Viewing 3 current events matching “BSD Pizza Night” by Location.

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Feb 19
PDXOSGeo February Meetup

Please join us this Wednesday to hear from Richard Greenwood of Greenwood Mapping who will share insights from his 30-year career, starting as a land surveyor and evolving into a GIS professional specializing in open-source solutions. He has developed and supported more than a dozen County-focused MapServers in Idaho and Wyoming. These online maps are powered by his custom web mapping platform, built on MapServer, OpenLayers, and PostGIS. The maps provide public access to geographic data and legal documents, and are essential tools supporting county tax assessors, treasurers, and clerks in their daily work.

We'll have time for a little show and tell right after so bring your apps or works-in-progress and meet other geo-folk :)

Wednesday 2/19 6:30pm | Hot Lips Pizza @ the Natural Capital Center 721 NW 9th Ave, Portland OR

Please let us know if you'd like to join via Zoom and we can set that up.

Feb 20
BSD Pizza Night
Ranch PDX Southeast (with Baerlic Beer Co)

A meeting of folks interested in BSD operating systems and related technologies to get together, eat pizza, drink beer, and talk about what interesting things have been going on.

Apr 9
Portland Microsoft User Groups Networking
Steeplejack Pizza and Beer, 4439 SW Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy · Portland, OR

We look forward to bringing the Portland Microsoft User Groups together including Fabric, Power Platform, and Azure IN PERSON for a lively evening of networking.

Whether you are a new or experienced user, or simply interested in learning more about working with Microsoft's tools and technologies, we'd love to have you join us for food, drinks, and merriment.


Viewing 30 past events matching “BSD Pizza Night” by Location.

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Oct 1, 2018
Women Who Code Portland - Algorithms Study Night

Come join us for Algorithms Study Night at Alchemy Code Lab! This month we're not going have a topic with specified problems. You can bring a problem to work on, or we can help you find one once you get there. All skill levels are welcome. Please join the join Women Who Code Portland Slack community with this invite form (

This event will repeat the first Monday of each month.

{short} Code of Conduct

Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please submit an incident report form (

About Women Who Code Portland

Women Who Code is a global nonprofit dedicated to inspire women to excel in technology careers. We connect amazing women with other like-minded individuals around the globe who unite under one simple notion--the world of technology is better with women in it.

In Portland, we organize monthly study nights, workshops, and networking nights, as well as hackathons and social events.

Apr 4, 2010
Smash Putt
1719 W Burnside St.

The industrial artists of The Department of Culture re-apply and reinvent their practiced predilection for mechanized mayhem to the humble sport of miniature golf. Forget everything you expect and be prepared for innovative chaos. This time, the rehabilitation of miniature golf hits Portland with a whole new set of holes, wonders, mysteries, and exotic liquors.

Compete with your chums during 21+ evenings.

Ball destruction, Centripetal Actuators, Accelerator Pads, Ball Bouncers, Moving Walls, Roller-Skating Logs, and Secret passages. No golf ball survives the assault of Smash Putt! A new course of deviousness and dastardly delights from the hands of an all-star assembly of artists sprung from asylums across America. Each and every hole is dripping with excitement!

21+ fun gets your balls smashed and your holes trashed late into the night.

Seriously malicious competition is par for the course.

Apr 3, 2010
Smash Putt
through 1719 W Burnside St.

The industrial artists of The Department of Culture re-apply and reinvent their practiced predilection for mechanized mayhem to the humble sport of miniature golf. Forget everything you expect and be prepared for innovative chaos. This time, the rehabilitation of miniature golf hits Portland with a whole new set of holes, wonders, mysteries, and exotic liquors.

Compete with your chums during 21+ evenings.

Ball destruction, Centripetal Actuators, Accelerator Pads, Ball Bouncers, Moving Walls, Roller-Skating Logs, and Secret passages. No golf ball survives the assault of Smash Putt! A new course of deviousness and dastardly delights from the hands of an all-star assembly of artists sprung from asylums across America. Each and every hole is dripping with excitement!

21+ fun gets your balls smashed and your holes trashed late into the night.

Seriously malicious competition is par for the course.

Apr 2, 2010
Smash Putt
through 1719 W Burnside St.

The industrial artists of The Department of Culture re-apply and reinvent their practiced predilection for mechanized mayhem to the humble sport of miniature golf. Forget everything you expect and be prepared for innovative chaos. This time, the rehabilitation of miniature golf hits Portland with a whole new set of holes, wonders, mysteries, and exotic liquors.

Compete with your chums during 21+ evenings.

Ball destruction, Centripetal Actuators, Accelerator Pads, Ball Bouncers, Moving Walls, Roller-Skating Logs, and Secret passages. No golf ball survives the assault of Smash Putt! A new course of deviousness and dastardly delights from the hands of an all-star assembly of artists sprung from asylums across America. Each and every hole is dripping with excitement!

21+ fun gets your balls smashed and your holes trashed late into the night.

Seriously malicious competition is par for the course.

Feb 3, 2013
21st Avenue Bar & Grill

“Hug a Designer” night! We’d LOVE for you to join us the day before Valentine’s Day. This month we’re meeting in Portland’s NW quadrant, at 21st Avenue Bar and Grill. Come hang with us at this casual, dusky venue, with a full bar of beer, wine, and signature cocktails. Order up their famous macaroni and cheese, great burgers, or maybe go halfsies on some supreme nachos.

May 7, 2019
Autodesk Product Showcase - Fusion 360 Stump the Chump in Stumptown
221 SE Ankeny St

Got stumped using Fusion 360? Don't worry, you're not alone.

Lucky you, Paul Sohi, our Fusion 360 Evangelist extraordinaire / chump ( will be in our Portland office, so we've decided to host a Fusion 360 meet-up and put him on the spot to answer you questions. Meet fellow users in our Portland community, as well as the folks behind the software. Paul may even show off some of his own workflow tips for making the most of Fusion 360!

Come for the knowledge, stay for the beer banter and pizza!

Jun 3, 2022
Choosing the Best Career Option for You in Software Development with Jeffery Luxmore
310 SW 4th Ave Portland, OR

Are you struggling with deciding which tech career route is best for you?

Tech Academy graduate, Jeffery Luxmore, will be joining us on Friday June 3rd to give advice on determining which software development route will best fit your style and will ultimately lead you to success and overall job satisfaction.

Jeffery has experience working in all three routes - freelance, working corporate, and he currently successfully runs a start-up. Jeffery is currently working as a senior software developer at YPrime.

Join us at Tech Academy's Portland campus on June 3rd for our first live Tech Talk post COVID19!

If you can't make it in-person, you can join this event through this Google Meet link:

12:40pm Doors open 12:45pm Pizza and Refreshments

1:00pm Tech Talk starts

We do not have any parking spaces, so make sure you don't forget to pay the meter!

Nov 29, 2018
BSD Pizza Night
48 North

A meeting of folks interested in Copy Free licenses, primarily BSD operating systems. We get together eat pizza, drink beer, and talk about what interesting things have been going on.

Nov 21, 2024
BSD Pizza Night
48 North Pizzeria

A meeting of folks interested in BSD operating systems and related technologies to get together, eat pizza, drink beer, and talk about what interesting things have been going on.

Oct 17, 2024
BSD Pizza Night
48 North Pizzeria

A meeting of folks interested in BSD operating systems and related technologies to get together, eat pizza, drink beer, and talk about what interesting things have been going on.

Both the pizza and beer are optional.

Oct 8, 2015
DesignSpeaks Presents: Peak Performance
52 Limited

DESIGNSPEAKS exists to explore design within the multidisciplinary: architecture, brand, communications, experience, film, fashion, graphic, industrial. We establish an interface within the context of real life, supporting the most compelling regional voices in design, and talk through to the heart of the practice.

PEAK PERFORMANCE Data, Design, and Driving the Future October 8, 2015 7 to 9 pm / 52 Limited Moderated by Tony Thacker

Tony Thacker is a longtime auto industry authority, author and book publisher based in Los Angeles. Most recently, Tony was Executive Director of the World of Speed, an educational motorsports-themed museum, in Wilsonville. He served as executive director of the Wally Parks NHRA Motorsports Museum in Pomona and the marketing director for the famed SO-CAL Speed Shop for 10 years.

Led by the enigmatic Tony Thacker, consider this a glimpse into a not-so-distant future of driverless cars negotiating rush hour traffic and carless drivers using augmented reality.

We’ll trace the path of Salem-based Nick McMillen from passionate video gamer to professional racecar driver and learn how the virtual and augmented training environments being pioneered by Keith Maher in Hillsboro give drivers like McMillen an edge on the track.

Then we'll take on engineering feats from self-driving trucks to land speed motorcycle design with Daimler Trucks North America's former vehicle dynamics manager Matt Markstaller and contemplate the future of automotive design with Aaron Pizzuti, a former design manager at Chrysler. From Pikes Peak to peak performance, where is technology taking us and who exactly is in the driver's seat?

Doors open at 6 pm. Come early for food, drinks and virtual reality demos. Your ticket includes the presentation, dinner, hosted bar, and a limited edition poster.

With Panelists:

Keith Maher is a leading authority in automotive simulation - from programming to podiums, he provides custom simulation solutions to automotive problems. With 22 years in high technology and a motorsports obsession, he founded Maher Solutions, LLC to help people in the automotive industry achieve their goals through simulation.

Matt Markstaller is a mechanical engineer who has worked in various capacities for Daimler Trucks North America for 27 years. He designed and built numerous prototype vehicles including Pikes Peak Hill Climb trucks, test facilities, and wind tunnels. By night, he designs and builds vehicles from open road racers to Bonneville record streamliners.

Nick McMillen is a professional racing driver for Nissan. Born in Salem, he took an unconventional path to professional driving by winning the 2013 GT Academy, an international virtual-to-reality contest that allows the best Gran Turismo players to compete for the opportunity to become professional drivers. He won the Dubai 24 and Silverstone in 2014.

Aaron Pizzuti is a designer specializing in automotive, footwear and consumer product design and creative direction. Following a life long passion for both automobiles and art, he spent nine years at Chrysler as design manager and senior product designer. He's currently Creative Director at Under Armour in Portland.

Feb 2, 2023
Portland Linux/Unix Group: Setting up inexpensive home security cameras with ZoneMinder to secure your home or business
Oregon Latvian Community Center

Portland Linux/Unix Group General Meeting Announcement

Who: Ted Mittelstaedt
What: Setting up inexpensive home security cameras with ZoneMinder to secure your home or business
Where: 5500 SW Dosch Rd, Portland
When: Thursday, February 2nd, 2023 at 7pm
Why: The pursuit of technology freedom

Today there are a number of inexpensive home security cameras on the market that can be used to decrease the chance that your home or property will be tampered with. There's been a rash of catalytic converter and gasoline thefts in the Portland area in recent years, these require expensive replacements and repair of vehicle gas tanks that have been drilled into. Many homes in Portland do not have garages and residents use street parking. With the increasing use of electric vehicles and portable charging cables, the potential for theft and mischief exists as well. While a camera system may not prevent a theft, a good system can get a clear picture of the perpetrators and allow police to make an arrest. These systems also serve as a visual deterrent. This presentation will cover several camera systems and different concerns for mounting, cabling, and camera selection as well as recording camera data using ZoneMinder running on Linux and considerations for setting up this system.

Rules and Requests:

Please bring and properly fit a mask unless actively presenting

PLUG is open to everyone and does not tolerate abusive behavior on its mailing lists or at its meetings

Do not leave valuables in your car

Dec 15, 2015
ArchaeologyFest Film Series:Best of 2015!
5th Ave. Cinema 510 SW Hall St., Portland

To our friends in and near Portland: The best archaeology-related films in the world are coming to Portland, starting Friday night, January 15. This is our annual event, ArchaeologyFest Film Series:Best of 2015! Please come to see some outstanding films and help us support TAC Festival 2016 by enjoying our PSU mini-Festival at the Fifth Avenue Cinema in Portland for four evenings (a different 2-hour show each evening), Friday, January 15; Saturday, January 16; Friday, January 22: and Saturday, January 23. These are the top films from The Archaeology Channel International Film Festival that took place in Eugene last May. All of them are award-winners from this international competition. And it's just seven bucks for two hours of sheer enjoyment. Read on below for more details on the schedule and films. Please spread the word where you can. See the ArchaeologyFest Web page at for more information. And see our YouTube preview at !

Rick Pettigrew Archaeological Legacy Institute

Detailed Hours: January 15/16 & 22/23, 2016

Doors open at 7 pm and programs begin at 7:30 pm on dates indicated. Admission $7. Tickets at the door. These are the best films from the 2015 edition of TAC Festival

Dec 17, 2016
PIGSquad Horror Game Marathon
5th Avenue Cinema

Join us in a live horror game marathon as we play through scary games like Until Dawn, Witch's House, and Damned on the big screen! This will also conclude the Portland Indie Game Squad's funding drive for the year, so we'll be streaming and counting new pledges to the nonprofit as we edge through the night. Be ready to show your fear ;D

Pizza and PBR (for those of us over 21) will be provided. Attendees are expected to follow the PIGSquad Code of Conduct: Some games are rated M for Mature!

Mar 26, 2015
721 sw oak st, Portland, OR

please register through so I can get a good headcount for pizza and beverages

Feb 26, 2015
721 sw oak st, Portland, OR

Note: different location this month. We are at Elemental's 721 Oak location (head W on Oak and the entrance will be after the newly renovated bar on your right.) There is a metal gate at the entrance to the location. Please register through so I can get a good headcount for pizza and beverages

Aug 12, 2014
Puzzled Pint

Do you like original puzzles? Not the jigsaw type, but the wordplay and logic type? Do you like beer? Then join us for PUZZLED PINT!

The theme this month is "Moving Day."

Well we're movin' on up, To the inside. To a deluxe bar where we can guzzle. Movin' on up, To the inside. We finally got a piece of the puzzle!

A location puzzle, posted to at 6pm Monday, will lead you to a bar Tuesday night. (Hints are also available.) A few more original, low-key puzzles will be at the bar. And we'll be there to provide all the hints and nudges you desire. Bring your friends!

Feel free to drop in any time between 6 and 9pm, for as long as you'd like. It's a free event.

More details at It's kinda hard to explain, but if this sounds even remotely interesting, you'll love it!

Jul 8, 2014
Puzzled Pint

Do you like original puzzles? Not the jigsaw type, but the wordplay and logic type? Do you like beer? Then join us for PUZZLED PINT!

A location puzzle, posted to at 6pm Monday, will lead you to a bar Tuesday night. (Hints are also available.) A few more original, low-key puzzles will be at the bar. And we'll be there to provide all the hints and nudges you desire. Bring your friends!

Feel free to drop in any time between 6 and 9pm, for as long as you'd like. It's a free event.

More details at It's kinda hard to explain, but if this sounds even remotely interesting, you'll love it!

Jun 10, 2014
Puzzled Pint

Do you like original puzzles? Not the jigsaw type, but the wordplay and logic type? Do you like beer? Then join us for PUZZLED PINT!

A location puzzle, posted to at 6pm Monday, will lead you to a bar Tuesday night. (Hints are also available.) A few more original, low-key puzzles will be at the bar. And we'll be there to provide all the hints and nudges you desire. Bring your friends!

Feel free to drop in any time between 6 and 9pm, for as long as you'd like. It's a free event.

More details at It's kinda hard to explain, but if this sounds even remotely interesting, you'll love it!

May 13, 2014
Puzzled Pint

Do you like original puzzles? Not the jigsaw type, but the wordplay and logic type? Do you like beer? Then join us for PUZZLED PINT!

A location puzzle, posted to at 6pm Monday, will lead you to a bar Tuesday night. (Hints are also available.) A few more original, low-key puzzles will be at the bar. And we'll be there to provide all the hints and nudges you desire. Bring your friends!

Feel free to drop in any time between 6 and 9pm, for as long as you'd like. It's a free event.

More details at It's kinda hard to explain, but if this sounds even remotely interesting, you'll love it!

Apr 8, 2014
Puzzled Pint: "Mix Tape"

April's theme is Mix Tape! Don't worry, no boom box required.


Do you like original puzzles? Not the jigsaw type, but the wordplay and logic type? Do you like beer? Then join us for PUZZLED PINT!

A location puzzle, posted to at 6pm Monday, will lead you to a bar Tuesday night. (Hints are also available.) A few more original, low-key puzzles will be at the bar. And we'll be there to provide all the hints and nudges you desire. Bring your friends!

Feel free to drop in any time between 6 and 9pm, for as long as you'd like. It's a free event.

More details at It's kinda hard to explain, but if this sounds even remotely interesting, you'll love it!

Mar 11, 2014
Puzzled Pint: "Casinos"

Do you like original puzzles? Not the jigsaw type, but the wordplay and logic type? Do you like beer? Then join us for PUZZLED PINT!

A location puzzle, posted to at 6pm Monday, will lead you to a bar Tuesday night. (Hints are also available.) A few more original, low-key puzzles will be at the bar. And we'll be there to provide all the hints and nudges you desire. Bring your friends!

Feel free to drop in any time between 6 and 9pm, for as long as you'd like. It's a free event.

More details at It's kinda hard to explain, but if this sounds even remotely interesting, you'll love it!

This month's event is casino themed. No reason. Just because.

Nov 21, 2010
Ghost of Makerlab
@anselm's house

Do you miss Makerlab? Me too. Come over to @anselm's house and rock some code, make a sock puppet, solder, or help bake the craziest pizza ever. In the universe.

We have so much tea you will drown, and the real Albina Press is nearby. Bring a six-pack or just yourself.

Aug 13, 2013
Puzzled Pint August - "Magazines"
A bar in Portland — solve the puzzle to find out which one!

Whether you're a home subscriber, a newsstand regular, or an impulse shopper in the grocery checkout lane, we've all enjoyed these periodical publications!

Do you like original puzzles? Not the jigsaw type, but the wordplay and logic type? Do you like beer? Then join us in Portland or Seattle for PUZZLED PINT!

A location puzzle, posted to at 6pm Monday, will lead you to a bar Tuesday night. (Hints are also available, online or by telephone.) A few more original, low-key puzzles will be at the bar. And we'll be there to provide all the hints and nudges you desire. Bring your friends!

Feel free to drop in any time between 6-9pm, for as long as you'd like.

More details at It's kinda hard to explain, but if this sounds even remotely interesting, you'll love it!

Apr 9, 2015
PSU ACM Student Chapter Member Welcome Pizza Party
ACM Room, FAB 88-01

We are looking for members and ideas! Are you interested in the ACM Chapter at PSU? Please come to our new member welcome pizza parties!

This opportunity will allow interested students to hear about what PSU's ACM has done before, learn about opportunities to help the ACM, and discuss potential ideas for ACM events.

We hope to see you at noon Wednesday or Thursday in the ACM room.

Apr 8, 2015
PSU ACM Student Chapter Member Welcome Pizza Party
ACM Room, FAB 88-01

We are looking for members and ideas! Are you interested in the ACM Chapter at PSU? Please come to our new member welcome pizza parties!

This opportunity will allow interested students to hear about what PSU's ACM has done before, learn about opportunities to help the ACM, and discuss potential ideas for ACM events.

We hope to see you at noon Wednesday or Thursday in the ACM room.

Sep 18, 2011
ADX Fabrication Fest: BBQ and Facility Open House

ADX, a new membership-based community workshop, will host its inaugural Fabrication Fest on Friday, September 16 - Sunday, September 18, 2011. From the design expert to the novice craftsperson, there's something for everyone in this exciting local version of the "maker faire."

The weekend includes a dynamic exhibit featuring the work of ADX members of all experience levels and backgrounds who have brought their project concepts to life via the wide array of tools and resources within our facility. This diverse collection includes a giant boat, furniture, signage, craft projects, utilitarian items, musical instruments, and more!

Join us for the opening reception from 6-11pm on Friday, September 16. Finished projects will be on display all night long during this free, all-ages public event – with beer provided by Widmer Brewery , sweet treats from Miss Zumstein, and curbside food cart service by Domo Dogs, Fifty Licks, and Hungry Heart Cupcakes.

On Saturday, September 17 from 10am-4pm, ADX will offer an open house full of demonstrations, workshops, and creative energy. Our community partners will be offering up demos and special deals. Or, for the more industrious, our popular class "Women Welding: Bringing Metal to Life" will take place in the metal shop from 10a-2p (sign up here!).

Saturday evening plays host to Fabrication Feast from 6:30-10pm. A collaboration with the Special Snowflake Supper Club, this one-in-a-lifetime dining experience will play host to a delicious meal in the style of a modern-day community barn raising. We’re talking entirely handmade: all tables, place settings, and seating has been constructed by ADX members. Click here to make your reservation!

On Sunday, September 18 from 10am-2pm, we’re kickin’ back and enjoying the last days of summer with an open house and BBQ. Join us for a last look at the Fabrication Fest exhibit and to have all your project questions answered: we’ll have our team on hand for 1-on-1 assistance and free consultations to help bring your ideas from the first concepts into reality! Leave your intimidation at the door and let us help inspire you. Event Schedule (subject to change):

9/16: Opening Reception and Celebration – Fabrication Fest Exhibit 6-11pm 9/17: Open House/Community Partner Demos & Displays 10am-4pm Special Snowflake Supperclub Dinner 6-10pm 9/18: BBQ and Facility Open House 10am-2pm

Sep 17, 2011
ADX Fabrication Fest: Open House/Community Partner Demos & Displays

ADX, a new membership-based community workshop, will host its inaugural Fabrication Fest on Friday, September 16 - Sunday, September 18, 2011. From the design expert to the novice craftsperson, there's something for everyone in this exciting local version of the "maker faire."

The weekend includes a dynamic exhibit featuring the work of ADX members of all experience levels and backgrounds who have brought their project concepts to life via the wide array of tools and resources within our facility. This diverse collection includes a giant boat, furniture, signage, craft projects, utilitarian items, musical instruments, and more!

Join us for the opening reception from 6-11pm on Friday, September 16. Finished projects will be on display all night long during this free, all-ages public event – with beer provided by Widmer Brewery , sweet treats from Miss Zumstein, and curbside food cart service by Domo Dogs, Fifty Licks, and Hungry Heart Cupcakes.

On Saturday, September 17 from 10am-4pm, ADX will offer an open house full of demonstrations, workshops, and creative energy. Our community partners will be offering up demos and special deals. Or, for the more industrious, our popular class "Women Welding: Bringing Metal to Life" will take place in the metal shop from 10a-2p (sign up here!).

Saturday evening plays host to Fabrication Feast from 6:30-10pm. A collaboration with the Special Snowflake Supper Club, this one-in-a-lifetime dining experience will play host to a delicious meal in the style of a modern-day community barn raising. We’re talking entirely handmade: all tables, place settings, and seating has been constructed by ADX members. Click here to make your reservation!

On Sunday, September 18 from 10am-2pm, we’re kickin’ back and enjoying the last days of summer with an open house and BBQ. Join us for a last look at the Fabrication Fest exhibit and to have all your project questions answered: we’ll have our team on hand for 1-on-1 assistance and free consultations to help bring your ideas from the first concepts into reality! Leave your intimidation at the door and let us help inspire you. Event Schedule (subject to change):

9/16: Opening Reception and Celebration – Fabrication Fest Exhibit 6-11pm 9/17: Open House/Community Partner Demos & Displays 10am-4pm Special Snowflake Supperclub Dinner 6-10pm 9/18: BBQ and Facility Open House 10am-2pm

Sep 16, 2011
ADX Fabrication Fest Opening Reception

ADX, a new membership-based community workshop, will host its inaugural Fabrication Fest on Friday, September 16 - Sunday, September 18, 2011. From the design expert to the novice craftsperson, there's something for everyone in this exciting local version of the "maker faire."

The weekend includes a dynamic exhibit featuring the work of ADX members of all experience levels and backgrounds who have brought their project concepts to life via the wide array of tools and resources within our facility. This diverse collection includes a giant boat, furniture, signage, craft projects, utilitarian items, musical instruments, and more!

Join us for the opening reception from 6-11pm on Friday, September 16. Finished projects will be on display all night long during this free, all-ages public event – with beer provided by Widmer Brewery , sweet treats from Miss Zumstein, and curbside food cart service by Domo Dogs, Fifty Licks, and Hungry Heart Cupcakes.

On Saturday, September 17 from 10am-4pm, ADX will offer an open house full of demonstrations, workshops, and creative energy. Our community partners will be offering up demos and special deals. Or, for the more industrious, our popular class "Women Welding: Bringing Metal to Life" will take place in the metal shop from 10a-2p (sign up here!).

Saturday evening plays host to Fabrication Feast from 6:30-10pm. A collaboration with the Special Snowflake Supper Club, this one-in-a-lifetime dining experience will play host to a delicious meal in the style of a modern-day community barn raising. We’re talking entirely handmade: all tables, place settings, and seating has been constructed by ADX members. Click here to make your reservation!

On Sunday, September 18 from 10am-2pm, we’re kickin’ back and enjoying the last days of summer with an open house and BBQ. Join us for a last look at the Fabrication Fest exhibit and to have all your project questions answered: we’ll have our team on hand for 1-on-1 assistance and free consultations to help bring your ideas from the first concepts into reality! Leave your intimidation at the door and let us help inspire you. Event Schedule (subject to change):

9/16: Opening Reception and Celebration – Fabrication Fest Exhibit 6-11pm 9/17: Open House/Community Partner Demos & Displays 10am-4pm Special Snowflake Supperclub Dinner 6-10pm 9/18: BBQ and Facility Open House 10am-2pm

Aug 28, 2011
Dorkbot Workshop -- e-Textiles

Cost: $25 Please bring: - Scissors - A bag or garment to modify – please choose something made of a non-stretch fabric.

Dreaming of bike gloves that light up to keep you visible at night, or an awesome illuminated costume? Or maybe you’d like to add a bit of extra sparkle to your living room with a glowing throw pillow… Whatever project you have in mind, if you’re curious about the process of integrating electronics into fabric, this workshop is a great place to start.

Shannon Henry and Cat Poole will start by touching on some of the interesting things being developed with eTextile methods and useful resources, then we’ll spend some hands on time laying out a basic LED circuit and sewing it on to fabric using conductive thread. You’ll learn how to convert standard LEDs (and other electronic components) into sew-able ones, and how to use standard textile fastenings like zippers and snaps to switch your project on and off, plus lots of tips on how to make your project easier and make sure it lasts.

No prior electronics or sewing experience required. Conductive thread and electronic components will be provided.

Register for the workshop here:

About the instructors: Shannon Henry loves to make things that blend the science & tech world with art and crafts. She has been crafting with fabric since she could handle safety scissors, and began integrating electronics into her art in 2008. Her eTextile work has been shown in San Francisco, New York, and Vancouver BC. She also develops sewn electronics kits and tutorials, which you can find at her website,

Cat Poole is a one woman instigator of perception bending mayhem. Through “Discovering Empowerment Through Creativity” workshops and Upcycled Electronics, she encourages all to defy their programming and void all warranties. Find out more at her site,
