... come join!

If you'd like me to email you about each weekly co-working session, you can email me (Mike LaPeter) at my first initial + last name at gmail.

Feb 9, 2015
Code4Lib 2015 Preconference
Hilton Portland and Executive Tower

Code4Lib 2015 is a loosely-structured conference that provides people working at the intersection of libraries/archives/museums/cultural heritage and technology with a chance to share ideas, be inspired, and forge collaborations.

Preconferences are 1-day or a 1/2-day events and workshops that will occur on Monday, February 9, 2015.

Preconference details can be found at:

Register for full day or half day preconference through Registration for preconferences uses the same form as conference registration, but you DO NOT need to register for the main conference to attend a preconference.

Please show your interest in particular preconferences by adding your name to the list on the wiki page linked above.

For more information about the Code4Lib community, please visit

Aug 3, 2017
Vancouver Ruby - Hack night/office hours Office

Join us every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month to hang out, talk web development, and work on whatever strikes your fancy. 

You don't need to have a project to attend, but if you do, feel free to bring it along to get help from the group or just get a few extra coding hours logged.

The event is hosted at Hint's office on Main street in uptown. On occasion, drinks will also be provided by Hint.

Mar 14, 2014
Portland Code School: Friday Brunch
Jam on Hawthorne

At this event, you can talk with the staff, meet current and past students, introduce yourself to other prospective students. We’ll socialize while we eat, drink, and otherwise be merry! Enjoy your first mimosa/orange juice on us!

If you sign up for the Primer class at this event, you'll receive a $100 discount!

Mar 21, 2014
Portland Code School: Friday Brunch
Jam on Hawthorne

At this event, you can talk with the staff, meet current and past students, introduce yourself to other prospective students. We’ll socialize while we eat, drink, and otherwise be merry! Enjoy your first mimosa/orange juice on us!

If you sign up for the Primer class at this event, you'll receive a $100 discount!

Mar 27, 2014
CodePDX: The ins and outs of learning to code.
Jama South

Learning to code can be a daunting journey, and everyone seems to have a different approach. For our first meeting we'll discuss the various methods that have worked in the past for learning. We'll share resources, tips, and experiences and have an open discussion about tech education.

This meeting is not an intro to programming, but instead a discussion surrounding methods of learning from a variety of backgrounds.


-Tracy Abrahms, engineer @ Urban Airship

-Carl Hall, engineer @ Cloudability

-Flora Worley, engineer @ Quick Left

Questions? Contact Colby at [email protected].

May 4, 2009
RailsConf 2009
through Las Vegas Hilton

Happening May 4-7, 2009 at the Las Vegas Hilton, RailsConf is the official event for the Ruby on Rails community. If you're passionate about Rails and what it helps you achieve—or are curious about how Rails can help you create web frameworks better and faster—RailsConf is the place to be.

May 29, 2013
Celluloid / Sidekiq hackfest
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

Join committers from the Celluloid and Sidekiq projects to discuss and hack on the newest technologies in Ruby, multi-threading and concurrency.

Jul 31, 2013
PDX Ruby Lunch
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

Get together for lunch and talk Ruby, or something else! For those that have a hard time making it to the pdxrb meeting, and those that like to eat and talk about Ruby at the same time. We'll be holding this on the last Wednesday of the month.

Aug 28, 2013
PDX Ruby Lunch
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

Get together for lunch and talk Ruby, or something else! For those that have a hard time making it to the pdxrb meeting, and those that like to eat and talk about Ruby at the same time. We'll be holding this on the last Wednesday of the month.

Oct 30, 2013
PDX Ruby Lunch
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

Get together for lunch and talk Ruby, or something else! For those that have a hard time making it to the pdxrb meeting, and those that like to eat and talk about Ruby at the same time. We'll be holding this on the last Wednesday of the month.

Jan 29, 2014
PDX Ruby Lunch
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

Get together for lunch and talk Ruby, or something else! For those that have a hard time making it to the pdxrb meeting, and those that like to eat and talk about Ruby at the same time. We'll be holding this on the last Wednesday of the month.

Jul 9, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab.

Planned projects include

You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch.

PS Its not a Perl only thing.

Jul 16, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab.

Planned projects include

You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or work on your own thing and kibitz with other programmers. We'll have plenty of power strips.

We'll be in the back left corner (if you're facing the bar) where the power outlets are.

PS Its not a Perl only thing.

Jul 23, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab.

You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or work on your own thing and kibitz with other programmers. We'll have plenty of power strips.

We'll be in the back left corner (if you're facing the bar) where the power outlets are.

PS Its not a Perl only thing.

Jul 30, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab.

You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or work on your own thing and kibitz with other programmers. We'll have plenty of power strips.

We'll be in the back left corner (if you're facing the bar) where the power outlets are.

PS Its not a Perl only thing.

Aug 6, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab.

You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch.

Aug 13, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab.

You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch.

Aug 20, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab.

You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch.

Aug 27, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab.

You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch.

Sep 3, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab.

You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch.

Sep 10, 2009
PDX Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Do stuff with a computer, while drinking.

Sep 17, 2009
PDX Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with your computer amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer.

Sep 24, 2009
PDX Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab.

You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch. There will be some folks working on euler_bench (, but there is no requirement on what you wish to work on.

In short we do stuff with a computer, while drinking, and we would love to have you join in the fun.

Oct 1, 2009
PDX Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab.

You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch. There will be some folks working on euler_bench (, but there is no requirement on what you wish to work on.

In short we do stuff with a computer, while drinking, and we would love to have you join in the fun.

Oct 8, 2009
PDX Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab.

You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch. There will be some folks working on euler_bench (, but there is no requirement on what you wish to work on.

In short we do stuff with a computer, while drinking, and we would love to have you join in the fun.

Oct 15, 2009
PDX Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab.

You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch. There will be some folks working on euler_bench (, but there is no requirement on what you wish to work on.

In short we do stuff with a computer, while drinking, and we would love to have you join in the fun.

Oct 22, 2009
PDX Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab.

You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch. There will be some folks working on euler_bench (, but there is no requirement on what you wish to work on.

In short we do stuff with a computer, while drinking, and we would love to have you join in the fun.

Oct 29, 2009
PDX Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with your computer amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer.

Nov 5, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

Nov 12, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Nov 19, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Dec 3, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Dec 10, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Dec 17, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon
through Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. for up to the minute shenanigan news

PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Jan 7, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jan 14, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jan 21, 2010
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Website
Jan 28, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Feb 4, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Feb 11, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Feb 18, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Feb 25, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Mar 4, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Mar 11, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Mar 18, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Mar 25, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Apr 1, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Apr 8, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Apr 15, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Apr 22, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

PDX Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Do stuff with a computer, while drinking.

Apr 29, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub


{small print} you have to be there to collect {/small print}

If by some strange chance you have not heard of open source bridge you can get all the info you need, as well as all the confirmed speakers on the website:

Other then that, come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

May 6, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

May 13, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

May 20, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

May 27, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jun 10, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jun 17, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jun 24, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jul 1, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jul 8, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jul 15, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jul 22, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jul 29, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Aug 5, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Aug 12, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Aug 19, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Aug 26, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Sep 2, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Sep 9, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Sep 16, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Sep 23, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Sep 30, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Oct 7, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Oct 14, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Oct 16, 2010
Pacific Northwest Parrot Developers Gathering/Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Parrot developers have reserved a room for the above times to meet face-to-face to talk about and hack on Parrot Virtual Machine!

The first few hours of the meeting will concentrate on people already involved in Parrot, to talk about which goals Parrot wants to achieve and what people will focus on in the future. Some members of the Board of Directors of Parrot Foundation will be present, and hopefully any local developers that are already involved with Parrot in some way.

The latter half of the time slot will be focused towards new users and people interested in learning more about Parrot. Some Parrot developers will hack on their Parrot-related projects, while others will work with those who are new to Parrot, to orient them and discuss what roles they can play in the Parrot community and/or what things need hacking on.

Hacking and schmoozing will probably continue after 5pm, but that is when our reserved space ends.

Oct 21, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Oct 28, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Nov 4, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Nov 11, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Nov 18, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Dec 2, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Dec 9, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Dec 16, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Dec 23, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Dec 30, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jan 6, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab.

You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch.

PS Its not a Perl only thing.

Jan 13, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jan 20, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jan 27, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Special guest liquid refreshment provider: Emma Email Marketing (We hear they're hiring.)

Feb 3, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Feb 10, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Feb 17, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Feb 24, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Mar 3, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Mar 10, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Mar 17, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Mar 24, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Mar 31, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Apr 7, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Apr 14, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Apr 21, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Apr 28, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

May 5, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

May 12, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

May 19, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

May 26, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jun 2, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jun 9, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jun 16, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jun 23, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jun 30, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jul 7, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jul 14, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jul 19, 2011
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack.

Jul 21, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jul 28, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Aug 4, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Aug 11, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Aug 18, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Aug 25, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Sep 1, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Sep 8, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Sep 15, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Sep 22, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Sep 29, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Oct 6, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Oct 13, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Oct 20, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Oct 27, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Nov 3, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Nov 10, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Nov 17, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Dec 1, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Dec 8, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Dec 15, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Dec 22, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Dec 29, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jan 5, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jan 12, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jan 19, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jan 26, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Feb 2, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Feb 9, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Feb 16, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Feb 23, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Mar 1, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Mar 8, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Mar 15, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Mar 22, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Mar 29, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Apr 5, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Apr 12, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Apr 19, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Apr 26, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

May 3, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

May 10, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

May 17, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

May 24, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

May 31, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jun 7, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jun 14, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jun 21, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jun 28, 2012
[CANCELED] PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Due to OpenSource Bridge ( this week most of us will be downtown Thursday. Now I will not stop anyone from enjoying a nice beer, just know that there will not likely be a bunch of us around this week. Feel free to venture on over to Bridge , SEPoCoNI ( or just catch up with us next week.

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jul 5, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jul 12, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jul 19, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jul 26, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Aug 2, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Aug 8, 2012
Ruby Beginners' Meetup
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

This is an ad hoc Ruby Newbies meetup, especially for those applying for the ELC Technologies internship program (though all are welcome). Come ask questions, eat, drink, and hack. Whether you're learning Ruby or would like to help those that are, come on by.

Aug 9, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Aug 16, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Aug 23, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Aug 30, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Sep 6, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Sep 13, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Sep 20, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Sep 27, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Oct 4, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Oct 11, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Oct 18, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Oct 25, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Nov 1, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Nov 8, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Nov 15, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Nov 29, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Dec 6, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Dec 13, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Dec 20, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Dec 27, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jan 3, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jan 10, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jan 17, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jan 24, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jan 31, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Feb 7, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Feb 14, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Feb 21, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Feb 28, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Mar 7, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Mar 14, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Mar 21, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Apr 4, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Apr 11, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Apr 18, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Apr 25, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

May 2, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

May 9, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

May 16, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

May 23, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

May 30, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jun 6, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jun 13, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jun 27, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jul 11, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jul 18, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jul 25, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Aug 8, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Aug 15, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Aug 22, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Aug 29, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Sep 5, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Sep 12, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Sep 19, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Sep 26, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Oct 31, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

May 22, 2014
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

May 29, 2014
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jun 5, 2014
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jun 12, 2014
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Nov 6, 2014
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Nov 13, 2014
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Nov 20, 2014
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Dec 4, 2014
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Dec 11, 2014
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Dec 18, 2014
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Jan 8, 2015
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

Mar 14, 2015
Calagator & Open Source Bridge Code Sprint - rescheduled from March 7th
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come hack on Calagator, the open source calendar aggregator, and Open Source Bridge, Stumptown Syndicate's open source conference.

We'll be digging in to open issues, working on some refactoring tasks, and getting new folks acquainted with the code bases.

Catch up on the current status by checking out our open issues ( to find something you'd like to work on!

Calagator is a Ruby/Rails web app.

Mar 21, 2015
Calagator & Open Source Bridge Code Sprint
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come hack on Calagator, the open source calendar aggregator, and Open Source Bridge, Stumptown Syndicate's open source conference.

We'll be digging in to open issues, working on some refactoring tasks, and getting new folks acquainted with the code bases.

Catch up on the current status by checking out our open issues ( to find something you'd like to work on!

Calagator is a Ruby/Rails web app.

Apr 4, 2015
Calagator & Open Source Bridge Code Sprint
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come hack on Calagator, the open source calendar aggregator, and Open Source Bridge, Stumptown Syndicate's open source conference.

We'll be digging in to open issues, working on some refactoring tasks, and getting new folks acquainted with the code bases.

Catch up on the current status by checking out our open issues ( to find something you'd like to work on!

Calagator is a Ruby/Rails web app.

Apr 18, 2015
Calagator & Open Source Bridge Code Sprint
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come hack on Calagator, the open source calendar aggregator, and Open Source Bridge, Stumptown Syndicate's open source conference.

We'll be digging in to open issues, working on some refactoring tasks, and getting new folks acquainted with the code bases.

Catch up on the current status by checking out our open issues ( to find something you'd like to work on!

Calagator is a Ruby/Rails web app.

May 16, 2015
Calagator & Open Source Bridge Code Sprint
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come hack on Calagator, the open source calendar aggregator, and Open Source Bridge, Stumptown Syndicate's open source conference.

We'll be digging in to open issues, working on some refactoring tasks, and getting new folks acquainted with the code bases.

Catch up on the current status by checking out our open issues ( to find something you'd like to work on!

Calagator is a Ruby/Rails web app.

Jun 6, 2015
Calagator Documentation & Open Source Bridge Code Sprint
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come hack on Calagator, the open source calendar aggregator, and Open Source Bridge, Stumptown Syndicate's open source conference.

We'll be digging in to open issues, working on some refactoring tasks, and getting new folks acquainted with the code bases.

SPECIAL: For this code sprint, Calagator contributors will be focusing on documentation.

Catch up on the current status by checking out our open issues ( to find something you'd like to work on!

Calagator is a Ruby/Rails web app.

Jul 19, 2010
North Portland Coders' Night - Welcome OSCON!
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

OSCON attendees are encouraged to join us; we're a short walk from the MAX Yellow Line train that runs past the convention center.

The Overlook Lucky Lab has many rooms; we meet in the large room with tables in the north-east corner of the building.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Sep 13, 2010
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Sep 20, 2010
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Sep 27, 2010
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Oct 4, 2010
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Oct 11, 2010
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Oct 18, 2010
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Oct 25, 2010
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Nov 1, 2010
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Nov 8, 2010
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Nov 15, 2010
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Nov 22, 2010
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Nov 29, 2010
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Dec 6, 2010
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Dec 13, 2010
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Dec 20, 2010
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Dec 27, 2010
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night - Special After-Christmas Edition
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Meeting begins at 6:30pm unless you're donpdonp, in which case the meeting begins at 5:00pm.

Jan 3, 2011
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night - Munchkin Monday
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

First Monday of each month is Munchkin Monday, where we play the card game Munchkin. The game starts at 7pm, and you're welcome to play, spectate, get work done, or ignore us completely.

Jan 10, 2011
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Jan 17, 2011
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Jan 24, 2011
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Jan 31, 2011
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Feb 7, 2011
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night - Munchkin Monday 2: Electric Boogaloo
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

First Monday of each month is Munchkin Monday, where we play the card game Munchkin. The game starts at 7pm, and you're welcome to play, spectate, get work done, or ignore us completely.

Feb 14, 2011
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night: V-day (love your code and your beer)
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Also on twitter

Feb 21, 2011
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Also on twitter

Feb 28, 2011
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Mar 7, 2011
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

First Monday of the month is Munchkin Monday, game starts at 7pm.

Mar 14, 2011
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Mar 21, 2011
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Mar 28, 2011
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Apr 4, 2011
North Portland Coders Night - Special Lightning Round
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

This week we'll be having a free raffle for a free pass to OSBridge. Show up by 8:30pm to add your name to the hat.

Apr 11, 2011
North Portland Coders Night - Special Lightning Round
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Apr 18, 2011
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Apr 25, 2011
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

May 2, 2011
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

May 9, 2011
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

May 16, 2011
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

May 23, 2011
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

May 30, 2011
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Jun 6, 2011
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Jun 13, 2011
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Jun 20, 2011
North Portland Coders Night - Welcome Open Source Bridge!
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Jun 27, 2011
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Jul 4, 2011
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Jul 11, 2011
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Jul 18, 2011
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Jul 25, 2011
North Portland Coders Night - Welcome OSCON!
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Aug 1, 2011
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Aug 8, 2011
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Aug 15, 2011
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Aug 22, 2011
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Aug 29, 2011
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Sep 5, 2011
North Portland Coders Night - Welcome DjangoCon Attendees!
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Sep 12, 2011
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Sep 19, 2011
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Sep 26, 2011
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Oct 3, 2011
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Oct 10, 2011
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Oct 17, 2011
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Oct 24, 2011
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Oct 31, 2011
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Nov 7, 2011
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Nov 14, 2011
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Nov 21, 2011
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Nov 28, 2011
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Dec 5, 2011
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Dec 12, 2011
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Dec 19, 2011
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Dec 26, 2011
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Jan 2, 2012
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Jan 9, 2012
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Jan 16, 2012
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Jan 23, 2012
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Jan 30, 2012
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Mar 5, 2012
North Portland Coders Night - Now monthly, every first Monday!
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

NOTE: Due to limited attendance of the weekly coders night, I'm reducing it to a single monthly event. First Monday was chosen to avoid conflicts with Dorkbot, DevOps, the Functional Programming Study Group, and the Android Developer meetup.

Of course, it's a public bar, so everyone's welcome to come on off weeks anyway if they feel like it.

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every on the first Monday of the month.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Apr 2, 2012
North Portland Coders Night - Now monthly, every first Monday!
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

NOTE: Due to limited attendance of the weekly coders night, I'm reducing it to a single monthly event. First Monday was chosen to avoid conflicts with Dorkbot, DevOps, the Functional Programming Study Group, and the Android Developer meetup.

Of course, it's a public bar, so everyone's welcome to come on off weeks anyway if they feel like it.

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every on the first Monday of the month.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Apr 16, 2012
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Apr 23, 2012
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

May 7, 2012
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

May 14, 2012
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

May 21, 2012
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

May 28, 2012
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Jun 4, 2012
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Jun 11, 2012
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Jun 18, 2012
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Jun 25, 2012
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Jul 2, 2012
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Jul 9, 2012
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Jul 16, 2012
North Portland Coders Night - Welcome OSCON Attendees!
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

In town for OSCON? The north Lucky Lab is just a quick ride away on the MAX Yellow line!

Jul 23, 2012
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Jul 30, 2012
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Aug 6, 2012
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Aug 13, 2012
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Aug 20, 2012
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Aug 27, 2012
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Sep 3, 2012
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Sep 10, 2012
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Sep 17, 2012
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Sep 24, 2012
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Oct 1, 2012
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Oct 8, 2012
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Oct 15, 2012
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops this awesome sign:

Oct 22, 2012
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops this awesome sign:

Oct 29, 2012
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Dec 3, 2012
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Dec 10, 2012
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Dec 17, 2012
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Dec 24, 2012
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Dec 31, 2012
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Jan 7, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Jan 14, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Jan 21, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Jan 28, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Feb 4, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Feb 11, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Feb 18, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Feb 25, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night!

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Mar 4, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Mar 11, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Mar 18, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Mar 25, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome!

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Apr 1, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Apr 8, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Apr 15, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Apr 22, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Apr 29, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

May 6, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

May 13, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

May 20, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

May 27, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Jun 3, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Jun 10, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Jun 17, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Jun 24, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Jul 1, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Jul 8, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Jul 15, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Jul 22, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Jul 29, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Aug 5, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Aug 12, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Aug 19, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Aug 26, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Sep 2, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Sep 9, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Sep 16, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Sep 23, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Sep 30, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Oct 14, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Oct 21, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Oct 28, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Nov 4, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

Nov 11, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct.

Nov 18, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct.

Nov 25, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct.

Dec 2, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct.

Dec 9, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct.

Dec 16, 2013
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct.

Dec 23, 2013
North Portland Coders Night CANCELLED
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

NOTE: I'm canceling the meetings on the 23rd and 30th of December. See you January 6th, 2014!

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct.

Dec 30, 2013
North Portland Coders Night CANCELLED
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

NOTE: I'm canceling the meetings on the 23rd and 30th of December. See you January 6th, 2014!

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct.

Jan 13, 2014
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct.

Jan 20, 2014
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct.

Jan 27, 2014
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct.

Feb 3, 2014
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct.

Feb 10, 2014
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct.

Feb 17, 2014
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct.

Feb 24, 2014
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct.

Mar 17, 2014
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct.

Mar 24, 2014
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct.

Mar 31, 2014
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct.

Apr 7, 2014
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct.

Apr 28, 2014
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct.

May 5, 2014
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct.

May 12, 2014
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct.

May 19, 2014
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct.

May 26, 2014
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct.

Jun 16, 2014
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct.

Jun 23, 2014
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct.

Jun 30, 2014
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct.

Jul 7, 2014
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct.

Jul 14, 2014
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct.

Jul 21, 2014
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct.

Jul 28, 2014
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct.

Aug 4, 2014
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct.

Aug 11, 2014
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct.

Aug 18, 2014
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct.

Aug 25, 2014
North Portland Coders Night
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on.

Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops.

By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct.

Feb 13, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon
Lucky Labrador Public House

We are trying to setup a semi-regular meetup of SW Portland hackers.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

Feb 27, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon
Lucky Labrador Public House

Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

It's a new meetup and so far it's just been a couple of us, but we're hoping to grow. Bring a friend.

Mar 6, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon
Lucky Labrador Public House

Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

It's a new meetup and so far it's just been a couple of us, but we're hoping to grow. Bring a friend.

Mar 13, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon
Lucky Labrador Public House

Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc.

It's a new meetup and so far it's just been a couple of us, but we're hoping to grow. Bring a friend.

Mar 20, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon
Lucky Labrador Public House

Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc.

Mar 27, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon
Lucky Labrador Public House

Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc.

Apr 3, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon
Lucky Labrador Public House

Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc.

Apr 10, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon
Lucky Labrador Public House

Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers.

All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc.

Apr 17, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon
Lucky Labrador Public House

Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers.

All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc.

Apr 24, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon
Lucky Labrador Public House

Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers.

All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc.

May 1, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon
Lucky Labrador Public House

Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers.

All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc.

I'll be at Railsconf events that evening, so there won't be a sign, but feel free to come anyway.

May 8, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon
Lucky Labrador Public House

Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers.

All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc.

May 15, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon
Lucky Labrador Public House

Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers.

All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc.

May 22, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon
Lucky Labrador Public House

Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers.

All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with other participants, get advice, have fun, etc.

Jun 19, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon
Lucky Labrador Public House

Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc.

Jun 26, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon
Lucky Labrador Public House

Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc.

Jul 3, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon
Lucky Labrador Public House

Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers.

All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc.

Jul 10, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon
Lucky Labrador Public House

Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc.

Jul 17, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon
Lucky Labrador Public House

Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc.

Jul 24, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon
Lucky Labrador Public House

Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc.

Jul 31, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon
Lucky Labrador Public House

Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc.

Aug 7, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon
Lucky Labrador Public House

Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, give advice, have fun, etc.

Aug 14, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon
Lucky Labrador Public House

Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc.

Aug 21, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon
Lucky Labrador Public House

Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc.

Aug 28, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon
Lucky Labrador Public House

Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc.

Oct 21, 2013
Cascadia Ruby 2013
through Mark Building, Portland Art Museum

Cascadia Ruby is a two-day, single-track, regional conference for Rubyists from the Pacific Northwest and the people who love them.

Wondering what to expect? Check out this year's speaker line-up or take a look at the talks recorded at Cascadia Ruby 2012 and Cascadia Ruby 2011.

Aug 11, 2014
Cascadia Ruby 2014
through Mark Building, Portland Art Museum

Cascadia Ruby is a two-day, single-track, regional conference for Rubyists from the Pacific Northwest and the people who love them.

Wondering what to expect? Take a look at the talks recorded at Cascadia Ruby 2011, 2012 and 2013.

Mar 15, 2010
pdxruby: Ruby fixtures alternatives exploration and dinner
Market Street Pub

Join a few Ruby programmers for dinner to explore alternatives to fixtures for use in tests.

We'd like to co-present our findings at the next pdxruby meeting.

Libraries we'd like to explore include factory_girl, machinist, and others:

We can use existing open source Ruby software to experiment with, by making a branch, trying out the library, and requesting a merge if we like the changes. Apps we can contribute to include , and

Apr 10, 2010
Open Source Bridge volunteer sprint
Market Street Pub

The next Open Source Bridge volunteer sprint will be this Saturday, April 10th at the Market Street Pub. We’ll be there from 11am till 5pm, but you can come to as much of it as you’d like. Add this event to your calendar.

Some things we need your help with:

  • Audio: We need to process last year’s audio from our sessions and be ready to quickly process this upcoming year’s audio. It would be great if you could download the 2009 event’s audio, familiarize yourself with it, think about how to clean it up so it can be posted, and bring it along with your computer to the sprint.

  • Wiki: We want to provide useful information to our attendees and offer structure to help them organize and contribute information through our wiki. There is a lot of useful content on our 2009 wiki that can be used as inspiration for content to add to the 2010 wiki.

  • OpenConferenceWare: We have a few branches containing valuable contributions to our open source conference software that we’d like to finish reviewing and testing so we can incorporate them, including security improvements, performance fixes and software upgrades.

  • Complimentary ticket issuer: We’d like to make it easier for our volunteer staff to be able to issue complimentary tickets to speakers, raffle winners, and volunteers. We have developed a plan (PDF) for doing this, and need to start development.

  • Hacker lounge planning: We have a 24-hour on-site “hacker lounge” this year for attendees to collaborate and hang out at. We need to discuss how to organize events in this room to provide just enough structure to help attendees without stifling their creativity.

  • Logistics, venue and activity planning: We’re using the beautiful Portland Art Museum Mark Building as our venue this year. Discuss how to make the best use of this space and incorporate fun activities ranging from mobile donut trucks to on-site massages with our logistics crew.

  • Or whatever you think would be helpful.

Thanks and see you at the sprint!

Feb 4, 2020
PDX Ruby Monthly Meeting
Microsoft Pearl Office

RSVP required, now closed.

The February meeting will be held at Microsoft where we're going to hear from Scott Hanselman on personal productivity and being a social developer. We've heard from Scott before and can confirm that he is an excellent speaker with solid advice that will help you make the most of your career in tech.

You can check out some of Scott's huge volume of technical content on his website There are plenty of blog posts, talks and podcasts to give you a good idea of how fortunate we are to have Scott come join us to speak.

Due to space limitations this event has a hard cap of 60 attendees. We're also going to need to submit a list of attendees to security ahead of time so it's vital that you RSVP if you're planning to attend. With that in mind please don't RSVP if you're not certain you can make it, as we expect we'll end up turning people away for a seat you're not planning to fill.

Our second speaker of the evening will be the new/old organizer of PDX.rb Jonan, with an update on the present state of PDX.rb and the Ruby community at large as well as some exciting future plans for our community. You won't want to miss it.

Come be social and make some new Ruby friends, we're looking forward to seeing you there!

Sep 30, 2010
Windows Phone 7 Unleashed - Training and Hackathon
Microsoft Portland

Registration Required! It's a BYOL event.

Windows Phone 7 is about to be released! Come check out Windows Phone 7 Unleashed for everything you need to know to develop for W