Viewing 0 current events matching “semantic web” by Event Name.
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Viewing 7 past events matching “semantic web” by Event Name.
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Feb 10, 2015
Code4Lib 2015 through Hilton Portland and Executive Tower Code4Lib 2015 is a loosely-structured conference that provides people working at the intersection of libraries/archives/museums/cultural heritage and technology with a chance to share ideas, be inspired, and forge collaborations. See the conference information and schedule at: Registration is open at: For more information about the Code4Lib community, please visit |
Feb 9, 2015
Code4Lib 2015 Preconference – Hilton Portland and Executive Tower Code4Lib 2015 is a loosely-structured conference that provides people working at the intersection of libraries/archives/museums/cultural heritage and technology with a chance to share ideas, be inspired, and forge collaborations. Preconferences are 1-day or a 1/2-day events and workshops that will occur on Monday, February 9, 2015. Preconference details can be found at: Register for full day or half day preconference through Registration for preconferences uses the same form as conference registration, but you DO NOT need to register for the main conference to attend a preconference. Please show your interest in particular preconferences by adding your name to the list on the wiki page linked above. For more information about the Code4Lib community, please visit |
Jun 7, 2010
Portland Semantic Web Interest Group – Roots Organic Brewing [Out of business. *Sigh*] Tonight we'll have the first of our Semantic Web application demos. Three lovely volunteers will be showing actual applications that use Semantic Web technologies in various states of development. Brian Panulla will show a system for building and interacting with rubrics - tools for educators to facilitate assessment and grading of student assignments. Leif Warner will be demonstrating a semantic web system modeling complex and shifting state of the local Portland music scene. Paul Daigle will be demonstrating a semantic system for identity management. The model cross-links between authenticated social objects (people, groups, time, location) and associated media (data, content) to help manage access. So come, listen, discuss! If you've got an app you'd like to talk about, contact the organizer at |
Sep 1, 2010
Portland Semantic Web Interest Group – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Monthly Meetup Informal meetup. Talk ontologies, projects, practices or whatever semantically floats your boat. Come discuss your latest projects. I could give a primer on semantic web technologies, linked data, RDF models, OWL rules, SPARQL queries, etc. Talk about ideas for editing UI's? |
Dec 2, 2009
Portland Semantic Web Interest Group – Concordia Coffee House A new community for discussion of technology and philosophy topics related to the Semantic Web and Linked Data movements. The December meetup will be an informal one to gauge interest and decide on a plan for future meetups. |
Apr 6, 2011
Portland Semantic Web Interest Group - April Meetup – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Website |
Oct 6, 2010
Portland Semantic Web Interest Group, Monthly Meetup – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Open demo/discussion time. Bring your projects and questions. We'll have a projector, and hopefully a screen. |