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Viewing 14 past events matching “radio” by Event Name.
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Feb 11, 2014
Day We Fight Back against Mass Surveillance – KBOO 90.7 FM and streaming online KBOO will devote the full day on February 11th to a special day of programming on the people's movement to take back the internet. A broad coalition of activist groups, companies, and online platforms will hold a worldwide day of activism in opposition to the NSA's mass spying regime on February 11th. Dubbed "The Day We Fight Back", the day of activism was announced on the eve of the anniversary of the tragic passing of activist and technologist Aaron Swartz. The protest is both in his honor and in celebration of the victory over the Stop Online Piracy Act two years ago this month, which he helped spur. KBOO will feature speeches by Aaron Swartz and other internet activists, as well as live interviews and updates on the day of action to pressure lawmakers to end mass surveillance -- of both Americans and the citizens of the whole world. Remember to support KBOO during our winter membership drive - call 877-500-KBOO |
Dec 11, 2009
Digital Divide Radio Looks at the Science of Climate Change – KBOO 90.7 FM and streaming online In the aftermath of damaging hacked emails between climate scientists, and as global leaders and community activists converge in Copenhagen, we take a step away from the politics to look at the science behind studying climate change. While global warming has risen in the past decades from being viewed as a crazy idea from the environmental left to a global concern unifying the nations of the world, skeptics still claim that "bad science" is being used to support this effort. We hear from Andrew Rice, a professor of physics at Portland State University, to learn exactly what concepts and techniques scientists have used to produce data that supports the evidence that climate change is occurring in direction that will negatively impact the planet. |
Aug 1, 2009
Digital Journalism Camp PDX – Oregonian Digital Journalism Camp is an intense, one-day conference on how journalists are innovating right now — what’s working, what’s not, and how we can get better at what we do. Join in the dialogue by following us on Twitter (use the hashtag #journopdx), Facebook, or at |
Sep 24, 2009
Digital Journalism Social Hour – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Digital Journalism Portland and Society of Professional Journalists Oregon and SW Washington Chapter have teamed up to create an informal social hour that showcases local, innovative digital journalism projects. Come hang out with your peers, have a drink and learn about the people who are changing our industry. |
Oct 29, 2009
Digital Journalism Social Hour – Rose & Thistle Pub Digital Journalism Portland and Society of Professional Journalists Oregon and SW Washington Chapter have teamed up to create an informal social hour that showcases local, innovative digital journalism projects. Come hang out with your peers, have a drink and learn about the people who are changing our industry. |
Dec 3, 2009
Digital Journalism Social Hour – Rose & Thistle Pub Digital Journalism Portland and Society of Professional Journalists Oregon and SW Washington Chapter have teamed up to create an informal social hour that showcases local, innovative digital journalism projects. Come hang out with your peers, have a drink and learn about the people who are changing our industry. December's presenter will be Nozzl Media. |
Jan 7, 2010
Digital Journalism Social Hour – Rose & Thistle Pub Digital Journalism Portland and Society of Professional Journalists Oregon and SW Washington Chapter have teamed up to create an informal social hour that showcases local, innovative digital journalism projects. Come hang out with your peers, have a drink and learn about the people who are changing our industry. January's presenter TBD. |
Feb 4, 2010
Digital Journalism Social Hour – Rose & Thistle Pub Digital Journalism Portland and Society of Professional Journalists Oregon and SW Washington Chapter have teamed up to create an informal social hour that showcases local, innovative digital journalism projects. Come hang out with your peers, have a drink and learn about the people who are changing our industry. February's presenter TBD. |
May 8, 2009
Encyclopedic Ambitions – OPB program Think Out Loud will feature Pete Forsyth of WikiProject Oregon (the community of Oregon Wikipedia editors) and Bill Lang of the Oregon Encyclopedia (an online effort by the Oregon Historical Society and PSU's history department). Call-in format invites questions from you! |
Oct 25, 2010
Open Source Hardware Users Group discussion – Backspace There are people who get really excited about building hardware and Open Source. There are a few holes in the stack, and as a community we can get started on fundamental tools that will make things easier for all of us. Some topics that came up in the session on Saturday. The tools for programming FPGA's are all proprietary let's design an open source FPGA, most of the patents are running out soon. There are open source 3d modeling tools, but will they tell you where the center of gravity of your amature rocket is? That's an important thing to know when it passes mach 1. Radio is awesome. Look for an "Art of Community" book, or a tshirt that says "free as in freedom" amongst the dorkbot crowd to find the discussion. Don't worry if you miss this meeting there isn't even a listserv up yet it's a meeting of convenience as many of the people from Saturday's discussion are going to be at DorkBot anyways. |
Aug 19, 2014
PLUG Advanced Topics: Software-Defined Radio Hack Session – Free Geek Who: Jared Boone, Kenny McElroy and you Software-Defined Radio Hack Session Want to get into software-defined radio hacking but don't know where to start? Bring your laptop and an RTL-SDR dongle, HackRF, BladeRF, USRP, or other SDR hardware to this hack session and get expert help. Jared Boone and Kenny McElroy will be on hand to help install and configure software and explain concepts. Do try to install GNU Radio on your computer before you come, since it can be a long, slow process. If you get into trouble, we will do their best to get you unstuck. For those who come with GNU Radio already functional, we will advise you on things to experiment with. If you do not already own a software-defined radio, purchasing an RTL-SDR dongle from or is recommended. They are quite inexpensive ($15 to $20) but very functional and a great way to get started in software-defined radio. Bring some radio-based toys to hack on! If you can't make this meeting, be sure to watch Calagator, where Jared and Kenny will be starting an SDR meetup in the next few weeks. Jared Boone has an ongoing obsession with software-defined radio. He helped with the design and coding of the HackRF SDR and has done some privacy-related work, particularly around automotive tire pressure monitors. He is a frequent user of GNU Radio, baudline, and radio signal processing techniques. Kenny McElroy is a computer security researcher, focused on improving understanding and visualization of how the ones and zeros of computer security move around in the real world. Organizer's Notes: Ham Radio Outlet in Tigard has a number of good
magazines including the July/August QEX which features an article on GNU
Radio. You may also want to read: Many will head to the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne after the meeting. Many attendees will break for a social hour after the Third Tuesday meeting at the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne after the meeting See you there! |
Mar 27, 2009
The Digital Divide on the air – How do the latest technologies affect our communities? How can we use science to benefit society and how do we keep it from harming us? KBOO’s The Digital Divide is a new radio show attempting to answer these questions and ask a few of our own through interviews, recordings, and commentary. The show touches upon such issues as open source, privacy, transparency, intellectual property, free speech, accessibility, hacking, net neutrality, file sharing, piracy, social networking, pollution, bioethics and more. |
Dec 18, 2008
The Digital Divide Radio Show – How do the latest technologies affect our communities? How can we use science to benefit society and how do we keep it from harming us? KBOO's The Digital Divide is a public affairs radio show that attempts to answer these questions and ask a few of our own through interviews, recordings, and commentary. The show touches upon such issues as open source, privacy, transparency, intellectual property, free speech, accessibility, hacking, net neutrality, file sharing, piracy, social networking, pollution, bioethics and more. This month, the Digital Divide looks at the environment and what technology is doing to help or harm it. We speak with a pioneering nonprofit that is battling the growing amount of eWaste, and talk to a justice organization on just how green many of the next generation energy technologies really are. Contact [email protected] if you'd like to get involved. |
Mar 11, 2009
Ward Cunningham at OTVARC – Peppermill Restaurant Ward will be speaking to the Oregon Tualatin Valley Amateur Radio Club on "Roots of WikiPedia in Amateur Radio." Address is 17455 SW Farmington Road Aloha, OR 97007 |