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Sep 17, 2016
2-day workshop: Advanced Redux/Async
through Epicodus

Image Logo - Advanced Redux: A 2-day workshop from Real World React

Note: this is a paid event. You can purchase tickets at

You've learned React, and are excited about building robust, scalable applications. But at some point your application is going to become too complex for React to handle on its own. How do you effectively manage each component and their states? Enter Redux.

Redux has fast become the architecture of choice for building scalable applications with JavaScript and React. It will help you to better organize your application and make state mutations more predictable and transparent.

In this advanced workshop, FreeCodeCamp CTO Berkeley Martinez will help you to take your development skills to the next level.

What you will learn

Saturday - Sunday:

  • Using Redux Middleware
  • Managing Asynchronicity
  • Dispatching Thunks and Promises
  • Using Redux with RxJS Observables
  • Analytics with Redux
  • Server Side Rendering using RxJS Observables

What we will build

We will apply the principles above as we build a social e-commerce app, complete with:

  • Search and Filtering
  • User authentication
  • Likes
  • Follows
  • Shopping Cart

Your Instructor

Berkeley Martinez, CTO of

An image of Berkeley Martinez

Berkeley is the CTO of, a free online community for learning full-stack web development where students garner real-world experience by engineering solutions for nonprofit companies. He has been programming with React for over two years, and is the author of Redux-Epic, a library built to do better async and server-side rendering in React with RxJS Observables. He is also the co-organizer of the San Francisco-based Meetup group Real World React, which features talks and workshops on using React in real-world, production applications. As an instructor at Real World React, he consults individuals and businesses looking to become experts in React, Redux, and other tools in the ecosystem.


  • Familiar with React.js
  • Understands fundamentals of Redux
  • Comfortable with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Familiar with ES6 Syntax (not an exhaustive list)
    • Arrow Function syntax
    • Spread/Rest
      • And using them to change objects/arrays without mutation (immutable methods)
    • Promises
    • Class syntax
    • Module syntax
  • Comfortable with the command line & NPM
  • Comfortable building with React and React-Router
  • Comfortable with the concepts of functional programming.

Pre-class Resources

  • Follow the link above to the event website -- Calagator limits the amount of links we can post

Your Organizer

Real World React is an SF-based organization that features talks, meetups, and workshops on using React & Redux in real-world, production applications.

Sep 24, 2014
Portland JavaScript Admirers' Monthly Meeting
Janrain Headquarters

The monthly meeting of Portland's first JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We host presentations and discussions on everything JavaScript-related - including JavaScript frameworks, node.js, CoffeeScript, and whatever else comes up.

We have two talks on the schedule this month:

  • Sean Adkinson will show us webpack, a module bundler. webpack takes modular code, css, and so forth and produces bundled static assets.
  • Jim Kogler will follow up on his previous talk on Grunt - this month he will talk about plugins for Gulp, and perhaps also for Broccoli. It will be a confluence of the web's greatest build tools!

Pizza will be provided, thanks to Odyssey Science Innovations.

Feel free to join our mailing list at if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at

If you're interested in making a presentation at this or at a future meet-up, please e-mail Jesse Hallett ([email protected]).
