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Viewing 7 past events matching “cluster_key” by Event Name.
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Sep 24, 2009
Climate Change - Positioning Your Business – DoubleTree Hotel & Executive Meeting Center Portland - Lloyd Center Presented By Northwest Environmental Business Council Associated Oregon Industries Oregon Business Association This is serious business. The competitive equation is changing once again. Given current policy and market dynamics, organizations need to decide why, if, and how to act. This conference will help business decision makers understand how to integrate greenhouse gas management issues into a strategic framework for planning and action – and how to stay ahead of the curve. Year three of this event takes place in a shifting landscape, with major uncertainties regarding the direction and timing of government policy being met by a growing movement towards voluntary action. What does seem certain is that long term trends are leading to a new competitive landscape. Join Northwest business managers, service professionals, and policy makers in a discussion of the practical business issues tied to whether and how a company acts to manage its carbon footprint. This strategic, business-oriented focus distinguishes Climate Change: Positioning Your Business from other conferences on this topic . Sessions include offerings for those new to the topic, as well as those wanting to go to the next level: • Regulation and the context for action • Should you act now? • The ROI of carbon management • Are offsets for you? • Including carbon in your business strategy • Transforming strategy into practice • New business opportunities • A carbon-managed future Why Attend - Understand how your organization can turn this potentially disruptive force into a strategic advantage.
Who Should Attend - Business managers & decision makers in all types of organizations and industries who need to know what changes are coming, and how to plan for them.
If you are in business, you will be affected -- make this challenge an opportunity. |
Aug 5, 2009
Congressman Earl Blumenauer: China, Global Warming, & Clean Energy – Port of Portland
The House of Representatives recently took historic action to rein in global warming pollution and jumpstart America's clean energy industries by passing the American Clean Energy and Security Act. This bill invests in energy that can’t ever spill or run out, will create millions of jobs at home and around the country, and protect our planet for future generations. At a time when Oregon is faced with record unemployment, this legislation will spur innovation and make an immediate difference in the electric, construction, and engineering sectors. Earlier in June, Congressman Blumenauer spent seven days in China with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and a bi-partisan delegation of colleagues from the House of Representatives on the need to address global warming. He will discuss the changes that China has made to adjust its policies to be more environmentally sensitive, and the realization that China and the world cannot afford to follow the path of the first industrial revolution. ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Congressman Earl Blumenauer's academic training includes undergraduate and law degrees from Lewis and Clark College in Portland. Elected to the US House of Representatives in 1996, Mr. Blumenauer has created a unique role as Congress' chief spokesperson for Livable Communities. From 1996 - 2003, he served on both the International Relations Committee and the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. Now a member of the Ways and Means Committee and the Budget Committee, Congressman Blumenauer also serves as Vice Chair of the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming. Tickets: $20 members, $30 non-members, $15 students |
Jul 29, 2009
Federal Financing for Renewable Energy & Cleantech – Perkins Coie (PDX) Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the U.S. Department of Energy will be awarding billions of dollars in grants, loans and loan guarantees to promote renewable energy and energy efficiency. The competition for these funds has already begun. Some application deadlines are rapidly approaching. For companies interested in seeking these funds, the time to act is now. In this seminar, we will provide practical tips on how to approach the U.S. Department of Energy’s application process. Topics covered in the seminar will include: Tracking funding opportunities Determining which opportunities best fit your business Preparing a compelling and complete application Preserving the confidentiality of sensitive business information Minimizing delays in the application process Understanding the ‘strings’ attached to federal funding We hope that you or a colleague will be able to join us. For more information on our Federal Grants & Loans practice, please visit our Web site. Portland, OR | Wednesday, July 29, 2009 | 7:30 a.m. Breakfast Space is limited. Please RSVP by July 22 to Annie Piggins at APiggins "at" perkinscoie "dot" com. |
Aug 11, 2009
Funding Innovative Research: SBIR/STIR Conference – OHSU Center for Health & Healing Small business is the heart of Oregon's economy, but during these difficult economic times it can be a serious challenge to find funding to support even the most promising companies. We cannot afford to let innovative ideas fall by the wayside because small business owners can't access the money they need to perform research and develop and commercialize new products. At more than $2.3 billion per year, the Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer (SBIR/STTR) programs comprise the largest source of federal support for technological innovation in the private sector. Awardees can receive critical support for projects from early stage R&D through commercialization. Please join me and other small business owners, researchers, venture capital representatives, and others at a one-day conference with key SBIR/STTR program managers to learn more about opportunities for funding your small business and to discuss upcoming changes to the SBIR/STTR program. Congressman David Wu presents: Funding Innovative Research: Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Programs When: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 Where:OHSU South Waterfront
What:Panel discussion and breakout sessions with key SBIR/STTR program managers Presenters from agencies including the National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Department of Energy, Department of Defense, and others will discuss how to develop a successful application for SBIR/STTR funding. Topics will include: ·What are each agency's priorities for research topics? ·What criteria does each agency use to select awardees? ·What can applicants do to make their proposals more competitive? The afternoon session will include opportunities to talk in small groups with program managers, past and current SBIR grantees, and prospective applicants. I hope you will take advantage of this unique opportunity to learn more about this important funding resource for small technology businesses here in Oregon. If you plan to attend, please RSVP to Kelly Brooks at kelly.brooks "at" or 503-326-2901. |
Sep 21, 2009
Micro Nano Breakthrough Conference through DoubleTree Hotel & Executive Meeting Center Portland - Lloyd Center In these turbulent economic times, one thing remains unchanged: innovation driven productivity advances are the only basis for prosperous, high-wage regional economies, and commercialized scientific research is the best and most durable source of innovation advantage. More than ever before, the Pacific Northwest region needs to gather to advance 'science, commercialization and networking for the micro- and nano-tech innovation economy. Who should attend: If you are involved in the transformation from discovery and development to commercialization of products this conference is for you.
Presentations on: |
Aug 12, 2009
Secrets of NIH Small Business Grant Applications – PSU Business Accelerator This free seminar is presented by the Oregon Bioscience Association and features Gregory Milman Ph.D Director of the Office for Innovation and Special Programs National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of NIH Join us on August 12th, 11:30 AM to 1:00pm, at the Portland State Business Accelerator, 2828 SW Corbett Ave, Portland. Complimentary lunch will be served. Learn how to tap into $700 million of NIH funds. And find out:
Sep 16, 2009
Sustainable Industries Economics Forum – Sentinel Hotel Featuring Paul Hawken CEO, Pax Engineering Group, Author of "Ecology of Commerce" and "Natural Capitalism" Moderated by: Becky Brun, Editor, Sustainable Industries Panelists Dave Williams, CEO, Shorebank Pacific Rob Harmon, Chief Innovation Officer and Senior Vice President, Bonneville Environmental Foundation |