Viewing 0 current events matching “ideas” by Location.
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Viewing 31 past events matching “ideas” by Location.
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Jun 10, 2017
Open Ideas in Science – 20466 NW Hodes Dr This week is going to be Great! We'll have our first interactive session. Ernest Bonat will share his idea this week on "Tensorflow or TFLearn?" |
Aug 29, 2012
TEDtalk Screening – Collective Agency Downtown Let's get together and share some worthy ideas. Beer will be provided for the number of people who RSVP: Your headcount is appreciated! Do you really want to screen a specific talk? Submit a comment in the doodle form! |
Dec 19, 2012
TED Screening – Collective Agency Downtown Screening of some of the most recent and outstanding TEDtalks. Spread and share ideas. |
Aug 5, 2017
Open Ideas in Science - Open Ideas in Science – Hillsboro Library Do you want to learn Python and Machine Learning? Check out our group. We're getting started with the Titanic competition. Find out you can solve a real world Kaggle Titanic problem with Python and Machine Learning.
At the end of the session, we'll brainstorm a new hot topic for the following week presentation. The winning idea will get the innovator of the week. Join the fun! Here's our agenda We've located at the Hillsboro Public Library. We'll be meeting in Conference room A, on the second floor. |
Jun 24, 2017
Kaggle Session – Hillsboro Public Library Do you want to start using Kaggle? Why not learn as a group? I'll share the basics and an example how to start the competition "Titanic - Machine Learning from Disaster". The second half of our session, we'll experiment with our open idea session. The winner will be awarded Innovator of the week. The winner has the highest potential to be added to our next session. Here is the link to my transcript and video links. Enjoy! |
Jul 1, 2017
WiPy Python Hardware Device Demo – Hillsboro Public Library Hello from Garrett Broughton. Michael Wild is sharing his WiPy Python hardware device this week. Find out more about it here: If time permits, we'll also cover the beginning of our group Kaggle competition. |
Jul 8, 2017
Machine Learning Titanic – Hillsboro Public Library Do you want to learn machine learning? The best place to start is creating a predictive model for the Titanic. Join us as a team as we work on it together. We'll kick it off with the basics reviewing the dataset, using Python and Juypter. We'll talk about different models we can use. We'll spend a few sessions together to prepare us to submit on Kaggle. Join us for the fun! |
Jul 15, 2017
Python Basics and Kaggle Titanic Part Duex – Hillsboro Public Library We had many volunteers to talk about Python. We'll share the basics, Logistic Regression, and how to solve the Kaggle Titanic competition. We'll have a few lightning talks then an open session for new topics. You are welcome to join us and share your knowledge! |
Jul 22, 2017
Open Ideas in Data Science – Hillsboro Public Library Do you want to learn Python Pandas and Machine Learning? Check out our group. We're just getting started with the Titanic competition. Find out you can solve a real world Kaggle problem with Python and Machine Learning. At the end of the session, we'll brainstorm a new hot topic for the following week presentation. The winning idea will get the innovator of the week. Join the fun! |
Jul 29, 2017
Python Machine Learning Titanic Kaggle – Hillsboro Public Library All aboard the Titanic. Your task, if you choose to accept it, pick a character on the Titanic. Then, you must build a machine algorithm to predict if you survived. Now that you are afraid of dying, what's the best way to predict your survivorship? Python Pandas and Numpy. If you want to learn how to build a machine learning algorithm check us out next Saturday at 1 pm in the Hillsboro Brookwood Library. We be using the Kaggle dataset to build our code. |
Apr 12, 2014
TEDxPortland – Keller Auditorium Enjoy us for a day filled with inspiration and ideas worth spreading! 14 live talks, 4 talks, 3 performances, happy hour, and post-event party at Keller Park. Don't miss out! |
Feb 3, 2009
Clean Energy SIG - Nuts & Bolts of starting a Clean energy Biz – Perkins Coie (PDX) Join us at this monthly meet to discuss the nuts and bolts of how to start a clean energy business. Bring your business ideas and questions & learn what the opportunities are in this sector. We will have with us a couple of experienced people from within this sector joining us in a very informal “mini-panel” format. |
May 27, 2010
CivicApps Ideas Discussion – Portland Building CivicApps Ideas is a two-hour discussion of ideas and datasets between data providers and citizens. As a precursor to the CiviCode Day Event, scheduled one week later at Open Source Bridge, this meeting is your chance to initiate the discussion surrounding your project ideas and data needs with others. CivicIdeas Day is dedicated to the sharing of your ideas with your peers.
To learn more about the related CiviCode Day event, please see Registration is limited, so register today and connect with your peers! |
Aug 12, 2017
Python Machine Learning and Data Science – Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue North Operating Center We had several new college students join us last week. We had a new idea to help college students with open data. Bring your college problems and we can help brainstorm how to help. Did you know the top skill people want to learn is a language? How about a programming language like Python? Python is very powerful in Machine Learning. Check out our group on Saturday's at 1 PM. We're working together to solve the Kaggle Titanic competition. Find out how you can learn Python and Machine Learning very easily and quickly. At the end of the session, you'll get an opportunity to brainstorm and present new topic ideas for the following week. Did you know you learn exponentially more when you prepare a topic vs attending as a learner? The winning idea will get the innovator of the week. Join the fun! |
Aug 19, 2017
Python Machine Learning and Data Science – Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue North Operating Center Did you know the top skill people want to learn is a language? How about a programming language like Python? Python is very powerful in Machine Learning. Check out our group on Saturday's at 1 PM. We're working together to solve the Kaggle Titanic competition. Find out how you can learn Python and Machine Learning very easily and quickly. At the end of the session, you'll get an opportunity to brainstorm and present new topic ideas for the following week. Did you know you learn exponentially more when you prepare a topic vs attending as a learner? The winning idea will get the innovator of the week. Join the fun! |
Python Machine Learning and Data Science – Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue North Operating Center We have had a wonderful turnout of college students. It would be great to help with your projects. Please bring stop by and check us out. Did you know the top skill people want to learn is a language? How about a programming language like Python? Python is very powerful in Machine Learning. Check out our group on Saturday's at 1 PM. We're working together to solve the Kaggle Titanic competition. Find out how you can learn Python and Machine Learning very easily and quickly. At the end of the session, you'll get an opportunity to brainstorm and present new topic ideas for the following week. Did you know you learn exponentially more when you prepare a topic vs attending as a learner? The winning idea will get the innovator of the week. Join the fun! |
Aug 26, 2017
Python Machine Learning and Data Science – Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue North Operating Center Data Scientists, Do you want to learn Python the Machine Learning Language? or Did you know MongoDB is the most popular NoSQL database? How interesting would it be if you could see it on a Raspberry Pi? or How about the schema of Stack Exchange the extremely useful site for stack overflow? Here is a link to Matt's presentation. We have three excellent presentations this week. At the end of the session, we'll brainstorm a new interesting topic for the following week presentation. The winning idea will get the innovator of the week. Presenter Topic Time Everyone Introductions 1:00 - 1:10 PM Matt SQL Project 1:10 - 1:35 PM Michael Raspberry Pi & Mongo 1:35 - 2:00 PM Garrett Python 2:00 - 2:20 PM Everyone Brainstorm & Vote Topics 2:20 - 2:30 PM |
Sep 9, 2017
Python Machine Learning and Data Science – Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue North Operating Center Do you want to learn Python the Machine Learning Language? Do you want to see a live demo of an Arduino robot? How about the Stack Exchange Schema? We're exploring all of these innovative areas all in one session. We'll share a ton of knowledge in a short amount of time. Don't miss it! At the end of the session, you'll get an opportunity to brainstorm and present new topic ideas for the following week. Did you know you learn exponentially more when you prepare a topic vs attending as a learner? The winning idea will get the innovator of the week. Here's a link to my previous Python session Here's a link to our topic agenda Join the fun! |
Sep 16, 2017
Data Science Python Machine Learning – Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue North Operating Center Data Scientists, Do you want to learn about an unmanned robotic spacecraft Cassini? How about programming a game in Python? What about the data scheme behind Stack Overflow? We have three amazing topics with code to share with the group. At the end of the session, we'll brainstorm next topics and someone will be awarded innovator of the week Here's a YouTube of the previous session on Pygame. Join the fun! |
Sep 23, 2017
Data Science Python Machine Learning Open Ideas in Science – Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue North Operating Center Do you want to learn more about API calls to Google and Better Doctor? How about Juno-Jupiter? At the end of the session, we'll brainstorm new ideas and the winner will be crowned innovator of the week! Here's a YouTube of the session from the previous week. Join the fun! Agenda Presenter Topic Time Everyone Introductions 1:00 - 1:10 PM Kimberely API calls - Google Maps, Better Doctor 1:10 - 1:25 PM Everyone API calls - Q&A 1:25 - 1:30 PM Kateyln Juno-Jupiter 1:30 - 1:45 PM Everyone Juno-Jupiter Q&A 1:45 - 1:50 PM Everyone Brainstorm & Vote Topics 1:50 - 2:00 PM |
Sep 30, 2017
Data Science Python Machine Learning Open Ideas in Science – Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue North Operating Center Data Scientists, Do you want to learn more about Data Visualization, BI, and Data Lakes? How about more on Python Pandas and Data Frames? I'll be giving some examples of housing pricing trends. At the end of the session, we'll brainstorm a new interesting topic for the following week presentation. The winning idea will get the innovator of the week. Here's a YouTube of the session from the previous week. Join the fun! Agenda Presenter Topic Time Everyone Introductions 1:00 - 1:10 PM Justin Data Visualization,BI,Data Lakes 1:10 - 1:25 PM Everyone Q&A 1:25 - 1:30 PM Garrett Python 1:30 - 1:45 PM Everyone Q&A 1:45 - 1:50 PM Everyone Brainstorm & Vote Topics 1:50 - 2:00 PM |
Nov 18, 2017
Ideas in Science – Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue North Operating Center Do you want to learn about idea generation? We're going to talk about key points in preparing a disclosure for a patent filing. Do you enjoy learning and sharing knowledge to help people solve problems? Check out this video to see what we're about. We'll have two lightning talks and at the end of our session, we'll brainstorm and vote for a new interesting topic for the following week presentation. The winning idea will get the innovator of the week. Stay tuned for topics. It will be posted a week prior to the session. Join the fun! |
Dec 2, 2017
Ideas in Science – Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue North Operating Center Do you enjoy learning and sharing knowledge to help people solve problems? Do you want to learn about API's? We'll have two lightning talks and at the end of our session, we'll brainstorm and vote for a new interesting topic for ideas on upcoming presentation. The winning idea will get the innovator of the week. Join the fun! |
Dec 9, 2017
Ideas Technology – Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue North Operating Center Dear Learners, Do you enjoy learning and sharing knowledge to help people solve problems? This week we're going to share about patents. We'll have a thirty-minute talk and at the end of our session, we'll brainstorm and vote for a new interesting topic for ideas on upcoming presentations. The winning idea will get the innovator of the week. Join the fun! |
Dec 16, 2017
Ideas in Technology – Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue North Operating Center Dear Innovators, Do you enjoy learning and sharing knowledge to help people solve problems? This week we're going to share on how to file patents part II. We'll have a thirty-minute talk and at the end of our session, we'll brainstorm and vote for a new interesting topic for ideas on upcoming presentations. The winning idea will get the innovator of the week. Join the fun! |
Jan 13, 2018
Ideas in Science & Tech – TVF&R Station 67 Do you want to learn about Machine Learning for IoT devices? Chris is planning to join us fSensiML Do you enjoy learning and sharing knowledge to help people solve problems? Check out this video ( to see what we're about. We'll have a short presentation and at the end of our session, we'll brainstorm and vote for a new interesting topic for the following week presentation. The winning idea will get the innovator of the week. Join the fun! |
Jan 20, 2018
Bitcoin and Blockchain – TVF&R Station 67 Join us for a presentation and discussion on the technology behind Bitcoin called Blockchain. You can tell us if it's a fraud or the future of global currency. We'll have a thirty-minute talk and at the end of our session, we'll brainstorm and vote for a new interesting topic for ideas on upcoming presentations. The winning idea will get the innovator of the week. Join the fun! |
Jan 27, 2018
Interested in Asteroids or Gravitational Waves? – TVF&R Station 67 Do you enjoy learning and sharing knowledge to help people solve problems? Check out this video ( to see what we're about. We'll have a 30-minute demo and at the end of our session, we'll brainstorm and vote on new interesting topic ideas for upcoming presentations. The winning idea will get the innovator of the week. Join the fun! |
Mar 31, 2018
Space X - Falcon Heavy - Space Tesla – TVF&R Station 67 Do you want to know more about SpaceX, the Falcon Heavy, and space Tesla? We'll have a 30-minute demo and at the end of our session, we'll brainstorm and vote on new interesting topic ideas for upcoming presentations. The winning idea will get the innovator of the week. Join the fun! |
May 5, 2018
Interested in starting to learn a programming language like Python? Check out the essentials. – TVF&R Station 67 Garrett will share his knowledge to get started with Python essentials. We will have a combination of basic programming and Python basics. Do you want to learn and share your passion in a supportive community?Free Knowledge Mission is an ethos of sharing, creativity, and inspiration. Our Meetup provides an opportunity to "Show and Tell" followed by a feedback and Q&A. You'll have the opportunity to share with our channels such as Meetup, GitHub, YouTube, and Facebook to connect with more passionate people. The second half of our session we'll collaborate on new topics. The winner wins an award for the most interesting topic and the opportunity to share in an upcoming session. Join our Zoom conference at Join us at TVF&R Station 67 in Beaverton every Saturday. Music and Art is at 11AM and Science and Tech at 1 PM. |
May 19, 2018
Where Do Good Ideas Come From? – TVF&R Station 67 Steve Buss will share how innovation works by inspiration from Steven Johnson's book "Where Good Ideas Come from: The Natural History of Innovation" Learn and share your passion in a supportive community. Free Knowledge Mission is an ethos of sharing, creativity, and inspiration. Our Meetup provides an opportunity to "Show and Tell" followed by a feedback and Q&A. You'll have the opportunity to share with our channels such as Meetup, GitHub, YouTube, and Facebook to connect with more passionate people. The second half of our session we'll collaborate on new topics. The winner wins an award for the most interesting topic and the opportunity to share in an upcoming session. Join us online for desktop or mobile at Join us at TVF&R Station 67 in Beaverton every Saturday at 11 AM for Music/Art and 1 PM for Science/Tech. |